What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 280: Is this king not as good as his eunuch?

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"Sir, are you leaving now?"

King Jing was not very happy about Qin Yuan's act of leaving before his **** was hot.

After all, they used to smell the same every time...they had the same taste...the same interests, what a pleasure drinking it was. Tonight is the time when the spring breeze is complacent. King Jing wanted to stay with him without getting drunk. Yes, even the maids who served the bed have arranged for him - one dragon and two phoenix, no joke!

It's a pity that Qin Yuan is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han, so he doesn't want to live this degenerate night life with him.

"His Royal Highness, I do have something to do, so I won't accompany me tonight."

"I still have a lot of private things I want to tell you. Also, I've recited some good poems today, so why don't you listen?"

"Another day, another day."

As Qin Yuan spoke, he glanced at the table that was basically untouched, and suddenly remembered something, and then said shamelessly, "Your Highness, why don't I bring some dishes back, or make it a late night snack."

Well, didn't I promise Concubine Min to get some supper and go home, but it's so late, and the palace is in chaos tonight, so I can't buy it, why don't I pack it and go back.

King Jing was stunned when he heard it. He had seen many people who wanted gold and silver, and it was the first time he had seen people who wanted some leftovers.

However, it was a shameful act to change someone else, but King Jing was overjoyed when Qin Yuan was replaced.

After making such a great contribution, he didn't ask for anything from himself, he only wanted a few leftovers... Haha, Mr. Qin is really comparable to a human being!

This uninhibited and free and easy temperament is so similar to this king!

This also shows that he did not treat this king as an outsider!

"Hahaha," King Jing couldn't help laughing, and then said, "Sir, you are not allowed to scold this king, just say whatever you want to eat, this king will let the chef cook it now, and you can take it away after you finish it! Otherwise, let you I only eat leftovers when I am old, and it will spread out in the future, won't the world poke this king's spine?"

Qin Yuan laughed and said, "No need, just a few things on the table that haven't been touched."

Seeing Qin Yuan's insistence, King Jing had to hurriedly call the maid to bring the food box and put several dishes one by one. Remembering that Qin Yuan likes to eat red deer meat, he asked the kitchen to bring a red deer thigh and two jars as a gift. Wine, that's it.

Qin Yuan put the things into the Nashi one by one, and said goodbye to King Jing.

Tightening his legs, he trotted quickly to the gate of Ganxi Palace, then slowed down and walked in pretending to be calm.

Hey, you see, I'm not a dog licker!

Sure enough, neither Concubine Min nor Su Qinqin went back.

"Brother Qin finished his work?" King Qing came over and asked.

Qin Yuan nodded, then said to King Qing, "His Royal Highness, Chaolan Palace has been destroyed, why don't you stay with me tonight? Ah, and Mr. Xiao, and these guard brothers...more than ten Personally, if you squeeze a little, oh... the room has not been cleaned, and it is still a servant's room."

The implication, of course, is - so many people don't live there, right? I'm polite!

King Qing thought for a while and said, "Actually, these guards have other residences. As for this king and Mr. Xiao..."

At this time, Mr. Xiao laughed and interrupted, "His Royal Highness, it's better for us to go back to the manor to rest tonight. Speaking of which, Your Highness may not have returned to the manor for a long time."

King Qing knew that Mr. Xiao never interjected at will, so he glanced at him strangely, but he finally realized something, and said quickly, "If so, then we will leave."

When Concubine Min heard the words, she opened her mouth slightly, but hesitated again.

She felt that it was just right now for King Qing, Mr. Xiao and others to send her back.

But she found that she really wanted to stay and talk to Qin Yuan again. After all...the time she spent with him was one day less.

But, just stay like this, what will King Qing and the others think of themselves?

Finally, she still took a deep breath and opened her mouth to say, "Your Highness, since you are going back, then I will go back with you as well."

Concubine Min finally decided to cut through the mess with a quick knife.

