What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 150: Loyalty and Incomparable Little Qin Zi

Qin Yuan knew that the opportunity to perform had come.

So he thought for a while, and said, "Well, how about this?"

Qin Yuan handed over all the plans he had thought up to Yu Yanxing.

Yu Yanxing nodded slightly while listening, and finally laughed.

"Little Qinzi, you still have some spiritual energy, I like it very much."

Qin Yuan also followed with a silly smile.

If I wasn't very clever, would you think of recruiting me into the club?

But he still said, "Actually, in fact, I've been thinking about this idea for a long time, but I'm afraid that you'll be over-hearted when I say it, so I might as well not mention it."

"Hehe, why don't you mention it?" Yu Yanxing smiled, then touched his chin, "It's just... I'm not an actor, so I need to think about how to act in a while."

"Haha, but I haven't even seen the singing a few times, and I don't know how to act."

Yu Yanxing laughed and said with high interest, "Come here, I will sit down and think carefully about how to act. To tell you the truth, there are also actors among the hundred schools, and the outstanding ones also have magical powers and illusions. Infinite!"

"Ah, does this house really exist?"

Qin Yuan thought to himself, if acting can also become a way of cultivation, what rank do you have to be?


A mile away, a certain dwelling.

"Why hasn't there been any movement for so long?"

Holding the sword, Su Ruoyi paced back and forth in the room, her pretty face became more and more anxious, she stopped suddenly, and turned to look at Zhao Zongzhen.

"Master, where are your tattered clothes?"

Zhao Zongzhen said, "What are you going to do? Besides, you are thin-skinned and tender, and you don't look like a refugee. If you are seen through, wouldn't it be counterproductive?"

Su Ruoyi frowned, pondered again, and said, "Then how about I pretend to be a woman who is looking for her husband in the middle of the night? The husband hasn't returned all night, and as a wife, he is worried and tormented, so it makes sense to go out in the dark to find her husband, right?"

One-eyed forcefully listened to it, and immediately came to the spirit.

"This plan is feasible! Otherwise, I will play the husband? Why didn't the husband return all night? He must be drinking too much outside! I have wine in the stone, I will take a few sips first, and then I will get drunk. Then you and I met near the abandoned warehouse and made a whisper..."

The room suddenly became quiet, and One-eyed Qiang noticed that everyone was looking at him with some strange eyes.

"Shame." Stump Deng snorted.

One-eyed glared at Stump Foot Deng, then sighed, "Okay, don't tell me. But little Qinzi hasn't moved for so long, we can't just wait here, right?"

Zhao Zongzhen couldn't bear it anymore, got up and said to Huang Tongjing, "Sir, this is really weird. Logically, they won't be connected for so long. Just in case, you can see..."

"Don't be impatient!" Huang Tongjuan still said with a cold face, "Isn't that person coming out yet? If he doesn't come out, it means that Xiao Qinzi is not dead. Besides, don't you say that he is very clever? It's been so long, if If the situation is not right, he should have informed us."

When Zhao Zongzhen and others saw Huang Tongju's remarks again, they could only sigh helplessly. Stump Deng even stomped his legs lightly, but it caused the wooden floor to shake, like a small earthquake.

At this moment, a voice came from Zhao Zongzhen's sound transmission stone.

"It's over, I seem to have been seen through!"

It belongs to Xiao Qinzi!

When Zhao Zongzhen heard this, his scalp felt numb, he pulled out his sword and shouted, "Little Qinzi has been seen through, kill him!"

After speaking, the window smashed with a bang, and the figure disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

When the A-character Ke Su Ruoyi, One-eyed Qiang, Stump Deng, Fat and Thin Head Tuo and others heard this, their expressions changed greatly, and they rushed up.

"Little Qinzi, I'm here!"

"Come and come!"

At this time, Yu Yanxing also "hijacked" Qin Yuan and rushed out of the broken warehouse, but he just went out, and saw sword lights shining all around, seven huge long swords broke out from the ground and surrounded them.

Yu Yanxing was not surprised. Since the opponent wanted to capture him, it was natural to set up a sword formation nearby.

However, with a loud smile, he rushed to the roof with Qin Yuan in his hand, and at some point in his hand there was another brush that was about several inches long and half-broken.

With a flick of his long sleeves, he wrote a big word "defense" in the air, and the air around him suddenly surged violently, forming a substantial air wall that enveloped him and Qin Yuan.

