"Ekko's words..." Zeyuan on the commentary seat glanced at the team composition of both sides, "Then Mid & Jungler's early offensive ability on YM is quite a burst."

Camile +Lee Sin +Ekko, the three melee heroes need damage and damage, control and control, and there is no shortage of displacement, and there are too many rushing skills.

As far as RW’s Mid & Jungler matchup is, it’s not enough in front of YM!

Han Yi's complexion was so gloomy that water dripped.

Normally speaking, after changing the fist to the 5ban mechanism, the Red Team takes the disadvantage of the first round of BP-after all, to disable the version of the strong hero, there is no right to first choose.

The second round Red Team will have certain advantages, mainly in the first round of the second round and the counter position.

In this way, the overall situation is first inferior and then superior, which is also in line with the fist's balance plan.

But in this round of BP, he lost terribly in the Blue Team.

Even from the perspective of a neutral audience, you can see that there is a gap between the team composition of the two parties. As a party, Han Yi is very clear:

Redmi can be in the Red Team Play BP as a full advantage, use the 3rd ban in the first round to create pressure for his first choice, and then get the swing role in the fourth and fifth selections to pave the way for the counter position.

It's perfect.

Han Yi sighed and patted Doinb on the shoulder, indicating that he was leaning on him for this game.

Then he took off his earphones in his constipated expression on Mid Laner, and went to the center of the stage to shake hands with Redmi.

The team composition of both parties is as follows.

Blue Team RW: Top Laner Maokai, Jungler Kha'Zix, Mid Laner Viktor, Bottom Lane Varus +Tahm Kench.

Red Team YM: Top Laner Camile, Jungler Lee Sin, Mid Laner Ekko, Bottom Lane EZ+Thresh.

【YM team composition is too flexible, right? In addition to the full-band displacement of Support Thresh, can I add Lantern to the sky? ]

[The double carry of hahaha RW doesn’t even have a displacement, just like a pig’s nose. I can imagine the plot later]

[Slow down the shark, slow down the shark I beg you wu wu wu...]

Lin Ran’s main system electrocution plus the minion weapon in the sub system enlightenment column and [Perfect Timing]. At the same time, I took a look at the rune column of Doinb on the opposite side— -The main system of witchcraft comet + sub system of red Sovereign system.

This set of rune only provides magic power, which is still very crisp.

There is nothing to do. Viktor go mid is single and impossible with a firm grip of immortality. Although Doinb likes to play with Ap Carry, he is not mindless, so he is very mindful. Heal technique was used to relieve the pressure that Ekko might be shot by Ekko during the laning phase.

Ten heroes descended on both sides of the Summoners Rift. Lin Ran bought the killing ring + reusable Potion and went out, making it clear that he didn't think his opponent could pose a threat to him.

When Doinb came to the upper river channel, he happened to see Ekko swinging a Z-drive resonance that looked like a baseball bat. He glanced at the equipment bar subconsciously, and suddenly hated gnash the teeth.

Is it installed?

"The opposite Jungler should be start blue in the upper half," Little Tian tried to say in the team's voice, "You Bottom Lane counseled a little in the early stage, I will help the middle and upper."

The little man's brain has not been used before. It must be easy to use. Although Top Lane Maokai has a hard control and is very convenient to cooperate with Jungle, how can you think that the strength of RW's Mid & Jungler has to be thrown away by YM by two levels.

And the key point is the Jungle support speed. YMEkko and Camile can easily cross the wall. I don’t know where the mobility is higher than that of Maokai and Viktor!

If you grab Top Lane, you will probably be squatted back. If you swipe from the bottom up, you may be invaded by Jungle...

Thinking about this, it’s better to let A Guang resist the pressure. , The little husband started with the Blue Buff in the upper half of his hand and swept all the way down.

After all, Bottom Lane has Varus, and the line right is still guaranteed.

Even though the two Jungles didn't test the enemy's opening route, they knew each other well.

Lin Ran operates Ekko to Mid-Lane, and the creep line towards RW is a Q [Time Curler]. The golden-yellow special effect of Sand of Time Skin is attached to Viktor.

