What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 264: Battle of Kansai Palace

What kind of bad thoughts can the **** have? Main volume Chapter 264 The battle of Ganxi Palace is less than a quarter of an hour away from the success of the empowerment.

After seeing Concubine Min, Mr. Shuijing was almost certain that King Qing was in the Ganxi Palace!

She must have come to delay the time for King Qing, or else would she have made a special trip for a little eunuch?

If it's true, it would be the number one anecdote in the world. The dignified future queen actually had an affair with a eunuch. How could a red apricot go out of the wall like this?

King Qing couldn't wait any longer. After Mr. Zeng gave a hint, he immediately shouted.


As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Shui Jing threw his sleeves, and a hurricane blew up, and he wanted to sweep away Concubine Min first.

But is there really no one like King Qing?

At some point in the sky, a dark shadow suddenly appeared. The shadow took out something and instantly turned into a transparent aperture, directly covering Concubine Min.

No matter how the hurricane blows again, Concubine Min will not move at all.

Naturally, it was Xiao Baichang who shot.

Mr. Shui Jing took a closer look and couldn't help laughing loudly. The figure immediately disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already in the air, and Xiao Baichang was in front of him.

"Xiao Baichang, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"


Besides, these masters in the yard were about to pounce on the people of the Armament Division standing on the steps, when they suddenly found that their eyes were completely white.

This white expanse is naturally released by the fog puppet.

Not only the front yard, but the whole yard is covered in white fog.

The power of the fog puppets today is different from that of the past.

On the one hand, it was Qin Yuan who had been promoted to the Grand Master, and after Wu Puppet was infused with the righteousness of the Grand Master, there was no doubt that his power had risen a notch.

On the other hand, the immortal energy in Qin Yuan’s body has increased several times compared to before, and his mastery of controlling immortal energy has also been greatly improved. The moment he threw the fog puppet, he poured a few strands of immortal energy into it, making it more powerful. One lift.

Among the more than thirty masters who were trapped in the fog, there were three great masters, and the rest were only fourth- and fifth-rank masters.

Those grandmasters, let them try their best to learn all their life, it is impossible to break through the fog barrier, and even to disperse a little fog.

King Yu had the lowest cultivation level among them, his eyes were blank, he couldn't see anything clearly, and he was immediately frightened.

What kind of formation is this?

At this time, in the thick fog, there was an extravagant sound.

That voice, soft and enchanting, made people imagine.

That year, the king was thirteen, she was twenty-three...

Wait, why is this king suddenly so sad?

At this time, in the fog formation, many people were already crying.

"Cuicui, I'm sorry for you! I killed your whole family!"

"Brother Zhao Jia, to tell you the truth, I actually... admire you for a long time! You, don't run away!"

"Concubine Min, do you still remember me? On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, I am the **** standing behind you!"

"Concubine Min, are you playing the qin for me? I caught the desire in your eyes. I, I'm actually not a broken body. I'm a bricklayer who sneaked in, come on!"

"Concubine Min, are you lonely in the palace alone? Don't be afraid, I'm very strong!"

It can be seen that Concubine Min's popularity is very high. After many people in the fog formation are poisoned, the illusions they generate are all based on her.

The point is, Concubine Min and the others standing around Qin Yuan were not affected by the fog formation.

That is to say, Concubine Min, Su Ruoyi, Su Qinqin, and the people from the Jiaji family can clearly see that these people in the yard are going crazy, fantasizing, and even flirting with Concubine Min.

Su Ruoyi looked at Concubine Min with a dark face.

Is she really that good-looking?

If I wear red makeup, I should look better than her.

Well, as Xiao Qinzi said, I look the best in red.

Su Qinqin also secretly glanced at Concubine Min.

Well, it looks better than me.

No wonder Xiao Qinzi couldn't move his legs every time he saw her!

But, it doesn't look too good, does it?

And Concubine Min's face still had no expression, she was as dignified as before, but she couldn't hide it, her pretty face was already blushing and hot.

Rumang is on his back!

How can there be so many boring men in the world?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly glance at Qin Yuan.

Only a man like him can't be so superficial.

Qin Yuan didn't notice Concubine Min's gaze at the moment, because Director Qin was frantically superficial right now.

Is it him? Those three who call Concubine Min, Lao Tzu will be the first to send you on your way!

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan's thoughts moved, and he immediately triggered various organs.

Whoosh, whoosh, a wave of poison-fed cold arrows marched first.

But he didn't want to, a strong wind blew in the fog, instantly blowing the cold arrow away without a trace.