The seven long swords tried to penetrate the Qi wall in seven directions, but they were unable to penetrate for a while, and the two sides formed a confrontation.

At this time, Zhao Zongzhen and others still arrived, and Huang Tongjuan was also suspended in the night sky, calmly watching the people in the air wall.

"The great master of Confucianism?" Huang Tongjuan hummed, "Then you are just doing nothing? Rumor has it that the great master of Confucianism taught the law and followed the methods. Would you like to put that person down and have a test with me?"

Yu Yanxing laughed and said, "This thief killed my disciple of the Holy Society and almost lied to me, how can I hand it over to you?"

Zhao Zongzhen scolded, "Dog thief, has Confucianism been reduced to such a level now that it's embarrassing a child?"

Yu Yanxing said, "He's a child? He's very clever as a child. If you tell me a lot, why don't I kill him?"

Su Ruoyi shouted, "Yu Yanxing, if you don't let him go, you won't want to leave today! If he dies, Qing Zhengsi will never stop with you, and they will surely hunt you down to the ends of the earth!"

Yu Yanxing laughed, "I just let him go, can you let me go?"

When Su Ruoyi heard this, she hurriedly looked at Huang Tongjuan, "Lord Tongjuan!"

At the same time, One Eyed Qiang and the others also hurriedly shouted, "Your Majesty!"

Huang Hanguang knew that these people in the Jiazike department wanted to let him let go of Yu Yanxing, but Yu Yanxing was the altar owner of the Jiangnan branch of the Holy Society. He must have a big task when he entered Beijing this time. If the Holy Society really intends to empower, the secret can be fully in his mouth!

At this moment, such a good opportunity, how could he miss it?

The Qing Zhengsi descended from him, and his life was all his majesty's life. For the sake of the imperial court and his majesty, who should not die?

So his face condensed, he shouted loudly, and the seven swords turned into one again and stabbed at the wall of air.

Hearing a loud bang, the air wall immediately exposed several cracks.

Yu Yanxing said to Qin Yuan with a smile, "Did you see it, this is the Qingzheng Division that is known as the number one division in the world, and is known as a clear and clean universe!"

Qin Yuan gave a wry smile, but according to the original plan, he took out a dagger and stabbed Yu Yanxing's neck.

At this time, the air wall was broken, Yu Yanxing shouted, and slapped Qin Yuan on the chest, Qin Yuan immediately flew out.

The direction is towards the flying sword of intent.

Huang Hanguang was startled and had to take the Xiayi sword. After all, he killed Qin Yuan directly, fearing that someone from the Jiazi family would soon turn against him.

Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief in the air. He had already looked at the magic inkstone in his hand and retracted it instantly.

If the old boy Huang Hanguang really killed him, he would have to use the inkstone.

When Yu Yanxing saw that Qin Yuan was safe, he was also relieved. If Huang Hanguang didn't withdraw his sword, he was ready to take action.

At this time, Huang Hanguang saw that Yu Yanxing was defeated, gave Qin Yuan a cold look, and immediately got up and chased after him.

Qin Yuan fell weakly from mid-air, Su Ruoyi shouted "Little Qin Zi~www.readwn.com~ and then pointed toes, jumped up, and caught him firmly in the air.

Qin Yuan lay in Su Ruoyi's arms and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The people of the Jiazi Branch suddenly gathered around, and all of them showed their teeth and cracked their eyes.

"Little Qinzi, little Qinzi, hold on!"

"Don't die!"

"Hold on!"

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, Qin Yuan slowly opened his eyes, raised a hand to hold Su Ruoyi's hand, and then gave her a gentle look.

That glance contained thousands of words, and it was deeply affectionate, but others could see some clues.

Su Ruoyi's eyes were wet with tears, and she held Qin Yuan's hand tightly, but kept shaking her head.

Little Qinzi, don't die, we managed to escape from the Demon Realm together!

But soon, she nodded again.

She knew that Xiao Qinzi was asking herself, that she had promised him that she would be his wife in the next life.

Seeing Su Ruoyi nodding, Qin Yuan struggled for a while, then exhausted all his strength and said weakly.

"June 15th, Qingyun Pavilion... Qingyun Pavilion wants..."

Even before he died, he did not forget to explain the secrets he had discovered.

But he was still too weak after all.

Having said this, he suddenly stared at his legs, and closed his eyes with endless "regret"!

Loyalty is unparalleled, affectionate to nature, there is no more hero in the world than this!

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