"What kind of bad thoughts can eunuchs have (!

The idea that King Qing was a "magpie" was too absurd, and Qin Yuan quickly ruled it out.

There are three problems before Qin Yuan now.

Which prince was the "Magpie" controlled by the Holy Society ten years ago?

Will the Holy Society initiate a new round of ceremonies, what is the form of the ceremonies, and how can they be stopped?

And, on June 15, King Baoqing, what will happen that day, and what does it have to do with him, so that even Mo Dao named him and wanted to protect himself?

Three questions, I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't have a clue.

It wasn't until the sky was bright that Qin Yuan felt very hungry, so he got out of bed to prepare breakfast.

Come to the kitchen, wash rice and cook porridge.

Suddenly, he found that Ah Si had been circling around him, watching him make breakfast with great interest.

Qin Yuan had an idea and asked it, "Do you also want to learn to cook?"

Ah Si suddenly nodded wildly.

Qin Yuan was ecstatic in his heart.

Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San, he didn't try to cook them before, but they either burnt the rice or made the dishes mushy, and even smashed the bottom of the pot once. It was all worn out, so Qin Yuan had no choice but to do it himself.

If Ah Si knew how to cook, he would have another cook after the handyman Ah Da who cleaned the dormitory, the nanny Ah San who did the laundry, and Ah Er who was the laborer who carried water.

Good guy, from now on, it will be the days when Yi Lai stretches out his hand for food and opens his mouth, and this row of noodles is not inferior to concubines at all.

"You look good. When cooking porridge, the water should be more than half a finger above the rice... Oh yes, I didn't cut your fingers for you at the beginning. Anyway, that's about it, you remember it yourself."

"Now I'll fry a green vegetable for you, wash the green vegetable before frying..."

While Qin Yuan was cooking, he taught Ah Si by hand. Ah Si listened carefully, and his face was full of curiosity.

As soon as he was moved, Qin Yuan complimented it a few times.

"Asi, your child is smart since he was a child, and he is different from the rough people. You should study hard. I have high expectations for you."

Ah Si was as happy as a fallen leaf, spinning in mid-air.


After breakfast, Qin Yuan went out.

There is still a lot to do today.

First of all, I need to go to Shangyi Division to clear up the relationship with the **** in charge of Shangyi Division, so that I can transfer Xiaoxizi to the restaurant.

Whenever things increase, Qin Yuan knows that he needs a reliable helper. For now, Xiaoxizi may be the most suitable.

When I came to Shangyisi, it was in time for the once-a-month cleaning work in the Shangyisi compound, and about fifty eunuchs were busy inside and out.

When Qin Yuan entered, he saw Xizi who was squatting in the corner of the yard to work.

Xizi was wearing an old palace uniform and looked much thinner than before. At this time, she was half-kneeling on the ground, earnestly pulling out the weeds that burrowed out of the cracks in the ground.

Because Shang Yisi had an **** involved in the assassination of King Jing, the original **** in charge, that is, Xizi's godfather, was sent to prison due to poor supervision. The current **** in charge is surnamed Ning. of.

In this way, Xizi's special status is gone, and he has been reduced to a low-level servant **** again, which is the same as the emperor and the courtier.

The arrogant and arrogant Xizi thought that she could make a name for herself, but was once again ruthlessly educated by fate.

This world has always been like this, everything is up to fate, not a little bit.

"Come on, you, what are you dawdling about, steward Ning will come to check in a while!"

A sturdy **** with a strong back, kicked Xizi fiercely from behind.

Xizi's body leaned forward, but with a little cultivation, she stubbornly stabilized and did not fall down.

The strong **** was amused, "What's the matter, it shows that you have the ability, right? The ninth-rank high-level is amazing, you have the kind of fight with me? What kind of hero do you pretend to be all day long?"

Saying that, she kicked again, this time with more force than the last time, Kiko had to prop up the ground with her hands, holding a handful of grass tightly in her hands, trembling slightly.

However, it still doesn't fall.

