Lin Ran saw Little Peanut appearing in Top Lane and immediately prepared to suppress Lee Sang-hyeok.

FakerLevel 1 was caught and lost 6 minions. The experience provided by these 6 minions determined the critical level in the early stage.

And the level is related to battle strength-skill level, attribute promotion...

Now Lin Ran has just risen to Level 3, while faker has only two levels. The level difference at this time is implicit The economic value is even more exaggerated than first blood's 400 yuan.

More importantly, after the previous Level 1 gank, Lin Ran and the Garlic King pushed the 6 soldiers of the second wave creep line and the remaining creeps of the first wave of creep line to Lee Sang-hyeok. Under the tower.

Just now the third wave Cannon Minion creep line came to Mid-Lane to help Ryze clean up the YM creeps under the tower.

But this is another wave of Lin Ran's Cannon Minion pushback line.

Lee Sang-hyeok was forced to follow the piled small soldiers forward. Now he is approaching the middle line of the river in a dilemma.

Retreat to the back, then a lot of creep line economy will be missed.

If you don’t retreat, you will be beaten.

Lin Ran without the slightest hesitation turns on W [Valkyrie dive] and rushes directly in front of Lee Sang-hyeok, E [Green machine gun] and Q [phosphorescent bomb] smear Ryze's face.

Because phosphorescent bombs have ballistic flight time, this skill is easier for opponents to hide at long distances.

And now Lin Ran casts it directly under the face-to-face state, the bomb flying time is almost zero, and Lee Sang-hyeok Kite is not given a chance to escape!

Thunderlord's Decree's decree was hit, and only the Blue Inhibitor's Ryze HP dropped by half in an instant!

Lin Ran is still chasing forward. Corki's Green machine gun bullets have weakened Ryze's scarce armor magic resistance!

Level 2 Ryze only learned two of the three small skills.

And Lee Sang-hyeok Level 1 learned W [rune imprisonment].

This has caused him to be extremely embarrassed at the moment.

In order to trigger the shield and acceleration effect of Q skill passive [rune burst], Ryze must stack two layers of rune charge and then cast Q skill to detonate it.

W[rune imprisonment]’s Level 1 Cooldown is reduced to 13 seconds. Without Cooldown’s shorter E skill, Lee Sang-hyeok can’t stack two rune recharges at all!

Without passive shielding and acceleration effects, Level 2 Ryze has no battle strength at all. Faced with Lin Ran’s machine guns, it can only escape in a hurry!

"Ran successfully seized a wave of opportunities!" With the switch of the director's camera, Mille also saw this scene. "Faker was beaten to residual blood. It seems that it is difficult to continue to line up!"

Lee Sang-hyeok scratched his head in annoyance.

Originally, the creep line was pushed steadily, because Lin Ran's skills accidentally touched the creeps when he was consuming him. As a result, the strength of SKT's creep line is only slightly ahead of YM.

With the blessing of Cannon Minion, this has become a wave of slow push lines.

If we don't interfere with this wave of creep line, let it go with the flow, the advancing speed of the creep line will be very slow.

Faker recalls back to base at this time and then rushes back to the line immediately. This wave of creep line is likely to arrive under Lin Ran Tower.

During this period, the creep lines lose each other, and he has a high probability of losing more than one wave of creeps.

He couldn't accept such a big loss.

compelled by circumstances, Lee Sang-hyeok can only call Peanut to deal with this wave of creep lines with him.

Seeing Little Peanut appearing in Mid-Lane, Lin Ran instantly understood the battle.

"Catch it, catch it!" he loudly shouted.

Little Tian understands his mind, Hongkai swipes down to Level 3, and he makes a big circle, trying to catch SKTBottom Lane who is using his hand to push Lane suppression.

He first entered SKTJungle, and then went from the top of Dragon's Pit to the triangular grass of Bottom Lane, just enough to avoid the view of the wolf arranged by the river below.

