Pa pa pa, the domestic champions who stayed up late and was a little sleepy because of the lack of head bursts, tapped the keyboard.

[Azir is good Kite! 】

【Ran operation is really calm, and the skill loss is too steady! ]

[Three Flash, three Ultimate plus two Ignite to kill a Gold Rank crispy chicken, G2 is finally anxious! ]

Lin Ran took two assists, but Gold Coin was not enough for him to synthesize [Nash's Teeth], so he bought Amplifying Tome + Red Inhibitor and went out.

He recalled back to base twice and never bought Vision Ward.

Usually Lin Ran buys it every time he goes out to control the map view, but this time he played Azir.

Now the two sides are fighting for time.

The team composition of G2 must kill the game before Lin Ran's equipment is formed. In the later stage, it is too difficult to fight a frontal group fight and rely on Ahri to kill an Azir protected by Braum.

And Lin Ran’s task is to develop as quickly as possible.

YM's current team composition is not strong enough, and many Jungle resources are not eligible to compete. He bought Vision Ward at most just to take a look at G2, and then he was demolished and sent out 30 Gold Coins.

Buying a Vision Ward requires 75 Gold Coin, which is 105 Gold Coin one time and one time, and three infinite cycles is one head of money.

Your G2 is a star? I spend so much money just to have a look at you?

He simply didn't buy one at all, so he saved up money and put it out first.

After Lin Ran went online, Sand Soldiers rushed straight into Ahri's face, looking like'hit me now'.

But Ah P can't do it.

He got an assist in the last wave, and the equipment has not been updated; Flash Ignite and Ultimate have all been exchanged in the last wave of Turret. With only three small skills, he is not Azir's opponent at all.

He can only persuade farming behind.

Graves can't help Ah P right now. He circled Mid-Lane twice, and Lin Ran Kite was immediately persuaded.

The vicinity of Mid-Lane is obviously covered by YM's vision.

He cursed secretly in the heart.

Mid-Lane didn’t buy a Vision Ward, but others gave him a vision!

"I can't catch it, we can't get close to him without Ultimate." Graves could do nothing.

He can't squat anymore. If Jungle's invasion is stopped for the sake of squatting, then it is equivalent to give Lee Sin a chance to grow.

At this time, Ah P felt that every minute and every second was so difficult. If his Ultimate didn't improve, he couldn't step forward and kill Azir.

Lin Ran pushed off a wave of creep lines and glanced at the time in the upper right corner of the screen.

He confirmed the time stamp recorded by the prophet in the team chat box, and determined that there are still 55 seconds before the second Infernal Drake is refreshed.

Lin Ran look at the creep line again.

"Prophet, you come directly to the river to spread the Dragon's vision, and the creep line is for Jackey to eat alone, Little Tian, ​​you also don't care about the upper half!"

"You don't need to look at me , I can advance this wave!" Jackey said quickly.

Leave Bottom Lane to find Little Tian who just recalled back to base and replenish the eye position, and go to set up the vision around Little Dragon's Pit.

"Hiss..." Ze Yuan watched the four well-trained YM go to the little Dragon's Pit to block the vision in advance and set a good position, "G2 this wave of group fights is not easy to pick up!"

"Galio's Ultimate Cooldown is very long, and Infernal Drake can't get better when refreshed. In addition, Galio, Graves and Ahri don't have Flash!"

Remember to add, "YM focus The power rushed to the lower half. The two scans of the Prophet and Little Tian have been opened to clear the G2 eye position in their own Jungle."

"If G2 is too late to react, I will Infernal later. Drake group fight Jayce couldn't find a good Teleport location at all!"

G2 still wanted to finish the creep line before going to the little Dragon's Pit to prepare, but the reaction was slow for 5 seconds.

They realized that YM was already under control of Dragon's Pit after they discovered that YM personnel had disappeared from the line.

"What is it?" The people of Ah P were dumbfounded.

According to common sense, when competing for map resources like Dragon, arranging the field of vision thirty seconds before the refresh is the standard configuration of Professional teams and the tacit standard line of the coaching staff.

