What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 127: Kiyosaka 1 always does this

Qin Yuan felt that there should be a limit to universal love.

Now, Nei Tingwei, Qingzheng Division, Xunxianhui, and Jingwang Group, he has already participated in so many clubs. When he was in college, he was not so active as a student club. He had to add another Holy Society...

It's easy to overturn!

It’s okay to bet a little more, but the Key Holy Society may completely turn into a rebel. If they really rebel, wouldn’t they bet on the banker and the player?

Since ancient times, there has been no such way of playing. This operation is very easy to generate an asura field. If one is not handled well, it is not enough to be chopped off.

So he quickly put back the jade buckle and said to Qin Li, "Brother, since that person is not seen behind closed doors, then we won't look for him. It's not a good thing to be left behind. Now I'm still doing well in the palace. Without him, you and I would not be happy. I can also support my little sister. Besides, the Holy Society will become an enemy of the imperial court in the future, so please don’t go to that person again.”

Qin Li and Qin Xiaofu were surprised when they heard it.

"Second brother, you didn't bring out a letter a few months ago, saying that you were a servant eunuch, and you were bullied every day. Why is it suddenly happening now..." Qin Xiaofu said with almond eyes.

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, "Time is also lucky, you see now, second brother, I'm not doing well, and can I still come out of the palace?"

Qin Li coughed violently with excitement, but still struggled to say, "Second brother, are you, are you an official in the palace?"

Qin Yuan didn't want to say too much, so he nodded, "Yes, I became a petty official, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get out."


Qin Li's eyes were wet, and he used all his strength to force the jade button in Qin Yuan's hand.

"Then you need this thing even more! I heard that people from the Holy Society are killing dog officials everywhere. If they kill you, you and you will take this out, or it may save your life!"

Qin Yuan's mouth twitched, thinking about what he said, do I look like a dog?

After several refusals, Qin Li refused. Instead, it almost exhausted his last stamina, so Qin Yuan had to accept the jade buckle.

However, after this conversation, Qin Yuan also felt a special kind of temperature... a kind of temperature that can only be found among close relatives.

A person who has been in an unfamiliar world for a long time is often particularly sensitive to this temperature, and feels that it is hot.

Qin Yuan decided to try to save Qin Li.

He immediately took Qin Li's pulse and found that his pulse was weak and he seemed to be dying soon.

Qin Yuan didn't know much about medical skills, but he knew that righteousness could consolidate his roots, so he tried to inject righteousness into Qin Li's body.

But it doesn't seem to be of much use.

After thinking about it, he tried the righteousness that was wrapped in immortal energy again.

This time, within a quarter of an hour, Qin Li's coughing was greatly relieved, and there was even a trace of blood on his face.

Qin Yuan was overjoyed. It seems that the three-point immortal energy has a strong effect of strengthening the foundation. Unfortunately, he only knows how to simply and rudely deliver some immortal energy to him, and the immortal energy will soon disappear from the third person. , no one can keep it.

Therefore, it can only be fixed for a while and cannot be cured.

But Qin Yuan had a hunch that if he could combine it with the doctor's methods, he would probably use the immortal energy to easily cure Qin Li's illness.

Going back needs further research.

"Second brother, you, you seem to have a very deep righteousness?" Qin Li asked happily.

"It's not profound, I've learned a little bit."

Qin Yuan smiled slightly and changed the topic, "Brother, I'll take you to see the doctor first. Don't worry, even if you use the best doctor and the most expensive medicine in the city, I will help you heal."

After a pause, he added, "The only two of my relatives are left, you have to live well."

Just then, there was a burst of laughter outside the house.

"Miss Xiaofu, have you considered the matter of letting you be my wife? If it is possible, you will live here for free. If it is not possible, then you will have to pay!"

Qin Xiaofu suddenly panicked and said to Qin Yuan cautiously, "Second brother, that person is the head of a beggar outside the door. He seems to have some cultivation. You..."

Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, you take good care of eldest brother, I will ask how much to pay."

After speaking, he went out of the house, but just happened to bump into a beggar with a crooked mouth striding over.

Qin Yuan went up and grabbed his shoulder, "Come on, take a step to speak."

"Who are you?"

"My second brother, can't you talk to me about marriage?"

"Haha, that's great!" The crooked beggar laughed excitedly, "You look like a dog, do you have silver taels on your body? You are not allowed to pay for a dowry when you get married?"

When the two came to the front yard, more than a dozen beggars immediately surrounded him, all looking at Qin Yuan with sullen smiles.

"How much do you have on your body? Take them all out." Relying on the crowd, the crooked beggar laughed loudly, "I have enough dowry, I will sell some strength in my bridal chamber at night, hahaha!"

When the beggars heard this, they immediately burst into laughter.

Qin Yuan shook his head speechlessly, and when he raised his hand, there was an extra sword in his hand.

The next breath, the crooked beggar felt a chill in his crotch.

Then, blood rushed out violently.

The crooked-mouthed beggar rolled and wailed frantically on the ground, and the blood quickly stained the entire pair of trousers.

He, can no longer bridal chamber.

"Kill, kill him!"

With a loud shout, five or six fierce beggars rushed up.

Qin Yuan was too lazy to draw his sword, his figure flashed, and two of the beggars flew up and fell to the ground on their heads.

Those two were the people who molested Qin Xiaofu before.

The air was suddenly quiet, and the remaining beggars were all pale, and the two were fighting, how could they dare to take a step forward?

Qin Yuan was in a good mood today and didn't want to kill more people, so he glanced at them coldly, then turned around and prepared to return.

But at this moment, Zhao Zongzhen and the others also rushed in after hearing a clatter.

They quietly followed Qin Yuan all the way to this point, and now it was determined that Qin Yuan was not going to kill the red salamander, and they saw him fighting, so they simply showed up.

"Pfft", "Pfft"!

Without listening to any excuse, One-eyed Qiang and Stump Deng directly killed three or four other beggars who tried to attack Qin Yuan.

The Dacheng Law stipulated that anyone who attacked the officials of the Qingzheng Division would be killed without amnesty.

This is the rule, and the rule cannot be changed.

The blood in the yard finally made these beggars react. They all immediately knelt down and kowtowed, shouting for mercy.

One-eyed Qiang and Stump-footed Deng didn't even bother to look at them, but he still kept his sword~www.readwn.com~ Qing Zhengsi has always been like this, killing the person who should be killed, the demon who should be killed, never let go.

They shouldn't kill, and they will never kill indiscriminately.

As for those who need protection, they can sacrifice their lives to protect them.

Qin Yuan is also used to the **** scene now, and he just glanced at the corpse on the ground lightly, without discomfort.

"Little Qinzi, you came to see your family, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Su Ruoyi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought you were going to catch the red salamander..."

Saying that, he took out a thick wooden stick from the Naishi and threw it to the ground with a "bang".

Seeing this, the rest of the people also took out wooden sticks and threw them away.

bang, bang...

Qin Yuan was puzzled for a while, and when he understood, he immediately felt a chill on the back of his head.

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