The three people who were chasing and killing were all dressed in white clothes, and they looked like two seventh-rank and one fifth-rank, and their combat power was not low.

And the Mo Zhe who was hunted down was no more than Grade 6, and at this moment, his body was covered in blood and scarred.

To make matters worse, one of his right legs was also cut off, and the blood had already soaked the trouser legs, making the sides of the trouser legs stick together and dripping down like beads in a string.

But even so, under the cover of the ghost wolf, he still limped forward and ran wildly.

I can't imagine how painful the leg bone that lost the sole of the foot will be every time it is poked on the ground, but the man seems to be unconscious, like a robot.

This is the first time Qin Yuan has seen a real Mozhe, and his heart can't help but tremble.

"The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Lv's Family" records that the ink people "go through the soup and walk through the sword, and die without turning their heels".

See you today, if so.

The three men in white quickly dealt with the secluded wolf, and it was naturally easy to catch up with a seriously injured lame man.

But they had to play cat-and-mouse tricks, and they just followed the ink man with a joking smile.

"Run, keep running, I want to see if you Mozhe can really handle it."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really rare for this ink artist to be able to run so fast with just one foot, haha!"

"Two big brothers, why don't we cut off his other foot and see if he can still run?"

"Haha, this is a very good idea! Two worthy brothers, let's see what the elder brother means!"

The leader of the fifth-grade cultivator stopped laughing, waved his sleeve, and the long sword in his hand immediately rose into the sky, then turned into a swift sword light, and went straight to the other foot of the ink person in front.

The three of them laughed aloud, their necks stretched out long, curiously, excitedly and expectantly waiting for the "good show" to start.

But at this moment, I saw a blue sword shadow passing quietly, like a ghost, approaching the sword light silently.

At the moment when the light and shadow interlaced, the long sword of the fifth-grade cultivator was like tofu, and it was broken into several pieces.

The flying broken blade turned into several sword lights, and shot towards one of the seventh-grade cultivators with the power of electric light and flint.

The seventh-rank cultivator was still laughing, and the laughter was still echoing in the forest, but one of the severing swords had shot through his throat, and immediately blood was in full bloom, blooming like a poisonous scarlet grass.

It is not uncommon for Feijian to kill people, but manipulating others' broken swords to kill people, and killing them with one sword, makes a seventh-grade cultivator unable to resist, but it is not something that ordinary experts can do.

The remaining two men in white, perhaps never seen such a scene in their life, suddenly turned pale.

What made them shudder even more was that the opponent had not yet appeared.

With the sword just now, Qin Yuan used a touch of "immortal energy" according to Lao Jia's method.

He was still very satisfied with the overall effect, but it was a bit clumsy to use immortal energy at first, otherwise another seventh-rank cultivator should not be able to escape the broken sword.

However, through this practical exercise, he is now certain that even according to Lao Jia's "stupid" method, after skilled use of this three-point immortal energy, it can indeed burst out terrifying energy.

At this time, the fifth-grade cultivator quickly calmed down and shouted, "Which expert is your Excellency, I have no hostility, just passing by the precious land, if you offend, please ask Haihan!"

In the air, I saw a young man in a coarse cloth gown quietly appear, and then quietly landed.

Gently glanced at the two of them, and the young man said lightly, "Mr. Mo, Qin Yuan."

Hearing the word "inker", the two of them suddenly trembled in their hearts.

Looking at the man in front of him again, he looked only sixteen or seventeen. The horror of the two men in white at this time was completely beyond words.

At this age, how can you be so cultivated? !

But the fifth-grade cultivator is an experienced practitioner. After being stunned, he suddenly smiled and said, "Little brother, I think we have some misunderstandings."

Saying that, the flesh on his face trembled slightly, and suddenly a cold arrow was released from his sleeve, heading straight for Qin Yuan.

At the same time, he quickly sucked up the long sword of his companion, his figure suddenly flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped into the air, and then the long sword turned into a shadow and slashed down with the momentum of penetrating the rainbow.