Bang’s Ashe also threw his E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], but he aimed at Gromp in the lower half of YM.

Within the field of vision provided by the drone flight, Little Tian’s silhouette was not seen.

Gromp is still alive.

Bang's brain processes the known information quickly.

Lee Sin Level 2 After catching Mid-Lane, clearing the creep line and heading to the lower half, I must brush the Blue Buff. At this time, the calculation time should have risen to Level 3.

I am not brushing Gromp.

The view of the lower river channel arranged by the wolf did not see Lee Sin eating crabs.

One of the two wrong options is eliminated, leaving only three options.

Little Tian uses Sonic Wave to steal the Dragon around the field of vision, recall back to base and purchase equipment with the first blood money he harvested, or use Gank.

Bang glanced at pushing the creep line before, thinking about it a thousand times, and in a short moment, relying on the known information and his excellent sense of smell, he perceives the dangerous aura.

"Little Tian just came to the triangular grass, SKTBottom Lane seemed to realize it and was about to retreat to the rear!"

Remember to be a little nervous, "But this position is a bit too deep, the prophet There is a chance to keep people first!"

The prophet also knows that this is a rare opportunity. Although the SKT duo realized the position, their retreat was slower.

In addition, the Bottom Lane creep line is so long, SKTBottom Lane has no way to withdraw to the tower in time.

The prophet handed over Flash, and the anchor moved towards bang's Ashe hooked away!

Amidst the exclamation, the bangs flashed simultaneously, and the anchor passed between the Cannon Minion pawn and Ashe, without touching anything!

Little Tian was just about to leave the grass, but seeing that the prophet went into the air, immediately gave up the idea of ​​revealing the position, and read the article recall back to base on the spot.

"Ah this..." Jackey was a little surprised.

"My mine!" The prophet also realized that his operation was a bit outrageous at this time, and quickly apologized to teammate.

Lin Ran, who was waiting for Xiao Peanut and Lee Sang-hyeok to push the creep line into Defensive Turret, was free to watch Bottom Lane.

It's really outrageous.

The prophet just Q[Dredge Line] aimed at the Cannon Minion and sucked himself over, and then Flash gave Ashe the passive passive of general attack, and the Garlic King could follow Sonic Wave.

With the slow effect of Jackey Varus and Nautilus E [Riptide], the two flashes are forced to relax, and it can also disable the status of SKTBottom Lane, making it unable to continue to develop.

No matter how you think, you can’t go directly to Flash Qmoved towards people.

The mistake is too big.

This mistake was also discovered in the domestic live broadcast barrage.

[This Nautilus operation I think NMB is outrageous! ]

[The prophet sent his mentality to the burst in the last game? The operation of this round is distorted! ]

[Dredge Line? Unblock the intestines! 】

"It's okay," Jackey controlled the creep line in front of the tower, freeing up time to comfort the prophet, "You can watch Ashe open later."

"...No problem." The prophet pursed his lips and gave feedback.

Jackey controlled the wire there. He had nothing to do. He let go of the hand holding the mouse and wiped the sweat from his nervousness.

He felt dry and dry. When he raised the paper cup and drank the ice water, the camera lens on the screen clearly caught the hands of the prophet trembling.

Mid Lane's creep line was finally pushed into the tower by Xiao Peanut and Lee Sang-hyeok, and Lin Ran started the wonderful tower knife link.

Corki, the hero tower knife, is relatively good. Lin Ran uses the E [Green machine gun] with the Q [phosphorescent bomb] to reduce the HP of the long-range creeps.

Same as before, the melee soldiers waited for Defensive Turret to fight twice before making up; the long-range soldiers that were dealt with were shot down by the Defensive Turret and immediately attacked.

He made up for the two waves of stacked creep lines without missing one.

With the barrage of "good repair", the minions who were killed jumped out of the extracted Gold Coins.

