What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 129: Suddenly more bold ideas

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"Ten years of operation pay for one torch, and on June 15, King Qing will be protected. Qin's **** Qingqiu Tu, if you are willing to give up the darkness, you must protect them together."

Staring at these short lines, Qin Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart pounded.

Eunuch Qin surnamed... King Qing?

These two key words made Qin Yuan's blood congeal slightly.

The **** surnamed Qin should be talking about himself, but why is he associated with King Qing?

Literally speaking, the meaning of this passage is that the Mo family... No, it should be Mo Dao to be precise, and they intend to use all the power they have managed in the palace for ten years to protect King Qing on the fifteenth day of June.

What is unbelievable is that they actually knew of their existence in the palace, and even like Venerable Infatuation, they firmly believed that they were that Qingqiu—should be the descendant of Mo Qingqiu...?

It seems that Mo Qingqiu's reputation in Mo Dao is a bit stinky, so Mo Dao added a precondition of "willing to abandon darkness" before "co-guarantee".

All kinds of complicated thoughts came to his mind for a while, and Qin Yuan had to suppress his emotions and analyze them in detail.

It is not difficult to understand that Mo Dao wants to protect King Qing. It may be that King Qing and Mo Dao secretly reached some agreement. After all, it was rumored that King Qing was inclined to reconcile with Mo Dao.

But the problem is that the time point is clearly mentioned above, June 15th.

Could it be that on that day, someone would dare to assassinate King Qing in the palace?

It's impossible, absolutely impossible.

Qin Yuan immediately ruled out this possibility. It is necessary to know that there are many experts around King Qing, and the Huanghuang Sword Temple stands at the highest point of the palace. Except for idiots like Gao Li who are used by others, who would dare to stand in the eyelids of the Sword Temple. Under the son, kill the dignified King Qing?

If this can be achieved, then almost Dacheng can also be destroyed.

But if someone didn't want to kill King Qing, then why would Mo Dao propose "King Bao Qing"?

Qin Yuan thought hard for a long time to no avail, so he had to put this question aside for the time being.

Then pondered a more important question.

"Qin surnamed **** Qingqiu Tu, if you are willing to give up the dark, you must protect them together."

Mo Dao also wants to protect himself, so that means... they think that on June 15th, he is also very dangerous?

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan couldn't help shrinking his neck, feeling a cool wind pouring into his collar.

Mo Dao has spent ten years in business, and it must be only a part of the help from King Qing, and he has more energy in his hands, and it will definitely burst out on that day.

What is it that can force King Qing to do this?

But, **** it, under that kind of danger, how could I, a little eunuch, be able to resist?

It is really hateful, annoying, pathetic, and deplorable to think that my second brother is a martial artist and capable in every possible way, but in the end he only died before his ambition was fulfilled!

Finished bird!

Swish, get more than 20 stars.

Although there are many stars, Qin Yuan still has a heart, and looking at the lower limbs of the red salamander in the pot, it is also dull... It is impossible.

But moved tears flowed from his mouth.

What a joke, thinking that when there was no second brother bachelor, how many people wanted to kill him, he has survived, and now the second brother is about to return, just want him to kill him?

Qin Yuan poked the lower limbs of the red salamander with chopsticks to see if it was soft, and began to ponder in his heart.

First of all, before this, the Mo family will definitely come to test whether they are willing to "give up the dark and turn to the light". This kind of temptation may not be asked explicitly, but is inferred from various details. Express sympathy and yearning for Mo Island.

This is not difficult, so the Mozhe will definitely come to protect himself when the time comes.

But these alone are far from enough.

There is still one month left until June 15th. During this month, I will try my best to be promoted to Grand Master, and then fully upgrade the "tortoise shell" of Ganxi Palace.

With immortal energy, maybe the shell can be stronger.

Around June 15th, he prepared enough food and huddled in his shell and pretended to start hibernation.

The gods are fighting outside, and if he lives or dies, he just doesn't probe, what can you do to me?

If there are still people who want to kill him so honestly, then he has to continue to implement the service tenet of Ganxi Palace.

"The funeral is like returning home, one-stop service from killing the mouth to burying the soil!"

If you are willing to pay some money, you can also send one out of the eighteen to send each other, and the water is dark. Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, Ah Si, maybe there will be Ah Wu and Ah Liu lining up to act as dutiful sons. , absolutely enough.

Plus a multi-person apartment-style mansion under the phoenix bed, free gift!

Don't underestimate it, what if there is another concubine at that time? Where can you get this treatment when the princess accompanies Ye Ye to sleep?

In this way, it seems that it is a loss to only accept one's life.

Forget it, treat it as a charity.

The small fire simmered for two hours, and the light water was added seven or eight times. Finally, when it was almost dawn, Qin Yuan found that the lower limbs of the red salamander had been stewed soft.

Even better, it shrank after Ruan, only one-fifth of its original size.

In this case, Qin Yuan might be able to finish it all at once, otherwise he would be really entangled, would the effect worsen if he ate it several times?

This kind of thing can't be sloppy, after all, it may be related to the growth and development of the second brother.

If you are short, thin, or ugly, it will affect your mood very much.

You can't just cut it off and start over...

Ah wait, you have four red salamanders now?

Qin Yuan suddenly had a bold idea.

If, for example, if... after growing out... I gritted my teeth and stomped my foot...

Chopped... Venus splashed around?

Grow it again, chop it up again, and splash around with Venus?

Hand up the knife, hand up the knife, hand up the knife down...

Is it just Venus splashing all over the sky, starlight shining in the sky, shining like a galaxy... Straight up to the first-grade Grandmaster?

Woohoo, for the sake of cultivating the righteousness of the Mo family, the Mo family's ancestors couldn't help crying when they saw it, right?

Qin Yuan silently put the lower limbs of the red salamander in the pot into a large bowl, while thinking deeply and carefully about the operability of this problem.

But when he brought the big bowl to the bill in the dormitory, he dismissed the idea.

What if it doesn't grow longer after being chopped?

The book doesn't say that it won't grow longer if you chop it up, but the great Confucian master who wrote "Yao Wen Guang Ji" should have never imagined that someone would be so naughty~www.readwn.com~ Eat chop, chop and eat ?

Moreover, from a pharmacological point of view, when many drugs are used more than one time, the body will become resistant, and the efficacy of the drugs will gradually decrease.

If it is true here, then even if the second time can be longer, it should be smaller than the first time?

That can't be done.

Simply nonsense.

Qin Yuan shook his head, immediately picked up his chopsticks, and began to eat the red salamander meat in big mouthfuls.

The red salamander's meat had a strong stinky smell, which was actually not very tasty, but Qin Yuan still didn't say a word, and it took only a quarter of an hour to finish eating a large pot of meat.

After eating, he immediately felt a special, warm breath forming in his body!

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