What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 330: 0 martial arts fighting witchcraft

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The old **** has discovered the paper man, there is no doubt about that.

If the cat is his magic trick, then the mouse is likely to be his magic trick too, so Qin Yuan highly suspects that Wang Zhen already knew his conversation just now and was eavesdropped by himself.

Qin Yuan didn't know how that fellow found Ah Da lying motionless under the bed in the first place, but he is now convinced that the demons of the Demon Worship Society are so strong and strange that they are indeed unparalleled by ordinary people.

Qin Yuan no longer hesitated, and when he was about to recruit all the paper figurines back, he took out his long sword from the Naishi and waited.

Well, he's terribly frightened now!

After all, many people have seen his paper figurines. Wang Zhen probably guessed that the paper figurines belonged to him. Now they are on their way to kill people.

By the way, why say "again"?

Qin Yuan was stunned when he took out the sword. He found that what he was holding was the ancient sword of Yinshuang that Zhong Jinyi had let him take that night.

Needless to say, the brother-in-law must have put it in when he returned it to him.

Holding the Yinshuang Sword in his hand, the trace of coolness came from the palm of his hand, and the ice soul in the body seemed to be more active.

This is a good thing, but what should I do if I am still afraid?

Qin Yuan thought of Zhong Jinyi again, and planned to send a message to her and ask her to bring some people to help.

However, he soon discovered that the sound transmission stone could no longer transmit sound!

Signal cut off?

Does this work too?

Qin Yuan frowned, and immediately held his breath, because it was obvious that the old **** had arrived!

After a while, Ah Er on the roof sent a "squeak" warning.

Qin Yuan followed Ah Er's line of sight, and suddenly saw a group of bats in the sky above Ganxi Palace. There were hundreds of bats in groups, hovering silently around Ganxi Palace.

A group of inner court guards walked past Ganxi Palace, but they didn't respond to this vision, as if they didn't see anything.

In the dormitory, he felt that the air was suddenly filled with some kind of strange energy, turbulent like ripples.

The sound of "buzzing" and "buzzing" filled his ears, just like the soundtrack that must be used when the pigeons hover in the TV series on Blue Star, but it was sharper than that, which made people feel dizzy.

Qin Yuan quickly stabilized his mind with immortal energy, and it really improved a lot, but at the same time he found that, as a result, the immortal energy in the body, which was relatively small, was slowly decreasing.

If it goes on like this, the body will be hollowed out soon?

But the demon **** was nowhere to be seen!

So strong, so scary!

Qin Yuan thought for a while, and immediately mobilized all the poisoned dart tubes on the eaves, aimed at the bats, and fired a salvo.

Hiding in the dark and playing yin, it seems that he will also be a little bit.

Swish swish, more than a hundred dart tubes on the roof immediately fired a salvo, the poison darts shot at the bats like raindrops, and in the blink of an eye, the bats were all hit with darts.

However, in the next second, he found that the poison dart just passed through the bat's body, and the bat was safe and sound!

Qin Yuan's heart was startled again, what a terrible sorcery!

At this time, Wang Zhen, who was hiding in a hidden corner, showed a disdainful chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

The little baby has some tricks to put so many poison tubes on the roof.

It is also interesting that a sixth or seventh rank Mo Xiu little eunuch, I don't know what chance he got, to have this kind of mechanism that is rarely seen on Mo Island.

It's a pity that he's too stupid. With this ability, he dares to take care of the gossip in the palace?

Exceeding one's own ability... A fool like him, if he can die at his own hands, he will be considered a life in vain.

Having said that, it would be great for such a good seedling to turn back and refine him into a monster.

It can be regarded as a windfall, so don't waste your trip, or kill such a small thing in the middle of the night, and you will have no light on your face when you say it.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a loud violin sound.

The sound of the piano came from the bedroom, instantly penetrated the window, and then transformed into swords and slashed the bats.

What Qin Yuan played was "Sword Like a Dream"!

Yinjia advanced battle song, original Baoguang bonus!

Supplemented with some fairy spirit!

Why do you suddenly remember to fight with the sound of the piano?

Because Qin Yuan thought about it, the bat didn't seem to be a real thing, it was more like an illusion, so he didn't eat the "physical attack" of the poison dart.

You have to say that, isn't the sword transformed from the Yinjia War Song just of the same type?

What is it called? Magic attack?

Anyway, this sorcery has to be attacked in the same way, otherwise it is invincible, so what is this old **** still doing in the palace, just kill the emperor directly?

Sure enough, with the battle song, those bats were chopped down by the "sword" and then disappeared.

This time, Wang Zhen frowned slightly.

There seems to be a master of music in the house?

However, Wang Zhen just felt that he was just a little underestimated.

Even a little laugh.

How high can the people of the music family go?

But I just have nothing to do, so I will play with them!

By the way, I also experimented with a few new magic tricks I learned, hoping that they would not die so quickly.

Thinking of this, he took out a bamboo tube, opened the lid, and a plump black bug, about the size of a fist, jumped out of the tube.

After taking it to the ground, Wang Zhen chanted words in his mouth.

The worm seemed to hear the call, and began to shake its wings continuously, and then I saw its tail, like a barrage of cannons, expelling countless worms half the size of my pinky finger.

In an instant, thousands of bugs crawled towards Ganxi Palace, like a black tide.

Wherever those worms pass, no grass grows, and all the living things that they touch will become dead bones, or there will be no bones left!

Qin Yuan's scalp was numb from Ah Er's sight.

At this time, the swords transformed by Yinjia's war song are basically useless, because there are too many insect demons to kill!

Seeing that the black tide had already flowed up the steps, Qin Yuan realized again.

This is a group attack, so you have to use group damage skills!

So, he got up immediately, put his hands on his back, raised his head to look at the moon, and burst out with a mighty righteousness.

He recited aloud, "The north wind blows the ground and all the grasses are folded, and Hu Tian is blown away by snow in August! Suddenly it is like a spring breeze coming overnight~www.readwn.com~ Thousands of trees and ten thousand pears bloom!"

It is from the frontier fortress poet Cen Shen's "Bai Xue Song Sending the Military Judge to Beijing", which is definitely enough to rank among the top ten Confucian poems on the wind and snow!

This poem Chai Mang has never been plagiarized, so it is also original Baoguang bonus!

In an instant, I saw a violent storm in the courtyard, heavy snow flew, and countless monsters were swept up by the blizzard.

"The vast sea is dry and the ice is dry, and the clouds are bleak and condensed for thousands of miles!"

As soon as Qin Yuan's voice fell, he saw ice form on the ground again, and the monster insects that were left on the ground before were firmly frozen in place!

Wang Zhen's eyelids jumped slightly!

Inside, there is actually a Confucian master?

Such a majestic wind and snow battle poem is actually his first original work. Could it be that the person is the lingering words and deeds of the so-called first Confucian scholar?

How much help did this little beast find?

But listening to it, the old **** suddenly felt that something was not right?

"There is a lot of snow under the Yuanmen, when we go, eh... when we go, the snow is full of Tianshan Mountain Road, ah, this, this... The mountain circuit turns... The road turns...  Daxue, you are so big!"

The old **** almost spurted blood!

Is this a generation of great Confucian words and deeds?

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