But DoinbHP was not consumed. He used Q [Siphon Power] to hit the melee creeps and offset the damage with the shield provided.

Then he moved to Kite to the side and successfully pulled away to avoid Ekko's pull back Q.

Before the evolution E [Death Ray], Viktor's line pushing ability was not as good as Ekko's. Moreover, Xiao Si on the other side still took Lee Sin, who had a strong gank ability in the early stage, and Doinb naturally did not dare to make a second.

He wanted to control the creep line to develop slowly in front of the tower, but the arrival of the third wave of Cannon Minion soldiers changed the position of the Mid-Lane creep line to Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The 6 minion weapons in this version can be used 155 seconds from the start of the game, which is 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

This is obviously the time designed by the fist, because Mid-Lane's first wave of Cannon Minion pawns intersected at 2 minutes and 37 seconds.

In other words, Lin Ran can directly use the small weapon to kill the first wave of Cannon Minion soldiers.

As a result, the strength of the creep line facing the two armies instantly tilted, and the redundant Cannon Minion soldiers on the YM side pushed the creep line down the Doinb tower in an irreversible posture.

But Doinb can do nothing!

He could only watch Ekko rise to Level 3 and finish eating the creeps, then turned his head and ran to Top Lane.

It's over.

Doinb cut the screen and took a look at the creep line of Top Lane.

Because A Kuang had some time to help the young man open the field in the early stage, and he didn't dare to push the line when his own Jungler was not there, the Top Lane creep line is now advancing under his tower.

GimGoon Camile Kite also approached forward, preventing Aguang’s Maokai from harassing the creep line.

YM, this obviously wants 3 Turret to reproduce the rhythm of the previous game!

Doinb is still trying his best to clean up the Cannon Minion creep line under the tower. If he has not dealt with the Cannon Minion soldiers under the tower before the next wave of creep line arrives at 3:07, the creep line cannot be reset. To the center, there will even be a wave of slow push lines advancing towards the YM tower.

"Can you hold on to Mouse?" he asked.

This is just a symbolic greeting that's all.

Doinb knew that he could never go to Top Lane for support. First, because the creep line had not been cleaned up, going to Top Lane would make him feel uncomfortable.

Second, because the husband is not there, he goes to Top Lane alone to go through Jungle. He is a short-legged Viktor. Once caught by YMMid & Jungler, he will die.

A Guang was very angry when he heard his greeting from Mid Laner.

Are you kidding me? You teach me how to survive?

“RW doesn’t seem to have any precautions,” Zeyuan’s words from God’s perspective were a bit of excitement to leave work early, “YM is a very simple Mimic, three people catch it!”


"Aguang is still struggling," Rita looked at Maokai who was lonely under the tower, and couldn't help but sympathize. "This treatment is too miserable!"

But it's useless, Level 2 Maokai In the face of Mid & Jungler on YM who have all been upgraded to Level 3, there is no room for manipulation at all.

Lin Ran used the shield provided by W[Parallel Convergence] to successfully resist the tower, and finally used E[Phase Dive] to hit the third ring to receive the head, and leave the Defensive Turret range with acceleration.

He took another look at Mid-Lane. Viktor did not upgrade the Hex core in the early stage, and the speed of spawning and clearing was really slow. At this time, the creep line was still stagnant in the center.

Lin Ran simply walked back to Mid-Lane, with E【Phase Dive】existing. Ekko climbed the wall quite easily in Jungle.

Returning to Mid-Lane just caught a wave of creep lines, Lin Ran equivalent to no loss at all, earned 400 yuan in vain.

Doinb's heart is pounding, he let go of the mouse, wiped two hands on the warm baby beside him, and wiped off the sweat from his hands.

The opponent's ability to seize opportunities is too strong, he feels like a stake in Mid-Lane.

"The young man took advantage of this time to brush the Gromp of Jungle in the second half of YM, but couldn't find any chance to threaten Bottom Lane..."

