What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 308: With this one heart, white heads grow old together

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Zhong Jinyi slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying in a warm cloud, with endless darkness in front of him and faint stars in the distance, as if he was in the void.

I murmured, is this the world after death?

But soon, she found that there was another person sitting next to her. The person was very strange. He held a long cloth in his hand. The cloth covered his face. He seemed to be carefully studying how to use the cloth. strip?

In a trance, Zhong Jinyi realized that she was not wearing clothes, and the man was naked, but he should have a man on his chest, and now they are alone...

Zhong Jinyi still couldn't move, but she thought in a daze, even if she was in the Netherworld, this wouldn't be appropriate, right?

The figure of Qin Yuan flashed in his mind again, and he thought that if he knew about it, with his temperament, he was afraid that he would roll all over the floor.

It's a pity... After all, he didn't make his wife, the little **** should be sad now, right?

Who is this person? If he dares to be rude to himself, he will kill him.

However, he should also be dead. Can the dead still kill?


As his thinking became more and more sober, Zhong Jinyi caught a glimpse of something extraordinary... out of the corner of his eyes.

This made her realize that the other party was not only naked, but not wearing anything!

The cloth in his hand was clearly his pants!

He took it down!

As the commander, she can naturally guess what the other party wants to do. After all, the crime scene is so obvious!

Zhong Jinyi's heart swelled with blood, and the strong anger and humiliation made her desperately want to straighten herself up.

Can the dead be killed again, put it aside, anyway, she wants to kill it again!

At this time, Qin Yuan finally fiddled with the direction with the "cloth", and was about to cover Zhong Jinyi's important parts intimately and warmly.

When she wakes up, she will be very moved!

However, just as he stretched out his hand, he saw Zhong Jinyi's eyes open, two murderous eyes, stabbing himself like a cold sword.


Qin Yuan's hand trembled at that time, and the chrysanthemum was so tight that it squeezed the walnut.

Looking at the trousers in his hand, and the "frank meeting" between himself and Zhong Jinyi, he could instantly guess what Zhong Jinyi was thinking.

A feeling similar to "guilty of being a thief" suddenly arises in my heart.

But what's so special, he clearly has good intentions, why should he "be a thief with a guilty conscience"?

Just because you don't have any clothes on? That dress was also entrusted to her!

Zhong Jinyi was also stunned at the moment, only then did she realize that it was Xiao Qinzi.

Suddenly relieved.

Oh, that's fine.

Ah no... This little **** dares to take advantage of my coma and want to do something wrong? !

Looking at each other, the two were silent for a second.

With a thud, Qin Yuan swallowed and told himself not to panic, this kind of thing can be explained clearly... right?

The voice of swallowing was very clear, and Zhong Jinyi frowned again.

At this time, he still hasn't given up?

Finally, Zhong Jinyi found that she seemed to be able to speak.

So, he said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Qin Yuan felt it was necessary to explain, after all, he could admit that he was a bit romantic, but not so obscene!

"Don't get excited, you listen to me first. I saw that you were undressed, and I was afraid that you would be embarrassed when you woke up, so I wanted to take off my own and put it on for you. Strictly speaking, this is a very gentleman's move, but because You didn't wake up by coincidence, so it was inevitable that there was a little... misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" Zhong Jinyi closed his eyes, turned his head to one side, and said lightly, "You have already had evil thoughts, and the envoy has seen it!"

Could it be true that this envoy doesn't know anything? Little bastard, the changes in your body have betrayed you!

Qin Yuan glanced down and sighed slightly.

Then he said, "You may only know a little about this! Scientifically speaking, this is evidence that I like you. Take a step back and think about it, if I don't respond to you in this situation, is it enough for you? Respect? Could it be that you, Zhong Jinyi, the most beautiful woman in the harem, don't even have such charm?"

Zhong Jinyi frowned and finally opened his eyes again, but his head was still on the other side.

I began to think that what the little **** said was not without reason.

Zhong Jinyi actually has no concept of her appearance, because except for her father and eldest brother who would often praise her as "destroying the country and the city", other men either didn't praise her, or she beat her before they praised her.

As for being in the palace, she wore a mask all day long, so naturally no one told her that.

Qin Yuan said this, although she suspected that he was making excuses, but thinking about it from the bronze mirror, she seemed... like, not worse than those young women, right?

Feeling a little better.

Then, I just heard Qin Yuan say, "The ancients said that it is only polite to express love, and love can't be restrained, so I reacted completely naturally, but I didn't do anything to you at all, how can this be considered evil thoughts? You think, you've been in a coma for so long, if I wanted to do something, wouldn't I have done it earlier?"

"Furthermore, you and I have been so frank. In the future, besides you marrying me, is there any other possibility for me to marry you? Why should I rush at this moment, even if I really have that idea, I, I must not ask you the same Don't you agree?"

Zhong Jinyi thought about it again, and felt that it was indeed the case.

However, he still didn't want to turn his face away.

The current little bastard, for some reason, can't look directly.

Zhong Jinyi felt that since seeing him, her heartbeat was accelerating as if it was out of control, as if something was running around, and her body was getting hotter and hotter, as if she was on a stove.

His body, his chest...

Zhong Jinyi always thought that the romantic affair was nothing more than a burden to herself, and she didn't want to touch it at all if it was possible, but at this moment she suddenly vaguely understood why so many people were rushing to it.

Zhong Jinyi didn't want to admit that she also seemed to have "evil thoughts" in her heart. It wasn't that she felt ashamed, but she just felt... It made him look contemptuous, and she would eventually lose the Zhong family. facade.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to make herself think of something else~www.readwn.com~ and then another question came to her mind.

"Are we all dead?" she asked.

"No," Qin Yuan said lightly, "Fortunately, I have the secret of Sword Immortal, it saved the lives of both of us!"

"Why two, you should be fine?" Zhong Jinyi asked again.

Qin Yuan sighed lightly, looked at the starry sky in the distance, and smiled to himself, with three points of sadness in his smile, three points of determination, three points of happiness, and then said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Silly girl, if you die , how can I live here alone?"

Zhong Jinyi's body moved slightly. In the past thirty-six years, she has experienced countless cruel fights and unimaginable sufferings of cultivation, but she has never been softer than half, but these words suddenly seemed to hit her deep inside. Buried for a long time, the softest part has never been shown.

She recalled the day when Yujian fell from the mountain, he desperately stood in front of her, and she also recalled how he was holding her in a hoarse voice before she fell into a coma.

With this one person's heart, the white head will grow old together, what more can the husband ask for?

Thinking of this, she turned around abruptly and looked at Qin Yuan quietly, the autumn water in her eyes slightly rippling.

"come here."

she said lightly.

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