What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 120: Our fellow Daoists...generally benevolent

Flying with the sword is not too difficult, perhaps it is easier than driving.

Driving is divided into manual and automatic, while Yujian Flying only has a brain-moving gear.

Flying when you want to fly, stopping when you want to stop, forward and backward, acceleration and deceleration, all depend on your imagination, but the driving experience is beyond imagination.

Raise your hand to touch the blue clouds, and look at Qingchuan. The egrets pass by, and Lao Leng often accompanies them.

This kind of experience is impossible to have in a car.

But Qin Yuan believes that if there are many people who can fly swords, it is still necessary to take a driver's license test, at least let them know that it is wrong to drive a sword after drinking...

Get a map from the county magistrate, fly according to the map, and you can reach Huiling Mountain in more than an hour.

The mountains and rivers at the foot are magnificent, the sunrise in the sky has just risen, and it is another day for the birds.

Sitting on the pony bar, Qin Yuan didn't want to look at the scenery, he just pondered all the way.

After finding the Immortal Stone, how can I test Immortal Qi?

Also, will the immortal stone test show the strength of immortal energy? For example, punching it up—

"Qin Yuan, the third stage of Dou Zhili."

If this is the case, is it better to hide some immortal energy... At first glance, the starting point is very low, and the cultivation base itself is also low, so it is good to be a small mascot in the group.

In addition, after the immortal energy is detected, how can I contact the boss and get the special sound transmission stone?

Wouldn't he just hide in the grass nearby and suddenly jump out after seeing himself pass?

"Dangdang, congratulations on being the seventh lucky audience member, getting a sound transmission stone, take a look at the camera, and say hello to the fellow Taoists in the group first?"

Ah, not so much, just kidding.

This time I went to Huiling Mountain, one for immortal fate, and two for reunion.

My second brother, although I haven't seen each other for a long time, must be a sturdy and heroic person.

After being reunited with him, the life-and-death relationship between me and the wife of the Empress will inevitably become more and more intimate, and we will be able to treat each other frankly in the future.

And my thirty-six unmarried female bosses... Sister Min, who is alone in the empty room... are still waiting to be rescued.

I don't know my wife... There are too many Taoist companions, does the shadow affect the cultivation of immortals?


The journey went smoothly, and soon entered the boundary of Huiling Mountain.

Huiling Mountain is composed of a main peak several hundred feet high and a dozen lower secondary peaks. It is surrounded by mist all year round and looks like a fairyland.

It is said that there are many strange people living in seclusion in Huiling Mountain, and there are many myths and stories, but no one can verify the truth.

The only thing that seems to prove that this place is extraordinary is that for hundreds of years, countless sects or all parties have taken a fancy to this place and want to keep it for themselves. That thought.

The measuring immortal stone is on the top of the main peak of Huiling Mountain, but Qin Yuan stopped when he was still a few miles away from the main peak. road.

It's not that he can't believe the old man, but the mountain peak is too immortal, and the legends that are hard to distinguish between true and false made Qin Yuan have some strange thoughts.

Will there be such a stubborn boss living on the mountain?

Will he set up a formation near the mountain where he will get lost when he goes in, and there are various organs in the formation...

"Asi, this is the first test for you, you have to do your best."

Qin Yuan looked at Ah Si and said seriously.

Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San also cast encouraging glances - if they have eyes.

As a new employee, under the expectations of the boss and the old employees, Ah Si was suddenly full of chicken blood and flew to the main peak of Huiling Mountain.

Although it is ten million, I will go!

Ah Si successfully reached the top of the main peak, only to see a cloud and mist, and an open space of about five or six acres appeared in front of him.

The open space is really empty. Although it is yellow mud, there is no grass. There are cliffs all around, and there is not even a grass where people can hide.

Only in the center was a stone that was more than ten feet high and looked very much like granite. The stone was pointed at the top and wide at the bottom.

There was no one around, and it was eerily quiet.

However, Ah Si went around the arena, but didn't find anything good, and then started to spin around in a frenzy. Through conscious communication, he could probably guess what it meant.

Come, come, come, what are you dawdling about, don't be shy!

Qin Yuan had already covered his face when he set off. Seeing that Ah Si was safe at this time, he tightened his mask again, and then stepped forward with his sword.

Reaching the top safely, it seems that there is indeed no big shot.

After getting off the sword, Qin Yuan just approached the boulder, when he found that the boulder suddenly lit up, showing an orange light.

The light just flashed by, and then the boulder returned to its original state.

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that this is probably the immortal test stone, but how to test it?

But at this moment, only a thick voice could be heard in the air.

"Hehe, the Master Infatuation is right, the seventh person of Xianxi is actually a doll of sixteen seven."

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, looked up at the sky, but found that there was no one except a small white cloud drifting leisurely.

It's amazing, could it be that the person is hiding in the white clouds?

But the white cloud is very small. If you want to hide in the cloud, you have to shrink up and squat there. This image is... tsk, how can you think of a boss like that?

"Senior, this junior was lucky enough to get three points of immortal energy, so I came here to join the club. I don't know...how to measure this immortal energy?"

"Isn't the immortal qi already measured?" The voice came again, "Haha, you got the spirit fish qi, which ranks ninth among the immortal qi, not bad or bad. Of course, the innate celestial qi is strong. Weakness is not enough, the most important thing is to cultivate the day after tomorrow, which is the basis for determining strength.”

Qin Yuan frowned, thinking that the initial immortal energy is also divided into strong and weak, so does it imply other different things?

"Senior, since the junior has passed the test, can you apply for membership? The junior admires your club!"

"Since you have immortal energy, you have an immortal relationship with me, how can you refuse?"

As soon as the sound in the air fell, I saw a lotus leaf floating leisurely from a distance, and soon suspended in front of Qin Yuan.

On the lotus leaf, there is a pea-sized stone, which is transparent in material and slightly blue in color, and looks very beautiful.

"This sound transmission stone can transmit sound for millions of miles. With it, you can contact the Taoist friends at any time. In addition, if there is an emergency, the Taoist friends need to meet face to face. This stone is also used as a basis to prevent others from Taoism. Li Zong."

"I will follow the fate, and there are no red tapes to join the membership. But you need to keep three things in mind. First, you must not reveal the existence of the association to anyone. Unless the other party has obtained the immortal fate at the same time, the fellow daoists of the association will attack them together.

Second, you must not be a traitor and commit crimes against the law of heaven, otherwise the fellow daoists of this association will attack them together. Third, on the fifteenth and the end of every month, you need to attend the Xianyuan meeting on time, and tell the truth about your practice experience in the past half-month. "

Do you have any questions? "

Qin Yuan thought about it~www.readwn.com~ and asked, "How can I participate in this immortal fate meeting? What if I really can't escape?"

"It's okay if you really lack skills, just tell Lao A. Oh yes, I'm Lao B, you can call me Lao B in the future, you don't need to call senior, I can be called a fellow Taoist.

As for how to participate, you should pay attention to the sound transmission stone. At midnight tonight, all Daoist friends will gather in the cloud, and you are welcome to join us as a new Daoist friend. You will know when you try it. "

It seems that there will be a welcome ceremony in the group tonight, but what does "gathering in the clouds" mean?

"Okay, thank you old fellow Daoist Yi. I also look forward to the moment when I get to know everyone."

"The little fellow Daoist is polite," the voice suddenly paused and said hesitantly, "Actually, the fellow Daoists in this meeting... um, generally... it should be said... they are all kind people, you and Let them get along well."

The corners of Qin Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, thinking what is the general... should I say?

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