Lin Ran slowly controlled the creep line, he didn't use skills, but let his blue volume slowly recover. When the 6th wave of soldiers arrived in Mid-Lane, he used a small weapon again.

The Cannon Minion pawn was seckilled again. Lin Ran finished the creep line with the two Qs, rose to Level 5 and then walked to Top Lane.

Leave Doinb alone under the tower against a large wave of Cannon Minion soldiers!

"Here again!" Zeyuan exclaimed, "Brother Ran will aim at Maokai again, Doinb is still hanging up in Mid-Lane!"

Aguang has this time Alert, the retreat was fast, but YMMid & Jungler was still caught by YMMid & Jungler in a position between Second Turret.

Little Tian touched his eyes to get close to the distance, Eheavenly thunder broke and slowed down, Lin Ran and GimGoon bullied him, even if Aguang handed over Flash, it was useless, and was instantly killed by the YM three!

"This time Aguang does not have a Teleport to make up the line. If he goes online on foot after his resurrection, he will lose two waves of soldiers!"

"Two bins!" Rita also I was very excited, "Ran's use of the minion deweighting device is very subtle, using the advantage of obliterating the Cannon Minion pawn, Turret kills Top Laner Maokai twice in a row!"

6 waves of pawns, Aguang only made up At $18, this means that more than half of the creeps were missed. A Guang is now ashen-faced, and the whole person is not sunny, as if wearing a mask of pain.

[He doesn't laugh anymore wu wu wu...]

[YM brings evil people! S6world Sai Aguang can laugh, and now he is crying, it’s their fault no matter how you think it is]

[If you can laugh after being killed like this, I suggest you check your bank account instead of buying a BO Cai I don’t believe it]

"The little man came to Bottom Lane to gank, but Jackey picked Lantern and escaped easily. RW was not given a chance to kill himself at all!"

Jackey and Liu Qiusong realized the significance of Redmi choosing this Bottom Lane combination for them.

EZ+Thresh, as long as you don't send it intentionally, you can't die at all, even if Jungler comes, it's useless.

He seems to have expected RW to attack Bottom Lane in the first round of BP.

Despite being pushed all the time, at least there is no life worry. Jackey is sighed in relief, and when he recalls back to base, he cuts to the screen to watch the operation of his Mid Laner big brother, and later group fight he shouts behind him Amazing will do.

Lin Ran stayed in Top Lane autistic bushes to recall back to base after killing A Guang. He ate two heads and 6 waves of creep line. Gold Coin was just enough for him to buy Hextech revolver+ boots of speed +Vision Ward.

Handing over Teleport and returning to the line again, Doinb is still struggling to clean up the creep line.

This is the embarrassing point of Viktor. If you don't bring Teleport, the first recall back to base must be enough to upgrade the economy of Hex Technology's core, or the rhythm will explode.

In the 6.14 version, the price of Viktor's first technology core upgrade became 1250, and it has not yet received a callback.

This means that under normal farming conditions, Viktor needs a full 9 waves of creep lines plus the salary paid by the system to make up this Gold Coin.

Doinb can only stand strong and continue to play in Mid-Lane.

But Lin Ran didn't want him to do what he wanted, so he used the displacement of E【Phase Dive】to keep pressing forward and send out an invitation to exchange blood.

This recall back to base time difference makes Doinb very uncomfortable, because he has been struggling to quickly clear troops with his skills in order to prevent Mid-Lane from forming a push back creep line.

As a result, his blue volume is not too much. If he exchanges blood with Lin Ran, it will be very difficult to farm later.

And the lack of blue means the complete loss of line authority. Doinb has learned the lessons of the first two waves. If the opponent gets stuck in the 9th wave of Cannon Minion pawns reaching Mid-Lane, he will use the minion weapon to push the line. What to do if you wander?

He retreated decisively and called the little husband to help him push the line.

Lin Ran saw the silhouette of the little husband Kha'Zix appearing in Mid-Lane, and curled up his mouth proudly, "Get ready to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!"

From the perspective of God Zeyuan’s tone has several points of surprise, “Little Tian is going to Top Lane again, they are going to catch A Guang and kill them all the time!”

