What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 209: Immortal Fate will be held

When it comes to things, Qin Yuan is serious.

Qingfenglou "Women's Sky Group" soon started the first wave of publicity.

In all the stores that King Qing belonged to, portraits of Du Sanniang, Liu Rushi, Li Shishi and others appeared without exception.

The upper part is a portrait, and the lower part is a brief introduction, mainly about their experience, expertise and characteristics.

Some of these portraits are hung on the wall, and some are directly placed on the ground. Apart from these, Qin Yuan originally wanted to place a half-story giant poster at the intersection of Qiqi Avenue and Xinxin Avenue, the most lively in the harem.

It's a pity that Zhong Jinyi got angry at the critical moment.

Just after the idea was revealed to Nei Tingwei for less than half an hour, Zhong Jinyi came over through a voice transmission and asked him if he had not been beaten for a few days, and felt that the inner court could really be lawless?

Later, Qin Yuan thought about it, too, that such a big advertisement for the royal site was still promoted for the Qing Dynasty, which was a bit too much, so he had to give up.

However, the quality of the pictures that have been advertised is not ambiguous at all.

Those portraits were all painted by the top court painters. Qin Yuan's request was to make some "artistic exaggerations" on the basis of realism, such as "fine-tuning" of body proportions, skin color, eye size, etc. Try to rely on the "Beautiful City".

There is no problem if there is a slight gap between the real person and the portrait. After all, a dozen pink lights, wearing stockings and short skirts, singing and dancing, can completely make up for it.

It's like, you can recognize who is who, don't you think everyone is beautiful?

Of course, the Du Sanniangs in the portrait did not appear in the image of short skirts. On the one hand, considering the royal majesty, one should not blatantly display such "filthy paintings"; When people promote the beauty of short skirts and stockings, people who haven't seen them are naturally more curious.

King Qing was also very powerful, and asked many of the stewards and eunuchs to go to Qingfenglou to join in. After finishing the work, he asked them to find at least five people to talk about their "personal experience".

To be honest, some eunuchs are really not interested in this kind of thing, no matter how "attractive" they are dressed, but in order to complete King Qing's "mission", they have to find someone to describe it vividly.

For example, Eunuch Ning of Shangyi Division, let alone his age, he was not good at this even when he was young. Every time he went to the restaurant, he just had a drink and listened to a little song. How could he appreciate women's lust?

But now, for the sake of His Royal Highness King Qing's plan, he had no choice but to pretend to be an old lecher, boasting about the beauty of Qingfenglou whenever he met anyone.

If you really can't say it, you have to sigh a few times, "Oh, hey, that's a taste, you can experience it yourself."

In my heart, I scolded the little Qinzi who had suffered thousands of knives, and ruined his evening.

Eunuch Ning is still like this, those eunuchs who really like this, naturally blow it even more amazingly.

Of course, how could such a thing lack King Jing?

King Jing not only took the lead and experienced the experience himself, but also wrote a few poems on the spot and sang the entire Qingfeng Tower to cheer up the guests present.

Last night, it was said that he paid out of his own pocket and paid for all the guests, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was promoting Qingfenglou.

Qin Yuan probably knew what King Jing's idea was.

On the one hand, he really likes this, and on the other hand, he also hopes that Qingfenglou can rise to the occasion and put pressure on King Yu, and then he can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

But in any case, King Jing, the prostitute world, shouted, and the reputation of Qingfenglou rose.

As for the casino, the topic of Qingfenglou was immediately "top of the list".

Not only did Qin Yuan pay for it, and King Qing had instructed it, there were also a large number of "spontaneous fans", and Qingfenglou became a hot topic for everyone.

In short, relying on Qin Yuan's whimsy, the counterattack on King Qing's side is now vigorous, waiting for King Yu to deal with it.



Immortal Fate will be held again.

Accompanied by a burst of colorful glazed light, Qin Yuan was once again in the black cloud and mist, and then saw that Aniu, Xiao Yao, and Master Infatuation were already there.

As soon as he saw Qin Yuan coming up, Master Infatuation snorted coldly.

"Little Treasure, your method is totally useless! I really regret it, I heard your nonsense!"

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately remembered what Master Luqing said.

What else could it be, his girlfriend's 90th birthday!

Ah no, to be precise, it is the sweetheart he is pursuing, that is, his senior sister, on the 90th birthday, he confessed!

So he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, failed?"

"What do you think?" The Infatuated Master asked coldly.

"No, theoretically it's fine. How did you tell her?"

Master Infatuation snorted, and then said, "Go back and speak in private. Later, you can use the sound transmission stone given by Lao Jia, and when you input the immortal energy, you can just recite Master Infatuation silently."

Qin Yuan thought to himself, can we still chat privately like this?

But to help people to the end, he still responded, "Okay."

After all, at the age of Infatuated Master, he still pursues the sunset red, and he has to help him with this spirit.

At this time, A Niu spoke excitedly.

"What's the matter, what are you talking about? Let's hear it together!"

When Qin Yuan heard his uncle speak, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother Aniu, has your sister ever had a blind date with someone during this time? I thought about it later, it's okay for everyone to meet first."

"Ha ha!"

I just heard A Niu laugh arrogantly.

Then he said, "Brother Xiaobao, my sister is beautiful, gentle, virtuous, and intelligent. The young talented people who want to pursue her line up for thirty miles without stopping. Brother Niu originally intended to give you a chance, but you actually pushed three and four, which is true and ignorant. Anyway, don't think about it now, the sister-in-law has already picked a good husband, and she will be able to pass the door in a few days."

Qin Yuan held back his smile~www.readwn.com~ pretended to be unhappy and said, "Brother Aniu, don't you think about it anymore? Does that fellow have immortal energy, and he is not an ordinary person without immortal energy? I have immortal energy. !"

"What if you have a fairy spirit?" My brother-in-law felt that he had been "challenged", and he was really angry, "You fellow, didn't you get the fairy spirit by chance? My brother-in-law, with At such an old age, you have already cultivated at the upper level of the sixth grade, with such talent, can you find another one in the world?"

After a pause, his anger didn't seem to subside, and he added angrily, "There are still 11 of the 18 immortal spirits that have yet to appear in the world. I'll help them find another one later, when you will be in front of my brother-in-law, What's the matter? It just doesn't make sense!"

Qin Yuan was really angry when he saw that his uncle was really angry, and he said quickly, "What Brother Aniu said, what he said! That person who is worthy of your sister must be extremely talented, handsome, suave, upright and promising. The immeasurable generation cannot be compared below."

A Niu snorted again, "It's good to know! Don't mention this in the future!"

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