"YM take another point!" Zeyuan watched YMPlayer on the stage and got up and left the table, "2:0, they are one step away from the MSI final!"

"Although the mid-term rhythm was a bit unsatisfactory, in the Baron Nashor group fight, Ran's key rock outburst cooperated with Camile's control to drop the G2 core Twitch in seconds, winning the group fight and ending the game!"

Remember to blow YM at this time.

"Ran's ability to seize opportunities is too strong, YM's overall coordination is better than G2 to a higher level!"

Because the director camera is aimed at him, remember to have his sleeves After pushing it down, the hand movements are quite calm. "Under the protection of Shen and Galio in turn, we can find the opportunity to cut in. YM explains for us what a group fight is called a picturesque!"

But In the YM lounge, everyone did not indulge in their wonderful group fight in the last Dragon's Pit.

They are still looking for a problem with the previous disc.

"Let’s not let the other side get this kind of team composition," Lin Ran leaned back on the back of his chair, "This game at first took such a big advantage, they relied on Twitch and kept cautious. We can't get up to the rhythm at all when we grab orders."

"In the mid-term, the team composition can't beat them normally," Lin Ran shrugged, "We can't rely on this kind of extreme group fight to come back again and again, right?"

He now thinks of the scene where he used Yantu to push Twitch back and feel a bit lucky.

In the chaotic group fight, the flash connection control is not so simple when the Twitch shakes the head in the general attack.

This is not when the attack speed was not up in the early stage. When the group started, Twitch was already Blade of the Ruined King + Hurricane + Berserker's Greaves, and the rune attack speed had reached 1.56.

The increase in attack speed made the ADC walk more smoothly, and the stagnation time of raising his hand was reduced a lot. Lin Ran's move of raising his hand to stagnate and meet the Flash rock outburst was quite aggressive.

At that time, his personal hand speed and concentration had reached the Peak level. It was the same scene. If Lin Ran repeated the operation, he could not guarantee success.

And fortunately, the development of Twitch has not advanced too much. At that time, if he had an extra BF Sword and the Ultimate splash damage, he could kill all of YM's people, and that wave of Lin Ran would be lost in seconds. Twitch will also be taken away by the rest of G2.

Maybe this kind of group fight is pleasing to the eyes of the audience, and they are amazed by the powerful operational capabilities of YM and Lin Ran.

But in Lin Ran's view, when the game was forced to use the miraculous group fight of Dragon's Pit, relying on the extreme operation of the Player to win the group fight, the team composition selection and tactics have been announced. Implementation failure.

You can't rely on Player's extraordinary performance time and time again to win the game, right?

Then why do you want a coach? I can play flexible qualifying.

The white crescent rubbed his chin slightly distressed.

semifinals First Stage, the Mid Laner Galio used by Lin Ran has a vague tendency to change the overall MSIMid Laner pattern.

The current version of Galio does not have much pressure on the line against mainstream Mid Laner except Lucian and Syndra. After reaching Level 6, the support ability is good, and the group fight has sufficient frankness and control.

The only shortcoming is insufficient damage.

But the answer was given in the previous game G2.

Jungler chooses Graves, AD chooses a late-stage core similar to Twitch to make up for the missing part of Galio's DPS. As long as the group fight is forwarded to the opposite face, it is enough to let the C position have good DPS space.

White Crescent had to admire the level of the G2 coaching staff. In just one round, he could come up with a decent Galio Mid Laner system.

"Um...I think we should just ban Shen or Twitch." White Crescent clicked the pen holder and discussed with his team members. "The reason why they can delay to 20 minutes is because Twitch and Shen’s brainless cooperation to steal people disrupted our rhythm."

"We disabled one of the heroes, so that we can save the ban position and target other positions." white Crescent Think of a compromise.

I can't think of another strategy in a short time. I will ban the head office for you?

Don’t play everyone.

"Speaking loudly." Lin Ran couldn't think of a better idea for the time being.

