What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 144: Su Qin Qin collapsed

After Xizi went out, Qin Yuan thought about the next plan again.

If you want to know about the "Magpie Bridge Project", you must enter the Holy Society. This matter can't be delayed any longer. You need to know that even if the other party recruits you, there will be a test period before you can let yourself participate in theirs. action.

Right now, the most likely member of the Holy Society is that old **** surnamed Zhao from AMTD.

But it would be too deliberate to go to AMTD directly to find him, and it will inevitably lead to imagination, so the best way is to go to each casino tonight, hoping to "ran into" with him.

In addition, the commander's wife said that Qing Zhengsi also knew some information about the "Magpie Bridge Project", so he had to make a draft first, and think about how to ask Su Ruoyi in a side-by-side manner when she came - she is Lord Sizheng. The direct disciple may know more than Zhao Dangtou.

Finally, regarding the matter of June 15, we have to wait for the Mo family to come to the door. Since the Mo family wants to determine whether they have "abandoned darkness", they will definitely send people to approach them secretly, and they need to pay more attention at that time.

After thinking about this, Qin Yuan glanced outside the courtyard again.

The blue-gray floor tiles and the blue-gray walls are still empty.

Now that the Nei Tingwei and Shang Gong Si have already done it, the Ganxi Palace can finally be built, but where to start?

This is not an easy task, because it is difficult to achieve a balance between not exceeding the specifications of ordinary concubines and creating the charm that you want.

The key is that he himself doesn't know anything about this, so even if he tries to figure it out, he doesn't have a clue!

Why don't you ask a garden master to design it?

At this moment, Qin Yuan suddenly remembered that the garden was very well designed, like Concubine Min's Chenghua Palace.

Yes, look for Concubine Min to fetch the scriptures... there is something inside!

Just when he was about to get up and go out, he saw Su Qinqin walk in.


As soon as the little girl entered the bedroom, she sneered twice, then opened her hands to block the door.

Qin Yuan expressed his fear, what are you going to do?

The Lun family is still innocent now!

Su Qinqin stared at Qin Yuan with a fierce look on his face, "Are you running again? Do you think you can get out of my hand, big liar?"

Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Hey, I speak with conscience. Did you give me the money yourself? Did I say no before? Is this also a scam?"

When I mentioned this, the little girl became even more angry, her pretty face blushed and said, "Bah, I'm giving you money to pay off your gambling debts. And the premise is that you promise me not to gamble anymore. !"

"You just said at the time that if I went to gamble again, you would just hit me..." The old artist Qin looked like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

After speaking, he lay down directly on Feng's bed and said, "Come on."

"You, you are still mad at me!"

Su Qinqin looked like he could bear it or couldn't bear it. He immediately rolled up his sleeves, revealing two pure white arms, and walked to Qin Yuan angrily.

Just as he was about to fight, he found Qin Yuan grunted and rolled to the innermost side of the bed, against the wall.

Feng's bed is bigger than ordinary people's beds. Su Qinqin was standing beside the bed and couldn't reach it with his hands, so he shouted tenderly, "Big liar, get down for me!"

Qin Yuan lay on the bed, crossed Erlang's legs comfortably, and said, "Come up if you have the ability?"

"Come down if you have the ability!"

"Why should I come down? Hey, I gave you a chance, right? You can't blame me if you don't cherish it yourself."


Su Qinqin pointed at Qin Yuan, her face turned pale with anger, her beautiful almond eyes were wide open, and she bit Yinghong's lower lip again.

After hesitating for a while, she quickly took off her shoes and rushed to bed.

"Come up when you come up, I'm afraid of you! Big liar, I won't beat you up and cry!"

Anyway, the big liar is just a **** anyway, and it won't conflict with the phrase "men and women don't get along with each other".

When Qin Yuan saw that Su Qinqin really came up, he couldn't help but feel happy.

What is Xiao Nizi doing, as a catalyst?

As soon as Su Qinqin came up, he climbed to Qin Yuan's side, holding his shoulder with one small hand, and holding a small pink fist with the other small hand, hitting Qin Yuan's arm with "slap" and "slap". several times.

"Let you go to gamble, let you gamble, do you agree?"

