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Su Ruoyi suddenly found that her thoughts seemed to be betrayed.

At a certain moment, she opened her small mouth and almost said "then let's wash it together".

Fortunately, she swallowed it back in time.

No matter what, we can't take a bath together, can we?

Although I can't tell what's wrong with taking a bath together, I feel a little weird, as if... I will be deceived into something.

Well, the girl's intuition finally jumped out at this critical moment, perfectly stopping Qin Laogou's conspiracy.

Of course, Qin Laogou dared to swear that he really just wanted to tease her, and he really had no bad intentions!

In any case, together with this topic, the atmosphere of the chat has changed.

The two were thinking about each other.

Su Ruoyi took away her thoughts and began to think about how to help Qin Yuan get rid of her thoughts and "return to justice". After all, if he became an evil person, she would definitely be the saddest one!

What Qin Yuan was thinking was, now... Is it possible to close the stall and take a shower?

So he said, "It's getting late, let's wash and sleep."

Su Ruoyi thought, go to bed earlier, lie on the bed, he may be able to hear it.

So the two packed up and came down from the roof again.

There is no item of bathing together, or according to the old rules, Su Ruoyi washes first, and Qin Yuan washes after washing.

Then, enter the room and Su Ruoyi sleeps inside.

Qin Yuan blows the lamp like a groom.

That is to say, he has been the "groom" not once or twice, but for the third time. The red candles have been replaced several times, and only he is the same... new.

Shortly after lying down, it started to rain lightly outside the house.

The raindrops hit the tiles on the roof, and there is a ding ding dong dong sound only found in tile houses. In the silent night, it is very clear and pleasant.

Qin Yuan enjoyed such an evening, especially lying with the person he liked and listening to the music of nature.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he generously handed over his arm. Su Ruoyi slept on Qin Yuan's arm last time, but this time he raised his head familiarly, waiting for Qin Yuan's arm to rest under her neck. , and fell asleep.

Very comfortable.

Su Ruoyi likes the smell on Qin Yuan's body very much. I can't say exactly what the smell is, but I always feel that the smell will make my body warm and relaxed.

She was still wearing a long white underwear, her body shrunk like a kitten, her hands were folded in front of her chest, and she faced Qin Yuan, as if hiding in his arms.

This is completely different from her indomitable progress when she was in the Qingzheng Division to eliminate demons. Of course, when she falls asleep, she will reveal her true nature again. At that time, she will not only need Qin Yuan's arms to support his neck, but also his body to support his legs. ...and sometimes take his neck as a leg pad.

Qin Yuan prefers the last one.

Because Su Ruoyi's feet are very white and soft, and her legs are very slender, if this little girl can wear a short skirt...even a skirt like a school uniform that reaches the knee, it will definitely be brighter than the spring sunshine bright.

It was all to blame that Chai Mang was not up to his standard!

In the silence, the two listened to the sound of raindrops for a long time without speaking.

In the end, it was Su Ruoyi who broke the silence.

"Little Qinzi, what I told you just now, do you really understand? I don't want you to be among the evil men that Qingzheng Division caught one day."

Qin Yuan felt that it was time.

So he turned his head and smiled at Su Ruoyi.

"Look at me now, do I look like a demon?"

"Of course you are not now!"

"Who told you that when you turn back into a real man, you must become an evil man?"

Smoothly, he squeezed Su Ruoyi's profile lightly again, and he said again, "Besides, who told you that the **** I mentioned is a legend?"

"It's not a legend, that..."

Qin Yuan turned sideways, approached Su Ruoyi, and said softly to her, "What I'm telling you is my own story. The thing I ate is the red salamander, not a boy or girl."

Su Ruoyi's eyes widened in the dark, and she fell into silence all of a sudden, the amount of information was a bit large.

Not only has it subverted her long-standing cognition, but it also has a conflict with her current behavior and environment... Specifically, the scene of lying on the bed and holding this guy with peace of mind?

Where is the conflict?

Suddenly, as if she had been scalded by something, her body trembled slightly, and her head jerked up.


A head slammed into Qin Yuan's forehead.

"Hey," Qin Yuan rubbed his forehead and chuckled, "What are you doing, you want to die with me?"

"Little Qinzi, you..."

Su Ruoyi sat up suddenly, opened her mouth, wanted to say something but couldn't say anything, like a frightened little hamster, motionless.

"What I'm saying is true, don't think too much, calm down first... or I'll light the candle first?"

"No, no need..."

Su Ruoyi didn't want to know what her expression was now, and she didn't want Qin Yuan to see her own expression.

But is what he said true?

Su Ruoyi couldn't believe it. In the Qingzheng Division for many years, she had never heard that eunuchs can really... become normal people!

"Little Qinzi, you, aren't you joking?"

Qin Yuan sighed and said, "I think it's better to light up the lights. Didn't you always want to see it? It's okay to show it to you."


Hey, Su Ruoyi found that she actually wanted to watch it?

Sure, I really want to see it... After all, I am really curious. About the mysterious red salamander, she has not been curious for a day or two!

But think about it, you are a girl anyway, how can you be so contemptuous?

Wait, it seems like it's already frivolous? They all slept with him...

Su Ruoyi wanted to cry a little, but she couldn't cry at all. She found that she was very unsatisfactory. In her heart, she actually felt a little happy...

She felt that she couldn't control her, so she broke down and covered her face with the quilt.

What should I do now?

With a crying voice, he said, "Little Qinzi, since you are not an eunuch, why do you still sleep with me? You lied to me!"

"No, I just grew up!" Qin Yuan said quickly, "Besides, didn't you say it all, it's the same with or without it!"

"Then, can that be the same?"

Su Ruoyi gritted her teeth, put down the quilt covering her face, and said, "I don't believe it, you must be lying to me, right?"

Qin Yuan was also ruthless, grabbed her little hand without saying a word, and said hello to his good brother!

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet.

Sing merrily, let's swing, the boat waves...  

With that light touch, Su Ruoyi felt like an electric current coming from the palm of her hand, which directly penetrated all her lines of defense, making her instantly dumbfounded.

This... doesn't look like a fake?

Still moving?

Well, that must be true!

Su Ruoyi finally started to panic!

So, so what to do now?

Ah yes, retract your hand first!

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