This is undoubtedly a happy spring for knight. As the absolute core of YMA with the squad leader, Wu left the secondary league with an impressive score of 32 wins and 1 loss.

But he also knew that his fate with YM was about to come to an end.

Since S4, Riot has not allowed the same Club to own two top-level league teams. At that time, Samsung's ten sons came to China, in addition to the generous salary package, this policy also played a role in fueling the flames.

YMA must change its name and surname after entering the LPL. If knight wants to stay in the YM team, he can only play Lin Ran as a substitute.

But Lin Ran's competitive state is too stable, and his physical fitness is much better than Heimerdinger's AD. If his left hand is used as a substitute, there is almost no opportunity to replace him.

After receiving the FMVP, Knight will naturally not be satisfied, so leaving is inevitable.

YMA won the championship easily in three small rounds, and it was already 9 o'clock in the evening to leave the stadium after accepting the interview.

Lin Ran and the youngster from the second team went to seabed for a meal. Garlic King Ba and Liu Qiusong were too lazy to order takeout, and rushed over from Base.

"Brother Ran, look at this!" Little Tian glanced at the mobile phone, and shouted excitedly as if he had discovered a new continent.

Lin Ran took a look at the phone.

It is the official Weibo news from LPL.

[Due to the consideration of the regularization of the event, we will add two awards for the best team composition and MVP starting this year to express our praise for the outstanding performance of the Players]

(Tips: Some readers asked why they didn’t write the regular season MVP before. It’s not that they didn’t write it. At that time, LPL didn’t have such a thing... In 2017, Spring Split established the regular season MVP award for the first time, and the winner was QG.Doinb)

[After the vote of the expert panel and the public review representatives, the LPLSpring Split regular season honor selection results are now officially released]

[Regular season first team composition Top Laner: IG.TheShy, Jungler : YM.Tian, ​​Mid Laner YM.Ran, ADC: RNG.Uzi, Support: RNG.Ming】

Mid & Jungler was taken over by YM, Bottom Lane’s first team composition was taken by RNG, Top Laner Bit is Rookie TheShy.

The ADC's first team composition was taken away by Uzi, and Lin Ran felt very normal.

Jackey didn't play many games this spring due to stomach problems, and whether AD is strong is closely related to the strength of Support. This year, he and the prophet Liu Qiusong, two new Support partners, are not eye-catching.

But Lin Ran was a little surprised by Top Laner. He originally thought it would be awarded to GimGoon.

He took a closer look at TheShy's data and he knew the reason.

The average DPS is 555, the first in the same position, 50 points higher than the second loong; the damage accounted for 27.8%, still the first in the same position; at the same time, TheShy also had 23 single kills.

Lin Ran feels outrageous when looking at this data graph. As mentioned before, Lin Weixiang's average DPS is only 550 points. The damage data of TheShy is much higher than the average ADC.

However, with high DPS and frequent pressure line, TheShy exchanged infinite targeting. In addition, he dared to catch and die, and he was killed 134 times throughout the season.

In this statistic, he is Top Laner Ranked 1st, second overall-only one person behind LGDSupport Hirano Aya.

The jury still gave TheShy a burst of Top Laner.

Because GimGoon's data is not so gorgeous, the average DPS and the percentage of damage are ranked in the top five, and the average damage is ranked in the top three.

But selecting the best team composition based on data performance alone is not fair to the blue-collar Top Laner such as GimGoon and 957.

Their role on the field is far more than just those shown in the data. Many times they are making strategic sacrifices for the team.

For example, in order to control Dragon to push down the first blood tower and give up helping Top Lane, these blue-collar Top Laners can only shrink under the tower. It is inevitable that they will miss the knife. How can this sacrifice be reflected through data?

Lin Ran continues to look down, the second team composition finally has GimGoon and Jackey.

However, neither of the two supports of YM has been rated as the best team composition. Rookie and the performance are relatively average, but it is normal.

Lin Ran crossed the best team composition picture, and then saw a photo of himself with makeup. In the photo, he held a poker card in front of his chest and looked forward with a smile on his face.

2017LPL summer regular season MVP——YM.Ran!

This result was expected by Lin Ran.

Only Uzi and Condi can compete with him, but Lin Ran doesn't lose to them in terms of performance statistics.

