What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 95: Root-seeking journey

"The good news is," Su Ruoyi habitually sat on the phoenix bed again and said, "We were going to Ding County on a mission, but we all decided to turn to Hexi County for you to help you catch the red salamander. !"

After hearing this, Qin Yuan immediately stood up excitedly, and then said, "That's right, when do you leave?"

"Let's go tomorrow, but..." Su Ruoyi hesitated, and then said, "Maybe you have to go with us too. Don't you know the red salamander very well? The big stall means that we either don't go, we want to go. Go and take down the red salamander in one fell swoop, and then throw the corpse in front of the water monsters and see what their expressions look like!"

"The big boss is wise!" Qin Yuan smiled slightly and said, "With me here, the chance of catching the red salamander will be several times greater! However, I think throwing half of the corpse is enough to slap in the face, right? "

"This is no problem." Su Ruoyi said, "I made an agreement with the big stall head. When the time comes, we will say that the battle is too fierce, and the lower body of the red salamander is unfortunately destroyed."

Qin Yuan chuckled, "Wonderful! This demon's lower body is the thickest and most dangerous. It makes sense to have to destroy its lower body in order to subdue it."

"There's just one point," Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan and said sternly, "In this trip, we will go to Dingxian County to eliminate demons, and that area of ​​demons is very dangerous. Logically, you are only Rank 7, and you have no experience in exterminating demons. You can't go together. So don't rush forward, you must hide behind everyone, you know? This is also the meaning of the big stall, and no one of us will blame you. "

Qin Yuan was stunned for a while, and then turned black on the spot.

"Miss Su, do you mean that you want me to be a swindler? Do I look like that kind of person?"

It just doesn't make sense!

After all, this kind of thing is almost seamless with his own profession, and such a big secret is actually known to them?

Su Ruoyi glanced at Qin Yuan who was upright and couldn't help sighing.

The thing she was most worried about had happened.

As expected, Xiao Qinzi is still the self-sacrificing temperament, just like when he risked his life to steal medicine for himself, and risked his life to be a bait, he would not let anyone in the slightest in danger.

"Have you ever fought for anyone?"

"I'm for everyone, everyone is for me."


This is kindness and courage, but to put it bluntly, it is also impulsive and reckless!

Xiao Qinzi is good in everything, but his temper is too strong and upright!

Su Ruoyi is very worried about Qin Yuan's future. After all, the road to Taoism is difficult and dangerous, not to mention that there are big monsters everywhere, fierce and unparalleled, and even more terrifying than monsters, as well as unpredictable people.

"Little Qinzi, I knew you would say that." Su Ruoyi persuaded earnestly, "Your self-sacrificing temperament is respectable. But when you also scored points, Gaozu said: A man can do what he wants. You can't do it, so this time you'll endure it first, okay?"

"Forbearance?" Qin Yuan snorted coldly, "Those are my siblings! They are fighting in front of them and let me hide in the back. Is this what a man did?"

"...Little Qinzi, you are fine with everything, but you are too impulsive!"

"If you're not impulsive, then you're still called a young man?"

Su Ruoyi's head flashed five stars.

Guys, is this a sign of appreciation?

Su Ruoyi was helpless and had to use the last trick and said, "Anyway, if you don't agree, don't even think about going this time."

This is the truth, because Qin Yuan's level of darling in the big stalls is roughly equal to her darling level in Sir Sizheng's.

Qin Yuan knows the habits of all kinds of goblins. In the future, the performance of the armored department can all point to him, and the big boss will let him take risks?

When Qin Yuan heard what Su Ruoyi had said, he had to look up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle with aggrieved expression, and said helplessly, "Okay, then I'll try not to rush forward."

Now, speak with conscience, this is what you asked me to do!

"That's right!" Su Ruoyi finally had a smile on her face, "you will be here for three days, you should prepare in advance. Tonight, I will bring Qingzheng's approval document into the palace, under the pretext of asking you to assist in the investigation. Take the secret out of the palace."

"Wait a minute," Qin Yuan said curiously, "Hexi is more than 3,000 miles away, and Dingxian is also more than 2,000 miles away, so three days of going back and forth is enough?"

