"So, this tone is easy to make mistakes." At this time, Qin Yuan said lightly, "Look at me just now, I was too anxious to raise the tone, so I made a mistake. You must pay attention when dealing with this. "

With a calm and dedicated face, he shows the attitude of a serious artist worthy of his conscience, who studies art without distractions.

Just this tone, this attitude, this image, if you dare to imagine that his eyes were looking elsewhere, you are considered dirty!

This made Concubine Min and Su Qinqin a little stunned.

So, do you want to be complicated?

Did he see it?

What Qin Yuan wants is that Concubine Min has doubts in her heart, between certainty and uncertainty. After all, this is a girl who has never even held a boy's hand. Once she has this kind of emotion, it's like planting a "heart". think for a long time.

Think about yourself for a long time.

Concubine Min forced herself to calm down, then nodded slightly, and said calmly, "Well, I will remember here."

Since it cannot be determined, it is natural not to mention it, and it is best to treat it as nothing.

Besides, even if there is...Isn't it delivered by myself?

Wait a minute, does that sound a little rude?

Ah, I really want to hit the wall, how could I be so disrespectful...

Will he laugh at me in his heart? If so, Ben Gong... um, Ben Gong has always been generous, how could he have the same knowledge as him?

What he didn't see, he definitely didn't see, he definitely didn't see... As long as he had a conscience, he wouldn't see it!

No one knew that under Concubine Min's calm expression, there were bursts of thoughts and ripples.

As for what Qin Yuan taught later, she didn't listen to almost anything, and her mind was full of pictures of just now.

After all, she is a casual girl. At this moment, her mentality has collapsed, but she can still maintain a dignified and indifferent appearance. She has to say that the eldest lady of the body is also profound.


When Qin Yuan returned, it was already evening.

As the sun went down, Concubine Min sat in the same position, calmly watching the back that was dyed golden by the dusk.

It wasn't until he gradually disappeared into the depths of the bamboo forest that she let out a light breath, and the feeling of being on her back finally eased.

The next time he comes, I'll change into a different dress and not wear the open-necked bodice.

But when is the next time?

Then... of course it's time for Ben Gong to announce him. If Ben Gong wants to learn the piano, isn't it what it should be to announce him to teach?

Of course, as the imperial concubine, Ben Gong will not announce him without incident, lest he misunderstand.

Wait, what's the point of misunderstanding?

Jiang Min'er, do you have any misconceptions?

Ridiculous, he's just a eunuch, why am I thinking about it?

You are getting worse and worse!

I didn't, you bullshit!

The two villains were fighting frantically. Concubine Min was so angry that she stood up and found that Su Qinqin was standing beside her in a daze.

Su Qinqin finally recovered from the thoughts immersed in the figure, and then looked at Concubine Min inexplicably.

What a tantrum, really!


Qin Yuan hummed a little tune and walked happily on Zhuang Jing Avenue.

"Fortunately, I opened my eyes wide, and the beautiful scenery was preserved. Getting closer and closer to Sister Min Fei, today's mood is very different, big, different, different!"

Just as he was about to reach the Ganxi Palace, a man suddenly jumped out of the alley, so frightened that he almost got a white crane with wings.

"Eunuch Qin, don't be surprised, it's me!"

Qin Yuan stared at the man for a long time, only to see that he had a white face and no beard. He was in his early thirties. He was fat and strong, like a fat white man, but he didn't remember how he knew him.

He couldn't help but say, "Who are you? I know you?"

"I don't know, but I got to know him right away." Fatty Bai said, then leaned over and whispered, "My name is Bai Pang, yes..."

Qin Yuan interrupted immediately, "Can you say your name and nickname for what? Can't I see it myself, you are fat?"

"No, I'm Bai Pang, my surname is Bai Pang, the huge Pang."

"Oh... well, the name is quite appropriate."

"It's all said." Bai Pang nodded, and then said, "I'm from Mo Island."

As soon as Qin Yuan heard it, he had the look of a dog in the sun at the time, and quickly looked around to make sure that there was none before he felt a little more at ease.

Then he said frantically, "Brother, even though we are all from the Mo family, you just came to me so openly? Why are you guys entering the palace, that's all according to the theory of anti-thieves! In case someone follows you You, what should I do?"

After he finished speaking, he let Da, Asan, and Asi quietly investigate around again.

Bai Pang said, "The situation is urgent, Eunuch Qin, don't care about these details! I also have gadgets to investigate around, so they won't be exposed."

"It's an emergency?"

"Yes, why don't you go into your bedroom and talk?"

"Fuck it, that's all."

In this way, if something happens to this product, he can still say that he is just asking himself for directions.

The thief Bai Pang glanced around, and then said, "Well, let's go through a protocol first. Master wants me to ask you first, do you agree that Mo Qingqiu is a traitor? Would you like to correct your evil?"

Qin Yuan thought for a while and said, "Now you are begging me, what do you mean by setting exam questions for me?"

Bai Pang waved his hand and said, "Don't care about these details, we know that you are a good person and not a lackey of the court, so answer yes, hurry up."

Qin Yuan was speechless, "If that's the case, what are you asking?"

"We have a recording, and we will send it back to Mo Island later."

"Recording, are you so sure?" Qin Yuan's eyes widened.

"Of course it's recorded."

As Bai Pang said, he took out a fist-sized wooden gadget from his arms. There was a small hole in the middle and a crank handle on the back.

"Let's do it again." After a few hoops, Bai Pang asked again, "Are you agreeing that Mo Qingqiu is a traitor, and would you like to change your ways?"

Qin Yuan was shocked~www.readwn.com~ I thought that there are things on Mo Island that are not even in Luban locks... Could it be developed later?

Wouldn't this Mo family also have transmigrators?

But on second thought, in fact, the recording equipment is not too complicated, and it is not surprising that Mo Island can fiddle with it.

However, being able to fiddle with this shows that there are still great gods in Mo Island. After all, who can think of the concept of "recording"?

Thinking about Mo Dao's condition for turning back to help him is that he is willing to "correct evil and return to the righteous", so he had to answer, "Yes."

Bai Pang put away his things with satisfaction, then mysteriously pulled Qin Yuan into the alley, and suddenly knelt down.

"Bai Pang pays respects to Uncle Shi!"


Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and the whole person was stunned.

I'm obviously more than ten years younger than him, so why is my uncle?

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