What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 242: Ganxi Palace does not allow such an awesome demon

Ah Si entered the dark passage, flew forward for a while, and came to the position Qin Yuan said.


Sure enough, this time it was not frozen.


Qin Yuan was not at ease, so he let him throw his sword out to stab the ice cube, Ah Si did as he did, but it was still not frozen.


Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said to it, "Dig, dig a little more for me, up, down, left and right, this time I'm going to get a big guy!"


Ah Si began to dig the soil quickly, and soon he would dig out a large space fifty feet away from the fox's head.


Qin Yuan gritted his teeth, carefully entered the cave, walked forward with a cat, came to the large space dug by Ah Si, and dug into the stone.


With a "bang", a giant siege crossbow with a height of nearly ten feet was set up.


The giant siege crossbow machine is one of the five major siege weapons of the Mo family. It belongs to the ground-shaped armor and other organs. It can easily shoot through city gates and city walls. Hang a rope made of rank four demon tendons.


The basic principle is that after the crossbow arrow is fired, it can easily shoot through the city wall or city gate, and then the pulley turns to retract the rope, and the city gate can be pulled down.


Putting down the things, Qin Yuan immediately withdrew from the passage from his heart, leaving Ah Si to "do vision" on the spot.


Safe production, standardized operation!


Returning to the dormitory, he moved his mind and fired!




Huge crossbow arrows shot out in response, and a scorching wind suddenly erupted in the small passage, shooting towards the ice cubes that were freezing Ah San and the Qixing crossbow.


In the darkness, there was only a crisp sound of "ding".


Immediately, the gears of the giant siege crossbow began to turn, pulling the rope back.


However, after pulling the rope back, Qin Yuan looked expectantly, only to find that there was only a broken arrow left!


In other words, it didn't shoot into the ice at all!


Qin Yuan was shocked, how could this ice be so powerful?




Wait a minute... why are you telling me unscientific?


Then let me tell you what cultivating is!


Thinking of this, Qin Yuan didn't say a word, he got into the hole again, and this time he directly input immortal energy into the crossbow machine to replace the original righteousness.


Although there is not much fairy energy, it is always enough to support ten launches!


After getting ready, Qin Yuan ran back to the dormitory safely.




Launch again!


The giant arrow roared!


A dazzling red light!




Then the red light could see that this time the arrow really pierced deeply into the ice, half a foot deep!


Enough, pull back!


The gears of the crossbow machine turned rapidly and began to drag the ice cubes.


Weight is not a problem, after all, the crossbow machine can pull down even the wall, and it has the blessing of immortal energy.


Soon, the ice cubes were dragged over.


At this time, the "rotating knife tuo" that had been prepared beside it was activated immediately, and the sharp blade was cutting ice cubes in high-speed rotation.


As expected of the Mo family's second-class organization, this time, he can chop ice cubes without blessing with immortal energy.


It didn't take long for Asan to regain his freedom, but the crossbow machine had been frozen into pieces, and it was obviously unusable.


Strangely, after Asan came out, all the broken ice disappeared.


However, Qin Yuan didn't bother to care about it, he continued to do the same, dragged the ice cubes from Ah Er and Ah Da one by one, and then chopped them into pieces.


Finally, Ah Da and Ah Er also regained their freedom.


The four paper figures embraced each other and cried with joy...if they could cry.


Logically, it's time to go back here.


But Qin Yuan refused!


Isn't your special mother crazy? Now you can't freeze me from fifty feet away, but I can **** on your rabbit's face!


Braised fox head tonight!


As soon as he shared this idea with the four paper figures, they all jumped up and down happily.


Turn the angle of the turn, the arrow of the arrow, and soon the giant arrow was aimed at the fox's head.






The giant arrow, still with red light, roared towards the fox's head.


I saw that the ears of the fox head moved slightly, and opened the blood-red eyes again.


"Bang" with a crisp sound!


Sure enough, the giant arrow was once again frozen by a huge block of ice at a distance of ten feet away from the fox's head.


Qin Yuan sneered and let the crossbow machine drag the ice back, and then let the rotating knife to chop it up.




The giant arrow was fired again, but it was still frozen.


Drag it back, chop it up... Continue to launch, get frozen, drag it back, chop it up again...


Repeat, repeat, repeat...


Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, and Ah Si had a great time playing in the passage and were full of interest.


The popularity of this "entertainment activity" may be even better than digging a hole.


And Qin Yuan also suddenly discovered a bug.


As long as he shoots a giant arrow, the fox head will definitely freeze the giant arrow, no matter whether the giant arrow is infused with righteous energy or fairy energy.


Obviously, it takes a lot of energy to make such a big ice cube.


Qin Yuan estimated that if a third-rank grandmaster used such a group injury skill 20 times in a row, his energy reserve would be almost bottomed out.


Then came the problem.


As we all know, first of all paper figurines do not know that they are tired.


And when Qin Yuan fired an arrow, the amount of righteousness was very small.


Therefore, Qin Yuan is very curious, how much is hidden in this fox's head... whether it is demonic or energy?


"Ada, you change direction and continue digging. Er, you go to the roof to watch, Asan, Asi... just keep playing." Qin Yuan said calmly, "Remember, you won't be allowed unless I say stop. Stop. Call me when the righteous energy of the crossbow machine and the rotating blade are exhausted, and I will help you inflate."


With an order, Ah Da and Ah Er had to reluctantly return to their posts, while Ah San and Ah Si threw themselves into the "game" even more happily.


Of course Qin Yuan didn't know what the rabbit demon was in right now. Anyway, he was in a very good mood right now.


No matter what kind of demon you are, I will spend it with you.


Having said that, when it comes to getting stuck on bugs, he has been very skilled since he played Super Mario on Bluestar~www.readwn.com~ Again, Qin Yuan always adheres to one principle - Ganxi Palace does not allow any comparison. He's also a cool guy.


Not even a demon.




One night has passed.


Qin Yuan woke up five or six times at night to invigorate the crossbow machine and the revolving knife, but he still slept soundly that night.


And Ah San and Ah Si played all night, never tired of it, they were so excited they rolled...


The next day, before the craftsmen came, Qin Yuan went to inspect the "battlefield" again.


Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that the ice cubes from the fox's head seemed to be one-fifth smaller than before.


Judging from the volume of the ice cube, the demonic energy in its body should be decreasing.


But Qin Yuan was still amazed. This goblin's demonic energy was also powerful. Two paper figurines fired one night without knowing how many arrows it fired. It could still freeze ice cubes, and it was only one-fifth smaller than before?


What kind of monster is this?


Could it be the legendary first-grade monster?


Hmm... But it's alright, isn't it time?


When the door closes during the day, keep playing!


The big deal is that Ah San and Ah Si are tired of playing, so let's change Ah Da and Ah Er!


Wait for its demonic energy to run out, then talk to it again!

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