Lin Ran cheated on the position of the husband, and Jungler showed his head. , Little Tian can continue to attack Top Lane.

The two of GimGoon and the Garlic Head are facing a level 4 Maokai that hasn’t flashed. They hardly need to use their heads. Although Aguang uses W [twisted stab] to avoid GimGoon’s wall and reverts to dizziness, Immediately after, Xiao Si's Sonic Wave made a successful hit.

The two used hard damage to send Ah Guang back to Fountain.

Maokai's record has been refreshed again, coming to 030!

But Doinb is finally sighed in relief. The young man helped push out the creep line, allowing him to recall back to base smoothly. He upgraded the core of Hextech. After E [Death Ray] has evolved, Viktor’s The line cleaning capability is finally guaranteed.

"Wait for my C and wait for my C!" Doinb came to the spirit, "Everyone just keep it steady!"

A Guang's lips squirmed, and he stopped talking. For the sake of the team atmosphere, Did not say what was in his heart.

I'm already 030. The single line is 6 minutes Level 4. Later this Camile can kill me by Turret alone. How can I be stable?

Mid Laner won’t come to help, Jungle won’t come to squat, am I an orphan, am I?

He glanced at the Maokai he was operating, and he was very sad.

Is it EDG or RW? Why am I so familiar?

Quick and cold, when will Maokai stand up?

"Hey, GimGoon did not recall back to base, but was rushing to Mid-Lane..." Zeyuan looked at the screen given by the director, unable to suppress his inner surprise, "He is going to intercept Kill Viktor!"

Although they didn't get Viktor's equipment information, Lin Ran and GimGoon knew very well that Doinb only had the economy to upgrade the core of Hextech.

This also means that Viktor does not have any ability to increase the value of life, the HP limit of Level 6 Viktor is less than 900, and the dual resistance is not more than 30.

And there is no displacement, it is better than ADC.

GimGoon crouched in the grass above the Turret wall in RW. The moment Doinb appeared, Hookshot climbed the wall, and the second section of the wall used the extended distance when aiming at hero and crossed the wall. Go straight to Doinb!

"Viktor reacted very quickly, immediately hand in Flash to avoid the wall and return!"

Amid Zeyuan’s loud roar, Camile jumped in midair, sharp legs facing Viktor The top of the head, hack away!

Hextech Ultimatum!

Lin Ran enters the tower E flash QA hits damage, slows Doinb while stacking two passive loops.

"DoinbHeal accelerated and tried to open the distance, but was hit by a tactical sweep and couldn't run at all!"

Lin Ran also had a pair of boots of speed on his body, and he managed to get close to the distance. Knock it down to make a three ring, Ekko sprints like flying in an instant!

"GimGoon and other precise etiquette preparation time is over, A picks up and directly harvests Doinb's head!"

The little man finally rushed to the battlefield at this time, and operated Kha'Zix E to skip The wall also wants to reap heads.

But the YM upper and middle two did not flinch, and continued to stand in place with him.

Flawless was stunned for a moment, and he was sure that he had no problems with sight and hearing—Ekko did not cast W [Parallel Convergence].

Do you dare to fight me?

With the help of Defensive Turret, the husband is very confident.

But when he was trying to kill Ekko, RW Fengbeak shot a Sonic Wave from the slope of the camp!

With the help of a section length wall, when the skills are exposed in front of the husband, he has no time to dodge!

"Xiaoyan rushed to the battlefield! Very timely support!"

Rita completely substituted herself into the first perspective of the on-site Player. Her heart was extremely excited, mainly because she stood in God The angle of view does not look at the minimap, the fog of war is open and not open, and everything that appears off the screen feels novel.

"Kha'Zix is ​​dangerous now!"

The second stage Resonating Strike keeps up, and the Garlic King hits out the electric shock, and the husband's HP drops to 13 instantly!

Lin Ran's residual blood crosses R【Time and Space Break】, while recovering HP, reset the Defensive Turret hatred by using the unselectable state.

"The little husband handed over Flash, but Lee Sin followed up with his eyes, and AEA accepted the Kha'Zix head!"

