The whole person turned into a dazzling golden light, like a golden meteor, and hit the city gate in an instant.

Boom! ! !

The alloy city gate reinforced with a lot of magic immediately exploded with a soul-shaking loud noise.

Even the Azt Pass embedded in the mountains was shocked!

As for ordinary soldiers and players, they were dazzled by this blow, staggering and unstable.


Countless broken metals, with the bombardment of the spear, shattered and flew.

The next second.

The city gate guarded by magic began to twist... dented! ! ?


After the shocking blow, Anaya's golden light began to fade slowly.


Everyone on the city wall took a breath of cold air.


"Isn't it a bit too scary?!"

"I... I almost thought..."

"She can smash the city gate and crush the entire defense line by herself..."


The Snow Lion Eagle Beast landed steadily on the city wall.

"Gao Cheng, count the things and find someone to take them away." Qin Fei threw out the backpack and kicked him out of the team.


Gao Cheng didn't expect the mission to be completed so easily.

Six or seven bags of equipment!

You know.

These are all top-notch products from the magician group of the demon clan~

For the military.

The number of mages is definitely not a problem.

The problem is that their own mages have no equipment and can't output at all.

With the equipment in these backpacks, it will definitely bring a qualitative change to the military's assault team!

"Emperor Feitian, shall we retreat too?"

"Why retreat? We're picking up money!" Qin Fei hung an empty backpack on the lion-eagle beast with his backhand, and rushed into the sky again with Lin Shiqi.

? ? ?

Damn, picking up money? !

Gao Cheng was stunned: "There are all demon army leaders below, could it be that... you are going to continue to challenge heroes today!?"



Qin Fei laughed loudly in the air.

"Killing a bunch of trash, what's the challenge?!"


Anaya pulled out the spear embedded in the city gate with her backhand, and glared at Qin Fei fiercely: "Asshole!"

Vimuni had a dark purple face and was silent.

But the next second.

Hundreds of frost blades shot out from behind him!

Straight into the sky!


Qin Fei raised his eyebrows.

The lion-eagle beast under his crotch spun in the air and rose hundreds of meters on the spot!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

One by one, the frost blades flew through the sky like an inverted ice-blue meteor shower.


This scene only lasted for a few seconds.

After the frost blade flew two or three hundred meters into the air, it lost the energy to continue sprinting and turned around to fall.


Qin Fei was hanging on the edge of the cloud, his eyes were cold, as if looking at a dead person: "The only mage among the legion commanders, is you?"


Weimuni's heart was shocked for no reason.

Damn it!

As a mage, he has countless experiences in dealing with assassins.

Even if it is a master assassin.

He is not afraid!

But the problem is that the assassination master in front of him can no longer be called a master...

"Be careful, if we can't break his stealth, then we will all be his targets!!"


Bentley shouted coldly: "I'm afraid he doesn't dare to come!!"

Rich raised the giant sword in his hand, condensing rays of light:

"Attack the city!"

"I don't believe he dares to come!"


Qin Fei smiled indifferently, and ignored the other party's provocation: "Don't lower the altitude, wait for me."

Without waiting for Lin Shiqi to reply.

Qin Fei had already jumped down.

The four legion commanders said they didn't care, and didn't even look at him, but in fact, their focus has never left Qin Fei for a moment.


The moment Qin Fei disappeared in the air, Vimuni shouted in a deep voice: "Frost Field!"


A gust of cold wind came out of thin air.

Under the clear night, countless crystal snowflakes floated out.


It can't break Qin Fei's stealth.


The field can show all objects around Vimuni.

No matter what level of stealth, it can't disappear completely.

As long as the opponent enters the domain and is touched by snowflakes, the owner of the domain will sense it.

Even if they don't touch the snowflakes.

Any breeze or footsteps during movement will cause fluctuations in the domain.



When facing a top master who has mastered a domain, it will lose its previous powerful effect.

Qin Fei had seen the opponent's domain when facing the Flying Blade Commander before.

Naturally, he would not force his way in.


A warrior would use the imprisonment skill, so how could Vimuni, a top master or even an awakened hero, not know how to do it?

Mage and assassin duel.

As long as you master stealth and accurately control the target, you will have at least a 50% chance of winning.

If it is a group battle.


Encountering an assassin with control skills is almost certain to die!


Qin Fei's target, from the beginning, was the demon army.

The biggest threat.

The mage group has been completely destroyed.

Although there are still some mages in the magic army who attack with the group, Qin Fei no longer needs to be afraid of them after he has the courage to fight.

"Let's get started!"

Qin Fei passed through the dark army of demons.

Fighting enthusiasm!


All states activated.


Sixty flying blades were thrown from Qin Fei's hands one by one.

In a breath, they spread out like a blue tide.


-80210 Critical Hit!



-86002 Critical Hit!


Looking from the sky, there were only demons falling to the ground and layers of flying damage numbers.


"Damn it!"

Ana Ya felt like she was going crazy.

He actually went to slaughter the legion again! ?

Bentley gritted his teeth and said, "Let me go find him, the guy who has no guts!"


Weimuni said directly, "Take down Azt first. When he loses his support, he will never dare to attack. If he still wants to assassinate, our domain will be enough to cover it!"

Rich glanced at the distance and added, "The magic consumption of flying blade throwing is extremely serious. If there is no relevant talent to support it, even if you kill, you can't kill many!"

Bentley: "Okay! Attack the city with all your strength!"


On the city wall.

Aaron saw Qin Fei sweeping through the demon army alone, and he was so excited that his whole body trembled and said, "Brothers, our hero is here! Hold on!!!"


Far beyond ordinary heroes!

After all.

Even the captain of the Azt Legion, Caravi, could not sweep through the demon army like the Flying Emperor in front of him!

"For the glory of the empire!"


The remaining imperial soldiers were in high spirits.

On the contrary.

The players were a little collapsed.

Especially the foreign players who just arrived at the battlefield.

"Oh my God... What kind of monster is that!?"

"He can resist the demon army by himself just after the server is launched?"

"Will he become a superman in the future?"

"Too despicable!"

"He killed all the demon army by himself, so where can we get experience?"

Hahaha? ?

There is such logic?

Gao Cheng was listening nearby and almost laughed his ass off: "What a fucking braggart, the demons are right down there, why don't you go and get them?"

"Hmph, shameless Dragon people!"

"What else can you do besides supporting a guy who can cheat?!"

"If you have the ability, compete fairly?"

"What's the point of cheating!"


Gao Cheng looked disdainful: "In terms of shamelessness, who can be more shameless than you?"

"If it weren't for the Pentagon's forced suppression of other countries, how could Evans choose the novice village with the easiest bugs?"

"If it weren't for stealing other countries' research results, how could he complete the hidden task of the destruction wizard so early?"

"You even robbed the country, shamelessness is engraved in your bones!"

Several players from the United States were immediately angry.

" are farting!"

"Evans should have taken the first kill. If it weren't for the appearance of Fei Tiandi, you are all just trash!"

The two gangs were arguing and were about to fight.

Suddenly someone said.

"Wait, who is that Qin Shishi?"

"He's going to level 30!!!"

? ? ?

Gao Cheng was also confused and opened the leaderboard directly.


"Already level 30!?"

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