What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 194: Brother Qin, Ganxi Palace, is here to find people

When Qin Yuan was on Bluestar, he was only a young actor of the 18th tier. It was common for him to be bullied. There was never a good big brother, but a good big sister, but he didn't dare to use it casually, for fear of asking him to go to the house to talk.

He also didn't expect that after arriving here, he would still be able to become a "Brother Qin" who gave people peace.

Brother Qin is indeed very good in the harem now. I think he had to walk around when he met Nei Tingwei. Now that he saw Nei Tingwei, Nei Tingwei took the initiative to say hello to him.

"Eunuch Qin, are you busy?"

"Eunuch Qin, hello, where are you going?"

Not only the inner court guards, but also the little eunuchs and maids in the palaces, whoever knew him, also took the initiative to approach him.

How should I put it, in the harem, his brother Qin is now a tyrant. If there is something to mention about brother Qin, it must be useful.

Don't say anything, it's just a relationship.

No, Brother Qin is going to the security corps at this moment... ahem, go to the inner court guard to "fish people".

Coincidentally, as soon as Qin Yuan walked into the inner court, he met Zhong Jinyi who was about to go out.

Qin Yuan pondered what Bai Pang had just said in his heart, and almost shouted "mother" before swallowing it in danger.

When Zhong Jinyi saw Qin Yuan, she wanted to pretend that she didn't see it. After all, she had more than 20 subordinates behind her. If this little **** said something unruly, should he beat him or not?

It's not that Lord Zhong has to take this pretense, but she can bear it in private, but if she doesn't react at all in public, how can she convince the public?

But she didn't want to, Qin Yuan still stopped her.

"Master Zhong, I... slaves are looking for you."

Qin Yuan still gave Zhong Jinyi a lot of face, and after all, he still used a cheap name, and at the same time, he bowed his hands - for the time being, he put "Hu Gang" aside.

Zhong Jinyi had no choice but to stop, and then said coldly, "This envoy has important things to do, I'll talk about it when I get back."

She knew what Qin Yuan was going to say, because Qin Yuan told her through the sound transmission stone before that he wanted her to let go of the money Dafeng who stole the royal kitchen and beheaded according to the law.

It's just that Zhong Jinyi felt that if she could even let this go, she would be the first to practice favoritism. Once this trend spreads, what face would she have to manage her subordinates?

So I ignored him, but I didn't expect that he would come to the inner court guard.

Of course Qin Yuan knew that this was Zhong Jinyi's plan to slow down the army. If she waited for her to come back, I was afraid that the money Dafeng had already become the money that was blown away by the strong wind. Can it be rescued?

So I thought about it and said, "Sir, this servant has something important to tell you, please take a step to talk, can you?"

Zhong Jinyi sighed helplessly, thinking that this little **** doesn't know that he is a secret agent, and now he can't avoid anyone when he talks to himself?

Poor Lord Zhong, she still doesn't know that she has an "illegitimate child".

Not to mention that this matter has been known to everyone in the harem.

That's right, even though his subordinates are loyal to her, who would dare to challenge her majesty and ask her about such a thing?

What's more, the first person to talk about this was Lin Xiao, her most capable subordinate.

So, under this kind of environment, does Qin Yuan need to avoid people to find her?

Didn't see Qin Yuan say this, Lin Xiao behind Zhong Jinyi, including other subordinates, all started to look up at the sky?

When the mother and son talk a little bit about themselves, everyone, don't eavesdrop. It's not easy for adults these years, so leave her some private space...

These people are so stubborn about the sophistication of human relationships.

Zhong Jinyi was helpless and had to say to Qin Yuan, "Come here with this envoy."

After walking a few steps in, she said coldly again, "Little Qinzi, do you know that you are arrogating your identity now? Even the princes are not allowed to point their fingers when the inner court guards handle the case. How dare you openly act. Death row bail?"

On the contrary, even King Qing and King Yu can't control her, but a servant **** dares to come to block her... It's weird to say it.

Qin Yuan doesn't care about this. After all, part of what he did was for Zhong Jinyi, so he had a clear conscience.

So he said, "Listen to me! How can I interfere with your case for no reason? The problem is that that person is an informant of my development, and he did not go to the imperial kitchen to steal money, but I asked him to eavesdrop on the news. of!"

Qin Yuan naturally cannot say that Qian Dafeng belongs to the Mo family. After all, it is best for him to know his multiple identities alone.

It is very safe to call Qian Dafeng an informant, because he had mentioned to Zhong Jinyi before that he still has informants.

After listening to Zhong Jinyi, she asked, "What are you eavesdropping on?"

"Zhou Ju from the Royal Kitchen, do you know that?" Qin Yuan said immediately, "This old boy is a relative of Zhou Ying, the director of Liu Shang Division, and Zhou Ying is a member of King Yu. You must know this, right? Now I'll investigate. , The case of the murder of three Qing shepherds in Qingfenglou is related to Zhou Ying and Zhou Ju."

Zhong Jinyi frowned and said, "Isn't Song Xin the one who killed those three clergymen?"

Wasn't that person cursed to death by your golden mouth?

Qin Yuan said with a straight face, "I don't know if Song Xin is the murderer or not. It doesn't matter if he dies or not. But I'm sure Zhou Ying and Zhou Ju are definitely involved. I must investigate this matter to find out."


Zhong Jinyi's tone was even colder, thinking that this is something a secret agent should manage? Does he not know who is behind the scenes?

If the other spies under her command had been so self-assured, she must have been furious by now.

But Qin Yuan...hey!

After thinking for a while, she reminded her calmly, "Little Qinzi, you must know that this is the harem. Once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. Some things will never come to light. The mastermind behind the scenes is King Yu, can you arrest him?"

Qin Yuan thought for a while and said, "King Yu, I naturally can't move, Zhou Ying...I can't move either, I'm not that stupid. But I think if Zhou Ju participates, I can move him."

"So what?"

"Nothing! I just want to do my best to get justice for those three poor women!"

As he said that, Qin Yuan's tiger body trembled slightly, his hands were behind him, he turned his back to Zhong Jinyi, raised his head and stared at the bright moon, and then said lightly, "I, Qin Yuan, do not seek absoluteness, but seek to do my best and be worthy of my heart. , I'll get as much justice as I can, and you don't care about the rest!"

eventful! How do I do things with your teaching?

Zhong Jinyi stared at Qin Yuan in a daze, and suddenly an indescribable emotion surged from the bottom of her heart.

Although he strongly disagreed with him, he seemed to vaguely see the shadow of his past in him.

When I first entered Nei Tingwei~www.readwn.com~ Why didn't I work hard for the word "fairness"?

It was only after a long time that I realized that there is no justice in many things. The word "justice" was originally prepared for a few people.

Today, she has to compromise time and time again, as she shoulders the lives of many of her brothers and the position of the Zhong family.

And this little bastard, even though he's just a little eunuch, has such passion in his heart...

Such a heart and blood, it seems that it is really not something that a **** can have.

Could it be that he really wasn't a eunuch?

Zhong Jinyi suddenly had an impulse. She wanted to put aside her face and go back and directly ask her elder brother, did he examine Qin Yuan that day?

If so, have you checked it carefully?

Under the circumstance of careful examination, she wants to hear the authoritative conclusion of her elder brother...

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