But YM's command does not follow the routine at all!

What are you doing?

Lin Ran also knows the 30-second standard.

But he feels that everything has to be adjusted accordingly. 30 seconds is only a standard, but it is not a good thing if it is strictly stuck in the timeline to execute.

Some Korean teams like this.

On the status of the team, their coaching staff is the real Oldest Big Brother, and all important time points are calculated by the coaching staff, and this knowledge is used in the team practice and training competition again and again. Instill in the players' brains.

Are you not listening? Then don't play the next game.

The authority of the South Korean coaching staff in this area is undoubted. Regardless of what League of Legends World Championship champion Mid Laner you are, if you dare to cause trouble, you will still be carried down to look at the drinking fountain.

In the game, the players follow the rules step by step and act as Blitzcrank in accordance with the strategies set by the coaching staff.

Strict discipline and extremely strong operating level.

But this also indirectly obliterates the creativity of many team members.

After all, the situation in the arena changes rapidly, and the coaching staff has no way to predict every detail in the future. It is the Player himself, not the coaching staff, who will compete on the arena.

Many time players make judgments based on the changing situation on the field, but are limited by the Blitzcrank operating strategy engraved in their minds, and they dare not make any operations.

YM's atmosphere is much better.

Although White Crescent is a bit worse than the Peak Korean coaching staff, he can't hold down these YM Players. Of course, except for the prophet, the brainless and the unhappy three.

After all,'before you came, we were already champions' this game not only applies to Durant and Peanuts, but also applies to White Crescent.

He bsyy wants to make a statement and ask the players to follow their own ideas, but every time White Crescent wants to speak, looking at the S6 champion photo in the training room, he instantly loses his confidence.

The final result of the negotiation is that the coaching staff is responsible for discussing and formulating tactics, and the players decide how to fight on the spot.

The idea of ​​arranging the field of vision for Dragon's Pit, which rushed to the fire ahead of the 30-second standard, originated from Lin Ran's brainstorm.

The focus is on the refresh time with Infernal Drake.

The first Infernal Drake, Little Tian prepared to steal the dragon when the 7th wave of Mid-Lane soldiers gathered to the center, and hit the Infernal Drake 10 seconds before the 8th wave of creep line arrived at Mid-Lane. kill.

The S7 version of the element dragon refreshes one every 6 minutes.

The creep line refreshes every 30 seconds.

This also means that when the second Infernal Drake is refreshed, the situation of the Mid-Lane creep line is that the 19th wave of creep lines converges, and the 20th wave of creep lines is 10 seconds away from the Mid-Lane creep line. Lane.

Lin Ran's decision was to rush to set up his vision 55 seconds before the refresh of Infernal Drake and seize the position.

What is the situation of the creep line at this time?

The 17th wave of the creep line was pushed off by Lin Ran, and the 18th wave of the creep line arrived at Mid-Lane within 5 seconds.

The key point is that in the first 15 minutes, a Cannon Minion will be refreshed every 3 waves of the creep line.

The 18th wave creep line is a wave of Cannon Minion line.

With Cannon Minion soldiers, it is not realistic for the online hero to quickly push this wave of creep lines into the tower.

Moreover, Cannon Minion, who was the first to attract the hatred of Defensive Turret after advancing the tower, can resist 7 Defensive Turret shelling, which is quite strong.

This also means that the recall back to base before and after the Cannon Minion creep line arrives on the line is the most profitable.

Because there are Cannon Minion soldiers as a meat shield, I can't lose many soldiers when I return.

Lin Ran made this abacus.

He took the Xiaye three people together to seize the view of the Xiahe Road and Little Dragon's Pit before they rushed to the line on the 18th wave of Cannon Minion creep line.

Then look at the reaction of everyone in G2.

If G2 gives up this Infernal Drake competition and stays on the line forever, then Lin Ran and Jackey can even return to the line ahead of time and let Little Tian eat the dragon alone.

If G2 were to receive this wave of Infernal Drake group, Lin Ran is likely to lose a whole wave of Cannon Minion line, but YM has control of all the vision around the little Dragon's Pit.

