What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 128 Thousand Transformations And Third Grade Array Master

This woman can be regarded as the person he wants to kill most, besides Hei Duzi.


A soul flew out of the body, shocked and angry.

She didn't expect Song Shi's explosive power to be so terrifying. Because he was so close, he was beaten into a pulp without even a chance to resist.

Now that her body has been destroyed and there is no container, her soul cannot live long at all. The path to immortality has been cut off. Even if she survives, she can only be a ghost cultivator, and there will be no daylight in the future.

Screamed: "What have I done wrong? Why don't you suck me off? Why do you dare to kill me? If I die, you will be buried with me!"

Soul Pinch, the double formation she arranged here was activated, the light brightened, and it was directly aimed at Song Shi to launch murderous intent.

A big flaming hand grabbed the soul of the Green Moon Perfected Being with the seal, squeezed it hard, and crushed most of the soul into pieces the moment it was attacked by the formation.


The power of the terrifying killing array fell on Song Shi.

The formation can induce more power of heaven and earth, and its power is far greater than that of an individual, let alone two formations attacking at the same time.

After the outbreak of Song Shi itself, the power of the Drought Demon Contract was rapidly declining, and without any accident, it was blown to pieces on the spot.

Next to where Song Shi originally attacked Green Moon's Perfected Being, a larger pit appeared. Rubbles were flying everywhere, dust was flying, and the entire cave was crumbling with numerous cracks.

Green Moon Perfected Being screamed in pain, and its broken soul twisted, forming a residual soul next to it, and said with a ferocious smile: "Haha, you're dead, such a fierce power of the formation, even your soul will be smashed to pieces!"

Although she was smiling, there was anger in her eyes, and she cursed: "You stinky man, you won't let me suck you to death, but you want to take advantage of that bitch Ziyue!"

Jealousy and anger flowed in her eyes, making her face look hideous and deformed, making her look like an evil spirit roaring.

"I can't die. If I can't become Human Immortal, I still want to be a ghost, fairy, or god!"

Green Moon's Perfected Being roared angrily. Now that her body was destroyed, she had no lifespan limit, but being forced to take the more difficult path of ghost cultivation was not her original intention.

After all, if he really leaves, he will never be reincarnated.

In fact, she can now take over her body or be reincarnated. Unfortunately, she is surrounded by the desert and cannot find anyone to take over her body. She will lose her memory when reincarnated, which is no different from death.

"You were killed by a double formation, your body was dead and your soul was destroyed. The reward is double the Transcendent Level, and the formation level is +120!"

"Your formation level has reached First Grade!"

"You draw strength from death and gain 40 free attribute points!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

"You can choose an alternative resurrection point to resurrect. Do you want to?"

Facing the system prompt, Song Shi naturally would not go to the alternative resurrection point, as the matters here have not been settled yet.

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by a new object. You meet the incentive conditions. If you eliminate the fatal object within the specified time, you will be rewarded with a lottery opportunity."

Hearing this, Song Shi knew that Green Moon's Perfected Being soul had not been completely destroyed by him, otherwise this reminder would not have been triggered.

In the big pit, Song Shi returned to his peak state and saw the incomplete soul of Green Moon's Perfected Being flying towards his own Law Treasure.

The energy in the body has returned to its peak with the help of the system. Song Shi raised his hand and slapped him without hesitation, and the energy turned into flames and threw it with his big hand.

Now that he has reached the Eight-Yang realm, his Nine-Yang True Essence is becoming more and more scorching, already comparable to the flames of the Fireball Technique, and he can strike without any forward motion.

Green Moon Perfected Being was thinking about preserving her soul in her own Law Treasure when she noticed a scorching heat in the void. She turned her head in shock and saw Song Shi slapping her palm from the air.


Green Moon Perfected Being was shocked and couldn't believe how a person who was strangled by the formation could survive? And it looks intact.


She was still half a foot away from her own Law Treasure, but her soul was completely blasted by the scorching energy, and she was completely shattered.

"You, a selfish old woman like you, can't understand my young master's methods."

Song Shi landed in front of the Law Treasure, picked it up, turned around and burned Green Moon's Perfected Being body.

This woman's physical body was not as good as Ziyue's, but she was still quite tough. It took a while for the fireball spell to burn everything into ashes.

After destroying the corpse and removing traces of it, he accepted all its worth, checked around and found that he had eaten all the good things. Only a few spells and elixirs were good, and the rest were tens of thousands of spiritual stones and miscellaneous books.

Among the spells, a special spell called Thousand Changes caught his attention. This spell could change the appearance and body shape at will, and even disguise itself as someone else to look real.

If you practice to a great extent, you can even disguise your breath, making it difficult to distinguish.

"This is good!"

Song Shi became excited. He killed Lu Yue's Perfect Being. He didn't want to show up again in a short time. If he changed his identity, he could continue to wander.

The key is that he can change his appearance when he dies, which can reduce the risk a lot. With the Doppelganger Technique and the alternative resurrection point, he can simply take off from the same place.

With a grin, he took out the secret technique and wrote it down carefully.

Among other spells, there is an Apex Level spell called "Hundred of Vine", which is a wood attribute control spell. He can practice it, but if the attributes are not suitable, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Except for the Thousand Transformations, they are all wood and water attribute spells, and the same goes for martial arts. It would be a bit of a loss to kill you."

Song Shi said to the ashes on the ground, put the things away a few times, came to the pool, held them up with his hands and took a few sips.

"The spiritual energy is quite sufficient. This can be used as a temporary place to stay in the future."

He turned around and strode out of the cave. With a bang, he was killed by the formation.

This time, his body and soul were also destroyed, and Song Shi gained more than a hundred points of experience in formations.

Green Moon Perfected Being reversed two formations before dying and aimed them inside. After Song Shi got closer, he deliberately killed eight times in a row. The level of the formation increased by more than 600 points in one go, raising the formation to the Third Grade level.

While he was still trying to gain experience, the power of the formation was exhausted and it no longer threatened him.

"Tsk, why don't you put some more spiritual stones in there and you can't kill me only nine times?"

Song Shi curled his lips and skillfully used the formula to create a stream of Yuan Power. These Yuan Power changed into runes according to the rules of the formation, and quickly controlled the two formations here.

Among the side sects, weapon forging, alchemy, and formations have something in common, and they are all classified into Ninth Grade.

The level of formations is divided into Ninth Grade. If you enter the lowest level, you can arrange the lowest level formation. The formation here is also Third Grade. He can naturally crack and control it.

After mastering the formation, he reluctantly took out 10,000 Low Grade spirit stones, threw them into the formation base, reactivated them, and continued to die once, reaching the basic reward limit of ten times.

Checking the spirit stone consumption, three thousand spirit stones have been turned into fly ash, which means that this formation requires so many spirit stones to launch the strongest attack, which is very expensive.

"Garbage formation, the spiritual consumption is so high!"

Song Shi complained, and couldn't help but think of the fuel consumption of cars in the previous life, but this formation is different from cars. The level of spiritual energy consumption depends on the quality of the formation materials and the level of formation.

"The materials for this formation are actually pretty good, but the formation level of Green Moon's Perfected Being is not that good."

He really couldn't stand it, so he took out the formation diagram of Green Moon's Perfected Being, studied it carefully, and began to adjust the formation layout.

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