What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 205: Sure enough, "the magic trick"

"What kind of bad thoughts can eunuchs have (!

"Brother Feng," Baili Changqing said to the sloppy man, "If Zhou Juecheng dies, will there be any problems with our identity?"

As the young master of Yuquan Sect, the No. 1 Sword Sect in the world, and the eldest son of Baili Muyun, who is known as the No. 1 Sword Sect in the world, Baili Changqing is not as domineering as the second son. Instead, he is always humble and low-key, and is very Good at asking questions without shame.

He has been in retreat since the age of seven, during which he only came out to reunite with his family at the end of the year, which was how he spent the first forty years of his life.

Therefore, apart from the practice of practice, he knows almost nothing about other things.

When he entered Beijing this time, Baili Muyun originally did not want him to come, but he couldn't stand his repeated requests, so he had to agree, but he sent two Dharma guardians to him.

One is Sanqing, a sloppy man known as "Iron Operator", who is responsible for giving him advice, and the other is Xiong Yishen, who has heart-protecting hair and is known as "Demon Bear", who is responsible for helping him.

In this way, under normal circumstances, the young master Baili Changqing only needs to stand aside and watch—after all, Baili Muyun completely treats him as a stupid son who has lost his cultivation.

But Baili Changqing didn't see it that way. When he came to the capital this time, he wanted to do something to make those people in the sect who looked down on him look at him with admiration.

"Young Master, you can call your subordinate Feng San'er." Feng Sanqing smiled and said, "Young Master, don't worry, this ultimatum is definitely safe. The reason is very simple. I have already read the letter, then I will set a long line to catch big fish, and I will not be in a hurry to kill him."

Baili Changqing frowned and said again, "Brother Feng, even if there is no problem with the letter, should we adjust our plan?"

Feng Sanqing laughed again, "No, it's the same sentence. If the other party knew about our plan, they would definitely not kill Hallmaster Zhou, but would only monitor him closely. Who would be so stupid and startle the snake?"

Baili Changqing pondered for a while, and felt that Feng Sanqing's words were reasonable and worthy of being an "iron operator".

Immediately, he bowed his hands to him convincingly, and said, "Brother Feng really has a good plan. This trip still depends on you to make more suggestions. Changqing is here to ask."

The world is so strange, lunatics and idiots are full of self-confidence, while smart people are always self-doubting.

But it is difficult to say that Feng Sanqing's analysis is wrong. From the perspective of a smart person, his analysis is completely correct.

In other words, if it was the Qingzheng Division, the Sword Temple, or some other force, after learning about the overall plan of Qingyun Pavilion, they might not be shocked even if they gave up the one-eyed force.

Instead, they will wait for the opportunity, and after the Qingyun Pavilion assassins all show up, they will be wiped out.

Therefore, Feng Sanqing's reluctance to change the plan is theoretically tenable. After all, the possibility of leaking secrets due to Zhou Juecheng's death is very small. Once the plan is changed, multiple parties must be notified. , very unfavorable.

Besides, he didn't know that Zhou Juecheng would cleverly put the map of the palace on the cover of the book.

Because according to the regulations, these things must be burnt after reading. Zhou Juecheng must write it down after reading it, and draw it for his subordinates to see before he starts. However, Zhou Juecheng has a high self-esteem and thinks that even if he hides it on himself, he will not be caught by others. Snatch, so steal a lazy.

As a result, this picture fell into Qin Yuan's hands, and Qin Yuan guessed more and learned about half of their plans.

Obviously, Feng Qingsan and the others didn't know yet that their main opponents on this trip were not Qingzhengsi and Nei Tingwei, but Qin Yuan, a special one.

You call him reckless, that's really reckless, just because he felt that One-eyed Qiang was a brother who had died together with him, he went to rescue him desperately.

Don't mention "the overall situation is the most important", after all, his biggest games are two, one is to bet everywhere, safety is good, and the other is to regulate the operation, which is good for his wives.

Then happily take a bath in the Ganxi Palace, eat grapes, listen to music, "proud and extravagant".

All in all, this is the way to go.

But if you say that he is really only reckless, then you are wrong again.

After all, after so many things, Qingyun Pavilion and Prince Yu still don't know that Ganxi Palace is hiding such a ferocious creature, let alone their plan, which has already been controlled by him.

What's more is that this guy intends to continue to rectify them, and then he does not come forward himself, but mobilizes all forces to do it for him.

Is there a smell behind the scenes?

But even the mastermind behind the scenes still has a name. For example, people at least know that the master of Qingyun Pavilion is Huo Wuming, and the master of Yuquan Sword Sect is called Baili Muyun, but you go to Qingzheng Division, Nei Tingwei, Shenghui, Mo Dao, and King Qing. , King Jing's inquiries, will someone tell you that one of them is named "Qin Yuan"?

No, how can there be such a person, we only have one "baby", as for the name... don't ask about social affairs.

Isn't that right? Qingzheng Si Qingying Envoy, Inner Court Guard Head, Sacred Society Suzaku Hall Left Envoy, Mo Dao Shizu, King Jing and King Qing's close friends... all use him as a secret weapon, who will reveal his identity?

He is only a public **** who is only worthy of eating five or two meters a day and only one or two stipends a month, and so is Xiao Qinzi.

Such a yin person, you actually call him reckless?


Qin Yuan continued to breathe out the immortal energy until it was dark.

Since comprehending the new method of absorbing immortal energy, his proficiency has continued to increase at any time, and now his speed of exhaling immortal energy has increased to about ten times the original speed.

But this is already the limit, and it will be difficult to improve.

According to the Xianxianhui, the cultivation of immortal energy is divided into five stages: foundation building, yellow, mysterious, earth, and sky.

After you have successfully established the foundation, you can wash the marrow and cut the scriptures. At that time, even a ninth-rank cultivator can burst into a powerful force.

In the information of the Immortal Seeking Association, it only said that no immortal cultivators who entered the "Yellow" rank had yet been found, nor did it reveal who had successfully established the foundation.

However, Qin Yuan estimated that the people in the meeting had basically succeeded in building foundations. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain the combat power they showed by a large margin that surpassed that of ordinary grandmasters.

For example, Nanba, who is not too old to hear the voice, can easily help himself to get the red salamander, even if there is a third-grade monster there.

Another example is Zhong Jinyuan~www.readwn.com~ playing a second-grade demon without frowning, and getting three as soon as he made a move, if he didn't succeed in foundation building, even if he was a second-grade grandmaster, it would not be so easy.

After comparing Qin Yuan's own immortal energy with the "foundation foundation" standard described in the documentation, he felt that at his current speed, it would take at least a year to successfully build a foundation.

Compared with other people in the meeting, this speed is probably fast, but for Qin Yuan, who is accustomed to relying on bug brushing experience, it feels very slow.

Well, it seems that the next step is to study how to strengthen the bloodline.

As long as the blood vessels are strong enough, more immortal energy can be injected into the blood, and the absorption efficiency can be greatly improved.

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