The group fight in this field of view is equivalent to the perspective hanging. If the G2 three people do not have Flash, it is very likely to be forced open by YM without field of view, and Camile may be able to bypass Teleport at any time. , G2's odds of winning can be said to be very low.

A wave of creep line plus Cannon Minion is less than the value of 200 Gold Coin.

Bottom Lane creep line is 10 seconds later than Mid-Lane, and Jackey can't even lose a whole wave of creep line.

A total of 300 Gold Coin and two waves of creep line experience are used to exchange for the absolute advantage of a wave of Infernal Drake group fight, which is a huge profit.

After all, the attribute BUFF provided by this version of Infernal Drake is too outrageous.

Each item provides 8% attack power and power. For mid-term double carry, unless you have a three-piece suit, an Infernal Drake can provide as much as a Longsword Amplifying Tome. attribute bonus.

These two pieces of equipment sold are worth more than a wave of Cannon Minion lines, not to mention there are three other teammates.

"Does G2 still want to enter the river to see the Dragon?" Ze Yuan looked at the G2 people begin to stir on the minimap, a little surprised, "They are the Red Team in the upper right corner, now It’s hard to even get out of Jungle. Isn’t it realistic to want to grab Dragon?"

"Withdrawal," I remembered with a narrowed smile, "I want to fight Infernal Drake with this kind of vision? I'm afraid not. Shi Lezhi."

Watching G2 give up fighting for the second Infernal Drake, the barrage is also quite real.

[G2: If you give up, you can give up. ]

[Dragon gave it, Baron Nashor gave it, Highland gave it, and finally gave Nexus. How do I think it is similar to the style of a certain domestic Squad? ]

[This team composition can put two Infernal Drakes for YM, and G2 is enough for cerebral palsy. 】

Lin Ran sees that G2 has no fighting intents, and plans to go back to Mid-Lane to take the line.

He didn't walk the relatively close river back to Mid-Lane—he didn't put his eyes in the grass below Mid-Lane. Lin Ran was afraid of being overcast.

He turned to use Sand Soldiers to move from the top of Dragon's Pit to his own Jungle, preparing to make a circle and rush back to the line.

But Ah P also not to be trifled with, G2 lost a Dragon, Ah P has to take advantage of the creep line.

On the 18th wave of the Cannon Minion line, he deliberately pushed it very slowly, not allowing it to enter the tower quickly and then reset the creep line.

Slowly push the creeps under the Lin Ran tower. At this time, the 19th wave of YM creep line has rushed over and cooperate with Defensive Turret to wipe out this wave of Cannon Minion creep line.

Since YM’s 19th wave creep line was stuck under the tower for a period of time, the intersection with the G2creep line is in front of the YM tower.

In this way, it is another pushback line for Ah P.

He can even pull the creep line to his own tower to resist, jam the creep line and make Lin Ran disgusting.

Ap's Ultimate has turned for the better. At this time, Mid Lane's offensive and defensive situations are swapped again. Lin Ran, who has no double call, even dared not cross the river. If he eats Ahri's Charm, he may be single-killed.

Lin Ran saw the trend of this wave of creep line after two steps, so he naturally wouldn't risk the past.

He looked towards the Heimerdinger Shiba Inu who was eating Infernal Drake with the Garlic Babies.

"Jackey, come directly after you eat Dragon, I will go to Bottom Lane to grow."

Jackey took a look at Mid Lane's creep line.

"Red Braised Pork, the Lanxin restaurant after returning to China for a week, otherwise I won’t talk about it." Shiba Inu put forward the terms of the transaction.

Top Laner and AD have two line-long sidewalk roles that value the creep line very much. Sometimes the creep line has to be cleaned when sending a head to the other side.

They knew everything about the next trend of the creep line. Jackey could tell at a glance that Lin Ran let himself go to Mid-Lane to help him deal with the creep line.

"彳亍." Lin Ran agreed without hesitation.

At this time, Infernal Drake made a roar before his death, and the five YM members were blessed with Infernal Drake BUFF again.