He got up and took a glass of ice water and poured it into his mouth.

Under the ice water, a coolness snaked from top to bottom throughout the chest cavity, finally suppressing the itching in the throat temporarily.

The weather in Rio is too hot, there is no cooling measure in the Player seat in the center of the stage, and there are spotlights flashing from time to time.

Plus tens of thousands of people crowded together The temperature in the stadium was much higher than the current temperature in Rio. Lin Ran was sweating on his forehead while playing the game.

The key point is that he is commanding. He basically keeps his mouth open during a game, and he feels smoke in his throat when he steps down.

Lin Ran took two glasses of ice water before going to the stage and was fully prepared.

He sat on the chair, adjusted his posture, then entered the custom room, closed his eyes and took a break.

Ze Yuan on the commentary stage was also very happy when he saw the Player seat.

"The third game is about to begin." I remember that emotions are still brewing. "The first two games were won by YM, but the situation was not as crushed as the results showed. G2 still gave YM It caused a certain amount of trouble. In the second round, YM was even forced to take the Baron Nashor group fight, relying on the subtle cooperation between the players to play a series of control to kill Twitch, otherwise the outcome is still unknown."

Zeyuan nodded, "Yes, although G2 did not achieve good results in last year's MSI and the global finals, we often say that we cannot underestimate any opponent."

" With the gradual growth of perkz, this year's G2 is undoubtedly a very powerful enemy," remember to look towards your partner, "...I even think that the current G2 is stronger than most LPL teams."

"You must know that YM swept the championship in this year's LPL Spring Split. Except for WE in the regular season finale, the rest of Squad did not even see YM's Inner Turret."

I remember watching the game have not started yet, clearing my throat and continuing: "But today's G2 is in a very good state. They took the initiative to drive the rhythm in the first round competition and were suppressed by YM in turn, but they were already able to threaten in the second round. It’s YM’s victory."

"I didn’t mean that YM had any problems with it today," I remember still holding his hand card, with a strong tone of voice, "I just want to remind other LPL teams to face their opponents squarely. At the same time, we must also examine ourselves."

"If, I said, if, since last year, we don’t have this YM that turned out to be born, then how will our LPL's foreign war performance this year be? "

Ze Yuan remembered that the more he talked, the more digress, he quickly opened his mouth to help him come back, "Of course, the assumption is always the assumption, YM has always been our LPL team."

" But we have to admit that there has been a gap in the strength of the teams in the LPL league. It is difficult to make the league flourish by relying on a Squad alone. As an LPLcommentary, we hope to see the heroes come together!"

"Wolves fighting can constantly force the teams in the league to improve their own level, continue to strengthen and improve, otherwise our league is the dominant one, and it is likely to develop into a stagnant pool in the future."

Remember to be The good state shown in the last game of G2 was shocking. He has not seen it in half a year. He can feel the strength of this European hegemon.

He said this passage is to remind those clubs who are not enterprising in China.

Other regions are improving, and some people rely on YM to win last year's championship trophy, they really think that LPL is the first region, lying there and enjoying their achievements without any initiative.

tone barely fell, the big screen on the scene has already given close-ups of the two players, and then the guide lens is opened, and the BP picture appears!

"YM gave priority to Blue Team, and they took the lead in banning Twitch!"

White Crescent still thinks Shen is better than Twitch. GimGoon used Camile in the first game to prove it at this point.

G2, as the defender of the first round BP, continues to press Lulu.

For the three games, the prophet couldn't get the current version of TLevel 1 other protective support.

White Crescent will react even if it is blunt.

In the first two games of G2, Lulu and Tahm Kench were all banned, forcing the prophet to choose Karma.

Karma this hero is also very hot in the current version, the strength is enough, but the disadvantages are also obvious.

Compared with Nami and Tahm Kench's support, Karma's ability to protect ADC is not enough.

In these two games, Karma gave G2 several chances to catch Turret. The Prophet died ten times in two games, which has the charm of Death God PYL.

