What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 243: Arrange King King first

After Chu Yanxiu and Bai Pang finished speaking, they went back separately.


Qin Yuan had to revise the script again. This time, he wanted to avoid getting himself involved and successfully accomplish all his goals.


It was getting dark soon.


Qin Yuan borrowed Asan's consciousness and glanced at the fox demon.


Well, the ice cubes are shrinking further, and now they are only about two-thirds of their original size.


If it goes on like this, in another two days and two nights, that is, before June 15, the fox demon's demonic energy will be exhausted.


After running out, you should be able to easily take down the fox demon. I wonder if it has any good things to use?


It is said that the first-grade demons, in addition to their own demon materials, may also carry magical treasures, or have demon spirits that have been condensed throughout their lives.


Although the chances are very small, Qin Yuan said he was looking forward to it.


After all, although he is immortal now, and he will soon be promoted to the third-rank grandmaster, after three days, there will be many masters. Who knows if he will jump out of the second-rank grandmaster or even the first-rank grandmaster?


I don't have a lot of immortal energy yet. After being promoted to a great master, it may still be possible to rely on the agency to reluctantly deal with a second-rank great master, but if the other party adds another great master, it will be difficult to reach the sky.


So, if you can gain something from that fox demon, it would be an excellent thing.


On the thirteenth of June, there are still two days before King Qing's initiation.


The interior of the harem was surprisingly calm, but the undercurrent of various forces had reached its peak.


Qin Yuan was naturally very busy. In the last two days, he had to schedule the Holy Society, Mo Dao, Qing Zheng Si, Nei Ting Wei, King Qing and even King Jing according to his own plan to ensure that they followed the script.


But at the same time, they can't make them feel that they are directing them.


Fortunately, every faction now knows the importance of Qin Yuan and is actively looking for him.


In the morning, King Jing came to Qin Yuan first.


The Huxin Pavilion, located in the middle of a lake, was built on a small mound out of the water.


Surrounded by water, it is a good place to talk.


King Jing was not in high spirits today, he was tired after singing a few tunes.


Then, with a look, Ah Da threw the three servant girls into the lake, and then said to Qin Yuan, "Qin Zhuangshi, the two assassins you mentioned are lost."


Qin Yuan didn't speak, just looked at the maidservants fluttering in the lake.


It wasn't until they were rescued by a small boat that he looked at King Jing, and said lightly, "It's okay, just throw it away. Your Highness sends a few good men to ambush in the Baijia Academy, and it's easy to catch a few assassins. of."


King Jing frowned and said again, "Qin Zhuangshi, those assassins seem to have extraordinary cultivation bases. If you only send a few good players, you may not be able to catch them, right?"


"If I say yes, I will definitely be able to." Qin Yuan took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly, "But if you want to arrest the head of the academy, you have to send one or two great masters there."


"You mean, this king only needs two great masters, plus a few good players?"


Qin Yuan thought to himself that the first assassination attempt of Yuquan Sect and Qingyun Pavilion was a feint, and the underground palace was their focus. How could so many great masters be sent to the Hundred Academy?


Those who will go to Baijia Academy must be another group of mediocre hands, at most a great master leading the team.


Therefore, King Jing sent two great masters, plus a group of good masters would definitely be enough.


So he said, "Yes, Your Highness can trust me. However, you have to seize the moment. The people from the Qingzheng Division may ambush there in advance, and when they fight with the assassins, you will sit and reap the profits and go directly to the head of the hospital. Yes."


King Jing was surprised, "How do you know that Qing Zhengsi's people will be there?"


"I'm on good terms with the people from the Qingzheng Division. Your Highness should know a little." Qin Yuan explained lightly.


King Jing was overjoyed. If this is the case, then the price of robbing the head of the courtyard will be much less.


He didn't plan for a day or two to rob the head of the academy, but he just couldn't find a suitable opportunity. If he can succeed this time, then... the secret research of the academy can be seen at a glance!


But, he seems to know more than that?


With a smile, he removed the tea cup in front of Qin Yuan. King Jing held the pot in his hand to add wine to Qin Yuan, and then asked, "Qin Zhuangshi, don't you know something else?"