Two Infernal Drakes are superimposed together, and 16% of the attack power is added!

"Look at what dragon will be next," Ze Yuan muttered to the side, "I don't think it will be Infernal Drake anymore. It's also good to brush Mountain Drake there..."

tone barely fell, a ray of endless flames appeared on the little Dragon's Pit rock wall!

It's still Infernal Drake!

"Three Infernal Drake! This probability is too low!" Zeyuan didn't expect that he was slapped in the face, and his face hurt.

"My old swan, this is less than 11 minutes, will YM switch Jackey to Mid-Lane?" I remember that I was concerned about YM's diversion situation.

"Now the first blood tower has not been born yet, it is too early to change lanes at this time!"

I remember it was not the Player on the field, and I didn’t notice the one on the minimap. In the case of creep line, naturally, there is no way to understand Lin Ran's situation from the ground.

But sitting at Mid Lane's Ah P understood it.

When he saw that the YM duo finished playing Dragon and switched to Mid Lane's, others were dumbfounded.

Kalista and Braum came to clean up Mid-Lane's poor creep line, and Azir went to Bottom Lane to eat the economy that originally belonged to Jackey!

Is there anything like this? Are you going to run before the tower falls?

Are you too outrageous?

"switch lanes switch lanes, we also change." Ah P quickly made a request with his own AD.

Zven and Ah P who operate Kog'Maw are good brothers for many years. In this respect, they are quite used to their Mid Laner. With Mid-Lane Ahri being suppressed, Graves will not be able to invade and be decisive. With switch lanes.

Lin Ran took advantage of their switch lanes to throw away all the Sand Soldiers in their hands and quickly cleared the creep line.

When Ah P came back, he saw a wave of creep lines from the Bottom Lane tower, and Azir was nowhere to be seen again.

He quickly issued a warning signal.

"Where is Azir? Who will help me find the location?"

However, it was only ten seconds after Ah P's warning signal was issued, and Lin Ran rushed back again.

Compared with before disappearing, the amount of Azir Blue is less.

A Psubconsciously presses the tab key and sees Azir's compensation.

101, a little more than before.

He reacted immediately.

This dirty B went to eat his own Ghost Statue!

All Ah P feels wronged for Xiao Si.

It's only 11 minutes, Mid Laner started eating Ghost Statue camp?

Be a man!

He wants to control the line and then send Lin Ran an invitation to a 1V1 man fight.

But Lin Ran doesn't make it at all.

He sits back now, with two Infernal Drakes in his hands. As long as they don’t wait until the group fight, it’s his stage.

He stood in front of the tower and waited for the creep line to push over. He didn't force any soldiers who couldn't eat. Anyway, there is Little Tian's Ghost Statue camp to supplement his growth.

Jungle, who didn’t use the Garlic Head Bastard before, was because his level and equipment did not keep up, and the field was too hurt and the speed was not fast.

Anyway, now Little Tian spends most of the time working together around the duo, far away from Mid Lane's Ghost Statue and naturally seldom patronize, so Lin Ran brushes.

As this continues, Ah P is getting more and more anxious.

He felt that the Ahri he chose was like a punch on the cotton.

Lin Ran didn't take the initiative to clashed with him from start to finish. He has been playing with him with his excellent creep line and situational judgment.

Ap couldn't help it anymore. After Ignite got better, he used Ultimate again to prepare Turret to forcibly kill Lin Ran.

Lin Ran used Cleanse to solve Charm as usual. Ahri was stuck again. He just handed over a section of Ultimate, and the next section where Ultimate could not be cast immediately. He handed over WEQ combo to refresh the shield, and then handed Ultimate [of the Forbidden Army]. Wall], push him down the tower.

The movements are extremely smooth.

"Ap tried his best to hit all his bursts, and then wanted to leave Defensive Turret with the third stage Ultimate!"

But it was too late.

He rushed too deep into the tower and didn't have Flash. Although the Ultimate slipped out in the last paragraph, Defensive Turret's damage was still smashed and his HP was emptied.

