What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 268: This palace, want revenge!

Inside the Qianxi Palace, the sword energy was flying, and the dust filled the sky, almost obscuring the moonlight.

On the roof, the chief steward of Concubine Rong's bedroom, the first master Shaying, pierced Zhao Yu's chest with the dazzling Great Master's Intent Sword after a long roar.

Zhao Yu groaned, and before he had time to scream, he fell from the roof and landed right at the feet of Concubine Min.

Covering his chest, he bowed slightly, stubbornly trying to stand up, but after all, he lost his strength in an instant and fell to the ground again, without a sound.

The great master Zhao Yu has fallen!

Su Qinqin took a step back with a pale face, but seeing Concubine Min who was motionless, she gritted her teeth again and stood beside her.

Su Qinqin knew that Concubine Min might not die, but she might.

King Yu could kill her at any time, even Concubine Min couldn't keep her.

After all, she was only a seventeen-year-old girl, and just now she thought of running away quietly, but for some reason, every time she wanted to move her footsteps, she felt disgusted and ashamed.

If Xiao Qinzi came back and saw that he had run away, he would definitely laugh at himself.

As a hero like him, if he knew that he was so greedy for life and fear of death, he would never be good friends with him in the future.

Su Qinqin comforted himself that Xiao Qinzi would definitely come back.

Although she couldn't think of a reason why he could escape from the Great Master, she just stubbornly believed that he would definitely come back!

At this moment, Concubine Min, looking at the blood flowing like a stream on the ground, finally flashed a trace of sadness in her bright moon-like eyes.

Xiao Qinzi, he should be dead.

It's a pity that I didn't tell him, Ben Gong actually likes him very much.

It is also a pity that in this chaotic world, such a talented person will eventually be annihilated.

The roaring sword energy came towards him, blowing the hair on the side of Concubine Min's temples flying, and there was a pain like a knife scraping on her face.

The pain was so real, so real that it made her blood rush, and she even trembled slightly.

Concubine Min suddenly widened her eyes, and the sadness in her eyes disappeared instantly. Some of them were just anger and hysterical hatred that had been suppressed for 21 years!

They used this kind of thing called "Sword Qi" to kill Xiao Qinzi!

They all be damned.

In the future, this palace holds the power of life and death in the harem, and will definitely avenge him!

Participating in today's slaughter, Zhou Ying, the **** in charge of the Six Shang Division, Cheng Yin, the **** in charge of the Qianning Palace, and Concubine Yin Shang Fengrong, the director of the Li Jian!

You all have to pay the price!

This palace wants you to die one by one, one by one, in mourning!

Let you die under the sword, under the wheel of the power struggle, in infinite remorse and fear!

There is also King Yu, from today onwards, the meaning of the rest of this palace's life is to be with you forever!

In this case, Ben Gong has to thank you, thank you for making the rest of my life meaningful and not so boring!

I, Jiang Miner, take this oath!

With the fall of Zhao Yu, the overall situation of this battle has been settled.

King Qing's dozen or so masters now only have four or five remaining. Although they are still not afraid of death, they are obviously exhausted.

Those inner court guards have not been beaten, and there are only eight or nine of the more than 30 people left.

On King Yu's side, in addition to the two great masters Cheng Yin and Mr. Zeng, there were also Zhou Ying and another fourth-rank master.

In view of the fact that there is no master on the opposite side, Cheng Yin and Mr. Zeng dealt with it with ease.

The battle was one-sided.

Su Ruoyi watched the fat-headed, thin-headed, and stump feet fall down one by one, and there was a trace of sadness in her eyes.

It's over, I'm afraid I'm really going to die this time!

Xiao Qinzi, should be dead, right?

It's a coincidence that we died on the same day and not far apart. Wouldn't it be easier to find in the next life?

It's good, but it's a pity, what he did with the red salamander, I haven't seen it yet!

Xiao Qinzi, wait for me for a while, I will come to you soon!

At this time, King Yu had already drawn out the matching sword.

The corners of his mouth were raised high, his eyes sparkled with excitement and eagerness, and there was a perverted flush on his face.

"Hahaha, brother fifty-two! I know you're inside, we'll meet soon!"

"Hehe, this king knows you're stupid, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid! To go to such a place to initiate initiation, do you think that a mere little **** and a few useless guards guarding the door will be able to pass the border safely?"

As if seeing the authority of the world in front of him, at this moment, King Yu trembled with excitement, and the corpses lying on the ground could no longer arouse the slightest pity from him.

They are all stepping stones for this king to the throne. Since ancient times, those who have become great entrepreneurs have all stepped on the sea of ​​corpses and blood!

"Shadow, go in!"

The King Yu shouted hysterically.

At this moment, a high-pitched bird chirping suddenly came from the air!

The long sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, straight into the sky, like a foreign object, causing everyone to be startled.

In the night sky, under the moonlight, accompanied by a burst of passionate Guqin!

I saw a behemoth-like bird swept across the roof of the dormitory, and the huge wings blocked the moonlight, bringing a large moving shadow.

Above the big bird, a young man dressed in brocade clothes, holding a long sword, stood proudly, looking down at the bottom with the ability to look down on all things.

Everyone was surprised.

What is that?


"Haha!" Qin Yuan, who owns the giant bird, looked at King Yu with a cold smile and said, "What about the little eunuch? Where did the little **** send you?"

"Little Qinzi!"

In an instant, Concubine Min, Su Ruoyi, and Su Qinqin shouted in unison!

The three of them looked at Qin Yuan in mid-air, and couldn't help but be in a trance.

It's a bit unreal that he can come back.

He came back with a big bird with a special appearance, like a hero of the world, which is even more unreal.

Well, this little **** is really not bad anywhere, even a little more than the average person.

When King Yu saw Qin Yuan, his face changed immediately, his eyes were wide open, and he was about to burst!

Surprised, "You, you're not dead yet?"

"King Yu!" Qin Yuan said lightly, "Do you think you can kill me with Shang Feng's ability?"

"What about your style?"

"Of course he is dead, and he will die under my sword in just three moves against me!" Qin Yuan sneered, and then shouted, "King Yu, where are your subordinates? I have to fight ten more!"

The loud shout was like a thunderbolt, shocking everyone in the audience.

That Shang Feng is a great master of the third grade, but in his mouth, it seems that it is not worth mentioning?

Is he going to hit ten more?

This is impossible, he must be bluffing!

The more Qin Yuan said this, the more no one believed it, not even Su Qinqin, thinking that Xiao Qinzi was bragging and scare people again!

But, if it's a bluff, what about Shangfengren? !

King Yu gritted his teeth, and a nameless anger rose from his heart!

He suddenly discovered ~www.readwn.com~ Since the first time he heard about this "Little Qinzi", this boy is like a spinning top that can't be beaten to death, no matter what!

Could it be that you are really a monster?

Today in front of this king, see how you change!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at the only remaining master around him, Zhou Ying, who has been loyally protecting him around him!

After touching the fish for a long time, Zhou Ying found that he was named by King Yu!

Immediately his face stiffened, but the experienced man quickly shook his body and stood up in front of King Yu!

He shouted, "Your Highness, be careful!"

I can't go, I will swear to defend you, Your Highness!

King Yu finally found out why he should be so "loyal" this week, and he stayed half a step away from him.

This stuff is fraudulent!

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