What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 202: Min Fei: What just happened?

Zhou Ju glanced at the **** one-eyed Qiang, and immediately turned his head away in fright.

At this moment, an elegant middle-aged man sitting in the east with Erlang's legs crossed, smiled at him, and said, "You are Zhou Ju? Don't be nervous, my name is Zhou Juecheng, and I belong to you."

Zhou Ju rushed to the middle-aged man and cupped his hands, saying, "It turns out that he is the head of the West Hall of Qingyun Pavilion, and I have long admired him."

Zhou Juecheng smiled slightly, "You're welcome. Did you bring anything?"

Zhou Ju hurriedly took out the stack of things in his arms, handed it respectfully to Zhou Juecheng, and said, "The seven letters and the map of the academy are all here, take a look."

Zhou Juecheng nodded, opened it and looked at each one carefully, then got up with a smile, and said, "Okay, these are the things. Eunuch Zhou, this trip is really hard."

"Not hard, not hard."

"This matter is of great importance. In order to prevent leaks, Eunuch Zhou should not come here in the future."

Zhou Ju nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll never..."

But just as he was talking, he suddenly felt his neck lighten and his body fell down uncontrollably.

But at the moment of "falling down", the body that was discovered was still standing there...

Just when he was wondering, his head fell to the ground with a thud.

After a few laps, he rolled to the door.

At this moment, his body fell to the ground.

Zhou Juecheng looked at the **** headless corpse, and said lightly to the butcher behind Zhou Ju, "Wei Ying, your swordsmanship has improved."

Wei Ying, who had a stern face, put away a short sword that was more than two feet long. Although the sword had just killed someone, it did not touch any blood.

With a gloomy smile, "It's all thanks to the cultivation of the hall master!"

At this moment, the burly man behind said, "Hall Master, what should I do with this person? I don't think he intends to say anything."

Zhou Juecheng smiled lightly and said, "Let's ask again, I really don't want to say it. After dark, I'll pull it into the woods in the back mountain and bury it with this Eunuch Zhou."

Wei Ying chuckled, "I don't think he would say that. Qing Zhengsi is tough, but he doesn't lose to our Qingyun Pavilion. It's a pity that they would rather be the dog of the court."

At this moment, One Eye suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hehehe...hehe, cough cough cough," Lying on the ground, One-eyed Qiang gave a mournful laugh, and then said, "You guys are... Huo Wuming's dog."

Huo Wuming is the pavilion owner of Qingyun Pavilion.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Ying sneered again, "Hehehe, Xiongtai, you are very interesting, so I will play with you. Let's see if you can last until it gets dark."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and took out two iron hooks from the Nashi, and without saying a word, plunged into the two shoulder blades of One-eyed Strong.

Fresh blood flowed out in large gulps, one-eyed stared at Wei Ying, gasping for breath, cold sweat on his forehead, his body twitching with pain, but he held on to not say a word!

Wei Ying put a rope on the iron loop at the end of the two hooks, and then passed the two ropes through the beam of the house, and just pulled it.

Immediately, the one-eyed was emphasized.

One-eyed Qiang's face was pale, he was panting even more, his teeth clenched, but he still didn't say a word!


Harem, Inner Court Guard Office.

Qin Yuan broke into the room, but no one stopped him. He was only stopped by Lin Xiao when he quickly reached the commander's hall.

"Eunuch Qin, Eunuch Qin, are you looking for a commander?"

"Yes, what about her?"

"She is in the outer court now, discussing important matters with the commander of Jin Yiwei!"


Qin Yuan frowned, thinking that it's no wonder Zhong Jinyi didn't reply to his voice transmission just now.

Zhong Jinyi wanted to return to his voice transmission, but firstly she was discussing important matters with the commander of Jinyiwei, Yumajian Zhangyin, Silijian Bingbi and other bigwigs, and secondly, Qin Yuan said that she had to leave the palace urgently. Go, she refused to say why it was urgent, she naturally thought that the little **** was making a fool of herself again, of course she chose not to return.

Thinking that the one-eyed force was at stake, Qin Yuan was just anxious, but what if he couldn't get out now?

Moreover, the sound transmission of thousands of miles could not be transmitted to the palace. Even if it could be transmitted, he did not have a sound transmission stone that matched the Qingzheng Siren, so he would not be notified at all.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that if you have Concubine Min's note, you can also leave the palace!

Yes, find her!

Qin Yuan didn't say a word, he turned around and ran to Chenghua Palace.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Chenghua Palace, he met Su Qinqin who came out.

