What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 255: What have you done to them?

"What kind of bad thoughts can eunuchs have (!

Because King Qing had been in Shu for five years, and Concubine Min had only entered the palace within the past five years, in fact, the two of them had never met before.

At this time, King Qing had just emerged from the ground, his head, face, and clothes were covered with dust, like a monkey that had been soiled all the time.

After all, you can't expect how clean a temporary passage will be, and with the construction ability of an unqualified wild contractor like Qin Yuan, the upper limit can only be ensured that it does not collapse.

So Concubine Min's first reaction when she saw King Qing was, who is this monkey?

When King Qing saw Concubine Min, his first reaction was that this woman is so beautiful.

Brother Qin is still hiding in a golden house?

Looking at Su Qinqin again, his heart was even more shocked.

It's okay to hide Jiao, but there are still Dajiao and Xiaojiao?

No wonder he thought so, because according to the etiquette, if these two came to the door, they should go back when Qin Yuan was not in the dormitory.

But they are still there, which obviously shows that their relationship with Qin Yuan is not simple.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

King Qing and Concubine Min asked each other almost in unison.

Of course King Qing didn't want to reveal his true identity. More importantly, he had always been burdened by idols. Seeing the dust all over his body, he felt that his image might be frustrated now, so he quickly said, "I'm from Xiao Qinzi. Good friend, my name is Wang Guang, may I ask who you are?"

Coincidentally, Concubine Min was also guilty, and she didn't want outsiders to know that she was looking for Xiao Qinzi, so she said, "I am also Xiao Qinzi's friend, just call me Xiaomin."

Su Qinqin interrupted, "I'm also his good friend, call me Xiao Su."

"Oh... it turned out to be Miss Min and Miss Su."

King Qing smiled and greeted them, and then he didn't know what to say.

I thought to myself, at this juncture, how could Brother Qin still keep outsiders here, and what would happen if the secrets were leaked?

Thinking about how in the past, Qin Yuan was so excited when he talked about men and women, and he even designed such ecstasy clothes... He couldn't help but frown again.

It seems that even though Brother Qin is an eunuch, he has more than ordinary people's perseverance when it comes to women's lust.

This was nothing at all, after all, such a talented foreigner like Brother Qin, it is understandable that he has some special hobbies.

Of course, his indulgence is going to make a big mistake!

King Qing believed that there should be no omissions when important events are imminent, and these two people have already seen themselves. Although they may not recognize them, they are always hidden dangers.

So, since they are here, don't even think about going back!

In addition, it is not suitable for them to stay here. What if the people from the King Yu Wang break in and they are giving birth underground, what should they do if they are talking nonsense and revealing their flaws?

It's just that when I told Brother Qin about this, Brother Qin might not be willing to listen to him.

Well... in that case, don't blame this king for being cruel!


In the kitchen, in addition to Ah Er who was on the roof, several paper figures helped to cut vegetables and wash vegetables, and they were very busy around Chef Qin Yuan.

Suddenly, Qin Yuan remembered that he didn't seem to ask Concubine Min whether he should eat spicy food or not, so he hurried back to the bedroom and wanted to ask.

But after returning to the dormitory, he was instantly stunned.

I saw that Su Qin Qin and Concubine Min were lying on the ground with their eyes closed, while King Qing was pulling one of Concubine Min's leg and slowly dragging it into the hole under the red-lacquered wardrobe.

A direct view of the crime scene!


Qin Yuan felt that his whole body was struck by lightning, and it was cold from the inside to the outside.

After a breath, he reacted, and suddenly the whole person became violent!

A brisk pacer rushed up and shouted at King Qing, "Damn, what did you do to them?"

He never dreamed that such a shocking tragedy would happen while he was cooking a meal by himself!

King Qing, my nun girl! I don't share the sky with you!

King Qing wanted to do things quietly.

But seeing that Qin Yuan found out, he had to smile embarrassingly, and said, "Brother Qin, don't get excited, I just knocked them unconscious, and then I plan to hide them underground. After all, it is inconvenient to keep them here. ."

King Qing really didn't want to kill them. After all, he also knew that the two were at least Qin Yuan's good friends. If he killed them, wouldn't he hate him for the rest of his life?

Besides, King Qing did not have the habit of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

As soon as Qin Yuan heard this, he immediately squatted down and touched the carotid arteries of the two of them, and found that they were all jumping well, so he was relieved.

Then he pointed at Concubine Min's feet and said, "Your Highness, please let go of your hand first, do you know who you are dragging?"

King Qing asked curiously, "Who is it?"

"Concubine Min!" Qin Yuan said, walked over and slapped King Qing's paw open, and said, "It's the Concubine Min from your faction, whose father is Zuo Xiang, and rumored to be the queen!"


This time, it was King Qing's turn to explode thunder.

"This, is this Concubine Min?!"

She is about to become an empress and will be in charge of everything in the harem. Her father is Zuo Xiang, and her brother is the admiral of the Nine Sects and the commander of the forbidden army. In the future, even myself will continue to rely on her for help... Concubine Min?

King Qing stayed in place for a long time, then looked up at Qin Yuan and said with a miserable face, "Brother Qin... save me..."

Qin Yuan decisively gave him a roll of eyes, then picked up Concubine Min on the ground and put it on the phoenix bed.

King Qing graciously wanted to help hold Su Qin Qin, but how could Qin Yuan let his paws touch her?

"Let me go!"

He walked over and carried Su Qinqin onto the bed again, letting the two lie down side by side.

"Brother Qin, I really didn't expect this... Besides, why did Concubine Min come to you? I remembered that I had asked her brother to inform her not to go out today!"

"What's the use of saying this now?" Qin Yuan said. "You can apologize to her in a while, and remember to be sincere. I'll see the situation and say something to you."

"Hey, okay, then thank you brother Qin! But why is she here, you haven't answered yet!"

King Qing stared at Brother Qin with a look of curiosity.

As long as Qin Yuan didn't answer this question, he would be interested in asking it three more times.

Qin Yuan glanced at him speechlessly and said, "Your Highness, if I said I didn't know, would you believe it?"

To tell the truth~www.readwn.com~ Qin Yuan really did not expect Concubine Min to come, because in his impression, the relationship between himself and Concubine Min should not have reached that stage.

And this point, perhaps let Concubine Min say, she herself can't make any sense.

The only thing she knew was that she was once shocked by Qin Yuan's romantic writing and the rhythm of the piano, and was also moved by the pride in his words and the meaning of the sound of the piano.

At the same time, he felt sorry for the talented him who unfortunately became a eunuch, and also felt that in order to help himself, he had sacrificed his life to become the enemy of King Yu.

And then... to save him, he came.


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