In the second hand, the two sides sent Cuishen and Tahm Kench to the ban position respectively.

G2's intentions are too obvious.

White Crescent is lost in thought.

He didn't know the idea of ​​G2. He lost the first two rounds. He still has to play against Bottom Lane in the third round?

"The last ban of YM was given to Syndra, and G2 was forced to ban Lucian!"

Now enter the first round hero selection phase.

"Take Braum first!" White Crescent pointed at GimGoon.

His impossible round made G2's plan for Bottom Lane succeed again. Although Braum is not strong on offense, his ability to protect teammates and prevent opponent Turret is the first-class existence in Support.

"The prophet, try to be careful when you are on the line. Don't be too much pressure. Just wait for the teammate to command." White Crescent patted the prophet on the shoulder, "Don't forget the first thing. Redemption."

The current version of the redemption piece of equipment is extremely cost-effective. Both soft and hard accessories will be included in their shopping cart.

The prophet took a deep breath nodded.

Compared to his soft assistant hero, the proficiency of the prophet Braum is very average.

But he will put the anti-theft door in front of his ADC, which is enough for Jackey and YM.

G2 coach is not surprised by this hand choice. In fact, he has already thought about the content of the game.

In this game, he will use the two ban positions of Tahm Kench and Lulu to force the first choice in the hands of White Crescent to hand over to the Support position.

"Galio +Kog'Maw!" I remember being a little surprised by this choice, "Do you still use Galio in this game?"

"Take Camile and Lee Sin, let's still Strive to play the sideband in the mid-term." White Crescent said after careful consideration.

G2 got Graves in the last hand, exactly the same as Jungler's choice in the previous game.

In the second round of BP, the G2 coach was very decisive and sent Ashe and Varus two TLevel 1 ADCs to the ban position.

The purpose is very obvious, to make Jackey no hero available.

Ashe, Varus, and Twitch were banned and Kog'Maw was also robbed. Among the remaining ADhero, Ezreal is one of the least used heroes since Jackey debuted, and his proficiency is not high.

Jin and Braum cooperated to play [Concussion Slam] passively too slow.

There are only two heroes, Caitlyn and Kalista.

The styles of these two ADCs are too extreme. You must play an advantage online. It is very difficult to play without snowballing.

White Crescent looked at Jayce from the other side, and was still thinking of choosing a hero for Jackey.

"Kalista, I can hold the opposite side." Jackey is very confident everyday.

White Crescent was still hesitating to choose one of the two. Seeing Jackey opened his mouth, he directly asked him to choose a hero that he could use easily.

"What do you plan to use to fight Galio?" White Crescent asked Lin Ran.

Lin Ran took a sip of ice water in his mouth, allowing the cold liquid to swim freely in his mouth.

He used this mouthful of ice water to calm his heart restless due to the hot weather.

There are not many heroes who can keep up with Galio's roaming rhythm, and most of them lack DPS.

Ryze can't be selected. Galio's control combined with Kog'Maw's long-range DPS, short-handed Ryze is afraid that he will be beaten by DPS without touching the opponent's back row.

The team composition of theirs is another team composition of Kalista +Lee Sin group fight. Lin Ran was made feel ill at ease by his own Yin Sector team composition in the last round. I always feel that worried.

"Azir, OK?" Lin Ran looked up and looked towards the white crescent.

The emperor of the desert is really good at fighting Galio (see this chapter for the data of the two sides). It is easy to control the line right in the early stage, and has the advantage of the hand in the later stage. It is not easy to be controlled by Galio taunt. The DPS environment Be assured.

Join Orianna, Viktor and claim that he hurts the three major legal nuclei.

But if Azir is selected in this hand, it means that YM's team composition will have to be dragged backwards during the strong period. Camile and Azir's group fight ability in the early and mid-term is quite limited.

"What if the other side uses Galio to play Top Laner?" White Crescent first made sure, "Azir is difficult to play Jayce."