This award is not given to him.

Knight turned out his mobile phone with a broken screen in half, and opened the Weibo interface, and saw this message.

"Wow..." He couldn't help whispering.

Lin Ran's makeup photo is a string of extremely exaggerated data.

The KDA of 7.7 has an average match-up economy of 2800 per game, an average of 43.9 per game, an average of 2.2 successful raids per game, and an average of 777 per game for 15 minutes.

Knight just now After half a year of debut, my favorite thing to do is to look at my stats after the game.

He compared Lin Ran's data with his own, and the swelling thought in his mind was directly retracted.

Lin Ran is playing in the LPL league. He doesn't have much advantage compared with the data of the secondary league. What is this swelling?


The secondary league is over, and the relegation competition has just begun.

VG and Snake battled 4 games, and finally lost. The original SKTMid & Jungler, champion Skin owner Bengi and Marquis are one step away from the secondary league.

If they lose the BO5 with LSPL third runner-up DAN again, it will really make history. League of Legends World Championship champion Mid & Jungler will drop out of the secondary league. Bengi said before he came here that he could think of VG Will it fall to where it is today?

LGD defeated NB 3:0 cleanly, and returned the original Rainbow QG quartet back to the home of the secondary league.

Anyone can see that this old godfather is not at the level of the relegation competition at all. If it weren’t for their determination that the team composition is too late, they are fully capable of competing for the top three in Group B. Seats.

Unfortunately, the secondary league runner up Suning will face such an old godfather.

Manager Suning put on Sima's face while attending the Squad meeting, and the villain in his heart roared frantically.

In order to be fair and reasonable, the original promotion and relegation competition system allowed LSPL's runner up Squad to face the winners of the two bottom teams in the LPL; let the LSPL third runner-up face the fifth-place losers of the LPL two sets.

Normally, the bottom team is weaker, so they must play better.

But who knew that as a runner up they had to face this old godfather? Who doesn't want to play a team like VG?

The Squad manager suddenly felt that his future was slim. Behind him, Suning invested in this sub-league team and wanted to be promoted to the LPL.

Originally, their team composition was absolutely luxurious in the secondary league. As a manager, the salary he gave to the players was also one of the very best in the same level Player.

Who knew that YMA suddenly shot out a Gold Rank left-hander, even if you lose the finals, you will have to face a complete LGD in the end!

Is there any reason? Runner up Suning wants to play the strongest, but the third runner-up DAN can pick the soft persimmon?

Manager Suning's heart is ashamed.

Without any accidents, Suning was swept out by the old godfather 0:3, and returned to the secondary league to grind again.

And the second league third place DAN was overjoyed. They didn't have any hope of promotion, but they didn't expect that they could play VG!

This team is also Lin Ran's old acquaintance. The starting point of his Professional career is this Squad.

Yes, 2144D.

They have now changed their name to DAN.

South Korea's second brother Ggoong, who is loved by domestic audiences, is still on the team at this time.

He saw Marquis and Bengi as his opponents in the promotion and relegation competition. They immediately became excited, and their limbs were shaking with excitement.

didn't expect, didn't expect! You easyhoon and Bengi also have today!

Ggoong was beaten by OMG in the S4 World Finals that year, and was later beaten as a Muggle by Lin Ran in the opener of the Spring Split last year.

He is really not good at playing the country, but at this time is SKT champion Mid & Jungler!

My family from far away homeland!

Ggoong has no worries about "Korean not beating Koreans" in his heart. The nest is a classic operation.

Under the excitement, he started with a little light or heavy, and directly beat VG to autism.


VG relegation failed!

The five people of DANSquad hugged each other tightly and shouted with excitement.

Listening to the cheers of his opponent, Bengi looked up at the ceiling of the stadium, where the spotlight flickered and focused on the five DAN Players.

Since he left SKT, how long has he not enjoyed such cheers and spotlights?

This is obviously the path he chose, but when it comes to this step of downgrading, Bengi is still melancholy and unwilling.

Suddenly there were several whimpers beside him.

Bengi suddenly remembered faker's sobbing after the S6 finals, and turned his head subconsciously.

It is Top Laner Loong.

