What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 198: He, is he really not a eunuch? !

"Then arrest another inner responder. The academy is near the palace. If Qingyun Pavilion dares to commit murder there, there must be someone who should be an inner responder." Qin Yuan said lightly, "Theoretically, if the head of the academy knows the secret that he should not know, he should also It was this insider who told Qingyun Pavilion, so it's right to ask him."

"Okay!" King Jing slapped the table heavily and said with a smile, "Qin Zhuangshi and this king want to go together again! But what if Nei Ying refused to say anything?"

Qin Yuan said without hesitation, "Then arrest another assassin. The assassin who dares to come to the imperial city to commit murder must be a person with profound cultivation. This kind of person must have a high status in Qingyun Pavilion and should also know it. In this way, three If you take care of it, you won't believe it and you won't be able to find out!"

"Hahaha!" After hearing this, King Jing suddenly burst into laughter. He leaned forward and backward with laughter, and even his buns were loosened.

"Qin Zhuangshi, Qin Zhuangshi is really a wonderful person! There was a 'two dragons and a phoenix' in the front, and a 'three-pronged approach' in the back, and it was exactly what this king thought! Gotta have a confidant, hahaha!"

Saying that, he stretched out the salty pig's hand as soon as he saw him, and he refused to let go of Qin Yuan's hand.

Qin Yuan's heart suddenly trembled, and he wondered why he was so excited?

Is this product used to pretending to be crazy, or is there really something wrong with it?

But at this moment, King Jing said again, "Then, Zhuang Shi, since you can find out the news that Qingyun Pavilion is about to assassinate, can you help this king find the answer?"

Qin Yuan thought to himself, is this nonsense? If I can't do it, I won't mention it.

Not only can I find out what to do, but I can also help you lock down a few assassins, so I can keep you in check when the time comes!

I have everything you want, is it a coincidence?

Although he thought so, according to the old rules, he still took a deep breath, raised his head forty-five degrees to the sky, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Since His Highness ordered, I will go through fire and water, and I will try him!"

King Jing suddenly withdrew his smile and said with a solemn expression, "Qin Zhuangshi, why are you so sincere to this king?"

A sudden sense of oppression made Qin Yuan slightly startled.

But he immediately sternly said, "His Royal Highness cheered on the drums for Zaixia that day. After more than half an hour, he did not rest, and he was barefoot in the frozen soil and did not return. At that time, the servant decided that today's hero... Only His Highness and the Emperor are the two of them. !"

After saying that, he took the initiative to raise his hand and hold King Jing's hand tightly.

King Jing was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again. At this time, there was no madness in his laughter, but only endless pride... and ambition.

"Hahaha! Well, what a hero in the world!" He grabbed Qin Yuan's hand with his backhand, and listened to him saying, "Qin Zhuang has the talent of the sky, this king already knew that you are an extraordinary man! If this can happen, This king will make a golden orchid with you, how about it?"

Qin Yuan found that he couldn't understand King Jing more and more, and he didn't know whether this fellow really admired him so much, or was it just for the sake of killing himself?

In other words, is he so important now that he will marry him?


Bell House.

As usual, Zhong Jinyi went home after dark, after all, she was a workaholic.

As soon as she got home, she was invited by the maid to Master Zhong Zaicheng's study.

Zhong Zaicheng studied calligraphy calmly and calmly. On a large piece of rice paper, he had already written three powerful characters.

When writing the fourth word, Zhong Zaicheng clearly took a breath, squatted with his legs, walked with dragons and snakes with his hands, swish a few times, and brought a beautiful ending, and he was finally done.

Appreciating the results with satisfaction, he asked, "Yi'er, do you see your father's calligraphy being better than before?"

Zhong Jinyi felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, so she glanced casually, and sure enough—

On it is written "eternal knot concentric", the handwriting is vigorous and powerful, and the dragon is flying and the phoenix dances.

She remembered the picture her father showed her yesterday, "Growing Old Together".

The hints of the Zhong family have always been so "pretentious" and literate.

Zhong Jinyi sighed and stubbornly refused to answer the question.

Zhong Zaicheng, who "thinks about my body three times a day", is now a literate person. Even if his daughter does not say a word, he is not angry.

He just said lightly, "Yi'er, yesterday, Dad went to Qingzheng Si Lao Fan to sit down. Lao Fan told me about an interesting goblin. He said that goblins like to become people, but they can only change every time. One hand, one foot, one eye, one ear, and half of the head, are you surprised?"

