Zhou Juecheng threw away the two insect demons and rushed out of the fog, just in time to see the scene of his junior brother being killed.

He was completely shocked!

A 16-year-old boy, under the attack of a fourth-grade master and a sword of intent, was able to fight back?

Is this guy a human or a monster?

Qin Yuan just took a step and wanted to slip, but found that Zhou Juecheng was stopping in front of him again, so he had to slam on the brakes, almost pulling the egg.

Although it didn't touch the egg after all, it still hurts.

No, two third-grade monsters can't trap him, this guy is a bit outrageous, isn't he?

Qin Yuan secretly complained that although he had learned how to mobilize immortal energy, he still had too little immortal energy, and he was carrying a person on his back, so he was really unsure of how to escape.

To be precise, he was not sure that he would be able to forcefully run out with the one-eyed behind his back.

At this time, the strong turbulence caused One Eyed Qiang to suddenly wake up.

"Little Qinzi...how did you give birth...are you here?"

After staring blankly at the scene in front of him, he understood something.

"Let go, let me go, you go, hurry up..."

The one-eyed strong tone was like silk, trying to struggle to get off Qin Yuan's back, but found that he had been tied up, and he was extremely weak, and he couldn't get down.

Qin Yuan grabbed the hips of the one-eyed strong with both hands, and tilted him upwards, letting him lie down again, and then, like coaxing a child, said lightly, "Be good, don't move."

One-eyed Qiang has always been a strong person, and he used to be a fierce and reckless person, but now... he is shrouded in Qin Yuan's love.

Suddenly, like bedwetting, shame and warmth surged.

When excited, he fainted again.

Zhou Juecheng no longer dared to underestimate Qin Yuan, so he stopped talking nonsense and directly summoned the Yijian again.

This time, he can concentrate 100% of his mind to kill this powerful boy.

Qin Yuan's heart was bitter, thinking that I knew so many big men, but at the critical moment, he couldn't use any of them.

He couldn't help shouting, "Zhong Jinyi, I'm going to hang up, why don't you come?"

"Also, what about the commander of the forbidden army? There are rebels killing people in the imperial city, so why don't you care?"

Zhou Juecheng smiled disdainfully, thinking that if the commander of the Imperial Guard did not sleep at night, could it be that he came to patrol the streets specially?

When he raised his hand, he was about to activate the Intention Sword, but at this moment, he heard a burst of laughter from the night sky.

"Hahaha, the Governor is here too!"

Before he finished speaking, a tall figure instantly appeared in front of Qin Yuan, floating faintly in the air.

Who is Jiang Yingtai, who is not the admiral of the nine gates and the commander of the forbidden army?

Qin Yuan was terrified.

Holy crap, how come this thing is like a summoned beast, and it arrives as soon as it is called?

This matter has to start from the "joint meeting" of the commander of the inner court guard, the commander of Jinyiwei, the seal of the royal horse supervisor and the nine-door admiral in the evening.

This meeting of bigwigs gathered to discuss the matter of the Inner and Outer Court and the three battalions of the Nine Gates, the Forbidden Army, and the Yumajian to jointly change the past patrol system to prevent things that could be taken advantage of by the Holy Society and Qingyun Pavilion.

After the meeting, Admiral Jiang, on a whim, wanted to make an unannounced visit to the patrols of the imperial army in the imperial city, so he wandered around.

When Qin Yuan and the fourth-grade master were fighting, he was actually five or six miles away, but how powerful a great master's aura was, he immediately sensed such a big movement.

After determining the direction, he rushed over immediately.

By the time he arrived, the two fourth- and fifth-rank masters were already dead... If he saw Qin Yuan killing them, he would be shocked and somersault on the spot.

I don't think he is a monster.

However, his shock was not much at all.

After all, he saw a great master, and also saw two corpses, and Qin Yuan's sword was bleeding... It's easy to draw an inference.

This little guy, under the pursuit of the great master, can kill two people in a row?

What's more, is he still carrying a person on his back?

This **** can be done by a sixth or seventh rank person?

Originally, he really wanted to see how long Qin Yuan and Grandmaster could last, but after hearing that this young man started to curse, he had no choice but to come out.

When Qin Yuan saw Jiang Yingtai came out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief after being fortunate, and said quickly, "Mr. Jiang, I'll leave this to you!"

Jiang Yingtai smiled and nodded, "Go, save your brother, man!"

Appreciation is beyond words. After all, he was born in the military, and he valued this the most.

Qin Yuan raised his foot and ran wildly.

Jiang Yingtai looked at Zhou Yucheng and said, "Who is your Excellency Qingyun Pavilion? Why don't you sign up for a name?"

Zhou Juecheng definitely didn't want to let Qin Yuan go, but he had heard of Jiang Yingtai's name, the Admiral of the Nine Sects and the commander of the Imperial Guard, and knew that his cultivation was tyrannical and not necessarily under him.

But after a little thought, he had an idea.

Immediately, he said solemnly, "Want to know? I'll beat it first!"

After that, he waved his hand and rolled up a gust of wind, only to see flying sand and rocks within a mile, covering the sky and blocking the sun, and the sword of intent suddenly turned dark red, hidden in the storm, like a mad dragon exploring the fog. Whistling, he flew towards Jiang Yingtai.

Jiang Yingtai smiled lightly, not in a hurry, and instantly summoned a purple sword of intent. The sword of intent shook, like a dragon coming out of water, and in an instant, bursts of purple light washed away the fog rolled up by the storm, and the sky and the earth suddenly changed. Much clearer.

The two Intent Swords collided, and the sword energy exploded. The houses within a mile or two of the surrounding area were all covered with tiles, and the sound of clanging bells could be heard incessantly. Some unreliable houses were shaky.

The purple sword of intent clearly prevailed.

But after a while, Zhou Juecheng suddenly withdrew his Yi sword, making Jiang Yingtai stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Jiang Yingtai's intention sword passed through Zhou Juecheng's body.

However, he soon realized that it was just a piece of clothing.

I murmured in my heart, what a weird kung fu?

It's been a long time since I met such an opponent.

Jiang Yingtai put away the sword of intent and was about to pursue it, but found that the man had disappeared!

My heart skipped a beat, so fast!

Jiang Yingtai thought to himself, that man must be chasing Xiao Qinzi again, but Xiao Qinzi should be running in the direction of Qingzhengsi, just chase him there!


Qin Yuan didn't run to Qingzhengsi~www.readwn.com~ because he found that the one-eyed strong aura was getting weaker and weaker. Qingzhengsi was too far away, and he would probably die when he ran to him.

So he moved to another place, which was closer than Qingzhengsi, but it should be able to save him too.

Zhou Juecheng used the technique of Jin Chan to escape from the shell, and after successfully getting rid of Jiang Yingtai, he went after Qin Yuan.

His speed is indeed unmatched by few people in the world. After a frantic pursuit, he soon found Qin Yuan and chased him away.

Finally, at the door of a mansion, he stopped Qin Yuan.

With a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, his body floated in mid-air. He looked down at Qin Yuan and said, "Hehe, keep shouting and see who else can save you this time."

Qin Yuan glanced at the door of the mansion, the large and exaggerated golden door plaque, showing a simple and honest smile.

On the plaque on the door was written the word "Zhongfu".

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