One second later, Azir, who was covered in Ignite, was also burned to death.

"One change one, it's okay!" The commentary on the stage remembered to excuse Lin Ran, "Azir's game against Ahri is pretty good."


But in the voice of the YM team, GimGoon, who had been silent in Top Lane for ten minutes before, suddenly yelled.


Lin Ran felt that GimGoon was mocking himself, and he immediately replied after being solo killed by Turret.

"You nice, you M..."

A message appeared on the screen before Lin Ran's voice fell.

(Camile profile picture) YMGimgoon killed G2Expect! (Jayce avatar)

GimGoon has completed a single kill!

"Oh oh oh, Nice oh brother!" Lin Ran changed his face at the speed of light and immediately praised him.

"Brother Ran is always looking strange, are you from Sichuan?" Xiao Yao started eccentric again, "Did you not hear GimGoon? Lin Ran just scolded you! The scolding was terrible. Every sentence of dirty words is about to dig at your ancestral grave."

"Hurry up and beat him, didn't you send him to the hospital?"

"No, no, he was talking nonsense, "Lin Ran drank a sip of ice water while he was dead and quickly explained, "The garlic bastard just saw me eating him and the monsters felt uncomfortable, and deliberately retaliated against me."

GimGoon just focused on laning, but he didn't listen. To Lin Ran's reply.

"You two wait for me to go back and look through the video. Whoever lies will wash his neck and wait." GimGoon smiled.

"GimGoon single-killed Jayce with Camile!" Zeyuan was even more excited than GimGoon himself, "How to play G2 like this? Waiting for Azir equipment to take shape is their death date!"

Lin Ran's recall back to base this time is already Nash's Fang + Sorcerer's Shoes + Amplifying Tome.

As soon as Rylai's Crystal Sceptre comes out, playing G2, the team composition that does not enter the arena except for Ahri, is just like walking a dog.

G2 is also aware of this. Graves abandons his growing squad guarding Lin Ran, not wanting him to take shape smoothly.

But Lin Ran appear and disappear unpredictably, he will not go to eat the slightly dangerous creep line, and follow Xiao Yan to eat wild monsters everywhere.

Jackey and the prophet pushed the G2mid first turret away, but because Kite was too aggressive, the Shiba Inu was taken by Galio taunt and was continuously controlled and killed on the spot.

"16 minutes, the third Infernal Drake is about to be refreshed. All members of G2 will recall back to base to replenish equipment and prepare to hard-wire this wave of Infernal Drake!"

Ze Yuan analyzed the situation of the game on the commentary stage.

"This Infernal Drake G2 will either take it in your hand, or play a wave of push Turrets with YM Tuan Mie," his voice is sonorous and powerful, "otherwise the three Infernal Drake will go smoothly once YM gets it. To escape, the 24% attack power law imposing bonus will allow them to directly end this semifinals!"

Both Players also know the key of this Infernal Drake. They have been in it half a minute before Infernal Drake is refreshed. Constantly competing for the view of the river.

No one wants to fight a group fight that has no vision. In order to grasp the advantage of vision before Infernal Drake is refreshed, the two sides called Top Laner over in advance.

Vision Ward, jewelry eyes, eye stones, vision transformation, scanning lens on ten people...

One by one vision props are inserted and then empty, and the two sides compete for vision. Still going on.

However, Lin Ran's advantage in hand length finally manifested. Under the protection of the prophet, he erected Sand Soldiers in the grass and began to jab, and no one could get close.

A booster shot by G2Jayce was blocked by the prophet Braum.

"The pass leading to the G2double carry to the river was blocked by Sand Soldiers, and Ah P couldn't resist this damage!"

Lin Ran made up his sword steadily in the early stage, and started to eat Little Tian in the mid-term. Jungle, he is also Nash's Fang + Sorcerer's Shoes + Needlessly Large Rod + Amplifying Tome in 17 minutes, and the equipment is quite good.

In addition to the double Infernal Drake's 16% magical force bonus, it is less than 17 minutes at this time. Who can resist his Sand Soldiers jab?

