"What kind of bad thoughts can eunuchs have (!

Qin Yuan was indeed a little surprised, because he did not expect Chaolan Palace to have an underground stone room.

Originally, he was very excited when he saw Ah Da dug up a hard floor tile, and thought he had dug up a secret room for hidden treasures. After all, he has always been very imaginative.

He has made a plan. If he finds a treasure like "Wannian Ice Soul" again this time, then Ah Da should not be idle in the future. If he has nothing to do, he will dig a hole with a big sword. It is best to dig a hole under the palace. all over.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he saw King Qing.

King Qing was also stunned for a long time when he saw Qin Yuan. How could he get out of the ground?

Does he like to punch holes?

But soon he understood something, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he strode up again, grabbing Qin Yuan's hand tightly.

"Brother Qin, you...you dug a tunnel?"

Qin Yuan first smiled, then bowed at King Qing, and said calmly, "At Qin Yuan, see His Royal Highness King Qing!"

King Qing was startled again, and hurriedly held Qin Yuan's hands and asked with wide eyes, "Brother Qin, have you guessed the identity of this king?"

"I guessed it." Qin Yuan said, "People from the Holy Society and Mo Island came to me and said that King Qing wanted to empower the Tibetans and wanted to borrow my Ganxi Palace Tibetans. At that time, I was surprised that there were so many spare bedrooms in the palace. Why do you want me to do the West Palace?

Later, I remembered that in the Chaolan Palace behind the Ganxi Palace, there was still a prince of unknown origin hidden! Thinking about it again, this brother Wang is dignified, and he is absolutely extraordinary, so he naturally guessed it. "

Well, Qin Yuan said that the time he guessed was after the Holy Society and Mo Dao came to him, so the flattery in front of him still counted.

King Qing excitedly patted Qin Yuan's shoulder and said, "Brother Qin is really smart! In fact, this king has also thought about it, so you may be able to guess the identity of this king! It's just that you are authentic..."

"Truly?" Qin Yuan smiled lightly and said, "I am a person, I have no sense of security. After knowing that His Highness is going to empower him, he always suspects that someone is going to harm His Highness.

So I thought, I'm idle anyway, why don't you dig a tunnel for you to go straight to my Ganxi Palace. In this way, if a thief breaks in during the initiation, you can go to my place. I named this plan "Escape the Shell". Does this name show culture? "

Qin Yuan's words were lighthearted and half-joking, but King Qing and Xiao Baichang were not fools, and as soon as they heard it, they could guess that it was definitely not that simple.

Who would dig a tunnel for no reason... People would think that they would start digging a few days in advance, and they must have known something earlier than them.

At this moment, aside from King Qing, even Xiao Baichang was shocked.

This little **** is absolutely extraordinary!

Previously, through clues, he speculated that someone was going to assassinate the head of the Baijia Academy, and he gave the Holy Society two lists of assassins. Now he doesn't know what method he used to speculate that the Holy Society has a traitor!

Unexpectedly, this little **** whom His Highness accidentally met, turned things around in one fell swoop. Could it be that God helped King Qing?

I have to say that this tunnel, which is dozens of meters long, came too soon.

This tunnel not only saved King Qing, but also saved countless lives.

You must know that if King Qing cannot transfer the place of empowerment, then Shenghui and Mo Dao must pretend to enter the palace to assassinate, fight to the end in Chaolan Palace and Jian Temple, and use human life to gain time for King Qing to empower.

It is conceivable how low the probability of success will be.

And even if King Qing succeeded in empowerment, he would still inevitably be suspected by the Sword Temple.

After all, if the Sword Temple received the information that King Qing had been empowered at Chaolan Palace, and found that the gathering point of the assassins "entering the palace to assassinate" was at Chaolan Palace, it would be impossible to be foolish enough to think that this was just a coincidence.

But if the Sword Temple can't find King Qing in Chaolan Palace, then everything will be another matter!

At this moment, Qin Yuan was a light in King Qing's eyes, the light that pulled him out of the endless abyss.

In Xiao Baichang's eyes, the same is true.

As a result, a large golden starlight naturally appeared above the heads of King Qing and Xiao Baichang, illuminating the small stone room as if it were daylight!

"Brother Qin, you really helped this Wang Tianda! Brother Qin is so talented, please accept this king!"

Saying that, King Qing put his hands shoulder to shoulder and wanted to salute Qin Yuan.

Well, after King Jing, King Qing also gave a big gift to the old artist Qin.

Qin Yuan is not very interested in this cheap way of thanking. After all, it is practical to give some magic weapon, money, etc., right?

Look at King Jing next door, how generous is he? Up is the mysterious magic treasure!

But he still stepped forward to support King Qing and gave him a heart-to-heart look. Hey, the palms and backs are full of meat.

