What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 160: Enlightenment Society

Chu Yanxiu sending fish is like a bachelor playing a rogue.

Say he is stingy and lacks etiquette. Every time someone comes to the door empty-handed, you are embarrassed to pick him up.

But you say that he is really a decent person, and he really doesn't stand next to him. First, it's self-evident where he stole this fish, and second, you don't dare to eat this fish, and you have to take the trouble to throw it away.

Therefore, when Qin Yuan saw Chu Yanxiu, his face was dark. Anyway, this guy didn't know how to look at his face, and he would still rub his face when he should eat.

Chu Yanxiu, as always, had a bright smile, and when he saw Qin Yuan, he giggled, "Brother Qin, Brother Qin, what did I bring you?"

Qin Yuan said angrily, "I see, two fish."

Chu Yanxiu raised the fish, shook it at Qin Yuan, and said, "Not exactly, on the surface these are two ordinary fish, but in fact they are two fairy fish!"


"Yes, I've marinated these two fish in Zui Shengmeng stagnant water. The mouth is slightly numb, far better than the rattan pepper, and has a little wine fragrance. After eating, there is a rush of heat, and it will soon make you fluttering. It's very comfortable. The key is that a little poison can't kill people, and it can be easily resolved!"

Chu Yanxiu looked smug, as if his brain had just been caught by the door.

Since the last time he had a whim to mix drinks with drunken life, dream and dead water, he may have gone farther and farther on the road of eating poison. Probably this is what he understands as "the same origin of medicine and food".

Qin Yuan sighed, thinking that such signs of fluttering and immortality are very dangerous.

If this trend continues, this product may develop the world's first "D product", and then a genius pharmacist will be transformed into a generation of drug lords.

In order to prevent tens of millions of families from being poisoned by this product, Qin Yuan quickly said, "Brother Chu, as a great talent in medicine, how can you play with things like this? Although this thing is not poisonous, it is harmful to people after all. If the recipe spreads Go, how many people have you killed?"

Chu Yanxiu smiled again, and said nonchalantly, "Brother Qin has been worrying too much, and ordinary people are not worthy of being drunk."

"Bullshit, do you dare to say that you are the only one in the Yao family?"

Chu Yanxiu glanced at Qin Yuan strangely and said, "Brother Qin, why are you suddenly worrying about the country and the people? With such a high-sounding appearance, I want the adults in the court to look like eunuchs."

"You know the shit, it's the responsibility of the country to rise and fall."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he took Chu Yanxiu's fish and threw it on the ground without any respect.

Chu Yanxiu sighed regretfully, but he was not very angry, nor did he delay him from entering the house to ask for tea.

Qin Yuan also had nothing to do with this product, so he made him some tea.

After taking two sips, Chu Yanxiu took out an iron card from his arms and put it on the table.

Then he said, "Brother Qin, from today onwards, you are a member of the Holy Society. From now on, you and I will be brothers of the same family, living and dying together, and will be bound for a lifetime."

Qin Yuan looked at him speechlessly, "Did I say I joined? Also, if you admit that you belong to the Holy Society in front of me, are you not afraid that I will call Nei Tingwei to arrest you?"

Chu Yanxiu said with a smile, "Brother Qin, you and I still need to say those hypocritical words for our friendship? You saved Lord Yu Tan, and Ling Zun is also an outside disciple of my guild, and now you have offended King Yu, Just when you need shelter, are you not happy that I want you to join me in order to protect you?"

Chu Yanxiu said it for granted. In fact, when he received the order from the superior, the superior asked him to explore Qin Yuan's meaning first, but he was too lazy to say that, so he went straight in.

He knew very well that Qin Yuan would definitely agree.

In fact, he guessed right, of course Qin Yuan would not refuse. After all, he revealed his identity to Yu Yanxing in the warehouse just to join the Holy Society.

Just like Chu Yanxiu's appearance, it looks very demanding.

Qin Yuan first received the iron card in Nashi, and after thinking for a while, he had to find a place to hide it. After all, in the palace, Nashi may be searched at any time.

In other words, he already has three brands, and these things are not used very often, and it is not convenient to show people, so he has to hide in Tibet, which is also annoying.

After putting away the sign, Qin Yuan said to Chu Yanxiu, "You can join, but it's for the sake of Lord Yu Tan. As for the fetters, don't mention it again. It's a bit risky to be fettered by you."

"Haha, brother Qin, are you afraid that I will poison you? Don't worry, it won't happen in the future."

As he said that, he took out a large box about one foot in length and width from Nashi, placed it in front of Qin Yuan, and said, "This is what Yao Lao asked me to give you. Yao Lao said that since the poison is useful for you, He can make an exception for you. There are all good things in it, some of which I can't make, so you can hide them."

Hey, this is still a bit like, let's say it earlier!

Qin Yuan's face was much better-looking, he hid the box in the Nashi with a smile, and said, "Tell Yao Lao, please let him worry."

Then he took out another box of tea leaves from under the table and brewed it for Chu Yanxiu.

"Brother Chu, drink tea, please drink tea, please drink good tea."

"Brother Qin is still so snobby."

"Where, who are we and who." Qin Yuan smiled and asked again, "By the way, is there a Wangu scarlet powder here?"

"Brother Qin thinks too much, don't talk about you, even I don't have that. Otherwise, when you see Yao Lao one day, you ask him for it yourself?"

Qin Yuan sighed and said, "Forget it, that's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse."

Chu Yanxiu chuckled, watching Qin Yuan's tea-making action, and said, "Originally, I joined the membership to worship the first saints of the hundreds of families, but now the situation is special, so I have temporarily waived it, and I will make it up for you when there is a chance in the future. In addition, you are temporarily worshiping under the main gate of Wuyan Hall, King of Vermillion Bird Hall, and belong to the same hall as me."

"Vermillion Bird Palace?"

"Yes, Vermillion Bird Hall is responsible for collecting information from all over the world and doing secret things. You know this is enough."

Qin Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, is there anything else to say?"

Chu Yanxiu thought about it and said, "Originally, I was asked to tell you about the thirty-six rules and seventy-two express orders, but I can't remember them well, so I won't say them. In short, the emperor said : The most important thing when you come out and hang out is to show loyalty, and it is enough to remember this."

Qin Yuan chuckled, "Gaozu is a talent."

"After that, let's get down to business," Chu Yanxiu said again, "Brother Qin, I think you and Nei Tingwei seem to have a good relationship?"

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

"That's good, hehehe..." Chu Yanxiu smiled meaningfully, and said, "Right now, there is something I need to ask for your help."

Qin Yuan smiled lightly~www.readwn.com~ and asked, "What's the matter?"

"We have some things to bring in from outside the palace, but it's inconvenient for outsiders to find out. Since Brother Qin is familiar with the imperial guards, it's best for you to bring them in."

Qin Yuan thought to himself that he started to send tasks as soon as he joined the society, and there was no foreplay at all. The people of the Holy Society were a little dry.

But on second thought, he seemed to understand a little.

If nothing else, this should be some kind of test from the Holy Society, right?

After all, it is too risky to let yourself do big things from the beginning, so start with small things first, try to be good, and let yourself get used to doing what you are told.

So he immediately said, "Since it is assigned by the meeting, then I will serve myself. By the way, what is to be transported?"

Chu Yanxiu took a sip of tea, and then said, "Just cut off the wood."

Qin Yuan frowned and asked, "If you cut off a piece of wood, you will... ah, right, we can't bring it in because of our business in the palace?"

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