Ap was poked into the bushes, and the HP suddenly dropped!

"Ahri doesn't want to pass Ultimate through the bushes, so he can only take a detour and enter the river channel from the Blue Buff exit!" Remember to watch everyone on the map, "but will it be too late? The third Infernal Drake has been refreshed. Now!"

Dragon hovered at low altitude, threatened the surrounding roar, and then landed in Dragon's Pit.

Little Tian immediately manipulated Lee Sin and punched it up and opened Dragon first!

"Jackey, you pay attention to cooperate with me, I can't win Smite by myself!" Little Tian shouted while opening the dragon.

He hasn't eaten a few waves of decent monsters since the start of the game. He was driven by Graves in the early stage, and he also consumed his own HP and time to control the dragon. After that, he had to give Lin Ran to the monsters. , Development is extremely poor.

He is two levels behind Graves. Smite can't win. He has to cooperate with Kalista.

"Don't worry, buddy will never lose the dragon." Jackey jumped repeatedly in Dragon's Pit, operating Kalista to poke lance.

"G2 wants to enter Dragon's Pit, but the entrance is strictly guarded by Ran’s Sand Soldiers, so I can’t get in at all!"

"Jayce took another shot and was used by Braum. The fleshy body is blocked! He can't threaten YM's main DPS!"

Remember to watch the YM people shrink in the innermost position of Dragon's Pit and hit Dragon, while the G2 people are caught by the two at the Dragon's Pit pass. Sand Soldiers blocked, it's not easy to enter the field!

When Dragon HP dropped to 2200, G2 finally couldn't help it.

Kalista cooperates with Lee Sin's double beheading + Smite, and the second dragon's HP fluctuates around 1500.

If 2200 blood does not enter the arena again, it will be too late later!

"Ahri handed over Ultimate and went over the wall to enter the arena, Galio also gave Ultimate!"

The flexible Ah P took the lead. The moment he entered Dragon's Pit, Galio's Ultimate took aim With him, most of the area in Dragon's Pit is covered by Galio's Ultimate circle!

Ahri's Charm aimed at Jackey without Cleanse. While handing over Charm, Flash moved forward and Ignite hung up!

Graves E crossed the wall at this time, and the Smoke screen was hit by Qmoved towards Kalista.

They have to kill Kalista first, so that they can grab the dragon by themselves!

Kog'Maw outside Dragon's Pit opens W【Biochemical Barrage】Prepare for DPS!

"The anti-theft door of the prophet blocked the Kog'Maw DPS, but what will they do if Galio enters the arena!"

The deceptive orb thrown by Ahri was scratched to Infernal Drake and let him HP plummeted!

Already entered the killing line of Kalista and Lee Sin, but Jackey was caught by Ahri Charm at this time, and he couldn't pull out the spear at all!

GimGoon now found a chance to cut in, and ran to play against Jayce.

Hero's Entrance!

With a roar, the justice giant statue fell from the sky, knocking Lin Ran and the prophet in the middle of Dragon's Pit into flight. Only Little Tian and Jackey who were attached to Dragon's Pit survived.

next moment, Galio Ignite hangs on Lin Ran, E [righteous punch] smashes Lin Ran into the sky as soon as he retreats.

"Kill Kalista first!"

Graves looked at Kalista with only 13 HP and kept shouting.

When Kalista dies, this Infernal Drake must be in his pocket!

"Jackey handed over Heal and dragged it for a while, but Azir was knocked into the air. No one cares about it!"

Kog'Maw was stuck outside by Braum forcibly, it would be difficult for him without a hurricane Pour the damage onto Lin Ran.

A PAhri handed over the second section Ultimate and cooperated with Graves DPS to kill Jackey!

"Galio hit Azir with a passive punch, and then turned on the Durant shield to prepare the remaining YMPlayer in the taunt Dragon's Pit!"

Lin Ran looked at Galio's taunt ready posture, Shouted quickly.

"Kick Galio!"

Kalista was killed. At this time, Dragon's behead line was not reached yet, Little Tian had no worries, R flashed Galio and went!