Obviously, only 1Gold Coin reward is given for each hitting knife, but what is going on with an inexplicable sense of refreshment?

Lee Sang-hyeok left Mid-Lane after pushing the creep line. It should be to synthesize Goddess tears.

After recalling back to base, Lin Ran also wanted to go forward to pull the hatred of the Fifth Wave creep line and make another wave of push back lines.

But something happened to Top Lane suddenly.

"Fakerspirituality wandering Top Lane!" Mille said in a hurry, "Does Ryze from HP dare to come to support this?"

From the OB perspective, Lee Sang-hyeok operates After pushing off the Mid-Lane creep line with Peanut, Ryze pretended to recall back to base, but turned his head to lean towards Top Lane.

The goal is Lulu who has handed over Flash before!

Little Tian has been active in the lower half since Level 2, and the field of vision in the upper half is extremely lacking. Only GimGoon himself arranges an eye position in the triangular grass.

This made it too late for him to retreat when he saw Ryze around.

Although he handed over the change sheep in time, Renekton of huni failed to immediately bite W [Ruthless Predator].

But Ryze’s E [spell surge] cooperates with W [rune imprisonment] to hold him firmly in place!

huni recovers from the state of becoming a sheep, and then continues to control the dizziness!

"Lulu without Flash is desperate!"

The South Korean commentary who was also on the scene said with excitement and excitement.

"FakerPlayer successfully accepted this head!"

"Very critical kill!" South Korean commentary could hardly control the smile on his face, "fakerLevel 1 was killed by gank After that, he almost quit the game. This head helped him reconnect!"

Lin Ran had no choice but to push a wave of creep lines, hoping that Lee Sang-hyeok would lose the Fifth Wave creep line.

But Teleport resonant shine, huni came to Mid-Lane to make up the line!

SKT is also one attack, one defense, which stabilizes the previous situation!

"Be steady, wait for me to develop." Lin Ran recalled back to base to replenish the equipment and comfort the teammate by the way.

This round must be won.

The battle of Tianwangshan is no joke.

Whoever wins, the opponent will be one step away from the abyss of ten thousand zhang.

At this time, the psychological pressure will make many Pro Player mentality unbalanced operations deformed.

Lin Ran noticed that the current state of the Prophet is already not far from a full collapse. If this small game loses, the result of the fourth game is destined to be without suspense.

huni cleared the creep line under the Mid-Lane tower, and then recalled back to base and Fakerswitch lanes in place.

Lee Sang-hyeok supplemented item build equipment. Just after leaving Inner Turret, Lin Ran has returned to the line.

"What is it?" Faker was stunned when he saw the Corki equipment.

He didn't stop using the left mouse button to click on Lin Ran's equipment bar.

"Is something wrong?" He didn't know why.

"What is this equipment for Ran?" The doll scratched her chin and was very confused.

A drop of water lies in Lin Ran's equipment bay!

Goddess' Tears!

"Is this going to be Demon Sect?" Remember not sure what Lin Ran is playing.

Since the Corki redo, the Pro Player has been a fixed three-item + Firecannon + Infinity Edge three-piece set, and then supplemented with semi-proof equipment such as Hexdrinker and Mercury Scimitar.

This is the first time you recall back to base, what do you mean by Goddess tears?

(The installation plan of Corki before and after 2017MSI is shown in the figure. Demon Sect Corki made his first appearance in the BO5 of the 2020 LEC Spring Split playoffs against the meat pigeons. The operator is the former European French king Febiven)


Player and commentary do not understand the situation, and the overwhelming majority audience also do not understand.

[I have taken it, this is playing Corki as EZ?

[This is too slow to take shape, right? Demon Sect + three items, when will this be delayed? ]

[Don’t be embarrassed, who said there must be three items? Can't play Iceborn Gauntlet Corki? ]

[Iceborn Gauntlet Corki, right? Then you can play Mid Laner EZ! 】

For Lin Ran, however, the high cost-effectiveness of Demon Sect after forming is the reason he chose this equipment.