At this moment, there was a loud laugh in the fog formation.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be a magical power that the Mo family didn't know about. It's a bit interesting."

The one who laughed loudly was Shang Feng, the **** in charge of the printing industry.

His smile was mixed with vigorous righteousness, which was as deafening as thunder, and instantly awakened everyone in the fog formation from their fantasy.

Seeing that everyone was awake, Su Ruoyi was afraid of delaying the opportunity, so she quickly said, "Go in!"

But he was stopped by Qin Yuan.

What a joke, how could the Empress's wife be allowed to take risks?

"No, I'll talk about it when I'm done throwing the trap."

Above the night sky, Xiao Baichang and Mr. Shui Jing were fighting fiercely, and the outcome was inexorable for a while.

In the fog formation, most of King Yu's subordinates were awake, and the two great masters also used the sword of intent to open up a visual distance of about ten feet in a radius, and tightly surrounded King Yu in the middle.

As for Shang Feng, whose cultivation base is unfathomable, although he can't break the fog formation blessed by this fairy qi for a while, but relying on the induction of the Great Master's Intent Sword, he is blocking the shooting mechanism for everyone, while quietly searching for it. fog puppet.

As long as he can find the fog puppet, he can easily smash it.

Of course Qin Yuan didn't want him to succeed.

The worm demon pot in his hand was thrown directly into the crowd, and a group of worm demons swarmed out immediately.

Many masters whose cultivation base has not yet reached the Great Master have been poisoned in the first place, and their actions naturally take half a beat, so it is not uncommon for them to be stung by poisonous insects.

Among them, three of them had the most poisonous insects on their bodies and were bitten the hardest. They fell to the ground in a scream.

They still don't understand why the poisonous insects have to catch them and bite.

And at this moment, boom, boom, boom!

Lightning bolts like a blue dragon rose from the ground one after another, starting a new round of harvesting.

Everyone in the A-character department was stunned?

Is that okay?

They had vaguely heard of Qin Yuan's many wonderful institutions before, but when they saw it today, they had to admit that they were still ignorant.

This mechanical technique is comparable to thousands of troops!

The masters around King Yu are falling down one by one.

Could this battle be won without a fight?

But at this moment, Qin Yuan frowned.

No, why do those great masters seem to be fine?

No, to be precise, the few people around King Yu were nothing serious.

Taking a closer look, I saw that above King Yu's head, there was a looming urn-like thing suspended in the air.

The breath was like a small waterfall, covering King Yu and the surrounding masters.

Some of those people were also hit by landmines, but their righteousness didn't seem to be affected too much!

The greatest power of landmines is not to hit the body, but to hit the righteousness. If the righteousness of the person hit, if the righteousness is turbulent, the combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced.

And obviously, that tyrannical magic weapon has the effect of stabilizing and righteousness!

At this moment, I saw three sword lights descend from the sky, directly smashing the three fog puppets in the formation!

The fog is cleared!

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ Although King Yu's side suffered heavy losses, there were still three great masters and two fourth-rank powerhouses left.

As for Shang Feng, the **** Silijian in charge of printing, he was even more unscathed!

Qin Yuan wanted to throw three more fog puppets, but he saw Shang Feng attacking him like a ghost, not giving him a chance to set up a formation at all!

Qin Yuan's heart sank, it seemed that he had to face off!


Outside the courtyard, more than a dozen masters from King Qing's subordinates rushed in. These people were ambushed at the periphery. After all, King Qing was empowering here, and it was impossible for Xiao Baichang to be the only one beside him.

But there is only one great master among them, and it can only be said that it is a drop in the bucket.

In fact, according to Qin Yuan's arrangement, King Qing's main force should immediately retreat to protect King Qing after feigning the underground palace.

But unexpectedly, on their way back, they were blocked by the Qingzheng Squadron.

This part of the Qingzheng Squadron that Qin Yuan did not know was recruited by the Jianmiao. After all, the Qingzhengsi was a subordinate of the Jianmiao, and the Jianmiao knew that someone was going to attack the underground palace. When the troops were empty, it was normal to send them to replenish the troops. .

In the end, he is just a small actor, Qin Yuan can't really be like the chief director, and he can cover everything.

But something even worse is happening.

Chu Yanxiu, who had been squatting in the dark for a long time, suddenly found a group of people passing by on Zhuangjing Avenue.

These people, visually, are the people of King Yu, and they are heading to Ganxi Palace.

Chu Yanxiu was only in charge of investigating the information, and there was no help around him at this time.

Touching his chin, Chu Yanxiu sighed helplessly.

You have to hold back these people, yeah!

But I'm just a little guy...


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