He is going to kick Galio in front of him to Graves and Ahri in Dragon's Pit behind!

Galio didn't have a second to release the taunt. He originally wanted to expand the taunt range to Braum so that Kog'Maw could also enter the DPS.

But Lee Sin's R flash directly knocked him into the air!

But the effect of taunt is still there, Lin Ran, Little Tian and the prophet are in a taunt state!

"Ahri handed over the third stage Ultimate, and Graves was also Flash avoiding the flying Galio!"

Lin Ran saw Ahri and Graves hand over displacement skills, and finally pressed Cleanse!

E 【Shifting Sands 】moved towards the Sand Soldiers placed at the landing point of Galio Ultimate before, and then Q【Conquering Sands 】is released!

Sand Soldiers moved towards Graves and Ahri flew away under his control, and Azir himself began to drift because of Sand Soldiers' steering operation!

Ap saw Sand Soldiers slamming on his face, and guessed it in his heart!

"Ahri handed over Flash and wanted to rendezvous with Kog'Maw, Graves also handed over Ultimate..." Ze Yuan's speech speed increased to the fastest, constantly commentary on the situation on the scene.

But next moment, he lost his voice on the spot!

When the desert emperor handed over his displacement skill at G2Mid & Jungler, Flash followed.

R [Wall of the Forbidden Army]!

Shurima Sand Soldiers obeyed their emperor's command, and the power of turbulent yellow sand moved towards G2 and everyone attacked!

The moment Kog'Maw saw Sand Soldiers, he wanted to hand over Flash and pull it back, but it was too late!

He originally wanted to take advantage of Braum's taunt to enter Dragon's Pit and start squirting wildly, but who would have thought that Azir slammed into his face!

The wall of the imperial army formed by the power of yellow sand will knock Graves, Ahri and Kog'Maw directly into the air!

Then the wall spread, knocking Galio, who had just recovered from the knock-up effect of Lee Sin Ultimate!

"My old swan!" Remember to break the sound directly, "All four people in G2 were knocked into the sky!"

Lin Ran with dual Infernal Drake hurts the burst!

1Level 1 relied on this Level 2 Ultimate to directly hit a total range of 2000 DPS, and everyone's HP in G2 plummeted!

"Braum keep up with Ultimate [Glacial Fissure]! It's knocking off again, G2 is about to crash!" Remember roar, and see everyone in G2 go to heaven again!

Lin Ran stands up Sand Soldiers under them and stabs wildly!

Little Tian added DPS, and the pair of G2double carry Kog'Maw and Ahri was sent back to Fountain directly!

The remaining Graves and Galio had nowhere to escape, and they were killed under Lin Ran’s Sand Soldiers!

The mood of the audience was also instantly detonated by Azir Ultimate, and everyone was screaming at Lin Ran's operation!

"Quadra Kill!" Zeyuan stared at the screen with wide eyes, "Is there any chance of Pentakill, Jayce!"

"He has been kicked to death by GimGoon!" I remember that the voice became hoarse because of roar, "G2 was destroyed, Infernal Drake is still YM!"

"Ran's Ultimate killed the last suspense of this semifinals!" Zeyuan was also excited. Zhiqing exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

"This wall of the Forbidden Army is simply a desert burial!"

After taking the Infernal Drake, the live broadcaster is ready to play back the group fight.

From the perspective of 3D, the imperial wall launched by Azir was wrapped in majestic yellow sand, which instantly swept the G2 four people!

The earth-yellow sand covers almost the entire Dragon's Pit!

This is the power from Emperor Shurima! Unmatched and unstoppable!

The domestic live broadcast room is also a moment of barrage!

【Ghost! This visual effect is too great! It feels like Gaara! ]

[G2, the background board drops god! 】

【S6Kennan heavenly thunder is still vivid, and today is Azir Ultimate destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth! The bad luck is always G2! ]

[Earth fire, heavenly thunder, and annihilation are all available, what is this called? ]

[Great Desert Burial, Great Desert Burial, or sand burial for short! 】

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