The strong **** smiled and said, "Have a backbone! Well, grandpa will do it again, if you can't fall this time, this grass grandpa will pull it out for you!"

Saying that, Eunuch Zhuang lightly lucked out, and then slammed his foot towards Xizi's back vest.

This foot is like a tiger, and it has the power of an eighth-rank cultivator. With Xizi's cultivation level, if he doesn't dodge, he will not only fly out, but also suffer internal injuries.

But Xizi still didn't move.

Fortunately, before the foot touched his back, the strong **** flew out.

"Oh, oh, what kind of **** is this that beat me up? Give it to me, beat him to death!"

After the strong **** got up from the ground, he pointed at Qin Yuan and shouted.

Without saying a word, Qin Yuan came to his side with a flash, then raised his hand and slapped him hard in the face.

Eunuch Zhuang flew up again, and when he landed, he was more than ten feet away. His mouth and nose seemed to have pried open a dam, and blood was dripping.

With a dark face, Qin Yuan said lightly, "Qianxi Palace, Qin Yuan, do you dare to take revenge?"

When Eunuch Zhuang heard this, his face immediately turned pale.

The other dozen or so eunuchs who had planned to help were immediately stunned.

Qianxi Palace's little Qinzi has been very popular in the palace recently.

Not to mention anything else, it is said that since last night, rumors have been going on in the palace that Qin Yuan had a fight with the **** in the palace of Concubine Rong and was taken to the inner court guard, but he came back from the inner court guard unharmed!

What does this mean? It shows that people have a big network in Nei Tingwei!

Fortunately, the inner court guard took care of Concubine Quanrong's face, and didn't say that they also beat Wan Zheng, otherwise these eunuchs would probably have their eyeballs falling out.

But anyway, the current Qin Yuan is like the one who has climbed out of the dirtiest mud pit.

Although he only climbed into a slightly cleaner pit, and was far from landing, the **** in the pit had to look up when he looked at him again.

This is the status, the status that determines existence, resources and everything.

After Zhuangta finished listening, his eyes narrowed and his voice lowered. After wiping his nosebleed, he began to try to reason with Qin Yuan calmly.

"Eunuch Qin, I'm in charge of the eunuchs under my control. I have nothing to do with you, right? You, how can you beat people at any time?"

Qin Yuan smiled slightly, "This is my brother, if you hit him, who do I hit if I don't hit you?"

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Xizi, shocked.

He turned out to be the brother of Qin Dashanren from Ganxi Palace?

This kid is really lucky, with Qin Dashan protecting him, it looks like he won't have to be beaten in the future.

But at the moment, Xizi didn't respond, he was still kneeling on the ground, his head buried low, pulling the weeds, pulling the weeds, pulling the weeds... and his whole body was shaking.

Qin Yuan walked over, pulled him, and said, "Don't pull it, I'll go back with me later."

Xizi should not continue to pull the weeds.

Click, click, there is only the sound of him breaking grass roots in the yard.

His eyes were dodging, and he was reluctant to look up at Qin Yuan, but the veins on his hands burst out, and he dealt with all the weeds in his line of sight.

As if weeds were fate, his worst enemy.

He once said that he wants to climb up step by step, to rise to the top, and then bring his brother Qin Yuan to enjoy happiness together.

He tried desperately to worship that moody old **** as his godfather, risking his death at any time, and working for the inner court guard with his meager cultivation.

But now, his spirit, dignity and ambition are still being trampled on, no one can help him - what makes him even more desperate is that Qin Yuan happened to see this scene.

This scene can be seen by anyone, but in his heart, he can't be seen by Xiao Qinzi~www.readwn.com~ because he only has this one friend.

A person like Xizi is destined to be miserable, and it is no surprise that if he stands at the height he wants one day, he will most likely... just like those eunuchs who have gained power, the dragon slayer will eventually become evil Dragon.

If it was someone else, Qin Yuan would not care.

However, Kiko worked hard for him that day.

Like a thin but stubborn grass dog, he sacrificed his life for him.

Therefore, Qin Yuan couldn't leave him alone.

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