Su Ruoyi looked at Qin Yuan with a puzzled face, "Isn't it enough? Sir Sizheng will give us a fake flying sword. A sword can carry five people and travel thousands of miles a day. It will be there soon."

"Pseudo flying sword?"

"It's a magic weapon," Su Ruoyi explained, "after infusing the aura of the great master, you can fly. It looks similar to the flight of the great master Yujian, but it has no other use other than being able to fly, so it is called a pseudo-flying sword. ."

Qin Yuan asked again curiously, "But I heard that the real flying sword of the great master only travels three thousand miles a day, right? Can the fake flying sword be so fast?"

"That's the great master of the third grade and lower level. Anyone who can rise to the upper level can travel 10,000 miles a day, and then go up to 30,000 miles or 100,000 miles a day."

Su Ruoyi said, "And our Qingzheng Division's fake flying sword was given by the sword temple. It is comparable to the real flying sword of the third-grade high-level grandmaster. Isn't it normal?"

Qin Yuan didn't say anything when he heard it.

For him, of course, the shorter the time, the better. After all, even if the Qingzheng Division used an excuse to assist the investigation, if the time was too long, it would inevitably lead to suspicion.

So he immediately said, "That's it!"

As usual, Su Ruoyi left after lunch.

After he left, Qin Yuan closed the door and started to pack things in the Nashi.

The first responders are definitely indispensable, especially the mines, he dug out a few quietly and put them in.

Because of the shortage of raw materials, the ink armor is not enough. For example, the thorns of the white thorn short-snout demon are not enough. The outer skin is not the skin of the second-grade big demon seven-colored demon tiger, but the skin of the fourth-grade Luo Yao demon fish. It's not the same thing, so it's a half-finished product.

But no matter what, its power cannot be underestimated, and it will naturally be worn tomorrow.

In addition, at night, you can make a few more generations of dead wood to carry. This thing is not to say that it can be used indefinitely, but it is used once, and it can be used again after an hour and a half, but it is always good to bring a few more.

Also, the inkstone that was looted from Yu Wanxiu before, this is a very good magic weapon, and it must be kept.

Oh, by the way, I used a little bit of poison from the last time, so I brought it all with me. In other words, the ancient books of the Yao family still cannot be opened. If they can be opened, then I wonder if I can refine these poisons?

All in all, Qin Yuan took a full hour to clean up, and then he calmed down.

To put it bluntly, this is his first time to go out to practice, and it is another serious journey to find his roots, so in all aspects, he must be fully prepared.

In the middle of the night, Su Ruoyi brought the documents from the Qingzheng Division and took him out of the palace in the name of letting Qin Yuan assist in the investigation.

If there are documents, the guards of the gates of the palace will naturally not stop them.

This is the first time Qin Yuan has walked out of the palace by himself.

"The situation of this mission has changed, and we need to rush out overnight." Su Ruoyi looked serious, and pulled Qin Yuan to run for a while, "Hurry up, the big stall is waiting for us."

Soon, the two came to Chang'an Avenue, two miles away from the imperial palace.

At this time, the night market was closed, and the streets were empty. Qin Yuan regretted not being able to experience the bustling night scene of the capital.

Entering a small alley, Qin Yuan saw three masters of the Qingzheng Division of Jiazi.

Zhao Zongzhen, One-eyed Strong, Stumped Foot.

"Just the five of us?" Qin Yuan asked ~www.readwn.com~ There are only five, the soldiers are very fast, and this sword can only seat five people. " Zhao Zongzhen said.

Qin Yuan thought to himself, so you are not a great master, are you?

After Zhao Zongzhen finished speaking, he quickly took out a big sword and chanted a spell, and the sword instantly became about one zhang long and half a zhang wide.

The five of them put their swords up one after another, and lightly stood on the swords.

Just as Yujian was about to rise, everyone suddenly fell into a strange silence.

I saw Qin Yuan took out a small ponytail, an X-shaped ponytail, and the bottom two feet can be adjusted in various angles. After some debugging, he firmly clasped the two edges of the sword.

And above the Maza, there are two strange belts.

After Qin Yuan sat down, he tied the belt around his waist, and it was as steady as Mount Tai.

I'm sorry everyone, there was an air crash just now, so safety first.

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