What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 304: That being the case...

Latest website: Qin Yuan ran to the small courtyard, gently pushed open the wooden door, adjusted his breath, and walked in leisurely.

The yard is not very big, but there are many kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the yard. Some flowers can emit faint fluorescence at night, which gives people the feeling of winding paths leading to the secluded, and it is very beautiful.

Needless to say, the old artist Qin liked this kind of tone. Thinking about the future, if he could play with Lord Zhong among the flowers in the courtyard, for example, he would cover his eyes and touch around, and then Zhong Jinyi shouted, "Come on, come and catch me." It must be one of life's great pleasures.

Of course, just think about it, at least it's not possible now, according to Zhong Jinyi's current temper, if she wants to play this, she can draw a big sword on the spot.

When he walked to Zhong Jinyi's room, Qin Yuan collected his emotions and put aside all those who were not serious, then straightened his clothes and told himself to be serious, don't act like a rascal.

Because Zhong Jinyi must be very serious and wants to talk to herself.

"Dong dong dong." Qin Yuan knocked on the door, and then said, "Yi'er, I'm here."

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened automatically.

Entering the door is an exquisite hall with a small area, but the huanghuali table, four wooden chairs with carved red lacquer, and a long wooden couch are simple and atmospheric.

Zhong Jinyi sat on the wooden chair facing the door, with one hand on the back of the chair and a tea cup in the other, looking at Qin Yuan with a cold gaze.

She was wearing a sky blue tunic with a white round neck lining. Her slender figure, cold eyes, delicate and pure facial features, and exuding a condescending aura, made people feel A feeling of being far away and inapproachable in my life.

This time, it was strictly dressed, inside and out.

Qin Yuan walked to the wooden chair opposite Zhong Jinyi, looked at her, and said slowly, "Yi'er, is there anything you can call me? In fact, just now, I was tossing and turning, and I have something in my heart, but I don't know how to tell you. "

At this time, of course, he can't mention his talent, and he can only focus on the sincere thoughts that came into his heart after watching it, that is, the aftermath.

Eh, that is to say, not to mention that incident, but to mention his views on the future of the two after that incident, and focus on the future.

After Zhong Jinyi heard it, she just said lightly, "I let you sit down?"

Qin Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Then I'll just stand."

At this time, the attitude must be good and correct.

Zhong Jinyi put down the tea cup, looked up at Qin Yuan again, and said coldly, "Little Qinzi, how long have you known this ambassador?"

"Yes, it's been half a year."

"How is this envoy as a person?"

"Yi'er, you are fine..."

"Presumptuous!" Zhong Jinyi frowned and interrupted, "This envoy is now talking to you as a commander!"

Qin Yuan sighed and said, "Sir, you are very good, good-looking and good-looking. Although you always hate me, I know that you are affectionate and righteous to me. You are the type I like. No matter who you are talking to, I always say that."

Qin Yuan admitted that he had an element of gambling.

The bet is that she has seen Zhong Jinyi's trump cards, and now she will not bet on others except herself.

But obviously, he ignored another possibility.

I saw Zhong Jinyi put down the tea cup silently, pointed to a sword on the table again, and said coldly, "Pick up the sword."

Qin Yuan looked at the sword, and saw that the sword was filled with icy sword energy. The sword energy was almost real, like a layer of frost covering the body of the sword. At first glance, it was not ordinary.

Can not help but slightly startled.

What is she going to do?

Qin Yuan didn't understand what Zhong Jinyi meant, but when he saw such a good sword, he suddenly felt a call.

Ah, the **** showmanship!

I saw a slight movement of the corner of his mouth, followed by a long sigh, and a bleak smile appeared when he closed his eyes.

He said lightly, "Understood."

Then, he picked up the sword and pulled it out in a rush.

The blade of the sword reflected his lonely face, and in his deep pool-like eyes, the woman in front of him was fully reflected.

At this time, Qin Yuan suddenly discovered that there seemed to be an extremely cold aura coming from this sword, going straight to his meridian through the palm of his hand!

A strong tingling sensation came suddenly.

This sword bites? !