"Impossible, if they were Galio Top Laner , GimGoon’s Camile can kick him," Lin Ran said while looking at the team composition, "Once Camile has the advantage in the early stage, the G2 team composition can’t handle his single belt either."

white Crescent After thinking about it, it's such a thing. Arrange the prophet to choose the hero.

"Azir is indeed okay..." Remember to mutter, "The G2 team composition hasn't rushed to Azir's face. Ran's DPS space is very good!"

On the other side of G2, there is one final candidate left.

The coach is still discussing with the players.

"Perkz, are you sure you don't use Galio?" Coach Beard asked again.

Ap looks firm and nodded.

"Give me a counter, I can beat him." He is very confident.

"You won't send us back to Europe directly in this round, right?" G2's ADPlayer Zven turned his head and smiled.

"Fuck you**." Ah P has a good relationship with him, and he immediately breathed out fragrance and sprayed back.

"Choose Ahri for me, and believe me." Ah P Kuang speed changed his face said resolutely.

In the first two games, he used the tool hero hero. G2 is now standing on the edge of the cliff. Ah P doesn't want to rely on teammate anymore.

He decided to stand up and carry the game by himself.

"Ahri was taken in the last choice of G2!" I remember very surprised, "How are they going to split? Will Galio go to support?"

"OK, Galio Support!" Zeyuan was a little excited, "Ap used Ahri to fight Azir, Mid-Lane is completely restrained!"

On the surface, it seems that Azir's R [Wall of the Forbidden Army] can always block Ahri. He rushed forward, but the normal Ahri Player is not stupid. How could he hit the Azir wall directly?

Three-stage Ultimate, used in a roundabout way, it is very easy to play with the slightly bulky hero like Azir.

This version of Ahri has control and burst, plus three stages of sudden displacement, which is what Azir fears most.

(Defensive tips: Galio Support appears once at MSI, see this chapter for the data; see this chapter for the Ahri and Azir counterpoint data; Attachment: Azir Ultimate wall cannot be used in the 2017 MSI version. The ability to rush through, the Forbidden Army’s wall turned into a normal terrain was weakened in the 7.19 version change on 2017.9.27, and I put it in this chapter too)

Lin Ran did not expect that G2 would still have it. With such a sway, they now took out the Mid & Jungler combination of Jayce + Ahri + Graves.

The two single lines can have the line right in the early stage, which can protect Graves from Jungle invasion.

The team composition of both parties is determined.

Blue Team YM: Top Laner Camile, Jungler Lee Sin, Mid Laner Azir, Bottom Lane Kalista +Braum.

Red Team G2: Top Laner Jayce, Jungler Graves, Mid Laner Ahri, Bottom Lane Kog'Maw +Galio.

"Let's stay stable in this game. We rely on Jackey in the early stage, and I have me in the group fight in the later stage." Lin Ran fanned with his hand, trying to drive away all the hot air around him.

"I am under a lot of pressure in this game," Little Tian laughed. On the opposite side, Graves saw that the two single lines in the upper and middle were so strong, he must invade his Jungle aggressively, "Brother Ran, you choose Azir. Don't you mess with my mentality?"

Before Lin Ran could answer the conversation, the Garlic Head Bastard continued to talk.

"But we have such a good relationship, how can I blame you?"

"If you ask us to have a Brazilian BBQ tonight, I will be treated as Graves. It’s a beating favor."

"If I win this round, I’ll please. If we don’t win, let’s go back to the hotel and drink the northwest wind." Lin Ran replied. He checked the innate talent rune, Flash +Cleanse +Thunderlord's Decree, no changes.

Little Tian was delighted to hear these words.

"Fuck people!" He tilted his head to provoke GimGoon, "Which one is delicious, Brazilian BBQ or Korean BBQ?"

"If you want me, it must be Korean BBQ. !" GimGoon put a piece of chocolate into his mouth and said slurredly.

The conversation was not over, Summoners Rift was loaded, and everyone stopped the topic tacitly.