You can buy Demon Sect with only 2400 Gold Coin, and the magic cut will soon take shape when Trinity Force is made. The DPS created by the combination of the two is called a burst.

Top Laner Lulu, Jungler Lee Sin and Support Nautilus, YM, the group fight DPS of the three people in the middle and late stages is very low. The group fight depends on Lin Ran and Jackey to provide damage.

So the DPS provided by Moqie is indispensable.

Also, Lin Ran's personal development is still quite smooth now, Demon Sect will not appear to be too slow in the rhythm of item build.

Lin Ran returned to Mid-Lane, relied on his blue volume of Goddess tears, and unscrupulously used skills to push the line.

But Ryze is also in tears at Goddess now, and Lee Sang-hyeok will naturally not give up the line right.

"Mid Laner on both sides is caught in the rhythm of development, now it's up to the Jungler of both sides to drive the rhythm first!"

Xiao Yao stood up, he relied on first blood With the advantage of 400Gold Coin equipment, he boldly invaded YMJungle, and squatted in the grass of SKT's front beak bird to pass by the little peanut who wanted to red BUFF for nearly 7 minutes!

After Lee Sin hangs on the Sonic Wave on the screen, he uses the slow E skill to cut Elise and cut his HP continuously!

"It's almost, it's almost!" Mille looked at the little peanut who had only 100 blood left to escape to the middle of Second Turret, and he suffocated the cheer in her mouth, with a look of regret.

I didn't kill Elise, and Xiao Xi didn't dare to reverse the red BUFF that was just refreshed-SKTBottom Lane has the right to push the line and will definitely be the first to support it later.

But Little Tian definitely can't go back empty-handed.

"Come and eat his F6!" Little Tian beat all the five little birds into residual blood, and then called Lin Ran.

Lin Ran looked a little far away, and directly moved W【Valkyrie dive】to the past, a Q【phosphorescent bomb】cooperating with R【Rocket strikes】 super missiles will all 6 birds into the bag.

"I'm Gan!" Little Tian looked at the empty Fengbei Bird Camp, and only felt like crying without tears.

"I let you eat the little bird, you eat my big..." Little Tian said and realized that it was wrong, and quickly changed the conversation, "Why did you eat all F6?"


Lin Ran, who was in a skill vacuum, was beaten by faker, and his HP dropped by half.

"Don't you just eat your group of wild monsters?" He said, "At worst, you ate the F6 at home, and I am the right to compensate you."

"???" Little Tian was full of question marks, "The group of wild monsters at home originally belonged to me, why did you compensate me?"

"Don't call it," Lin Ran turned on the Green machine gun. Another missile cleared the creep line. "This round I developed a carry game. I will give you 13 credits, okay?"

"Come on playing Dragon, Mountain Drake is still very useful." Lin Ran Call on Little Tian to control map resources.

It just happened to be the Twelfth wave creep line. Due to the shelter of Little Tian in the flank front beak bird camp, Lee Sang-hyeok did not dare to push the line too fast.

This caused the Cannon Minion pawn to be pushed out by Lin Ran first, he was liberated, and Lee Sang-hyeok could only stop under the tower and continue to deal with the creep line.

"SKT was a bit late, and Peanut had just walked out of the Inner Turret, this dragon must be given to YM!"

Mille leans forward slightly.

Fire flashes out, and gorgeous lines appear in the Dragon's Pit rock wall!

"The next one is Infernal Drake!" He clenched his fist hard, "YM continues to control Dragon, and the team composition of SKT is not strong until later!"

Just finished playing. Dragon, Lin Ran return to Mid-Lane and continue to eat the newly renewed creep line.

The Bottom Lane duo was seized by SKT.

Bang stuck at the 6th hour, and a magic Inhibitor arrow hits the prophet!