The cheers of the audience gathered together like thunder Blooming!

"This wave is over, RW completely collapsed," Sawamoto said with joy, "GimGoon's raid on Mid-Lane this time caused Doinb and Xiaofu to break the rhythm directly."

"Go to Bottom Lane, go to Bottom Lane!" Lin Ran watched Asura and the prophet dared to take the soldiers, and decisively led the people down.

"I'll go straight back, you go." GimGoon didn't want to let A Guang develop in Top Lane, he still had to continue his own suppression.

"Wait for me, I'll be fine." The Garlic King glanced at his experience bar. During this time, he not only gained head experience when arresting people, but also rubbed a lot of creep lines. At this time, experience The article is about to fill up.

Xiao Yan picked up RW's front beak bird, and the moment he handed over Smite to eat the big bird, the Lee Sin he operated successfully rose to Level 6!

"YM’s four packs of two, Asura and the prophet are inevitable!"

The prophet’s Tahm Kench has not yet reached Level 6, and there is no R [Abyss Diving], he The two of Asura and Asura are short legs without displacement. The Bottom Lane creep line is so long that it can't escape in time.

Lin Ran used the Q [time curler] to put on the slowing effect, the garlic king ba Sonic Wave successfully hit Varus, and when the second Q kick passed, the prophet swallowed Asura into his mouth.

But Little Tian was already well, seeing Varus being swallowed by Tahm Kench, he immediately inserted the Vision Ward he carried, and touched his eyes to deceive the prophet Flash.

Then gathered his whole body strength on his right foot, R Flash successfully kicked Tahm Kench into the arms of the YMBottom Lane duo!

"Brother Ran fights the tower against the full DPS, and finally picked up the Lantern dropped by Liu Qiusong and evacuated from the Defensive Turret range!"

In the silent voice of the RW team, there was a lot of noise. It looks particularly harsh.

Doinb's girlfriend can't hide the disappointment. She rushed to Qingdao today to support her. Didn't expect to catch up with the day trip on the same day.

I haven't had time to eat Qingdao ribs rice, and I haven't tasted the prawns. Corki will have to go back to Shanghai at night?

"Let's delay, we can still fight." Doinb is still conscientiously comforting teammate.

He really wants to win.

But helpless strength does not allow.

The game time came to 10 minutes. Doinb operated Viktor just finished eating his own Jungler's Three Wolves. He returned to Mid-Lane and was about to make up for the creep line that Lin Ran pushed forward. The mutation was suddenly born.

"Brother Ran made an ambush ahead of time. He used E [Phase Dive] to cross the walls of the Fengbei Bird Camp, push and push the stick to get closer, and knock one stick on top of Viktor's head!"

Doinb panicked and hurriedly arranged W[Gravity Field] under his feet, but then he saw a time field appeared under his feet!

It is Ekko's W [Parallel Convergence]!

At this time, Lin Ran handed over Q [Time Curler] and hung up the slow speed, then knocked out a stick to hit the three rings to trigger acceleration, and easily escape the range of Viktor's gravity field.

"Doinb doesn't have Flash," Rita's voice was a little sharp in anxious state, "Is this going to play solo?"

Lin Ran originally wanted to go to Bottom after pushing the line Lane supported it, but didn't expect Doinb to return to Mid-Lane when his blue amount and HP were not full, and the number of hits increased by 4 at the same time.

He reacted instantly, Doinb was obviously the three wolves who had eaten the husband.

Lin Ran was standing in the front beak bird camp in the lower half of RW, while Doinb ate the three wolves, and the information revealed was obvious.

The little husband’s Kha'Zix is ​​on the sideline and definitely not in Mid-Lane-otherwise Jungle will not generally tolerate his Mid Laner in front of his NTR monsters in 10 minutes, unless Mid Laner is bad. This Gold Coin makes equipment.

Little Tian has such a high tolerance for Jungle, Lin Ran can't do such a thing, even more how little husband?

Lin Ran, who learned this information, acted decisively. No one in this bowl can save Doinb, and this Viktor must die!