Zhong Jinyi frowned and said, "Half a person? Why have I never heard of such a demon?"

Zhong Zaicheng put the pen in the pen holder, smiled slightly, and said, "Yeah, Dad is also strange. You said that if it wants to become a human, it has to become complete! A human must have hands, feet, eyes, and Right ear...he's in pairs, so that's what people call him, right?"

Zhong Jinyi: "..."

After so many days of "thinking about my body three times a day", what I have learned is not to cultivate one's self-cultivation, but how to scold others in a different way?

Zhong Zaicheng continued, "Father said that, Lao Fan laughed at the time. He said, because it's only half of it, so this kind of demon is the most useless, and was killed in one fell swoop. They killed a lot of people. , go back and take you to have a look."

Zhong Jinyi: "???"

The commander was finally completely black-faced.

Not only swearing, but also threatening?

Is this the kind and sensible father?

Unable to bear it any longer, Zhong Jinyi finally said, "Dad, you don't have to talk about this all the time. I know my business myself."

"Then Young Master Qin is already sixteen, it's a good age to start a family. Dad asked your brother to investigate it himself. Both his parents died, and there is only one brother and one sister.

Ouch, things weren't going so well. The local county government found them a yard with only two entrances. "

"Father, how can ordinary people have servants? The yard that goes in and out is not enough for the two of them?"

"What! Are those ordinary people? Those are your aunt and brother-in-law."

Zhong Jinyi sighed, "Okay, I'll have someone bring them some money later, okay?"

"Why don't you understand?" Zhong Zaicheng couldn't bear it any longer. "Dad means you have to hurry up! That sixteen-year-old boy stays in the harem every day, so don't you worry at all?"

Zhong Jinyi frowned, "What are you worried about?"

"You... hey!"

Zhong Zaicheng almost broke his defense, so he quickly "thought himself three times".

At this moment, I heard a shout from outside the house, "Yimei, father, mother, I'm back!"

Well, Zhongxiao Ming Dayi is back.

As if Zhong Jinyi had been granted amnesty, she hurriedly took this as an excuse to withdraw from the study.

But he bumped into Zhong Jinyuan head-on.

Zhong Jinyuan smiled at her, then with a wave of his hand, he took out three monster eagles that were as tall as a person from the stone, and said, "Miss Yi, hurry up and put it away, this is the second-grade monster eagle I played for my brother-in-law. ."

After a pause, he added, "You're like this, when you were talking to him, emphasize that I met several first-grade monsters, and it's a near-death experience, so he knows the weight."

Zhong Jinyi glanced at Zhong Jinyuan, whose clothes were not messed up, alive and full of energy, and thought to herself, where did she die?

But he was so sure that Xiao Qinzi was his real... real brother-in-law?

I can't help but suddenly remember what I thought about during the day.

Zhong Jinyi was cruel, pulled Zhong Jinyuan's sleeve, and said, "Come here."

"Do what?"

Zhong Jinyuan carried three demon eagles and followed Zhong Jinyi to the back garden in confusion.

After Zhong Jinyi took all the servants away, she said, "I ask you something, you have to answer honestly."

"What's the matter, mysterious?"

"Uh-huh!" Zhong Jinyi cleared his throat, hesitated again, and after a few words, finally asked, "Having a spring bath with Xiao Qinzi that day, are you... sure?"

"What are you sure about?" Zhong Jinyuan frowned, but suddenly realized it and said in surprise, "No way, Yimei? You, you don't know? So, you haven't got him yet?"

Zhong Jinyi feels a little breathless~www.readwn.com~ Kindness, Mingshi and Zhongxiaoming are so deceiving!

What is it that the ambassador did not get him?

Could it be that this envoy is not a woman and does not deserve to be obtained, but must take the initiative to obtain it?

"Zhong Jinyuan!" Zhong Jinyi finally couldn't help it, and said coldly, "I have endured you for a long time, do you have to fight with me?"

When Zhong Jinyuan heard this, he immediately covered his mouth and laughed.

"Fighting? You fought with me just two times? You forgot when I was a child and punched my **** on a stool? Don't think that being a great master is...cough cough," Seeing Zhong Jinyi's face getting more and more gloomy, Zhong Jinyuan had no choice but to He stopped quickly and said, "Okay, okay, brother has already checked for you, don't worry, it's definitely a real man, a fake eunuch!"

When Zhong Jinyi heard the words, her almond eyes were wide open and her mouth was stunned, she only felt a buzzing sound in her ears, and the blood in her whole body condensed.

"He...isn't he really a eunuch?!"

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