This slash caused the air to vibrate, and the long wind suddenly rose. The fallen leaves within a radius of several meters were blown away, and when the sword cut through the air, there was a faint burst of thunder.

At this moment, he secretly said in his heart, what if you are a generation of wizards, under this Thunder Sword, can your body be able to resist?

The cold arrow came first, but Qin Yuan was afraid of hurting the Mozhe behind him, so he didn't dodge.

Pfft, the arrow reached the ink armor, only penetrating the outermost layer of demon skin, and stopped before the inner layer of demon skin.

At this time, Ben Lei Jian fell.

Qin Yuan was not in a hurry, and the long sword, which had once again wrapped the immortal energy, rose leisurely.

Huh, there was no such big movement as Ben Lei Jian, just a dazzling sword light flashed by.

The avenue is invisible!

The sword of the fifth-grade cultivator was instantly broken into two pieces.

At the same time, his body was also chopped into two pieces.

The cuts are very neat.

The fifth-grade cultivator didn't die immediately, but just looked at his half-dead body and wailed frantically.

I didn't see it as the picture of the ink artist without both feet, but Qin Yuan made up a more exciting picture for him, whether he liked it or not.

The remaining seventh-rank cultivator, who had long since lost his cold-blooded and arrogant attitude, knelt down with a thud, begging for mercy again and again.

"Who sent you here?" Qin Yuan asked.

"I-I said can I live?" the man cried.

"You can only live if you say something worthwhile. I count three, three, two..."

"The people of Yuquan Sect asked us to kill, Yuquan Sect, Yuquan Sect..."

Qin Yuan frowned slightly, thinking about the Yuquan Sect... Is the sect master the Yuquan Sect, the first-rank sword tyrant Baili Muyun, known as the No. 1 Sword Sect in the world?

Why did they kill the Mo family?

"Young Xia, young Xia, can you let me go back now? I have my mother to support me, and I have..." the man cried and asked.

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, but did not speak.

At this time - "Pfft!"

Ada raised his sword and quietly crossed the man's neck.

A Da of the fifth rank has become more and more aware of the master's intentions.

Ah Er and Ah Si, under the command of Ah Da, began to dig pits.

Qin Yuan turned around and found that the Mozhe was still running.

It's just that perhaps because of excessive blood loss, he has stumbled and teetered.

In a flash, he caught up with Mo Zhe.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a dark complexion and a somewhat slack look, but his eyes kept staring straight ahead.

"This brother?" Qin Yuan supported him and said, "Don't run away, they are already dead."

The middle-aged man didn't seem to hear it, he still dragged his lame leg and wanted to move forward, but after staggering the last few steps, he finally fell down.

Qin Yuan hurried over to help him.

But the middle-aged man shook his head, grabbed Qin Yuan's hand, and moved his chapped lips slightly, "Your Excellency, that paper figure..."

Qin Yuan nodded, "It's mine."

The middle-aged man's dilated pupils converged slightly, and said again, "Then, are you also a painter?"

Qin Yuan nodded, "Yes."

The middle-aged man immediately struggled with excitement, and not long after he took out a letter from his arms, he said angrily, "Send it to Suozi Hutong, Qingyuan Street in the capital... No. 11, no... no mistake. ."

Qin Yuan did not hesitate, took the letter, and said again, "Okay, let me deal with the wound for you first."

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky and said softly, "No need... I can only send it here... The bright moon is in the sky, the ink people will live forever, and the world will benefit..."

Having said this, the middle-aged Mozhe suddenly released his hand.

The eyes are not closed, but there is no spirit.

Qin Yuan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Although he didn't know this person, he felt a little sad for no reason.

Perhaps, the same Mojia righteousness is flowing in his body?

At this time, Ah Er and the others had already dug a hole, and they were about to bury the three people neatly, but heard Qin Yuan say, "What do you do to bury them, bury this... this hero."