She doesn't think that her "misconceptions" are similar to the so-called "red apricots out of the wall" of ordinary folk girls. After all, she was only sent to the palace as usual, and then obtained the canonization, which has nothing to do with the emperor. on the marriage.

But she knew that even if she was only the nominal emperor's woman, she shouldn't have other ideas, otherwise... Qin Yuan might be slashed by a thousand swords, and the family would be implicated.

No, I am more worried that the Jiang family will lose power from now on, and secondly I am worried that he will be killed.

Concubine Min stubbornly ranked for these two reasons. As for why she ranked this ranking inexplicably, she herself did not know.

But in this ranking, she is the only one without herself.

Caught in the middle, she seems to have lost sight of herself.

But in fact, in the past 21 years, she may have really not lived for herself.

From the age of six, she began to learn the qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, palace ceremonies and preparations for entering the palace.

When she was ten years old, she entered the palace for the first time, playing the qin to congratulate the empress dowager on her birthday, which shocked four people.

At the age of twelve, he was brought into the palace by the empress dowager and brought up personally.

Fifteen years old, the name of the first beauty in the capital has spread all over the world.

At the age of seventeen, she was canonized as a noble concubine and entered the Chenghua Palace.

In a few months, she will be canonized as a queen, the mother of the world.

Her life has been arranged, and before that, she has been accepting her fate.

Now... She still feels that she has to accept her fate.

All things are life, not a little bit.

As smart as she is, it's not that she doesn't know what Xiao Qinzi thinks of herself, and she doesn't dislike Xiao Qinzi's body as a eunuch. Anyway, the emperor is not a eunuch, but also like a eunuch.

To put it bluntly, Concubine Min has no illusions about the love between men and women... She has already prepared herself to be like a jade in her life.

Even in her impression, what else could that kind of thing have meaning other than continuing the descendants?

In short, Concubine Min felt that Xiao Qinzi's juvenile temperament can be full of passion, but among the two, there must be one person who is sober.

Let her guard this layer of window paper.

After saying this, Concubine Min planned to go back with King Qing and the others, but Xiao Baichang said, "Niangniang, the thief has not yet been eliminated, and Niangniang has blocked it many times before, so I may be resented by them. You are in Chenghua tonight. The palace may still be in danger, so it's better to spend the night here. Xiao Qinzi has a mechanism to protect you."

When Su Qinqin heard it, he hurried up and said, "Yes, ma'am, or... let's pass tonight? Tomorrow, the thieves will all be hunted down, and it's okay to go back again!"

Su Qinqin spoke very seriously and seriously, and it seemed that he was heartbroken for the safety of his master.


After hearing this, Concubine Min hesitated for a while. After a while, she finally felt that Mr. Xiao was right.

Well, it makes sense. Ben Gong stayed only for safety.

Min Fei breathed a sigh of relief~www.readwn.com~ suddenly felt in a good mood, because everyone was persuading her not to go back.

"Well, then... come back tomorrow."

King Qing and Xiao Baichang and his party left.

After exiting the gate of Ganxi Palace and walking for a while, King Qing said to Xiao Baichang, "Sir, you don't think they..."

Xiao Baichang said lightly, "Don't ask, Your Highness, neither you nor I know about this."

"But, if it goes on like this, Brother Qin and Concubine Min are very dangerous."

"No." Xiao Baichang said affirmatively, "Concubine Min has always been smart, so she won't do stupid things. She is only in love at the beginning of her life. After chatting with that little Qin Zi for a night, she will return to her heart as soon as she opens her heart. It's always like this. Hanging, it is easy to become ill, and it will be even worse in the future."

After King Qing heard this, he nodded slightly.

That's right, the two of them can only "talk" for one night at most.

But, brother Qin, who is a eunuch, can actually lead Concubine Min, the most beautiful woman in the capital, to be in love... Compared with him, this king seems to be inferior?

It shouldn't be, this king, Yushu, is in the wind, and he should be as good as him.

Yushu Linfeng, she said.

Don't know where she is now?

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