"His Royal Highness is serious. It is said that a person who is a confidant dies. His Highness treats me like a brother, and I also treat me like a confidant. How can I stand by and watch at this moment?"

After a pause, he said again, "However, if your Highness goes to my Ganxi Palace, everything may not be all right. You need to know that if the Sword Temple learns of His Highness's plan, as long as no one can be found in Chaolan Palace, it will search the entire palace. Palace. I don't know how His Highness will respond at that time?"

Up to now, King Qing will no longer hide anything, so he said, "Brother Qin is very true. However, if I can go to Brother Qin's Ganxi Palace for initiation, I will be more tolerant when it comes to dealing with it.

When the Sword Temple is about to search the entire palace, our people will pretend to attack the Sword Temple underground palace and make a gesture of **** the secrets of the underground palace. As a result, the Sword Temple must go back to guard the underground palace, and there are very few people who can send a search. few.

At that time, only the inner court guards and the Admiral of Jiumen will be responsible for the search of the whole palace. To be honest with Brother Qin, the Admiral of the Nine Sects is the king's man, and the inner court guards..."

King Qing looked at Qin Yuan, smiled slightly, and said, "This king knows that the relationship between Brother Qin and the commander of the inner court is extraordinary. It is said that she is yours..."

"Stop, she's not my adoptive mother, don't mention this." Qin Yuan said angrily.

"Oh, what is that?" King Qing asked excitedly.

"His Royal Highness, if you have to say that she has an extraordinary relationship with me, you should just think she is my wife. It's me, eldest wife."

King Qing was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said, "Brother Qin is still so unreasonable. Well, you can say that the big wife is the big wife. If you marry her someday, don't forget to invite this king to drink... By the way, I have to reserve a place for my husband too."

Xiao Baichang saw that King Qing was young again, and he would remind him in time as usual, but now he has changed his mind.

Isn't this Qin Yuan's little **** a friend whom His Royal Highness made when he was young? If not so, how can there be happiness today?

It seems that some things still need to go with the flow.

Thinking of this, he, who has always been mature and prudent, actually cooperated in a serious manner.

"Okay, as long as the invitation can arrive, the old slave will definitely go with him, so he won't feel distressed!"

Qin Yuan felt that this was still a human word, so he smiled, "That's it, don't lose my money."

The Zhong family has the best face. If the future prince of the supervising state can go, the old husband and the eldest brother-in-law will be very happy.

King Qing laughed, "Brother Qin underestimates this king again. If this is the case, this king will congratulate him with a gift of 10,000 taels of gold, plus a beautiful house in the capital. Without you, you can come to my mansion and scold this king for not believing his words."

Well, he still thought it was just a joke.

Qin Yuan laughed along with him, "Okay, I wrote it down."

King Qing nodded and finally returned to the topic.

"In short, the inner court will be handed over to Brother Qin. You and my brother will join forces, and this will definitely be done!"

Seeing Qin Yuan shaking his head, he said, "Although His Highness has arranged such an arrangement, it must be a lot of damage to the men and horses in his hands."

King Qing listened, nodded, and sighed again, "But this is already the best way, there is no other way."

Qin Yuan smiled lightly, and said, "I have a plan, so that His Highness will lose less people. I wonder if His Highness wants to hear it?"

When King Qing and Xiao Baichang heard the words, they looked at each other in unison, their eyes filled with surprise.

"Brother Qin, you... do you have a plan?"

"I can't talk about a good plan, but I have inquired some more information for His Highness, so it can be arranged more securely and at a lower cost."

After speaking, Qin Yuan told King Qing of his plan.

On the basis of knowing more about the plans of the parties on June 15 than King Qing, Qin Yuan's plan was naturally better than King Qing's.

Of course, it is also more beneficial to him.

After King Qing heard this, he put his arms around Qin Yuan's shoulders tightly and shook it several times, but he didn't know how to express his feelings at this moment.

But when he saw Qin Yuan smiling at him, he knew that he didn't need to say anything.

This smile is the same as usual. Brother Qin smiled like this when he was drinking and frolic. Brother Qin also smiled like this when he was talking about strange things. Even when he was admiring those Qing shepherds in "exotic clothes", Brother Qin smiled like this. Laugh like that too.

Brother Qin doesn't smile very seriously, especially when he talks about female goblins, or which concubine in the harem is beautiful~www.readwn.com~ When he smiles, it is easy to be misunderstood, and misunderstanding him seems like he has bad intentions.

But I have to say that when he laughs, he is so magnanimous and sincere.

When he laughed like that, he was saying that my brothers had such a relationship, so why should I say those false words!

So King Qing didn't say any more, just followed Qin Yuan and laughed.

And Xiao Baichang looked at the two of them and remembered his youth.

At that time, he also had such a young confidant.

It's a pity that in the end, the soldiers confronted each other.

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