Qin Yuan screamed "screamingly", but still said "stubbornly", "I won't accept it, I won't accept it, He Dongshi is hitting her husband!"

As soon as Su Qinqin heard this, her fair face suddenly became peach red, she was angry and ashamed, like a white reed reflecting the fiery red morning glow, but she looked like an indescribable girl.

"You, you still dare to talk nonsense!" Su Qinqin was so angry that he increased his strength and hammered Qin Yuan several times, "I will fight for you today!"

"Aiya, tap lightly, Su Qinqin, you are too ruthless!"

"Then are you talking back?"

"Why don't you talk back?"

After Su Qinqin heard this, his head tilted and his brows wrinkled, as if he was thinking about what this means?

But after all, I didn't think of it, so I chose to continue beating him. Anyway, this **** looks like he needs to be beaten.

"What inexplicable question, isn't it honest?"

Su Qinqin raised his pink fist again, but at this moment, he saw that Qin Yuan was like a loach, twisted a few times and got to the end of the bed.

"You stop!"

Su Qinqin was in a hurry. After the "kill" this time, he chose a half-kneeling position and used his knee to hold Qin Yuan's leg first to prevent him from escaping.

She was about to continue beating, but she didn't want Qin Yuan to move, her legs slipped, and she immediately retreated...

Sitting on the big liar's thighs.

What should I say, it would be much more convenient to beat Qin Yuan in this way.

It's just... the scene suddenly became more fragrant.

Light clothes and tulle, the beauty sits in danger.

This small accident caused the room to fall into silence.

Su Qinqin was about to cry.

No matter how ignorant she was, she knew that this posture was very indecent, especially when there was a man underneath.

No, no, he's just a eunuch...a eunuch, similar to a sister.

I'm not, I don't...

Su Qinqin madly supplemented his brain.

Why didn't Qin Yuan have a brain supplement?

But, **** it! At this time, I am clearly a man, but I am powerless. At this moment, my heart is full of coldness and darkness. I have been humiliated and trampled on. My dignity and pride have been pressed to the ground and repeatedly rubbed...

Hurala, get fifty-odd starlights!

Both of them were in ups and downs in their hearts, but they didn't want to break through the embarrassment, so they settled on the spot just like petrochemicals.

Just when Su Qinqin made up his mind to come down, he suddenly saw a black shadow entering the hospital.

rub rub...

But after running to the door, he immediately stepped on the "brake" and stopped.

The door to the front hall was open, and the figure looked at the phoenix bed in a stunned manner, and immediately lowered his head.

She hurriedly took out her pocket card and placed it on the threshold. Kiko said calmly, "Excuse me."

After speaking, he lowered his head and closed the door of the bedroom, and then ran out of the courtyard again.

Little Qinzi, he really isn't an ordinary person!


Su Qinqin finally got off the bed. When he got off, he didn't say a word, but there were tears in his eyes.

Woohoo, it's over, my innocence is ruined now...

"Big liar, I, I don't care about you anymore!"

Qin Yuan quickly went down~www.readwn.com~ and comforted, "Don't, it was an accident, I didn't expect it, didn't I?"

"You go away, woo woo... Every time I'm with you, there's nothing good."

"That said, you've been fine before." Qin Yuan took out a handkerchief and handed it to Su Qinqin, "It's alright, it's all my fault, okay? I'll stand still this time and let you fight. Okay?"

"I don't want it, I have no face to meet anyone!"

Su Qin Qin Yue said that the more she broke down, she cried so much, "They were talking about me, saying I'm good to you, but now, it's even harder for me, I to say!"

When Qin Yuan heard this, he sighed and said, "Is it so hard to tell what I said? That's right, I'm just a servant eunuch, you belong to the Chenghua Palace, why are you good to me? "

When Su Qinqin saw it, he quickly shook his head and said, "No, it's not like this, it's not that good... What they said is... woo woo woo, forget it, you don't understand either."

While Su Qinqin cried, he picked up the rice paper placed at the door and handed it to Qin Yuan.


"Okay, I'll copy it, don't cry yet."


Looking at Su Qinqin's tears, Qin Yuan wanted to laugh for some reason.

Such a cute little girl.

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