What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 210: Unexpected "blind box"

Grandmaster Zhou Juecheng's Nashi space was not even one-tenth as big as his, and it was roughly equivalent to the length and width of a phoenix bed, with a height of no more than half a zhang.

But things are quite rich, stuffed to the brim.

Qin Yuan closed the door and began to take things out of the Nashi leisurely.

Five thousand seven hundred taels of silver notes, plus a large gold ingot of about ten taels, this is not bad, and it can be rich for a while.

Seven brand new brocade robes, eleven long gowns, five pairs of boots... These items are quite particular, but they should be thrown away. The clothes worn by dead people are not auspicious.

Hey, what is this... More than 30 women's breasts?

It seems to have a taste?

Ah bah, shameless!

But it's very beautiful, it's a pity to throw it away... Let's put it aside for now, it's uncivilized to waste fabric.

A long sword with the words "Qingquan" engraved on it. It seems that this workmanship should be the work of a master. It is better than the one given to him by the magistrate of Zhengxian County before, so you can keep it.

Oh hey, there are monsters?

The teeth and skin of the third-grade serrated bast herring demon, the teeth have not been thought of for a while, but the skin can just replace the skin of Luo Yao fish and enhance the protection of ink armor.

Wait, there are actually two complete corpses of the second-rank knife beetle?

Developed, there are very few knife beetles in the world, this is a rare monster!

With it, one of the top organs of the ink armour, the main material of the organ technique of the second class of Tianzi, the whirlwind knife Tuo!

The so-called "main material" is the indispensable and irreplaceable material in order to exert its power.

For example, in the previous wooden kite, the claws of the second-grade demon falcon and the feathers of the second-grade demon eagle are the main materials.

The so-called "Heavenly Character Class B" is the division of the Mohists according to the power of the organs.

Although there are hundreds of agencies in the Mohist family, there are only five "Tianzi B-class" agencies, and Mu Yuan and Whirlwind Daotuo belong to the Tian-character B class.

The so-called whirlwind knife top adopts the main structure of thousand-year-old sophora japonica wood, which is about the shape of a top. Around the upper part of the top, two pieces of the forelimbs of the second-grade knife beetle are inserted, that is, the two sharp, slender and long rods. "Knife" (three handles can be inserted in the case of wealth).

Then in the middle of the top, insert the outer and inner feathers of the knife beetle to make wings. It should be noted that half of the wings are buried in the top to ensure that the "knife" is longer than the "wing".

Then hollow out the inside of the top, and use high-quality demon bones to make gears and other components to connect the "wings".

After injecting the righteous air, the gear rotates, which can drive the wings to vibrate rapidly, resulting in a strong cyclone, so that the knife rotor rotates rapidly and controls the direction and inclination.

In this way, this knife has become an all-round meat grinder, not to mention the human body, even a thousand catties of boulders can be minced into pieces in an instant!

If it is placed in the middle of the crowd, it is a proper big killer!

Even better, if you have three Whirlwind Dao Tuo together, you can also form a formation, and the power of the formation will be higher.

It's just that there are only two corpses of the sword beetle, and only two swords can be made, which is a pity.

But that's just the icing on the cake. There are two that are already good. If you really want to form a team and look back slowly...that's impossible.

In the thinking of the old artist Qin, it is impossible to fight monsters, and it is impossible in this life. Who would do this in person these days?

Isn't it delicious to eat soft rice from Qingzhengsi, Shenghui, Zhongjia, and Xunxianhui?

No matter how bad it is, you can ask King Jing and King Qing for it.

These two people, who were empty-mouthed, slept with themselves once each, and they didn't care about it. Now, is it too much for them to get one or two knife beasts?

Even if you don't want to pay this bit, let's not talk about this feeling!

Ahem, it's brotherhood.


Qin Yuan continued to open the "blind box" with a smile.

After that, he took out a lot of demon materials, and it is expected that he can at least be able to do organs such as a sky handle and two ground armors.

In this way, the tortoise shell of this Ganxi Palace has a new level of hardness.

If he can be promoted to Grandmaster before June 15th, with the power of Grandmaster, the power of these organs will definitely be even higher.


All the things in the Nashi have been taken out and piled up on the ground to form a hill.

In addition to the previous ones, there are some miscellaneous things, such as ropes, axes, scissors, keys, sound transmission stones, etc., which are dazzling.

Qin Yuan kept the key and the sound transmission stone, feeling that it would be useful in the future, and buried other plans.

However, at this time he was in the corner again and found an inconspicuous book.

When I opened it, I saw that it was the storybook of Journey to the West written by Emperor Gaozu himself, with a thick cover and a beautiful binding.

I thought to myself, this fellow is still watching this?

As a rebel who was about to rebel, he even read the writings of the founding emperor of the court and had no position at all.

Wait...why is this cover so thick?

Qin Yuan has watched many martial arts dramas on Blue Star. At this time, a common plot in martial arts dramas suddenly appeared. The cover was torn open, and there was a sheepskin scroll hidden inside. It may be a martial arts secret book or a treasure map. What.

The idea is that there are some middle school students, but if you are idle, you are also idle, why don't you open it and take a look?

So without saying a word, he tore off the thick cover... and was stunned.

Good guy, there really is a map, and it's... hey, what's the map of the palace?

Taking a closer look, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

This is a road map from the outer court to the inner court. The map indicates the patrol frequency and inspection points of each gate and post, and its ultimate goal... is the Chaolan Palace!

Obviously, King Qing lives in Chaolan Palace and has been known by Qingyun Pavilion!

what does that mean? Qin Yuan was lost in thought.

On June 15th... Qingyun Pavilion assassinated the head of the academy... The news has been leaked, and then the Sword Temple and Qingzheng Division will all focus their attention on the Hundred Schools Academy.

At this time, they quietly sneaked into the palace and waited for an opportunity to assassinate King Qing?

So, the reason why the news of their assassination of the head of the hospital was leaked, was it deliberately making noises?

So, there are two problems here.

First, why did Qingyun Pavilion assassinate King Qing? It needs to be known that although King Qing intends to support hundreds of schools, there is no fundamental conflict with Qingyun Pavilion, and King Qing has not publicly expressed his views on the issue of Qingyun Pavilion.

Second, it is absolutely impossible to know where King Qing's real body is, and to organize such a master to infiltrate the palace at that time. It is absolutely impossible without a powerful force to act as an intern... So who is the iniress?

After thinking about it, Qin Yuan could only deduce this matter from the results.

If King Qing is killed~www.readwn.com~ Who will benefit the most?

King Yu...maybe King Jing.

But if you add that King Yu's subordinate Zhou Ying has a connection with Zhou Juecheng...the eight achievements in collaborating with Qingyun Pavilion are him.

King Yu had this energy and learned that King Qing lived in Chaolan Palace, and he also had the ability to secretly introduce those assassins into the palace.

But there is something wrong with the logic.

King Yu's chances of ascending the throne were not inferior to King Qing's. Why did he have to die so much before he had the last fight?

You must know that the probability of success in this matter is very small. After all, King Qing is not without masters, and even if the Sword Temple has attracted some attention from the Baijia Academy, it will definitely not allow assassins to do whatever they want in the palace so easily.

In contrast to the probability of success, the probability of this matter being exposed is not small, and once it is exposed, wouldn't King Yu be about to receive a lunch box right away.

The dead bones in this tomb, do you have to go in such a hurry?

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