The loong of heroes such as Shen and Poppy is often used in the competition field. It feels like a mountain. It often doesn't change when facing strong enemies. It is a strong team. Support point.

But at this moment, he lost the game and he was about to be relegated. Finally, he couldn't control himself and burst out all the negative emotions in his heart.

He first came into contact with the Professional League in S2. From Shaver to Pro Player, Loong has been chasing this road for 5 years.

He had experienced a relegation match at UPSquad before, and then came to VG as the Top Laner.

At this time, loong has reached the peak of his personal ability, and then partnered with the former SKT champion Mid & Jungler, he thought it would be a very wonderful journey.

Even if you can’t make it to the world game, it’s okay to play in the playoffs, right?

But he didn't expect the reality to be so cruel. At the age of 22, he is about to become an older LSPLTop Laner Player.

Loong was disappointed and frustrated. He felt that he had stumbled. It took 5 years to just stay in place, without any improvement in his grades.

In competitive sports, people like him should be called losers, or frustrated ones.

(Loong performed very well in the 2017 Spring Split, but he still couldn’t get rid of the fate of relegation. He wasted his last Peak period in the secondary league. See the figure for the data.)


After VG and NB had no choice but to bid farewell to the LPL stage, the playoffs were slowly opened.

In the first round of the game, they scored eight and six, with IM against IG and QG against EDG.

IG's Shangzhong almost pierced IM. Today's TheShyshowing off one's ability, the opponent Top Laner AJ will be beaten stupid.

He looked at the Rumble Master who was riding the barbecue on his face opposite, and recalled Ma Run, the peerless grace and elegance of S5. It was a pain that AJ's heart could never erase.

Three to one, IG advanced to the top six of Spring Split.

The EDG on the other side swept QG three to zero.

The above performance was broken in the six-in-four game.

IG and OMG fought fiercely in five rounds, and Rookie Orianna stood up in the deciding round. [Command: Shockwave] in the shadow of Dragon's Pit pulled the OMG three people, and the sudden burst of damage directly ended the game!

OMG's ADC Sima old thief finally failed to cross this step.

Like VG’s loong, Sima old thief is also a frustrated person. He has never entered LPL semifinals so far. The nickname that hangs on his head is “Facial Palsy AD”, which is “The Emperor of the Relegation Match”. .

No matter how strong the emperor is, it is also in the relegation match.

On the other side is EDG vs. WE.

A very interesting game.

The grievances between the two teams have to start with'either the fish dies or the net splits, and leave tonight'.

WE Fan 60E and Piggy are absolutely irreconcilable enemies.

In the past few years, the WE results were not good, and the fans did not dare to jump too much.

But no one didn't expect that last year, the S6 ghost kick kicked the two sides into a two-level reversal.

With the strong rise of red Legion WE2.0 this spring, 60E finally dared to speak loudly. Before the game started, public opinion on the Internet was already brewing.

[EDG, look at my E Bao, if you do it, you will be done! ]

[Oh huh, can WE fans also jump? Can you be exhausted after holding back for two years? ]

[That's not true. We started a group when your Guodian top 8 was beaten into stupid dogs by Team Tigers! After all, it’s a waste of Mingkai, I’ll be 3 when teammate is 4, and 9 is 6! ]

[hehe, our top 8 in the world competition in our lifetime is better than WE, a group of stinky fish and shrimps that can’t even get into the world competition. 】

The title of EDG Guodian originated from the IEM competition in February this year. EDG temporarily withdrew from the competition, claiming that there was a problem with the Polish visa, and angry fans rushed to the Polish embassy.

The Polish official came forward to explain that EDG’s own materials were not enough to apply for a visa. The Shanghai official also came forward and said that the relevant materials could be processed in 5-7 days, and the time was completely late.

Comparing the two sides of the argument, netizens found that EDG did not want to go to Poland to participate in the competition, and once again recoiled the EDG official blog.

EDGBoss Ed Zhu angered Weibo "Do you want to ruin China E-sports?"

Such funny remarks have become an eternal classic in the history of LOLE-sports, and Guodian has also become an eternal classic in the history of LOLE-sports. The new title of EDG.

Teng Jing also didn't expect the momentum created by this six-in-four knock out competition directly topped Weibo's hot search. Naturally, the popularity of Bai Cha cannot be released in vain. Teng Jing quickly paid for it. Search, raise the heat of the game one step higher.

