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The two avoided each other again.

At this moment, the hunchbacked old man in the room could not help frowning slightly, and gave a soft "Huh".

This sorcery is called "Broken Melon and Broken Head".

The melon is made of paper **** with two heads drawn. As long as the corresponding "melon" can hit the main lord, or the main lord is angry and splits the "melon" with his sword, then his head will instantly look like a melon.

In other words, he chopped off his own head!

The fierceness and treacherousness of this sorcery has already allowed him to kill two third-rank grandmasters, and it is uncertain whether the next great grandmaster can kill him, but the great masters within third-rank, as long as the melon is broken, he will surely die!

However, today seems to have encountered a small accident?

These two people seem to know the mystery here, but no one actually hacks this melon?

You know, according to common sense, it's just two melons, and it's so difficult to deal with repeatedly. Ordinary people will subconsciously split it, right?

Thinking of this, the hunchbacked old man shook his head and smiled again, "An ant is timid, but it can save his life. But it is an ant, how can he survive in front of the immortal art? Hehehe..."

After speaking, he waved his sleeve robe lightly, but saw another seemingly ordinary straw rope emerging from the sleeve. After the old man said a few words, it suddenly turned into a silver snake and swooped up. up the roof.

Seeing Qin Yuan, he opened his mouth and rushed towards him with a foul smell.

Qin Yuan flickered lightly, and the silver snake fluttered, but like the two melons, it also turned its head and rushed towards Qin Yuan again.

Qin Yuan flashed all the way, the silver snake chased all the way, it seemed to have an endless length, only one end was seen, and the other end was always in the sleeve of the hunchbacked old man.

The longer the snake's body is, the higher the chance of being entangled.

Qin Yuan didn't decide to endure it this time. After vacating some distance back, he cut it into two pieces with the sword of intent.

But he didn't want to, the broken part did not fall, but turned into a spirit snake again.

Zhong Jinyi was also entangled by two melons at the moment. Seeing this, she couldn't help but say, "I'm afraid this snake is endless. Yuan'er, you are entangled here, I'll go down and kill him!"

Qin Yuan laughed and said, "It's the first time you called me Yuan'er. Call me like this every day from now on."

Zhong Jinyi was stunned for a moment, avoiding a melon who took advantage of the opportunity, and said, "Isn't it serious in such a situation?"

"In such a situation, what you say is the truth." Qin Yuan laughed and said, "Yi'er is optimistic, I will break his tricks!"

Although Zhong Jinyi didn't know why Qin Yuan was so confident all of a sudden, he sensed that he seemed to be confident, so he dismissed the idea of ​​risking going to the house and said, "Okay."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Qin Yuan's Intention Sword suddenly flashing with golden light, and lightning flashed around the sword body, wandering like silver dragons.

This sword is obviously infused with a lot of immortal energy.

At this moment, one of the spirit snakes roared again, Qin Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, his mind moved, and the sword of intent burst out with a burst of thunder, and it slashed away with one sword!


As soon as the spirit snake touched the sword, it instantly turned into a straw rope, and then burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that what he expected was not bad, Qin Yuan finally calmed down and smiled slightly.

"Old man, you are immortal, what is this, sir?"

Just now, he had always felt that the breath of the old man was at odds with his own immortal air, and later he heard what he called "immortal art", but it reminded him.

Isn't what this old man used "witchcraft"?

As soon as he remembered that the fox demon king was suffocated by the immortal energy of the palace, he thought that the immortal energy must be able to break the magic.

Judging from that sword, it really did!

In fact, he also brought some immortal energy with the sword that cut the silver snake before, but it is estimated that the immortal energy was insufficient and could not suppress the demonic energy, so he did not destroy the old man's silver snake magic art.

But this sword, he used a full one-fifth of the immortal energy, which is naturally enough.

Don't forget, after receiving the immortal energy cultivation guidance in Jianxian's diary, his current immortal energy has doubled compared to the day on June 15th!

After breaking the silver snake magic, Qin Yuan used the fairy sword to break the two melons.

The hunchbacked old man who was sitting calmly in the room suddenly felt that the straw rope was broken and the melon was broken, and his face suddenly changed.

"It's an immortal body! It turned out to be an immortal body!"

His turbid old eyes suddenly widened, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it immediately turned into ecstasy and greed.

"The immortal body is good, the old man likes it! Haha, in this way, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

The old man laughed wildly, and then said, "The ants are not guilty, but they are guilty. Shuzi, originally the old man wanted you to die happily, but now, you are afraid that you will suffer some guilt, hehehe... "

After all, he took out another box, opened it gently, and saw a row of silver needles inside.

With a flick of the skinny five fingers, five silver needles flew out quietly.

The silver needle was as thin as a hair, and was almost invisible in the night sky, making it difficult to discern with the naked eye.

But not to stab Qin Yuan, but to stab himself!

Five silver needles entered the top of his head, the sea of ​​qi, the upper, middle and lower dantian respectively. In an instant, a black demonic qi burst out from his body, which bounced the disciple beside him and hit the wall again. , immediately fell into a coma.

And the old man's body suddenly soared, reaching a height of ten feet, his head even broke through the roof, and he was covered with gully-like muscles. Two more fangs came out of his mouth.

It looks like a wild boar with no manicure.

Zhong Jinyi frowned, and hurriedly stood in front of Qin Yuan, saying, "He really is a demon worshiper! Be careful!"

She and her eldest brother Zhong Jinyuan had killed such a monster before, and the eldest brother was almost injured that time, so he knew how powerful it was.

The wild boar demon said lightly, "Haha! The ants look up to the sky, but they also know the blue of the sky, which is rare! Today..."

Qin Yuan really can't listen anymore, ants, ants, ants, are you, it's over, right?

Just as he was about to scold him, he heard Zhong Jinyi shouting angrily, faster than him, "It's not reasonable, the old man will die!"

While speaking, her great master Yijian was already more than 20 feet high, and the sword energy shone half a mile in a radius as bright as daylight, and slashed at the wild boar demon with overwhelming force!

This is a desperate posture!

She is angry!

Open your mouth and shut your mouth, My man is a sixteen-year-old great master, and he is a fairy, you actually look down on him?

Where is the front of my house?

Zhong Jinyi's giant sword roared, and that sword was exactly the same as the sword that Zhong Jinyuan used to kill Yao Wei.

It's just that he doesn't have the strength of Zhong Jinyuan's second-rank grandmaster, and he doesn't know how to use immortal energy, so naturally he can't reach his power.

The wild boar demon gave a deep smile, and I don't know when there was a white bone stick in his hand, facing the sword of intent from bottom to top.


After a loud noise, I saw a huge tremor in the air, the hut was instantly blown down by the strong wind, and the tiles and beams flew up like pieces of paper.

But the wild boar demon was unharmed, but Zhong Jinyi groaned and was bounced out!

Qin Yuan rushed over and caught her.

Hearing that the wild boar demon laughed again, "Hehe... ants sit in the well and watch the sky, how can I know..."

This time, before he finished speaking, he just heard an impassioned piece of music playing suddenly in the air!

Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng... It is Qiao Feng's appearance song!

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