Lin Ran bought item build equipment, and while still unable to leave the gap of Fountain, he marked along the river.

"Go along the path I marked, and go to their Jungle to set up the lower field of vision."

"The five members of YM held a group and went straight to the G2 red zone along the river, they were Level 1 Just do Jungle invasion!" Ze Yuan saw clearly from the perspective of God.

"However, G2 also held a group and invaded the YM red zone. The two sides staggered and did not fight!"

Many G2 fans sighed in relief.

Although the team composition Level 1 group of G2 is strong, the level 1 group of YM is more terrifying.

As long as Braum hits passive, Camile keeps up with Hookshot control, and the enemy is impossible to survive.

Fortunately, the Level 1 group did not meet this time, otherwise something must happen.

"Jungler on both sides does not intend to recall back to base, and open the field on the spot, the right should be a BUFF start!"

The two sides switched sides to red open, and then rushed back to brush themselves The blue of home.

It seems that both sides start with a red and blue double BUFF, but there is still a difference from the normal brushing of Jungle.

Little Tian brushed G2 red + YM blue, which means that his path of activity before Level 3 is in the upper half.

In this case, GimGoon’s Camile can easily exchange blood with Jayce, because once a conflict breaks out, Xiao Yan can quickly rush to Top Lane to help.

And G2Jungler is just the opposite, he protects his own Bottom Lane after the third.

Many times, the tendency of Squad's early tactics can be seen from a Jungle invasion.

Little Tian is uncharacteristically ready to help a bunch of Top Lane empty, lonely and cold GimGoon and give him a bit of love.

In the first two games of this semifinals, GimGoon relied on his own single belt to get the advantage. The mid-term Camile single belt was unstoppable, and he has repeatedly made achievements for YM.

Since the first two games can be won, this one simply maintains the same ideas as before, and Bottom Lane is responsible for passive defense in most cases.

Anyway, the prophet chose Braum in this game, plus Kalista, it is not easy to be Turret.

Mid-Lane, Ah P is focusing on aligning with Lin Ran.

He finally got the counterhero in this game and planned to abuse Lin Ran, at least solo Azir two or three times to find all the places he had previously lost.

Level 1 Azir is quite weak, and only W [Sand Soldiers shows up] can be used. Under normal circumstances, it can at most poke the opponent.

But Lin Ran Kite is still very advanced. He wants to settle the rhythm of life and death with Ah PLevel 1, standing next to the creep line, taking advantage of Ahri farming's gap to make a general attack.

With W [Sand Soldiers Appearance] passive attack speed increase, Azir's basic attack jab is very fast, and it runs back after finishing the fight, and even the hatred of the soldiers is not attracted.

Ap is anxious.

Are you Azir equipped with Level 1 to fight with me?

He decisively threw Q [Orb of Deception], wanting to consume Lin Ran.

Lin Ran is a right-angled Kite, moved to the side, avoiding the first stage damage of the Orb of Deception.

Ap does not give up.

The Orb of Deception also provides an acceleration effect at this time, and he uses this acceleration to also shift to the side.

P made sure that Lin Ran was stuck on the path where the orb was recovered, and he rubbed Lin Ran with real damage.

He realized it was not good before he could be happy.

Lin Ran’s previous right-angle Kite got into the creep line, and he himself got into the creep line to ensure the hit rate of the Orb of Deception!

Second section The damage of the Orb of Deception caught 4 minions.


Ap patronized the blood, but forgot about the creep line problem.

Azir has only made up one remnant soldier so far, and the rest of the creep line hasn't moved. When Ah P cheated the orb, the creep line was obviously pushed forward to the YM tower.

It's not that Ahri's push is not good, but that it is not good for this round.

Jungler of both sides switched to Jungle to start the game, obviously to protect the upper and lower lanes of each, Mid-Lane defaulted to not take care of it in the early stage.

But now that the creep line is pushed to the front of the YM Tower, Ahri is forced to move forward.

