What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 147: Magpie Bridge Project and Shura Field

"What kind of bad thoughts can eunuchs have (!

Huang Tongjuan smiled kindly, as if stubbornly saying that he was not a dog official.

Qin Yuan glanced at Zhao Dang's head again, and saw that he was also grinning, with a sense of pride that could not be concealed between his eyebrows, as if this matter could make the people of the A-type family a supreme honor.

Is this the material waiting for the new bragging?

Facts have proved that it is not so simple to work for Qing Zhengsi.

Speaking of hard work, Qin Yuan then remembered that these **** had never paid him a serious monthly salary, even if he didn't even have a tael of silver... Let him sell without giving money, this behavior is not as good as the clients in the hook.

Qin Yuan sighed and had no choice but to ask, "Sir, I don't know what you are sending?"

Huang Tongjuan pondered for a while, and said, "Before I tell you about this, it is still necessary for this officer to tell you a past story. This matter is very important. If it is not for Zhao Dangtou, Jia Zike and others who unanimously guarantee you, this officer will The officer won't tell you either."

Zhao Dangtou smiled again, glanced at Qin Yuan, and told him with his eyes that there was no need to thank him, it was all right.

Qin Yuan looked at his exposed front teeth and wanted to knock him down with a hammer.

What's so special, obviously they are giving their lives for free, but these two birdmen can still show that they have the same chance if they trust themselves.

Is this the art of leadership?

Dog officer!

After slandering for a while, Qin Yuan said helplessly, "Don't worry, my lord, as a detective, my subordinates are naturally tight-lipped, and I will never say a word or a word to the public about all matters of the Qingzheng Division."

Zhao Dangtou also immediately said, "Yes, yes, Xiao Qinzi is very strict, and uses a pseudonym when he goes out."

"That's very good," Huang Tongjuan nodded and finally said, "Ten years ago, the harem suddenly broke into a great master of the Holy Society..."

Qin Yuan was slightly startled when he heard the beginning.

Good guy, isn't this the "Magpie Bridge Project"?

So I immediately pricked my ears and listened, wanting to see if there was any new content in Kiyoshoji's version.

Huang Tongjuan spoke in a eloquent manner and spoke for about half an hour.

Compared with Zhong Jinyi's version, his version has more content that Zhong Jinyi doesn't understand, but there are things that Huang Tongjuan doesn't understand about what Zhong Jinyi understands.

Qin Yuan made a synthesis of the two parts, and finally came up with a general picture of the "Magpie Bridge Project".

In order to obtain a controlled emperor, the Holy Society secretly selected a group of the youngest and most beautiful women in the society more than 20 years ago and sent them to the palace for draft.

Perhaps one or several of them were selected to enter the harem, and were subsequently blessed by the emperor and became pregnant.

Shortly after the prince was born, the Holy Society first sent the great master to sneak into the palace and gave him the first "enlightenment".

This is a very special ceremony. It is said that after the initiation, the prince will have some kind of special righteousness in his body, which can make his cultivation grow rapidly.

In this way, the prince can definitely stand out among the princes and have the qualifications to compete for the crown prince.

Another advantage of empowerment is that the prince must receive empowerment every few years, otherwise he will die retrograde with his whole body upright, but it is unknown how many years.

In this way, the life and death of the prince is equal to the control of the Holy Society.

In addition, the emperor's mother constantly instilled a hundred schools of thought into him, and the Holy Society believes that under this condition, he must be able to completely control the prince from body to mind.

This is the origin of the "Magpie Bridge Project".

In fact, the plan of the Holy Society did not go smoothly. After all, there was a sword temple in the palace. The two great masters who came before and after were all killed, and the prince who was suspected of being empowered at the time was also killed.

Therefore, the Queqiao Project is a headless koan. Has the Holy Society succeeded in empowering it? If it is successful, which prince was empowered?

neither knows.

At present, the most outstanding princes in Dacheng are King Qing and King Yu. Although there are some people who vaguely suspect that some of them are "magpie", when it is unknown whether the Holy Society will succeed or not, no one dares to rush Conclusion.

What's more, the two are both popular candidates for the prince, and they have deep roots in the court. It can be said that the whole body can be affected by one stroke. It is impossible to indiscriminately kill the two most outstanding princes without any evidence. right?

Once killed, the court will set off a **** storm.

Well, even if it is killed, does that mean that there will be a hundred great masters in the palace in the future, and the emperor will kill the prince again?

All the outstanding princes are suspected, so should they all be killed?

Isn't this the big joke of slipping the world?

But in any case, if this matter happens, it will definitely shake the nation's capital, so the Sword Temple does not dare to neglect, and has been investigating the truth.

As a subordinate of the Sword Temple, Qing Zhengsi was naturally on the front line of the investigation.

Sadly, nothing has been gained over the years.

Just when he was at a loss, Qing Zhengsi finally found a clue from the assassination of King Jing a few days ago.

"A few days ago, we unexpectedly learned that the Holy Society is preparing for the third empowerment." Huang Tongjuan said solemnly, "It's just the exact time and which prince to be empowered. It is still unclear."

Qin Yuan wouldn't ask in detail how their clues came from, but at this moment, the figure of King Qing appeared in his mind again.

If the information of the Qingzheng Division is correct, then the possibility that King Qing is the "magpie" is very high, because this can explain what "June 15 Baoqing King" means.

The day of empowerment was on June 15th. Judging from the experience of the last two empowerments, the risk factor of this incident was extremely high, so this time Mo Dao also chose to help the Holy Society together...

The logic is very smooth, but there is one question.

King Qing definitely doesn't look like a puppet. He was so high-spirited and handsome when he was drinking that day. Looking at his past notes and handing down a book, he didn't have the slightest resentment or resentment. It is absolutely impossible for a puppet to have such a state of mind.

So what is the truth?

From Qin Yuan's point of view, he definitely doesn't want King Qing to be a "magpie", because once that happens, it will become a very difficult question whether he will help King Qing or not.

If you don't help, then King Qing's initiation will fail, and he will be arrested even if he doesn't die. At that time, the king will be the only one in the palace, and he will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Moreover, when King Qing falls, Concubine Min of the same camp will also be implicated, and Su Qinqin will not end well.

Conversely, what if it helps?

Once King Naqing succeeded in empowering, the commander's wife would be in jeopardy, and his life would not be guaranteed.

Whether it's Concubine Min, or Su Qinqin~www.readwn.com~ the commander's wife, after all, the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, so he will feel distressed if something goes wrong?

Thousands of thoughts flitted through his heart, and finally Qin Yuan decided to make things clear first.

Only by first determining whether it is King Qing, and then determining how they act, can we examine the operating space and see if we can achieve the goal of taking care of all parties.

Although, it's impossible for him to think about it himself, but he still has to try it anyway, right? Who let him step on so many boats, this is the Shura Field!

After collecting his thoughts, Qin Yuan immediately made a shocking expression and said, "Sir, this is really shocking and bizarre, and it's hard for your subordinates to imagine. Just... What can your subordinates do?"

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