I don't know what to call it, so let's call it that.

While Ah Er and the others were buried, Qin Yuan glanced at the letter in his hand.

In fact, it was just a note, there was no envelope, and there were only a few lines of small print on it.

"A, four, two, six, parallel five and eight, Ding, seven, and three, and three, and two..."

Obviously, this is a code word, and it must be translated to know what it is saying.

Qin Yuan thought to himself, perhaps because of this, the ink artist would be so relieved to hand the note to himself.

Of course, the Mo family did not have many secrets in Qin Yuan.

This secret language is called "Mo Language", which can only be mastered by the Mo family's spies and several bigwigs, but there are relevant records in "The Essentials of Mo Xiu: Miscellaneous Notes".

Go back and just compare it according to the table, you can translate what it means.

As a Moist, Qin Yuan felt that there was nothing wrong with him reading the letter from the Mo family.

What's more, it was sent to the capital, which is likely to be related to the Mozhe in the palace, which means that it may also be related to himself.

But now is not the time to translate. After all, Ah Er came to report, Su Ruoyi and the others have been squatting in the grass next to them and have been watching for a while.

Fortunately, they didn't see it when they were fighting just now.

After receiving the letter and burying the ink artist, Qin Yuan took out the wine from the Nashi, toasted him, and then left.

Seeing Qin Yuan walk away, Su Ruoyi and others sighed again.

"Little Qin Zi is really kind and sincere, and when the road is not in peace, he draws a knife to help."

"Still so impulsive, what if the opponent's cultivation base is higher?"

"Of course, this chivalrous heart is respectable!"


Qin Yuan walked quickly and arrived at the county seat of Zhengxian not long after.

Just seeing the gate of the county town, an inexplicable intimacy suddenly rose in his heart.

Only then did I remember that the original owner's hometown was within this county.

But now that the hometown has been sold, and the original owner's elder brother and younger sister have long since lived in the county seat, Qin Yuan gave up his mind to go back and have a look.

After all, to be honest, he did not inherit the feelings of the original owner. For him, this place was only familiar to him, and there was nothing special about it.

Entering the county seat and turning around, Qin Yuan quickly found the "Huaixian Restaurant".

However, it was still early, and there was still more than an hour before Youshi.

With nothing to do, he came to a "Juxian Restaurant" opposite the Huaixian Restaurant and ordered two dishes and a pot of wine.

While pouring his own drink, he observed the movement on the other side.

Before he drank for a long time, he saw three sturdy men, each carrying a hemp bag.

Qin Yuan was instantly stunned. Could it be that the red salamander has arrived?

But is the red salamander that big? Need three burlap bags?

At this moment, he felt another change in the sound transmission stone in his arms, and Qin Yuan quickly poured his righteousness into it.

Sure enough, Namba's trademark calm voice came.

"Xiaobao, I have sent someone to send the red salamander into the tavern, you can get it yourself."

Qin Yuan immediately rushed from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai, and said quickly, "Thank you Nanba Daoist friend! This situation must be remembered in my heart!"

"It doesn't matter, since you and I are fellow Daoists, we should help each other out."

"By the Daoist Nanba, how many red salamanders did you catch?"

"A total of... four."

"Ah, how come there are so many?" Qin Yuan grinned, "Actually, one is enough."

"Oh," Nanba said indifferently, "The red salamanders are divided into males and females. I don't know which one you want. It just happened that they had a family of four, so I caught them all."

"Ah this... Fellow Daoist has a heart!"

"By the way, I also sent a third-grade demon. This demon is a bit powerful. It took two swords to die. I think you may also need it, fellow Daoist."

Qin Yuan was taken aback.

Good guy, it's a bit powerful... hacked to death with two swords!

Versailles boss, admire and admire!

But he couldn't control that much anymore, Qin Yuan got up directly and rushed to Huaixian Restaurant.

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