What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 270: Uncle, I am so scared!

The next moment, I saw a tall figure with golden arrogance suddenly appear in the air, and the gas explosion shook in the wind, exuding a powerful coercion.

"Bold traitor, dare to assassinate the prince!"

King Yu looked up, his eyes immediately became wet, and he shouted in a heartbreaking voice, "Uncle!"

Su Ruoyi and One-eyed Qiang heard it, and their faces changed greatly!

Qin Yuan hurriedly asked, "Who is this person?"

One-eyed forcefully murmured, "King Yu's uncle guards the Northern Territory, the commander of the Xiaoqi Army, the first-class general Yao Weiyao! But why did he suddenly return to Beijing?"

Su Ruoyi sighed and said, "It's over, let's think about how to reincarnate."

When Qin Yuan saw the appearance of the two of them, he knew that they were in trouble again!

Looking at the unparalleled sword energy in his body, his scalp was numb again!

Oh, why did such a monster jump out again?

How to fight this?

Sure enough, those who can become the prince's favorite have powerful forces behind them.

In comparison, King Jing, who has no background, is really weak and pitifully weak.

After Wang Yu determined that it was his own uncle, he no longer had the panic he had just now, and immediately became alive again.

"Hehe, little Qinzi, this king is standing in front of you now, try it out, can you kill this king?"

"A mere eunuch, like a hundred-footed worm that dies without being stiff, this king admires you very much!"

"But this time, this king wants to see if you can still live!"

After speaking, he immediately rushed to the figure in the air and shouted, "Uncle, this is the person who wants to kill me, please smash him into pieces!"

Yao Wei glanced at Qin Yuan disdainfully, and said lightly, "The Mo family's fog formation and flying kites are really good. Unfortunately, if you are on the wrong team, then you will only die!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand slightly as if he was about to crush an ant.

At this moment, I heard another explosion in the sky!

"Yao Laogou, you dare to touch my nephew!"

Before he finished speaking, another tall figure with golden arrogance suddenly appeared on the horizon.

As soon as Qin Yuan heard it, he didn't even need to look at it, he knew that his father-in-law had arrived!

At that time, just like King Yu, his eyes were wet, and he almost wanted to cry while hugging his father-in-law's thigh.

Woohoo, my father-in-law, they don't talk about martial arts, they bully me! I am really scared!

In mid-air, Yao Wei's expression changed slightly when he saw it.

Then he said coldly, "Zhong Zaicheng, this son wants to assassinate King Yu, so I want to take him, right?"

Zhong Zaicheng snorted coldly and said, "He's a little eunuch, and Wang Yu is a master of the sixth rank, and he has many good guards. How can he assassinate him? Are you an old man?"

Yao Wei was at a loss for words, but then changed the conversation and said angrily, "Zhong Zaicheng, didn't your Zhong family agree not to interfere in the affairs of the palace?"

During the conversation, the golden qi was soaring, and the arrogance was as high as one zhang!

Zhong Zaicheng took a look and immediately thought that the other party was trying to make a face with himself!

Fighting for the facade, he has never lost!

So the tiger's body was shocked, and the sword qi all over his body exploded immediately, causing the golden arrogance around his body to rise to a height of one foot and one foot!

Be a foot taller before you speak!

"Hey, our Zhong family naturally doesn't care about the dispute in the East Palace! But when it comes to my nephew, it's not a matter in the palace, but an old husband's family affair!"

These words were decisive, like a shield, and instantly turned into a sense of security, tightly wrapping Qin Yuan's whole body.

"Uncle Zhong, Uncle Zhong's great kindness, it's hard to repay this kid in this life!"

Raising his throat, Qin Yuan hurriedly sent the rainbow fart.

King Yu's face changed again when he heard this, he was dumbfounded.

Is he actually Zhong Zaicheng's nephew? Why never heard of it before?

How many secrets does this **** **** have?

Yao Wei's face was also ashen, and he said again, "So, this little eunuch, are you Baoding?"

Zhong Zaicheng laughed and said, "Why, are you going to fight me? Come on, I'm an old bone, I haven't met a decent opponent for many years!"

King Yu hurriedly shouted, "Uncle, King Qing's empowerment is about to be completed, this opportunity must not be missed!"

Yao Wei frowned and was about to make a move when he heard another person floating in the air.

"Yao Wei, if you do it, don't blame my husband and wife for being together!"

Who else could come? Of course, Chu Nan is red!

Qin Yuan immediately cried out, "Aunt Chu, Aunt Chu, you are here too! I, I was almost killed by them!"

Chu Nanhong gave Qin Yuan a kind and reasonable look, and smiled, "Don't be afraid, no one can bully you when your uncle and aunt are here!"

Zhong Zaicheng couldn't help sighing when he looked at Chu Nanhong, who was all dressed up.

Women, what are you doing here?

He actually said that the husband and wife are of the same mind, and it is true that the husband and wife are of the same mind, but if two fights one, won't it damage the facade of my Zhongfu?

Zhong Zaicheng was just dissatisfied, but Yao Wei was about to be furious.

You two are shameless!

He muttered a few words bitterly, but there was nothing he could do.

how to spell? Fighting against Zhong Zaicheng alone may not win, and adding another couple, Chu Nanhong, is not a joke!

So without saying a word, he rolled up King Yu and left Ganxi Palace.

Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, Kanxi Palace should be done!

King Qing's empowerment will be completed soon, so it's time to worry about going down to the underground palace.

a moment ago.

On Zhuangjing Avenue, twenty-one Mo Yin swept past like a black tide.

They were dressed in black clothes, with straw shoes on their feet, black turbans wrapped around their heads and their faces covered. Each held a long sword in his hand and a short sword around his waist.

Like phantoms, they didn't make a sound when they flew, and they didn't even make a sound when they drew out their swords.

There are still more than 30 people who used to be known as the king, but after these Mo Yin appeared, they all fell like wheat, and they didn't even have time to scream.

In addition to the twenty-one Mo Yin, there was also a black clothed man standing on a sword of intent, his eyes burning like a torch, and he remained silent.

Bowing his head, he glanced at the brocade-clothed boy who fell to the ground, thoughtful.

If he hadn't just shot, this young man should have died at this moment.

It is a pity that even if he is not pierced by Wan Jian, he is so injured that he is afraid that he will not be able to survive.

Well, it seems that the Holy Society is not useless, at least it still has a few iron bones.

Thinking of this, the black-clothed Mo family grandmaster collected his thoughts and flew straight towards the Ganxi Palace.

But before flying away, he still lost something beside the brocade-clothed boy.

Those Mo Yin didn't stop either. After finishing the last subordinate of the Honorary King, they hurried towards the Ganxi Palace.

When passing by the brocade-clothed boy lying on the ground, no one gave him a second look.

Moist and love~www.readwn.com~ should save people, but Mo Yin is the most special existence among Mozi.

They can be killed or buried.

Xiao Cui widened her eyes and stared blankly at these ruthless men in black walking by. Suddenly, she knelt on the ground and frantically pulled their pants.

"Don't go, don't go! Please save my son! Please save him! Please!"

But no one responded to her, and soon everyone went away.

Xiaocui knelt on the ground and cried in despair, but suddenly she found the little puppet that the great master had left behind and moved awkwardly.

It walked to Chu Yanxiu's chest, then opened its mouth with a "pat", and slowly exhaled white smoke.

The smoke gradually spread, and soon covered Chu Yanxiu's body.

Xiaocui didn't know what this was, but she felt that the man should not harm the young master, so she covered her mouth and watched all this quietly, for fear of scaring the puppet.

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