Doinb stepped on the gravity field set by him, and felt that he had a chance to survive, but Lin Ran triggered W [Parallel Convergence] to stun him, and immediately withdrew from the Defensive Turret range to avoid hatred.

I’m not in a hurry.

Top Lane Aguang’s Maokai was guarded by GimGoon, and Teleport couldn’t come down at all. Lin Ran didn’t know how this Viktor without Flash would run.

The stun time provided by Parallel Convergence is 2.25 seconds, while the Viktor gravity field lasts only 4 seconds.

When Doinb recovered from the dizziness, the gravity field disappeared simultaneously, and Lin Ran swung the bat forward again!

Viktor finally died under the tower, Lin Ran used R [Time and Space Break] to evade Defensive Turret's attack again!

The whole process of this solo kill is unpretentious, and there is no need to even look back carefully.

But ruthlessly destroyed RW's final confidence.

The only Big Daddy Mid Laner who can be counted on was knocked to death under the tower, how can this be played?

In 11 minutes, Xiaosao used the harvested Rift Herald to level the Mid-Lane Tower. At the same time, GimGoon completed a single kill on Top Lane.

So far RW has collapsed across the board, and Mid & Jungler on YM has completely played the expected effect of this strong combination.

The RW three-way outer towers are all broken in 16 minutes, and the economic gap is as high as 5K!

But at the end of the laning period, RW’s team composition came into full play. Viktor and Varus have a strong ability to consume creep lines. YM has no way to threaten the opponent’s Defensive. Turret.

In this case, you can only rely on GimGoon to open the situation with a single belt on the side, but the way to win this way is relatively slow.

During the period Doinb pushed out the creep line, he was eating wild monsters. Three wolves and Fengbeak were his favorites.

The two groups of wild monsters are 200Gold Coin. In the case that YM has been unable to expand its advantage, Doinb's economy is catching up quickly, and the perfect Hextech core, Lich Bane and Cooldown are quickly made. shoe.

However, the drawbacks of this are also obvious. The little man who has nothing to eat has completely become a tool for arranging his vision, with only the lonely warrior Jungler knife, burning Taric and Vision Ward on his body.

Until 26 minutes, the four of the two sides were still facing each other.

Liu Qiusong and Jackey discussed in advance, he saw the opportunity to threw away the hook, Shiba Inu stuck in time and used Q [Secret Skill Shooting] to kill the soldiers who were in front of the hook!

The green hook carried the soul energy through the corpse of the soldier, and successfully hit Tahm Kench operated by the prophet!

"Lights! Lights!" The garlic head shouted.

Liu Qiusong throws Lantern backwards, and then triggers the second stage Q to fly up!

Little Tian opened W [Safeguard] first touched Lantern, and then Liu Qiusong took off to the middle of the RW crowd!

"Varus handed over Ultimate and wanted to trap Liu Qiusong..."

Liu Qiusong suddenly handed over Flash before Ze Yuan's voice, bringing his distance closer forward 400 yards!

Although he still hit Varus's Chain of Corruption, he brought Xiaoyan forward and got close to the RWdouble carry!

As a result, the displacement distance of Lee Sin, the king of garlic, has already broken through 1,500 yards.

In the perspective of God, he spanned the entire screen, and the director barely kept up with the movement of YMJungler & Support!

Amidst the screams of thousands of people in the Guoxin Diamond Rank Stadium, Little Tian stored his whole body strength on his right foot, volleyed vigorously and at the same time handed over Flash, moved behind Doinb, the whole process was swift. Extremely!

The Raptors swing their tails!

Viktor, who couldn't react enough, was kicked out of the RW formation and knocked off Asura's Varus at an extremely tricky angle!

"What kind of operation is this?!" Zeyuan clenched his fists in excitement, "YM Shimoye three people played a perfect match!"

"Tahm Kench was Thresh Flay I brushed it back and failed to immediately swallow the teammate!"

The prophet had already handed over Flash immediately to protect the teammate, but it was too late.

