What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 309: Love without marriage is...

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Zhong Jinyi wanted to sleep separately, not out of some etiquette.

As we all know, at the beginning, Gaozu Chai Mang and Queen Zhao Yanhua met at Weimo, and the two fell in love with each other. Zhao Yanhua became pregnant out of wedlock, and then Gaozu fell in love with Qi Aifen at first sight and had a child out of wedlock. Later, he met Niu Cui'e, who was an alluring country and city. Live together without getting married...

These three epic love stories were passed down as beautiful talks by later generations.

The so-called upper and lower effect, so in this world, if an unmarried woman and her lover are intimate before marriage, it is not too embarrassing.

However, it is not very encouraging, because once the two finally break up, women will be disliked to a certain extent based on the conservative social atmosphere.

So the key is whether or not to get married in the end.

On Bluestar, there is a saying that love without the purpose of marriage is a hooligan. In fact, many times it is just talk, but in this world, this is the truth.

You think, you slept with someone else's girl, but you didn't marry her, and in the end the girl couldn't get married. Are you a hooligan?

Of course, if it was at Zhong's house, it would definitely be more serious.

Falling in love with Zhong Jinyi not for the purpose of marriage, in the eyes of the Zhong family, is probably equivalent to removing the lintel at the entrance of the Zhong Mansion and throwing it on the ground, kicking more than 30 feet, and then spitting.

No one knows what the consequences of this will be. After all, no one would want to do this, and the Zhong family doesn't believe that anyone in this world dares to do so, so there is no established plan... If there is, then Zhong The great masters of the family had no choice but to play freely.

So Zhong Jinyi is not too worried, Xiao Qinzi will run after he sleeps...

The reason why she had to split into two rooms was simply because she was too tired to sleep almost all night last night, and wanted to have a good night's sleep, but she was used to sleeping alone.

She couldn't sleep when the two were together, not to mention, the little **** was too tossed... She felt that she should let him know that it was enough to stop, such things were too much, and it was useless to practice.

And he was only sixteen years old, so he was still young, so he didn't know if it would affect his long body, Zhong Jinyi.

How should I put it, Zhong Jinyi does feel a little bit like being both a mother and a daughter-in-law now, probably because of the age difference.

Of course Qin Yuan would not admit that he was young, after all, he was in his twenties or thirties before he crossed over.

So he got up, walked to Xiao Er, quietly stuffed him with some silver, and asked again, "Are there two heavenly-sized guest rooms? We want the best ones, and I can't get used to it!"

Xiao Er understood, he immediately smiled and said, "No, let alone the famous one, there is only one room left in our entire inn. Don't believe it, why is it so lively outside today? We're celebrating the holidays here. , Quan came to the county town to watch the excitement, and this inn is still full of customers?"

Good guy, you have reason and evidence, present facts and reason, and are skilled like a college graduate?

Qin Yuan began to wonder, is there a possibility that what he said is true?

Seeing this, Zhong Jinyi didn't say anything.

Open house.

Neither of them had an identity document, but it was fine, just plug in a few more pieces of silver.

In this world, who cares about this? It's not enough to make money!

The best inn in the county, the best guest room, in Zhong Jinyi's eyes, it's probably just enough to sleep.

She followed Qin Yuan into the door silently, then turned her hand and closed the door again.

Then sitting on the round table beside the bed, she gently wiped the table with her fingers to see that there was no dust, and then she put her hand on the table.

Then he looked at Qin Yuan and said solemnly, "Since last night, you have been my man. I will be responsible for you and welcome you into Zhong's house. But you must also remember your identity and keep Do your part."

Seeing her like this, Qin Yuan would probably move out of the three subordinates and four virtues, and quickly planned to say, "I will also be responsible for you. But then, what do you mean by welcoming me into Zhong's house? I... Are you a son-in-law?"

He is not happy about this. If he enters Zhong's house, he has to face kindness, filial piety and righteousness every day, and he has to speak with abacus. If any sentence is wrong, he may explode in place at any time. can pass?

Besides, if you live in Zhong's house, wouldn't you leave Su Ruoyi and the others aside?

It is said that a bowl of water is level, so behavior, isn't it like a beast? Qin Yuan believes that his character and conscience do not support him doing this!

Zhong Jinyi frowned and asked, "Aren't you willing? My family treats you so well, you should know."

"It's not that I don't want to, in fact, according to my qualifications, being a son-in-law is the strongest son-in-law in history!"

With a slight smile, Qin Yuan sat next to Zhong Jinyi, and then changed the conversation, "However, you think, your father and brother treated me very well, although I admit and appreciate this 100%, but you also know their temper, you Can you be sure that in getting along day and night, I can say every word right?

At that time, if any sentence is wrong and they are dissatisfied with me, how will you behave in the middle? Hey, it doesn't matter to me personally, I mainly feel sorry for you, Yi'er! "

After saying that, Qin Yuan's paw stretched out and gently placed it on the back of Zhong Jinyi's hand.

Zhong Jinyi was already used to the little **** doing things to himself when he was talking, but he didn't care much, just frowned in thought.

She also felt that what he said was not unreasonable. After all, she knew the temperament of her father and brother best.

"Then, what do you say?"

"I said, let's just move out and live! Of course, I mean after marriage, if we move out after marriage, I will work hard to save money and buy a big house!"

"The house is not a problem, the Zhong family still has many houses in the capital." Zhong Jinyi said, "The problem is that my father and brother will not agree..."

Qin Yuan nodded, "That's a problem. So, let's talk about this matter in the long run! When we are confident that our uncle and eldest brother agree to let us move out, how about telling them about it and then getting married?"

Qin Yuan didn't want the Zhong family to know about this too early. After all, once they knew about it, they would definitely turn over the almanac immediately. They would turn the almanac on the front foot~www.readwn.com~ and the back foot would take themselves out of the palace, and then they would be there. Everything in the palace was in vain.

Not to mention Concubine Min and Su Qin Qin reluctant to part with themselves, even the two under Feng's bed might also reluctant to part?

Of course, Qin Yuan didn't want to stay in the palace forever, but he decided to stay at least until he had enough fairy energy and was able to pick up Concubine Min and Su Qinqin out. He believed that as a hang-up, the process should be quick.

After listening to Zhong Jinyi, she pondered for a long time, and after a while, her brows suddenly wrinkled.

Turning his head, he looked at Qin Yuan with a serious face, and said, "You said that, didn't the envoy slept with you last night for nothing?"

Although he thinks what Qin Yuan said makes sense, the reason why Zhong Jinyi did that last night was because he decided to marry him as soon as possible.

The family was so tight, and she finally met the person she liked, so she didn't want to wait any longer.

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth twitched, thinking that I was busy in the middle of the night, and you actually said that you slept in vain?

He hurriedly said, "Don't sleep in vain, I'm just trying to figure out a way! Besides, we still have a life-long commitment, isn't it possible to practice the two-way combination, and nothing is delayed!"

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