Then the wolf operated the Karma W spirit chain to tie Nautilus to Nautilus, and Ignite hung on him!

"The prophet, Kite, has made some mistakes!"

The three LPL commentaries on the stage were a little anxious. Brush the shield of the holy thing!"

GimGoon of Top Lane is still torturing huni frantically.

Renekton did not have enough bursts in front of Lulu to kill him in seconds. In terms of consumption, long-handed Lulu is not afraid of short-handed Renekton at all.

GimGoon operates Lulu while consuming it and sends out a nasty taunt.

"Little Tian's strategy in this round was quite successful." I remember looking at the data panel. It is now nearly 10 minutes. After the death of the prophet Bottom Lane, the two sides did not break out.

"He has reached the limit of Little Peanut," Mille echoed nodded on the side. "If you want to limit the brainless Turret combination of Renekton + Elise, the key point is not Renekton, but Elise."

"Little Tian has been drilling SKTJungle after reaching Level 6, as long as he finds the position of Little Peanut, GimGoon of Top Lane can do it with confidence and boldness!"

"Ran has now taken out the Demon Sect. The key point is the next Trinity Force." The doll watched Corki successfully make up for the hundredth dollar, and the extracted 350Gold Coin reward jumped out, "The extraction exploded. , So Ran should have a lot of economy in his hands."

"Little Tian, ​​this is going to change to the meat directly," Mille laughed, "He is really sensible, and directly put his Jungle Let it out!"

Lin Ran, who owns Demon Sect, has been able to clean up the creep line quite fast. It will be a while before the next wave of creeps converge to Mid-Lane after pushing the creep line.

Lin Ran will not waste naturally, Little Tian decisively gave up all his wild monsters.

Lin Ran casts the first explosive package he just picked up by recall back to base, and the ultra-long distance [Special Express] allows him to fly all the way from the Red BUFF camp to his Ghost Statue camp.

He drove the Grim machine gun, from the Ghost Statue to the front beak bird, and from the three wolves to the Gromp.

A group of wild monsters did not leave Little Tian left.

Looking at the wild monsters that originally belonged to him, they turned into Gold Coin and entered Lin Ran's pocket, feeling that their heart was dripping blood.

No way.

You can’t just let yourself be disgusted.

"How about let’s go to Jungle who fights against Peanuts together?" The Garlic King suggested, "The robbed monsters are divided into three to seven."

Lin Ran and him hit it off. Under the cover of, Little Tian arranged Jungle's field of vision to SKT Frontbeak Bird and Three Wolf Camp, just waiting to catch Little Peanut.

Lee Sang-hyeok's Ryze took advantage of the time when YMMid & Jungler went to Jungle to arrange the field of vision, opened Ultimate and went straight to Bottom Lane!

With Elise from Peanuts, SKT came with a four pack of two, using Karma R+E's group shield to successfully kill YMBottom Lane.

"It's okay, it's okay right away." Lin Ran relieved the teammate, and then ruthlessly ate the biggest sharp-beaked bird, leaving the 5 little birds for Little Tian to digest slowly.

"Wait for my Tri Force to take over the group, group fight Protect Me! is fine."

The Gold Coin on his body has already made bee stings and glare. Trinity Force is no more than 1500Gold Coin.

"Ran, Corki is developing very smoothly!" Mille lightly sighed in relief after seeing Lin Ran's compensation.

“The number of hits in 15 minutes is as high as 175. He has eaten up all his Jungle camps in addition to farming. This economic amount is definitely ahead."

"And small Peanut takes YMBottom Lane again!"

The prophet just went online, and a cocoon flew out of the grass after a tower!

The white spider web trapped him, and Ryze and Elise appeared again.

Four packs of two again!

But this time Jackey ran very fast. Double summon plus Ultimate [Chain of Corruption] were all handed over, and the residual blood successfully ran back to Second Turret.

But the prophet was not so lucky, and the head was taken by bang again.