"Stop, which palace, what are you doing?" Su Qinqin asked deliberately and seriously.

If it was normal, Qin Yuan wanted to tease her a few times, but now he lost the mood and said immediately, "Hurry up and take me to see Concubine Min, I have an urgent matter to find her, life is at stake, hurry up!"

Su Qinqin panicked when he heard it, "what's the matter, what's the matter? Then I, then I'll report to you right away."


At this time, Concubine Min was practicing the piano in the garden, when she suddenly saw Su Qinqin rushing over and said, "Niangniang, Xiao Qinzi asked to see you, he said he had something to look for you."

Concubine Min's piano sound stopped, her ink-like eyebrows relaxed slightly, and she said lightly, "Let him come in."

Xiao Qinzi, what are you looking for?

By the way, it was just the right time, and he could teach himself the piano for a while after finishing the talk.

Hey, today I... wear a shirt that shows my **** again?

Just thinking about it, I saw Qin Yuan rushing in like a gust of wind.

"Niangniang, I have to go out of the palace urgently. A friend of mine is dying and needs to see him one last time, please let her be done."


"I have the paper and pen ready, can you write a note for me?"


"I'd like to ask your mother to put a seal on it, Su Qinqin, go and get the seal!"

Over there, Su Qinqin responded and ran to get the seal of the Huagong Palace.


Big seal on it.

Qin Yuan put away the note, said "Thank you, Niangniang", and then ran away with another gust of wind.

Concubine Min was like a statue, stunned as she watched Qin Yuan appear and disappear. At this time, the pen in her hand had not even been put down, and the person had already disappeared.

Blinking her long eyelashes, Concubine Min glanced at Su Qinqin.

What just happened?

Su Qinqin held the big seal and blinked at Concubine Min, saying that he didn't know much either.

It's just... I couldn't hold back, I ran and took out your seal.

Concubine Min's gaze moved to the big seal in Su Qinqin's hand again, and then sighed.

This palace maid, I'm afraid she won't be able to stay.

Even before this palace agreed, she took out the big seal and put it on for people?

Su Qinqin: Are you sure you don't agree?


When Qin Yuan left the palace, the sun had already set and night fell.

Running wildly on Chang'an Avenue, all the way to the east.

At this time, only the burly man and Wei Ying were left in the yard.

And, a dead man in a different place, and a one-eyed strong who is covered in blood and doesn't know if he is dead or alive.

"I said, don't bother, just eat quickly." The burly man said to Wei Ying, "After eating, hurry up and bury these two people. Let's have a good evening."

Wei Ying took a bucket of water and slammed it on One-eyed Qiang. Seeing that he was still motionless, he could only snort boringly, "Zhi Niang thief, I haven't had enough fun if I don't beat him."

After speaking, he threw the bucket aside, sat down at the table, and ate with the burly man.

"You say, are all the people in Qingzheng Division so screwed? How about we go grab another and ask?" Wei Ying asked while chewing.

"One of them is missing, I'm afraid they are already prepared, right?" said the burly man.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of, just the two of them." Wei Ying looked back at the man hanging on the beam with disdain, and said with a smile, "I can beat three like this. Besides, what are the hall masters afraid of? Qing Zhengsi, his mother has a false name."

"Qingzheng Division is still a bit of a master, don't underestimate the enemy." The burly man said.

"Haha, I'm afraid of the egg! Old man Fan comes over if he has the ability, and I still dare to fight him for 300 rounds!"

Just then, the wooden door was suddenly pushed open.

The two looked up and saw the hall master Zhou Juecheng walking in with a smile.

It's just that his face is not very good, it seems to be whiter than usual?

But still did not dare to neglect, the two got up immediately.

The burly man walked up to ~www.readwn.com~ and smiled ingratiatingly, and said, "Senior Zhou, didn't you go to the blacksmith shop in the west of the city to deliver something and come back so soon?"

"Zhou Juecheng" smiled and nodded, but did not speak, but not only walked slowly behind the burly man.

Suddenly, he took out a dagger and slammed it into his back.


The unsuspecting burly man suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

Wei Ying's expression changed immediately, he jumped aside, took out the cold dagger across his chest, and shouted, "You're not Hall Master Zhou!"

But I only heard a sneer from outside, "Of course I'm not, I'm Grandpa Qin who came to take your life!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw that "Zhou Juecheng" immediately turned into an ugly looking paper man.

At the same time, two more paper figures flew in from outside the house, hovering faintly in the air.

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