This kind of location is very easy to be gank. Ahri who has not reached Level 6 has no means of escape, and being stuck is dead.

Life and death, Ah P does not dare to bet that Little Tian will not change his plan and come to Mid-Lane to catch.

He specially went to the grass above the river channel to insert a jewelry eye, but the effect was very little.

Originally, a grass on the river can lock most of the normal start of Jungle from above. But because of the change of Jungle, Ah P has no idea that Little Tian is now where.

From the perspective of God, YM and the upper half of G2 are equivalent to connected together, and it is impossible to lock Lee Sin's gank route with just one eye.

These two pieces of Jungle have so many ways to reach Mid Lane's, absolutely you can't guard against it.

Ap looked at Lin Ran still in front of the tower and comforted the tower soldiers.

It is also unrealistic to push the line into the tower.

Ahri relies on the Orb of Deception to clean up the creep line, while Azir relies on Sand Soldiers' range damage and passive attack speed increase, and the speed of clearing the creep line is definitely faster than Ahri.

As long as Ahri dared to throw the Orb of Deception, Lin Ran would stand up Sand Soldiers and jab, keeping the G2 creep line slightly stronger than the YM creep line, so that the creep line would always be stuck, pointing halfway. Can also use Q [Conquering Sands] to consume Ah P.

In short, now Mid Lane's creep line is completely controlled by Lin Ran. He pushes whenever he wants, and he controls it if he wants to.

Ap's current deception orb level is too low, and there is no way to clean up the creep line quickly.

It’s hard to get stuck here.

He can only call Jungle to come to Mid-Lane to help, push the creep line into the Defensive Turret quickly, and reset the Mid-Lane creep line.

Graves had eaten Rift Scuttler and wanted to go to Bottom Lane to take a look at Kog'Maw, but Ah PLevel 2 asked for help. He could only give up this idea.

The moment Graves appeared in Mid Lane's.

"Kill Kog'Maw, kill Kog'Maw!" Lin Ran shouted loudly and commanded the Bottom Lane duo.

From the moment he deliberately marched into the creep line and tricked Ahri’s deceptive orb to clean up the creep line, he was thinking about the Bottom Lane creep line. At this time, he saw Graves appear, he must let Bottom Lane has the advantage!

The next second Jackey also reacted, frantically marking the body of G2Kog'Maw.

"The Prophet rose to Level 2, clicked W [Stand Up], W used as a springboard to the creep, Flash general attack received Q [Winter's Bite] to hang passive on Kog'Maw!"

Ze Yuan looked at the Bottom Lane pairing together, with a very excited expression.

"Kalista jumped forward to keep up with the general attack, G2Bottom Lane pressed too far forward, Kog'Maw this wave is very difficult to run!"

Before G2Bottom Lane was taken care of by Graves , Kog'Maw relied on the hand captain after opening W, and Galio consumed YMBottom Lane HP together.

But in this way, to attract the soldiers' hatred, Galio's justice wind also blows to the soldiers, which causes the creep line to also push the line in front of the YM tower.

G2Bottom Lane didn't expect YM to be so decisive, and decided to do it the moment he saw Graves' trail!

"Galio turned taunt and wanted to keep someone, but Kalista first opened up the distance between Galio and Kog'Maw Flash. Kog'Maw Flash was a step slower. Kalista made a general attack and beat Braum passively!" Remember! He clenched his fist, "Braum keeps up with Ignite, Kalista AQE double jumps to make up for DPS, and directly wins first blood!"

"Galio is left with Flash and escapes, and this wave of YM blood makes money!"

In the first 3 minutes of the tiebreaker, YM cut off first blood!

Everything starts with Lin Ran’s twisting Kite who got into the creep line!

In the previous two games, many of the tens of thousands of spectators in the Rio Olympic Stadium have been attracted by YM's decisive and clear thinking style of play.

At this time, they are even more Solo Queue fans, cheering for YM!

The stadium in a foreign country instantly became the home stadium of YM, and the audience shouted the name of YM's team!

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