"SKT is about to push down the Bottom Lane tower and get the second Infernal Drake!"

However, Lin Ran has not been free during this period, and spent 4 After a gap of minutes, Corki's second explosive pack has been Cooldown.

Lin Ran went straight to Top Lane with the help of the movement speed bonus provided by the explosive pack.

huni doesn't know if his brain is short-circuited, he seems to think he can guard this Defensive Turret alone, but he does not leave.

Where did Little Tian have seen such a person.

Soon, it came up with a left heavy kick, a right whip leg, and a left jab.

Lee Sin of Muay Thai didn't talk about martial arts at all. RQQ kicked Renekton to the wall!

Lin Ran dropped the dynamite bag and dashed forward, leaping over two walls to huni!

"Leave the head to Brother Ran!" Little Tian reminded him quickly for fear that GimGoon would be ignorant.

The old score slave GimGoon naturally knows who the father is in this game of YM. He can't wait to transfer the Gold Coin WeChat in his backpack to Lin Ran!

Lin Ran fired a super missile to take away the crocodile Fizz's head and unplug the SKT Top Lane tower!

"Ran took advantage of Xiao Peanut's gap in the Dragon to clean up the first half of SKT Jungle!"

After that, the two sides switched lines, SKT rolled a big snowball on Bottom Lane, and pushed one after another. Drop the three outer towers of YM!

The two rhythmic Junglers have completed the preliminary tasks. SKT leads the 2.5K economy. At this time, Little Tian brought the prophet to arrange his vision everywhere in an attempt to control the map resources.

The time comes to 20 minutes, the third Dragon, and the second Infernal Drake of this game, will be refreshed soon.

"Ran is already Demon Sect + Tri Force + Mercury's Treads + attack speed dagger in hand, Demon Sect will be full soon, and the strong period is coming!"

Mille look The two sides on the screen orderly arranged their vision around the little Dragon's Pit.

"Lulu is also the Holy Grail +incense burner in hand, GimGoon didn't even buy shoes, so he forcibly collected two big pieces to fight this wave of group fights!"

Lin Ran Recall back to base after inserting a bunch of accessories with teammate.

A minute and a half ago, the third explosive pack had been refreshed, but Lin Ran never picked it up.

He knows that this wave of Infernal Drake is very important.

For 60 seconds, Cooldown 4 minutes of explosives package, if you have used it before, this wave of group fights will not be refreshed.

He deliberately kept it until now.

This can maximize revenue.

"Preparing to open the dragon, I will be there soon."

Lin Ran casts the skill stack Demon Sect while rushing out of the Fountain. Finally, after the first missile is cast, the magic cut appears. !

Now, it's my turn!

"Kite everyone at SKT heard the sound of Corki picking up the dynamite bag and was a lot more cautious, but if they continue like this, if they continue to give in, they are equivalent to hand over the little Dragon's Pit!"

YM wants to take advantage of the terrain of the Red Team at Dragon to get everyone from SKT out of Dragon's Pit!

"This group is going to be picked up, otherwise we will not have a good chance of winning after the Corki equipment is updated!" Lee Sang-hyeok kept communicating with teammate in the team voice!

"Little Tian uses Sonic Wave to enter Dragon's Pit, and it breaks the dragon!"

Lin Ran passed by Jungle, "Prophet, you will protect me later, if there is any deviation, you Get in front of me first!"

"No problem!" This task is very simple for the prophet.

"Everyone in SKT wants to compete for this Infernal Drake!"

"It is true, if this Infernal Drake is eaten by SKT again, double Infernal Drake provides 16% The physical and legal DPS will be the best weapon for them to procrastinate!"

"I'm stuck with them, you give me all the protection skills!" Lin Ran finally rushed to the scene!

Lin Ran adjust the angle, press the W key!

You have a special express!

Kutcher issued an angry roar, and the explosive package was thrown out!

