What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 123: It's so comfortable to hold your thighs!

In the Xianxianhui, everyone is looking for their own magic method of cultivating immortals.

Like a little demon, I can see that she is lazy, so she hopes to cultivate immortals by eating.

This is quite similar to the women on the Blue Star - while they don't want to exercise or diet, they also want to control their weight and beauty through eating.

The little demon dares to eat all kinds of poisons, it sounds a little more fierce, but the women on the blue star are not bad, without the support of the fairy, they also dare to eat roundworms, cotton, plastic bags... In order to lose weight, the level of effort is no less than that Xiuxian.

But then again, Xiao Yao's "Diet and Cultivation of Immortals" may really have a successful case, because although Nanba has been poisoned and offline, people continue to ask.

Infatuation Venerable Master: "Then, what is the dosage for taking this recipe once?"

Xiao Yao: "Well... Anyway, I only take seven taels. If I eat too much, I can't breathe, and the seven orifices will bleed. It will take several days."

Good guy, the bleeding from the seven orifices is only a matter of a few days.

Aniu: "Why do you want to eat it while it's hot? Can you eat it when it's cold?"

Little Demon: "Okay, but it's better to eat it while it's hot. It's better to pour some honey."

Old B: "During the cooking process, are there any requirements for the heat, utensils and water?"

Little Demon: "No special requirements, just add a little water."

Qin Yuan thought again, how much is a little?

Can you be a little more rigorous, what should I do if I die so casually?

Everyone was silent for a while, not knowing if he was recording, anyway, Qin Yuan didn't dare to record, after all, if he bleeds, there would be no father like Nanba to save him.

After a while, Lao Jia said, "Master Infatuation, you said earlier that you can find a way to find the heaven and the blessed land, is there any progress?"

Venerable Infatuation smiled, cleared his throat, and said, "A lot of progress has been made. After investigation by the old Taoist, it was found that some treasures do have immortal energy floating. Just mobilize the immortal energy in the body to connect with it, and then slowly absorb immortal energy. At first, it may only absorb a small amount, but with the increase of fairy energy in the body, the speed should be able to speed up."

Only then did Qin Yuan understand that the Master Infatuation was a Taoist.

That's right, it's not Taoist, so how can there be the concept of "Shangren"?

It's just that he said to survey first, so how to survey? Another example is to mobilize fairy energy to connect?

Hey, I don't know when the Taoist books will be opened... It should be possible to become a great master, right?

Infatuation Venerable Master's statement, like throwing a stone into the water, soon sparked a heated discussion.

A Niu immediately asked, "According to your survey, where is the most immortal energy?"

Venerable Infatuation immediately spit out two words, "Imperial Palace."

When everyone heard the words, there was silence again.

"Infatuation, why don't you talk about the Sword Temple?" Anniu said angrily, "Wouldn't it be better for everyone to go to the roof of the Sword Temple to connect with the immortal energy? As long as the fishing woodcutter cultivates and reads the four guardians and the sword slaves don't poke our ass, it's fine. ."

Obviously, no one here would dare to attack the Sword Temple even if they obtained the Immortal Qi.

However, Qin Yuan felt that, if it continued like this, if the Sword Temple did not gain the immortal energy, sooner or later, it would be targeted.

It's just the Sword Temple, is it possible that I didn't get the Immortal Qi?

The little demon giggled, "I would like to go to the imperial pantry of the palace to have a look. There must be a lot of rare ingredients in the world, and they must be delicious."

Lao Yi sighed, "It might be possible for the little demon to be a palace maid. I'm waiting to go in, I'm afraid I'll have to be an eunuch. Haha, fellow Daoists, do you want to go?"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan suddenly grinned and smiled without saying a word.

You may not believe it when you say it. Let's not mention the eunuchs who are not too eunuchs. There is a large independent villa in the palace...

At this time, I only heard Xiao Yao say, "You old men, if you want to go to the palace, you may not accept it! I heard that Xiaobao is only sixteen or seventeen, so maybe he is enough at such an age, why don't you try it out, fellow Daoist Xiaobao? "

When Qin Yuan heard this, he immediately smiled and said righteously, "Ridiculous! A man and a man should stand upright in the sky, how can he be that person without roots?"

Do you know how hard I work in order not to be that rootless person?

"Giggle, why is Daoist Xiaobao so excited?" Xiao Yao laughed again, the laughter was like a clear spring beside a stream, quite pleasant, "It sounds like Daoist Xiaobao is a reckless person, just like Daoist Nanba. "

"I'm not arrogant, I'm just a little braver than ordinary people." Qin Yuan said earnestly, "Chilling, looking ahead, and looking ahead, I've never been inferior."

Venerable Infatuation laughed and said, "Fellow Daoist Xiaobao is a man of great pride, and he's different from fellow Daoist Nanba... that's something that can be guaranteed."

"Well..." A Niu also said immediately, "There are not many who are as reckless as Daoist Nanba. But I don't know his poison..."

At this moment, only a voice came, "It's solved."

Well, Daoist Nanba is online again, and his tone is still so calm, with the general style of Taishan's collapse without being shocked, and it seems that it has nothing to do with "reckless".

A Niu immediately exclaimed, "It's so fast! Daoist Nanba, can you reveal who Ling Zun is and how he was born so powerful?"

"My father won't let me talk about it." Nan Ba ​​said lightly, and then added, "By the way, which fellow Taoist said that he was going to the palace? I think that if you want to go to the palace, you must first destroy the sword temple! Don't be reckless, I think it's impossible for all Taoist friends and my father to be dispatched together..."