Lin Ran EQA swings a stick again, knocks out the three rings and cooperates with Jackey's precise barrage and occult shooting, directly filling Viktor in seconds!

"Doinb is down!" Rita yelled, "Only the stunted Varus is left. RW can't stop YM's offensive at all!"

The most economical and most luxuriously equipped Mid Laner Viktor was killed, and the remaining group fight crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, although Liu Qiusong was killed by the fire, but 1 for 4 is enough for YM to accept this Baron Nashor!

[Hey, Lee Sin is too ruthless]

[The champion Skin is playing with you? ]

[Send the poisoned coin back home with one kick]

[The hook that Liu Qiusong and Jackey cooperated was not noticed? 】

After owning Baron Nashor BUFF, YM's push Turrets speed has been improved by several grades. There is no way for RWdouble carry to take the enhanced minions.

Doinb, who has not been resurrected, doesn't want to watch YM move forward step by step, closing his eyes and feeling sore.

Little Tian's kick was too cruel, kicking directly on his heart.

The moraleless RW couldn't stop YM's advancing rhythm at all. In 31 minutes, Lin Ran and the four teammates were morale like a rainbow, and in a spurt of energy, they overwhelmed RWBase!

"2:0! Congratulations to YM for successfully breaking into the top 4 of Demacia Cup!" Zeyuan reieved. The total game time is less than one hour. The commentary YM game is such an advantage. Get off work early and get the money. .

When the two players shook hands, Doinb took a deep look at the garlic bastard.

Little Tian has no response, he and doinb are not familiar with each other, so naturally there is nothing to say at this time.


In this game against RW, Redmi initially proved its worth, and in the next game against SN, he even played the opponent’s coach. The round and round.

Both BP won both rounds. Although YM was practicing team composition, it still made it to the finals easily.

The opponent is EDG, who has previously won 4 Demacia Cup championships.

The opposing team is in just right condition and is also undefeated before the final.

Redmi is ready to accept runner up.

Didn't expect someone on the opposite side began to fall ill.

In the first game of iboy, EZ jumped to death.

Lin Ran and the others are confused. If Jackey were not on the court, they would definitely suspect that Shiba Inu gave the iboy to the possessed.

Although adc is a bit of a gift, YM is practicing team composition after all. There are some small mistakes and flaws. EDG has stabilized the situation and will not let go.

But in the big Dragon's Pit group fight, iboy was bombarded by Lin Ran Corki in a panic, and went straight into Dragon's Pit, attracting Baron Nashor's hatred and being shot to death.

Teams without ADC naturally can't fight YM in a frontal group fight. Baron Nashor just ended the game as soon as he dropped.

A reaction from the audience and the on-site Player-full of question marks.

Jackey absolutely didn't expect someone more radical than himself.

iboy also shook his head, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

His game was the anxiety of unfathomable mystery, the sudden death of unfathomable mystery, and then the unfathomable mystery led the team into the pit.

Once I met Jackey, it seemed that he couldn't play a game anymore.

There seems to be some metaphysics in the dark. Varus in the second game of iboy was killed by Jackey.

Lin Ran hasn't even used his strength yet, Bottom Lane has been punched through, and he has a game behind teammate.

Iboy's mentality was completely blown up, and then he took out the Charo team and was forcibly blown up by Jackey's extremely rubbish Ezreal and Liu Qiusong Lulu.

Relaxed and relaxed, YM won the 2017 Demacia Trophy Qingdao Station in three consecutive rounds!

The Junior Brother is stupid. In the three rounds, he and Lin Ran veteran player played until the point, and there was no winner at all.

And Bottom Lane can't be connected. In Professional competitions, this C position disadvantage affects extremely badly, and the entire team will be dragged down.

When Liu Qiusong was interviewed after the game, he almost said "It's not that we played well, it's the opposite."

But his emotional intelligence does not allow himself to challenge the good brother taunt in the same region, and forcibly suppresses this sentence.

Lin Ran held the Demacia Cup in a daze and sat on Corki back to Shanghai.

After a short break, the curtain of 2018 Spring Split will begin, and they must prepare early.

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