The heroic bombardier flies in the air with flames billowing under him!

"Corki's explosives package directly blocked the little Dragon's Pit!" Mille was anxious. "YM wants to control Infernal Drake first and then consider the long-term plan!"

Due to the explosives package being cast The road was closed, Lin Ran was also exposed to everyone in SKT at this time!

"Shield shield shield!" Lin Ran amplifies the volume!

Lulu gives two skills, W and E, and the attack speed effect given by the incense burner in an instant is very good!

Lee Sang-hyeok EW starts to imprison Lin Ran!

But Lin Ran didn’t care, turned on the Green machine gun, triggered the Trinity Force passive, and knocked out the wolf’s nearly 13 HP in one shot!

Renekton rolls forward, W [Ruthless Predator] prepares to stun Lin Ran!

At the moment Renekton bit him, Lin Ran immediately handed over Cleanse!

After releasing control, he threw a missile and hit Renekton, and then another shot hit Karma!

wolfimmediately sets himself a shield, but still can’t hold DPS!

Little Peanut originally thought that the teammate could control Lin Ran, but he held the cocoon in his hand and didn't make it.

At this time, he looked at Corki, who was still shaking his head DPS, and finally couldn't help it, and made a move!

Lin Ran has been vigilant against SKT's several controls when operating Corki to shake his head to play the armor piercing effect of the Green machine gun.

He said before that he would let the prophets help him block skills.

But Lin Ran did not intend to fully trust the prophet whose status is obviously problematic.

He saw Elise cocooning and throwing it out, and immediately handed over W [Valkyrie Dive]!

Corki passed by at low altitude!

The magic Inhibitor arrow shot by Ashe was avoided by Lin Ran Flash!

"Pretty! RAN perfectly avoided SKT's first wave of control!"

Furthermore, the Flash of Lin Ran aimed at the front side!

He wants to continue DPS!

GimGoon is stuck at the limit distance and gives Ultimate!

Get bigger soon!

Simultaneously, both SKT Shangsuke were shot and flew in midair!

The prophet, who reacted two beats slowly, followed in Lin Ran's footsteps at this time.

He is no longer stingy with skills.

Flash left Dragon's Pit, R [Abyss Diving] aimed at bang!

The shock wave was smashed into the ground by the anchor, and moved towards Ashe rushed away!

Lin Ran without the slightest hesitation, taking advantage of the gap where SKT's upper assistant was knocked into the air, the phosphorescent bomb was thrown out!

After that, he followed up with a general attack, and pointed the finger at Karma!

"My old swan! What kind of DPS is this!"

"The damage of this magic cut Corki is too exaggerated! Karma is as crisp as paper in front of him!"

"Corki is simply the monster of Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain!"

Amidst the unbelievable exclamation of the commentary and the audience, Karma's blood bar, which was half blood left, evaporated instantly!

"Ran alone took SKT's four control skills and killed the wolf in the army! What kind of operation is this!"

Nautilus Ultimate blasted Renekton into the air. With Ashe!

Lin Ran took the opportunity to shoot super missiles!

Ashe HP becomes disabled instantly!

"Withdrawal!" Lee Sang-hyeok, like his teammate, didn't expect Corki to take out the magic cut to usher in his strong period at this time!

While commanding the retreat, he overpowered Lin Ran.

But under Lulu's meticulous protection, Lin Ran drove a dynamite pack for a thousand yards, and he just had 13 blood left!

"Renekton doesn't have Nautilus to continue hooking! Huni can't get off!"

"SKT Shangshou both died in battle!"

The remaining SKT The three fled in a hurry. Fortunately, Lin Ran HP didn't have many skills, so he didn't continue to pursue them.

But this Infernal Drake was accepted by Little Tian!

Lin Ran led the team towards Dragon's Pit, YM sounded the counterattack horn!

From this moment on, offense and defense are reversed!

The heroic bomber Kutcher, ready to take off at any time!

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