Although Clearlove played in the last four regular seasons to help the team win 3 wins, he still did not get a chance to play in this BO5.

The disparity in team strength is too big, EDG’s problem is not an AD at all...Jungler can solve it.

Even if Clearlove is on the field to deal with command issues, the personal abilities and teamwork abilities of Top Lane and ADC are far from those of WE.

Not at all.

Although EDG0:3 was swept out by WE, EDG fans, who are known as starchy, took Clearlove not to play and started an article.

For a while, "Clearlove is not counted as a loser" and so on.

Facts have proved that Ah Q's spiritual victory method works everywhere.

As long as you feel that you haven't lost, you haven't lost.

After the focus of the matchup, the places for this year's Spring Split semifinals are officially determined, with RNG vs. WE and YM vs. IG.

Lin Ran and the others took the time to watch the semifinals of RNG vs. WE in Base.

In the first game, WE controlled Baron Nashor in the mid-term with a crushing force. RNG in the inferior game faced the WE operation team there's no resistance and was flattened by WE.

In the second game, RNG took out Camile to letme, and 957 chose to use Shen as the counter.

RNG took advantage of Uzi's strength to gain a big advantage in the mid-term. Xiaohu's Ekko also won a lot of heads, leading Xiye in counterpoint economy by nearly two thousand.

Lin Ran originally thought that RNG would win the game smoothly.

But he didn't expect RNG's wave of irrational Turret to ruin all the advantages!

letmeBottom Lane single belt pushes the creep line under the 957 tower.

Then Xiaohu's Ekko used the creep line vision to cover all the way forward, trying to cooperate with letme to kill 957's Shen in the high ground of WEBottom Lane.

"Do the two of the upper and middle RNG really want Turret to kill? Isn't the damage not enough?" Mille looked at the movements of the upper middle of RNG, inevitably worried.

As the commentary said, RNG underestimated the frankness of 957, and Xiaohu Ekko's E [Phase Dive] made a mistake on the tower. In the end, 957 forced the tower to kill Camile in 1V2!

Little Tiger was also taken away by the WE crowd who rushed over! The situation reversed instantly!

"The damage of this Ekko is too low!" Liu Qiusong from Base couldn't help but shout, "RNG dares Turret?"

"What kind of equipment does Xiaohu come out? "Lin Ran couldn't help but spread his hands. "He plays games like this with such a big advantage?"

Xiaohu's habitual stable item build last year finally revealed its drawbacks.

Pushing stick + Zhongya + Yaoguang, Xiaohu's big advantage of 401 in 25 minutes, Ekko, is out of this equipment.

If the second piece he made was Lich Bane instead of Zhonya's Hourglass, that E [Phase Dive] was not empty, and Shen of 957 would definitely die.

"This is too stable, isn't it?" Little Tian couldn't help eccentric, "Opposite Karma + Lulu, Xiaohu wants to leave Zhongya? Who will kill him?"

Lin Ran also feels outrageous, Xiaohu now has a problem with his thoughts.

This kind of 40 Tianhu Ekko's second supplement Zhongya is not impossible, Lin Ran Tianhu Lucian also supplement Randuin's Omen.

But it depends on the team composition.

Lin Ran played Randuin's Omen at the time because teammate does not lack DPS at all. He can win by going up to the black-cut armor piercing effect.

What about RNG?

Little Ming chose Braum, and the spicy incense pot took Cui Shen.

Jungler & Support has almost no DPS. Letme is still a well-developed Camile. With such a big advantage, can Xiaohu be the second one to get Zhongya?

Lin Ran doesn't even know what to say.

After losing the second game, Uzi's face was stinky and real.

In the last game, RNG, whose mentality was almost collapsed, still got the advantage in the early stage, but was dragged by WE again in the later stage and fought back.

Lin Ran thought WE would win the game before the game, but he didn't expect so much difference than branch.

"3:0! Two BO5, two 3:0!" Mille shouted loudly on the commentary stage, "WE has proven their strength and locked a place in the finals ahead of time!"

"WE's dominance this spring can be seen, even RNG can't win a victory from them!"

Uzi collapsed on the chair in despair.

