What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 240: A secret meeting outside the city

Ah Da, who was about ten feet away from the thing, told Qin Yuan seriously through his consciousness that he suddenly remembered how to mend his clothes, and hoped to come back now, immediately, and immediately to help Qin Yuan mend the clothes that were washed last time.


Qin Yuan resolutely rejected it, because you don't even have fingers, so why don't you make up your clothes with chicken feathers?


However, it was even more strange in my heart, what is it that can make Ah Da coax into such a thing?


So he ordered Ah Da to continue approaching the thing, and come back after seeing it clearly.


Ah Da received the order, so he had no choice but to lift the sword again and slowly approach the white object.


When it was about half a zhang away, it finally fully saw it.


Then, it turned out to be a white one?


It seemed to be embedded in the loess wall, about the size of three fists, with two ears standing upright, and eyes tightly closed.


In addition to the fox's head, there is also a small half of the fox's claws, which are also exposed outside the earth wall.


It was as if it wanted to climb out of the wall, but it got stuck halfway through.


At first glance, it is lifelike, like a specimen that has been handled extremely well.


But, why is it that the more I look at it, the more I feel a little hairy in my heart?


Qin Yuan felt that something was wrong, so he quickly asked Ah Da to come back.


At this moment, the fox's eyes suddenly opened, and the pair of fox eyes were as red as blood, revealing a strange and breathtaking light.


Qin Yuan was taken aback, and before he could react, he saw the image of Ah Da in his consciousness suddenly disappeared and it became pitch black.


Qin Yuan stood up abruptly, his heart skipping a beat!


What the heck, what the **** is that? It won't... directly kill Ah Da second, right?


At this time, Ah Er, Ah San, and Ah Si, who had shared consciousness, also became anxious when they saw this, and hurled around Qin Yuan, hoping that Qin Yuan would order them to go down to save Ah Da.


Of course Qin Yuan was also worried about Ah Da, but he still had reason, knowing that his cultivation was definitely not a match for that monster, so rushing up so foolishly would definitely kill him.


How to do?


At this moment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Ah Da's consciousness was connected again!


It's just that the picture it comes from is a little weird.


Now it is in a huge ice block. The height and width of the ice block are exactly the height and width of the tunnel. From Ada's point of view, the length of the ice block in front of it is half a zhang. If it is in the ice block If it is in the center, then there is still half a zhang behind it.


The ice cube is pure and transparent, like glass, but through A Da's touch, you can feel that it is cold to the bone, far from what ordinary ice cubes can match.


In addition, its density seems to be astonishingly large, and the overwhelming feeling of squeezing indicates that if the body is frozen, it will inevitably be pressed into pancakes, and even steel cannot be spared.


Qin Yuan couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that if he was standing there just now, even if he was hiding, he would probably be frozen and eventually die.


But fortunately, Ah Da itself is a flat cargo, much flatter than the airport, so there is nothing at all.


Probably this is some kind of bug.


It was Ah Da who was trapped in the ice and couldn't move at all, which undermined the majesty of the big brother who took the lead.


Of course Qin Yuan wanted to save it, but he was afraid of sending people's heads under the tower, so he couldn't help but fell into contemplation.




at the same time.


In the southwest of the capital, in a residential area called Changgefang, inside a residential area.


"Master Ying," an old man said to a middle-aged man in a black robe, "I am incompetent, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up with them, and I will miss the important affairs of His Royal Highness King Jing, so the couple can only be handed over to you."


The middle-aged man in black robe nodded, his dark face had no expression at all, he just stared coldly at the far side of the street through the window, those two very ordinary backs who walked unhurriedly.

He said lightly, "Okay."


Having said that, he was ready to go out.


The old man hurriedly stopped him and said again, "Sir, please be careful, these two have cultivated..."


The black-robed man frowned, turned his head with a frosty face, and glanced at the old man.


The old man hurriedly lowered his head and said, "The old man made a slip of the tongue, please, sir."


The black-robed man didn't say anything, and the old man didn't dare to look up. After a while, the old man felt that something was wrong, so he quietly raised his eyes and saw that the other party had long since disappeared without a trace.


He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he is indeed the top tracker of "Black Eye", the "Master Shadow" that even King Jing has praised.


The middle-aged couple wore sackcloth shirts, each carrying a pocket of herbal medicine, and walked forward silently and slowly.


Suddenly, the woman stopped and said, "Is it here?"


The man looked at the house number in front of him and smiled honestly, "It should be."


The woman wiped the sweat for the man, then smiled strangely, and said, "That's good."


As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that there were two ordinary-looking leaves in her palm. She blew lightly on the leaves, and they flew up leisurely.


More than ten feet away, the black robe lying on the roof somewhere was unclear at first, but soon his pupils shrank.


I saw the two leaves swaying towards him.


You... have been exposed? Even the great master can keep up with himself, but he will be exposed?


When this thought flashed through his mind, two leaves were already in front of his eyes.


Surprised in his heart, he quickly activated his righteousness, tried his best to dodge back, and finally avoided the first leaf.


But, where did the second film go?


But soon, the blood that came out of Chi Chi's neck gave him the answer.


When Lord Ying fell, he remembered what the old man said.


The cultivation of these two people... is unfathomable!




The plain-looking middle-aged couple continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.


After walking around the alley for a while, he finally stopped in front of an inconspicuous private house.


At this time ~www.readwn.com~ happened to be opposite an old man and a young man. The old man was full of silver hair, hunched his back and leaned on crutches, while the young man was only 1.5 meters tall and looked like he was eleven or twelve years old.


The middle-aged couple looked at each other with a slightly surprised expression, and then invariably bowed their hands to them.


The middle-aged man said respectfully, "Unexpectedly, Mr. Weng and Mr. He also came and met the second old man."


The silver-haired old man was Mr. Weng, and the boy who looked only eleven or twelve years old was Mr. He. In terms of age, Mr. Weng is only sixty this year, but Mr. He is three years older than him.


He and Weng are brothers and sisters who came from the same school. The reason why one looks much older and the other looks much younger than actually is because they practiced some kind of strange exercise.


Although the two are from Qingyun Pavilion, they have no official or half a post in Qingyun Pavilion, so there are very few people who know them.


However, you can tell from the attitude of the middle-aged couple how high their status in Qingyun Pavilion is.


Mr. Weng, who had silver hair in a crane, smiled politely at the two of them and said, "So it's the two elders Qi and Chang. It's been a long time."


Qi Wusheng and Chang Cuifen responded in unison, stepped aside, and said to them respectfully, "Second old man, please."


The four entered the door one after another, only to see Baili Changqing, Feng Sanqing, and Xiong Yishen of Yuquan Sect already there.


After a while of chatting, we got to the point.

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