Qin Yuan was shocked to the point of staring.

It's a good one not to be reckless, this is really starting to plan?

With his temperament, it must be very tiring to be his father, right?

Above the clouds, everyone sighed.

Lao Yi hurriedly interrupted, "Fellow Daoist Nanba, calm down first. Venerable Infatuation is just an example, he didn't say that he must go to the palace."

A Niu also quickly said, "Fellow Daoist Nanba, let's leave the matter of destroying the Sword Temple for now. If you are like this, your honor may not be enough."

Indeed, such a son is very expensive!

The little demon in the shadow had already slumped forward and backward with laughter, almost out of breath.

"Giggle... Friend Nanba, how did you live so big?"

Seeing everyone like this, Nanba probably felt that the plan was hopeless, so he gave up angrily.

The scene was a bit chaotic, so Lao Jia spoke up.

"The place of the palace was personally chosen by Sword Immortals back then, and eighteen immortal spirits have been imprisoned, so it is not surprising that the immortal energy is full. Master Infatuation, can you tell your fellow Taoists about your survey method, so that everyone can find the treasure by themselves. already."

As soon as the old man spoke, the audience fell silent.

It can be seen that Lao Jia has a detached position in the meeting.

Venerable Infatuation smiled and said, "Why not? Since the poor Daoist said it, he wanted to share it with fellow Daoists."

While speaking, a golden light suddenly flashed in the dark cloud, followed by several lines of luminous characters appearing in front of everyone's eyes, which is the method of survey.

The survey method is derived from the Taoist yin and yang method. It is necessary to first observe the feng shui and weather, and then look at the layout of yin and yang. Finally, visit the scene in person, and use the spirit of your own spirit as a guide to sense the spirit of the local spirit.

It is very detailed, even how to connect and absorb it.

Qin Yuan was overjoyed and hurriedly stared at the golden words and recited it silently. He thought he couldn't remember it all at once, but found that after reading it twice, he remembered it without a word.

Needless to say, this must be another magical effect of the three-point immortal energy.

If Venerable Infatuation's method works, then he has now solved an important problem - how to enhance the immortal energy in his body.

After the golden characters disappeared, Lao Jia said again, "Today is not the Fairy Fate Club. I am here to welcome fellow Daoist Xiaobao. In this case, let fellow Daoist Xiaobao say a few words."

Qin Yuan thought for a while and said, "First of all, it is my great honor to be able to get to know you fellow Daoists. Here I would like to express my special thanks to Master Chiqing, without him, I would definitely not be able to get this three-point immortal energy.

In addition, I have just entered the immortal way, and many things are not clear, so, for example, how to use this immortal energy, what are the magical uses? I also ask fellow Daoists to give some pointers. "

Old Jia laughed, "The way to use the three-point immortal energy, the magic method of using it, is like the infinite mystery of the universe, I just have a little understanding of the fur. You, I won't go into details here.

Do you have anything else to say? "

"The other thing is..." Qin Yuan thought about it, and then said, "I don't know, fellow Daoists, who has caught the red salamander? This goblin is of great use at the moment. If there is, I'm willing to pay a lot of money to buy it."

As soon as the words fell, everyone laughed and discussed immediately.

The little demon asked: "This demon sounds like a fish? Can it be eaten, is it delicious, and what effect does it have? Why don't we go together and catch a few to eat?"

"Okay!" Qin Yuan said quickly, "If you can eat it, you can definitely eat it, but let's talk about it first. If a woman eats it, it may affect her appearance, so it is better to eat less."

"Ah, then don't eat it."


A Niu said, "Daoist Xiaobao, although this demon is only a fourth-grade monster, it is very cunning and extremely difficult to catch... But if you have time to meet your sister, no matter if you two can make it or not, I will catch it for you. Is it okay to have one?"

Qin Yuan's mouth twitched, "Brother Niu, this... I'm still young now."

How anxious is this guy to promote his sister?

Venerable Infatuation: "Fellow Daoist Xiaobao, don't listen to this crooked bull's nonsense. It's just a fourth-grade red salamander. I have something to do right now. If you're not in a hurry, I'll help you catch it in ten days, and ask for three or five words. "

Seeing everyone talking, Lao Jia coughed lightly, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Then he said, "Since fellow Daoist Xiaobao has brought it up, let's see which fellow daoist is closest to Hexi and is free to help?"

At this time, Nanba said lightly, "Let me go, how many? When do I want?"

Qin Yuan was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "One, one is enough, and the sooner the better. However, it is said that there are third-grade monsters in Hexi..."

As soon as these words came out, there was another burst of laughter.

"Can the third rank also be called a big demon?"

"Hehe~www.readwn.com~ Fellow Daoist Xiaobao is still young, don't scare him."

"Giggle... How young is fellow Daoist Little Treasure?"


Nanba didn't smile, but said calmly, "Fellow Daoist Xiaobao, tomorrow afternoon at You, you can go to Ding County, Hexi County, there is a 'Huaixian Restaurant', I will put the red salamander there and go get it by myself. Can."

Good guy, this is sure to catch the red salamander!

Qin Yuan was so excited that he almost didn't laugh out loud on the spot.

Sure enough, the people in this group are all big guys, and even those who fight for their fathers are so strong.

Don't say it, it's really comfortable to hug the big guy's thigh!

Second brother, I'm coming too!


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