Qin Yuan thought for a while, smiled lightly, and said, "Your Highness, do you really want to know?"


"This king naturally wants to know."


"Has Your Highness decided to intervene in the battle in the palace?" Qin Yuan looked at the distant lake scene and said, "If it is not ready, I will not say it, it is also a good idea to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. , put safety first.”


King Jing's face froze slightly, and then he laughed loudly, "Qin Zhuangshi seems to have insinuated that this king is not frank enough."


"Don't dare."


"No, you're right!" King Jing took a sip of wine and said, "Qin Zhuang is affectionate and righteous to this king, and this king should be frank and open to you... As for the affairs in the palace, this king will answer you in four words. : I only owe Dongfeng!"


Qin Yuan glanced at King Jing, thinking that he had completed the layout.


That's right, there is still more than a month before the prince's school exam. During the school exam, he must enter the top three before he can compete for the crown prince. The top three is also a blockbuster for him, and then he wants to play a fool again. Can't play anymore.


Therefore, he is waiting for the right opportunity to formally intervene in the battle in the palace.


This is a good thing for me.


So he said, "Since Your Highness has made a decision, then I will say it... Does Your Highness know that Zhang Qihuai, the Minister of Works, is dead?"


King Jing raised his eyelids slightly and said, "You mean... the underground palace has indeed been discovered?"


Talking to a smart person is a peace of mind, Qin Yuan nodded in relief.


"The underground palace must have been discovered, otherwise he would not have died. The question now is, does His Highness find it strange why he assassinated the head of the academy, and the other party sent such a powerful assassin here? You need to know that there is only one great master in the Hundred Schools Academy."


King Jing frowned and pondered, then turned to look at Ah Da.


Ah Da was also pondering, and soon said, "Those who can kill shadows are at least third-rank upper-level. The great masters of the hundred schools are only third-rank lower-rank."


King Jing nodded, then looked at Qin Yuan again, "Qin Zhuangshi, do you mean that they came to the underground palace?"


Qin Yuan smiled slightly, "There is no other possibility, the assassination of the head of the hospital is just a feint to divide the troops of the Jian Temple, but they are going to miscalculate, because the Qingzheng Division has already received the news, so the people of the Jian Temple do not need to go there, the Qingzheng Division people just Enough to get them."


King Jing lifted the wine glass gently, drank it all at once, then stared at Qin Yuan with reddish eyes, and asked, "Then, Zhuangshi Qin thinks, how should this king intervene?"


"The middle strategy is to follow them into the underground palace in the name of helping the sword temple to intercept the assassins, and wait for the opportunity to capture the treasure, but one may suffer heavy losses, and the other may be suspected by the sword temple. The best strategy is to ambush outside the underground palace and wait for them to come out of the underground palace. , kill him."


"The middle strategy is indeed not as good as the best strategy, but what if they are wiped out in the underground palace? The underground palace must be guarded by swordsmen from the Sword Temple. If this king has no reason to force his way, won't he gain nothing?"


"No~www.readwn.com~ If they can enter the palace, there must be an inner response in the palace, and the inner response must not be an ordinary force, and there are also a group of masters. Now the sword temple sword slaves and a large number of masters are outside, Your Highness, do you think they will Don't you even have the confidence to come out?"


"The inner responder you said was King Yu?"


"Why doesn't Your Highness doubt King Qing?"


"King Qing disdains to do that kind of thing, this king knows very well."


"Hahaha!" Qin Yuan laughed.


"Hahaha!" King Jing also laughed.


"Qin Zhuangshi...he is really a national scholar!" King Jing suddenly stood up, "People say that there is a demon behind King Yu, and this king seems to think that the demon is not as good as Qin Zhuangshi!"


After all, King Jing straightened his unkempt clothes and gave Qin Yuan a bow.


"Sir, please accept this king!"


If these things are as he expected, then this person must be the king's unicorn talent, a peerless country scholar!


Such a great talent, worship him first, it's all right!


The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth raised a smile.


Very good, Nei Tingwei itself is not very strong. If King Jing helps, then the commander's wife will not only be safe, but also very likely to be able to make a contribution.


King Jing has made arrangements, but it's not over yet.


Those people, except Baili Changqing, don't even want to run away.

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