Qin Yuan was about to let go of the sword, but then he felt that the ten thousand years of ice in his body suddenly awakened.

Like a blue dragon, he gave that cold air a majestic look.

The chill suddenly subsided, like a mouse that saw a cat, and bowed his head obediently.

The tingling sensation in Qin Yuan's hand suddenly disappeared without a trace, but because of Wannian Ice Soul, he felt that the sword was extremely compatible with him.

There is a faint feeling that the sword move inspired by this sword seems to be able to better erupt the power of the ten thousand year ice soul.

"Good sword!"

Qin Yuan smiled lightly, but did not stop his desire to perform, and continued, "I once also wanted to have such a sword, use the sword in the world, and uninhibited my life. Until that day, when the flowers were drunk, and the corner of the beauty's mouth was full of smiles. , and since then... full of pride will be written off.

Since then, this life has been hers. Hehe, she came to pick it up today, exactly what I wanted. Yi'er, take my life, you are my woman! "

Zhong Jinyi looked surprised at first, but then changed to a look of doubt.

I thought to myself, just let him try this ancient Yinshuang sword, what is he doing?

However, in the next second, he saw his sword swipe across his neck again.

Zhong Jinyi's heart sank immediately, anxious and angry, so he raised his foot and kicked Qin Yuan's leg hard behind his knee.

Qin Yuan said, "Oops", and half kneeled on the ground, the sword also "coincidentally" flew out.

"Who asked you to wipe your neck?" Zhong Jinyi looked at Qin Yuan who was sitting on the ground, grinning and rubbing his legs, and said helplessly, "What's your temper? I just said a few words to you, and you're going to wipe your neck? In the future? Did I mean you're awesome?"

"Ah?" Qin Yuan looked surprised, "Don't you want me to apologize?"

Zhong Jinyi raised her hand and wanted to fight again, but she finally held it back. She threw her sleeves angrily and said, "What's the use of killing yourself? It's like this now, I..."

Zhong Jinyi wanted to say, Am I going to be a widow for you?

Before Qin Yuan came, she had already thought about it.

Since it was a coincidence and he took advantage of it, could it be possible to kill him?

Or maybe everything is fixed.

Qin Yuan rubbed his sore legs again, and this time he stood up and said with a cheeky smile, "So that's not what you meant! I knew that you were reluctant to kill me."

But before he finished speaking, Zhong Jinyi grabbed his shoulder and flew him out of the house.

Outside the house, the Great Master Yijian came quietly, Zhong Jinyi jumped gently, took Qin Yuan to the sword, and immediately flew to the secret place of the Zhong family, Wuyuan Valley.

"No, where are we going?" Qin Yuan asked in confusion.

Zhong Jinyi didn't answer, but Yu Jian moved forward.

Behind them, the ancient sword of Yinshuang, which shone with cold air, followed closely.

Back then, the Thirteen Sword Forest of Wu Sanfang, the semi-sage of the sword fairy, was awarded the thirteen swords of the world, but only the first ancient sword of "Tianzong" was taken, and the remaining twelve swords were distributed among the people under him.

Among them, Lei Nu, who was closest to him, got the fifth prize~www.readwn.com~ and the third prize.

That snot is the ancestor of the Zhong family, Zhong Dacai!

This Yinshuang Ancient Sword is one of them.

The ancient sword recognizes the master, and the ancient swords of the Zhong family recognize the master from generation to generation, and pass it on from generation to generation.

In this generation, Zhong Zaicheng and Zhong Jinyuan owned the other two swords that had already recognized their masters, but this Yinshuang was the only one that had not recognized their masters for a long time. Even Zhong Jinyi and Chu Nanhong could not use it.

So Mr. Zhong believed that this Yinshuang sword would belong to his son-in-law in the future.

Just now, Zhong Jinyi asked Qin Yuan to take the sword, just to see if his father's prophecy was correct, or... to see if Qin Yuan was the person his father said.

However, Qin Yuan drew his sword with ease, and was not attacked by frost, which made her sure that many things may really have God's will.

That being the case, she no longer hesitated.

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