What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 187: And this good thing?

Su Qinqin still looks like a routine. After talking to Qin Yuan, he walks in front, but doesn't walk side by side with him.

Qin Yuan wanted to laugh when he saw Xiao Nizi like this, what a big deal, still not relieved after so many days?

Then go to coax, after all, it's also a little wife taking a bath.

So he stepped forward quickly, walked to the position beside her, and hummed, "Su Qinqin is a careful eye."

When Su Qinqin heard it, he immediately turned his head and glared at him, but still held back his words.

Except for official business, I don't care about you!

Qin Yuan gently pulled the hair down Su Qin Qin's temples again, increased his voice, and said, "Be careful, why don't you speak?"

Su Qinqin bit his lip angrily, and without saying a word, punched Qin Yuan on the arm, and then shouted, "Go away!"

Qin Yuan held Su Qinqin and pretended to be angry, "Will you try hitting me again?"

"How dare you threaten me? What if I hit you?"

Su Qinqin was so angry that he hammered Qin Yuan again.

Qin Yuan glared, "Oh, my wife beats her husband, you are out of control!"

"You, why are you so rude?"

Su Qinqin stomped his feet, and his pretty face was blushing. He didn't know if he was angry or ashamed. He couldn't bear to raise his hand and hit Qin Yuan again.

"No more bullshit, no more bullshit! You're a rascal, a rascal!"

Qin Yuan stood on the side and let Su Qin Qin "beat".

Two little eunuchs passed by on the side of the road, looking at Qin Yuan with envy.

Su Qinqin is recognized by the eunuchs as the most beautiful maid in the harem, and she is also a member of Chenghua Palace. She can be said to be of noble birth and belongs to the ceiling of maids. How many little eunuchs want to play with her, but unfortunately they are only like Eunuch Qin. Play.

Su Qinqin hit Qin Yuan several times, only to realize that hitting this **** was not worth it at all, because his hand hurt, but he didn't even frown.

But at this moment, Qin Yuan smiled at her and said, "Is it enough? Keep fighting until you are comfortable."

"Bah, who wants to hit you! Get out of the way!"

"Su Qinqin, you are too ruthless, aren't you? Even if it's my fault, you beat and scolded you, can't you calm down? If you want to do this again, then I can only jump into the river to show you."

Su Qinqin looked at Qin Yuan with a wronged face again, and almost couldn't help but laugh.

In fact, how can she have any deep hatred with Qin Yuan? If this scoundrel can say a few good words, her anger will naturally disappear.

But she still tried her best to hold her face and said, "Okay, then you can jump into the river, and I will forgive you if you jump."

Qin Yuan grabbed Su Qinqin's hand and said immediately, "Okay, let's go now."

Su Qinqin finally couldn't help laughing "puchi", then snorted and said, "boring! Who wants you to jump into the river?"

But he remembered the time when Qin Yuan jumped into the river in winter to save her, and he couldn't help feeling warm again. The warm breath floated from his heart to the pretty little face, which made the smile more charming.

Qin Yuan got three starlights...

"You heard about me, little Qinzi." Su Qinqin finally stopped playing and said to Qin Yuan seriously, "I know you are very angry about Qingfenglou. But this matter is not that simple, you must Don't be rude, you know?"

Qin Yuan snorted deliberately, and then said coldly, "That's not good, I've been bullied, how can I bear it? You know, I have always been a mighty person who can't be submissive, and the poor and humble can't move."

In the past, there was a saying, "Rich and noble can't be promiscuous", but now I can, so I won't mention this.

Su Qinqin thought to himself, Xiao Qinzi has always been upright, not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, I am afraid that he can really find King Yu and the others to take revenge!

This time, I was so anxious that I almost burst into tears.

He hurriedly advised, "I know, I know you are brave, but this matter is not as simple as you think. You, if you don't listen to me, I will go to your place to watch you every day!"

"Ah? So... unreasonable?"

Qin Yuan was overjoyed, is there such a good thing?

Thinking of Su Qinqin's posture on the phoenix bed that day, Qin Yuan couldn't help but feel a slight itch in his heart.

If this little girl goes to her place every day, wouldn't it be equivalent to sending blood under the tower?

But on second thought, she has been troubled recently. If she sticks to herself, one is that she is not very convenient to move, and the other is that she is not safe.

Well, after a while, Su Qinqin can go if he wants, even if he wants to stay overnight.

In other words, if Su Qinqin stayed in the Ganxi Palace, Qin Yuan really didn't want to hide it.

After all, she was reluctant to die by herself, and even if she was told that she was a fake eunuch, she would definitely not tell the public.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan said, "It's alright, alright, I know it in my heart. Just relax, I won't be impulsive for you."

After Su Qinqin heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, then we can make a deal. I tell you, I will be very sad if I don't see you in the future."

"Okay, I know."


Walking into Chenghua Palace, there is always a simple and elegant atmosphere oncoming.

As usual, Su Qinqin led Qin Yuan to the back garden with a winding path.

In the back garden, on the stone table under the gazebo, there is a guzheng. The sandalwood by the zither has just burned to the bottom, but the owner is not there.

Su Qinqin asked a palace maid who was standing next to him. It turned out that there was a guest visiting Chenghua Palace, and Concubine Min went to the bedroom, but she specifically explained that Qin Yuan would sit under the pavilion for a while, and she would come back soon.

Qin Yuan was also welcome. He sat on the stone pier and saw that there was still brewed tea on the table, so he took a tea cup and poured it for himself.

"Good tea." After taking a sip, he asked Su Qinqin with a smile, "Would you like a sip?"

Su Qin Qin laughed angrily, "Do you really take this as your home?"

"Don't tell me, as soon as I return to Chenghua Palace, I have a different kind of intimacy." Qin Yuan smiled, "I have a hunch that this may be my second home in the future."

Su Qinqin thought that Qin Yuan was smiling so strangely~www.readwn.com~ This is also very strange, but after thinking about it for a while, he finally "suddenly realized".

Then he smiled and said, "Little Qinzi, do you also want to come to Chenghua Palace as an errand? Oh, if you want, you can beg me. When the time comes, I will help you to say a few words in front of Master Min, maybe it will really work."

On a business trip? Qin Yuan almost laughed.

What a joke, my buddy has a single-family mansion in Ganxi Palace, four paper figures serve on him, sleep until he wakes up naturally every day, and also take up several positions every minute for hundreds of thousands of dollars, come here as an errand?

Unless it's the kind of poor servant who waits for Concubine Min to sleep at night, or pays three times the salary and pays five insurances and one housing fund, they won't come.

"I'm not begging you."

Qin Yuan refused with a sip, and then continued to taste the tea.

Soon his eyes were drawn to the guzheng that was engraved with simple patterns, but was extremely delicate.

What's the matter with the sudden urge to play?

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