Before the game, he thought it was possible to win the Silver Dragon Cup this year, but didn't expect WE to recognize the reality with only one BO5.

Uzi heavily sighed, rubbing his tired and sore palms, and turned away from the stage reluctantly.

Without a championship in 5 years, a weird curse still lingers on Uzi.

Although he and Loong and Sima old thief have different grades, their moods are exactly the same.

In competitive sports, there is only one winner. Someone achieves their dreams, while others feel frustrated and melancholy.

They are all melancholy, so what a frustrated person.


After watching this semifinals, White Crescent has a solemn face.

"WE is more difficult than we thought," he looked towards his team members, "their operational strength is still improving."

"And they have no rhythm in the first and mid-term Too much behind, the time to stop loss is between 20 minutes and 25 minutes." Lin Ran took a sip of water to moisturize his throat.

"It's still a version issue," Su Cheng still turned his signature pen, "WE now only needs to support mystic's Kog'Maw, Ashe, and Varus to make the Blade of the Ruined King hurricane, and then you can try to receive it directly. Group."

"This is equivalent to let their original three-piece group fight team composition come out early."

The principle is the same as RNG Uzi's previous thoughts. .

It's just that Uzi wants to form equipment and plans to start the team in the mid-term and control Baron Nashor to end the game.

While WE needs ADC to form equipment, use the group fight team composition to continue to drag, wait until the advantage is large enough, or use the vision operation to find the enemy's breakthrough port and then start a team to win the game.

White Crescent nodded, "If we want to win WE, it is not realistic to delay the later stage. The most secure way to win the early stage is to win."

"So everyone has to be in the early stage. Roll the economy bigger, otherwise we may be overturned by them like RNG if we wait for WEteam composition to take shape."

White Crescent said it’s no problem.

RNG was overturned in the last two games, one is because some players made mistakes in the mid-term, and the other is because the advantages obtained in the early period are not big enough, and they can often be sent back in one wave.

Then WE used mid-to-late transfer operations and single-belt involvement to control neutral resources to win the game.

"But don't worry, we still have an advantage in personal strength, and WE is still relatively passive in the early stage." Su Cheng comforted.

Lin Ran and the others also know that Condi is now trying to drive the early rhythm of the team, but the effect is not obvious.

Because WE is accustomed to using the team composition in the middle and late stages, the early stage does not have the advantage of battle strength.

And the players' hard power on the line has not yet reached the level of using the inferior hero to not lose the line, it is difficult for Jungler to break through when the hero on the line does not gain the advantage.

After seeing the strength of WE, YM invested in intense targeted training.

White Crescent has been studying WE for a long time, treating it as an imaginary enemy in the finals, and the preparations are quite sufficient.

As for tomorrow's semifinals rival IG?

White Crescent didn't prepare many tactics at all, and planned to follow the usual routines.

After playing in the past six months, he also has a certain understanding of IG.

This team doesn't have many tactics. Generally speaking, there is only one-Jungler protects the upper center, and Bottom Lane hard mixes.

YM is now much better than IG in terms of personal strength and degree of running-in. White Crescent is not worried at all.

As he expected, Jackey stood up when facing IGBottom Lane.

Two rounds of Varus and one round of Kog'Maw, played perfectly.

Lin Ran saw that Jackey was in good condition, and he was happily mixing. Karma and Lulu Mid Laner made a holy grail to protect Heimerdinger AD.

In the last game, Jackey watched the child fight with Baolan more and more, and his heart went straight into the sky. During the laning phase, he forced the creep line to exchange blood with the child, just riding on the face of the child and Baolan beated.

The kid Youshen looked at Jackey, who was extremely fierce on the opposite side, and instantly recalled Uzi back then.

Passive [dog fear] triggered again, but fortunately, the kid didn’t play Vayne in this round and took out the EZ and scraped Gua Sha, and he played 1WDPS in 30 minutes.

Jackey's Kog'Maw hit 29000DPS, the damage accounted for 49.6%, the participation rate was 100%, and the data was exaggerated.

"It's also 3:0! YM played very stable. The BO5 didn't give IG any chance to win the game!" Remember to shout loudly, "They will meet with WE in the final!"

"Yes, the Peak duel from Group A will give birth to the Challenger this spring!" Zeyuan responded.

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