What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 135 Flesh Is Like Clothes

Puff puff!

Song Shi's free hands are flexible and versatile, and are best suited to deal with these large numbers of strange hands. After a few palms, he forced the blood back three feet.

"Jiejie, let me see how strong you are."

The old ghost in blood clothes appeared in the river of blood. He was holding his head and laughing strangely.

"It's nothing."

This was the first time that Song Shi encountered a monk who had lost his head but looked like a normal person.

"Frog at the bottom of the well, the power of my blood-transforming magic is beyond your imagination. In this river of blood, as long as my soul is immortal, you can't kill me even if you behead me or dig out my heart."

The blood-clothed old ghost smiled proudly, "When I achieve the great Divine Ability of being reborn with blood, who else in this world can kill me?"

"Sounds pretty awesome."

Song Shi was surprised. He had thought it was evil when he heard the blood-transforming method before, but he didn't expect it to be so evil.

He was somewhat interested.

"There is no need to talk so much to a dead man like you. If you enter this blood hole, just turn into blood."

The old ghost in blood clothes put his head on the neck that still showed signs of strangulation. A strong stream of blood squirmed, and with a crackling of bones, the broken neck healed on its own, leaving Song Shi stunned.

He twisted his neck and waved to Song Shi. A thicker blood flooded Song Shi, and the blood-transforming demonic light in it was denser than outside.

Song Shi's body-protecting essence was corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye amidst the unbearable sound.

"Abbot Jinyuan, can you come in? If you don't come in..."

Song Shi subconsciously looked behind him and thought to himself: "If he doesn't come in, he will die."

"Don't look at it, that old bald donkey is very cunning and won't come in just for you."

The old ghost in blood clothes thought that Song Shi was waiting for support, and looked sarcastically: "This is not far from Jinyuan Temple. If he wanted to fight, he would have done it long ago. He said he was in retreat, but he was just lying to you, hahaha."

He expected to see Song Shi's anger after being deceived, but unfortunately he didn't see it.

Instead, Song Shi dispersed his elemental power and body-protecting golden light, and put his hand in the blood river.

Terrible corrosive power surged in, and Song Shi felt as if his hand had been put into sulfuric acid and was being corroded rapidly, but it felt cold.

"My body is a little stronger this time, so death will be a little painful."

Song Shi thought to himself that the first time he encountered the blood-transforming demonic light, it turned into blood with just one touch.

I don’t know how powerful it is this time, so it’s a bit difficult to die happily.

At this time, he felt that the Immortal Golden Body, which he had just started practicing, was moving on its own, and the activity of his skin was greatly increased, blocking the corrosion of blood and water.

He took his hand back and found that the skin was a little red but not broken to death.

"Your physical body is not bad, but the material of Law Treasure is nothing more than that."

Seeing that Song Shi dared to touch his blood river with his body, the old ghost in blood showed greed in his eyes, "Supreme Grade body and Gold Core are both very difficult to cultivate. It's so easy for me!"

Song Shi, who was about to be beaten to death by the old ghost in blood, was surprised: "Can you still seize the body? Seizing the body can only be done once?"

"Hmph, who told you that you can only take one body once? The body is just a shell, just like clothes. If you change one piece of clothing, you can't change the second one?"

The blood-clothed old ghost sneered: "Besides, when I practice the art of transforming blood, I don't need to pay too much attention to the physical body. Now that the power of the soul has been restored, I can naturally seize the body again, so take your body!"

After taking a fancy to Song Shi's body, the old ghost in blood changed his method and let the blood river form a suppressive force to crush him.

Nine suns appeared on Song Shi's body, like the sun god coming to the world. While resisting the power of the blood river, he curiously asked: "The body is like clothes...Does it mean you can take away pigs?"

"Pig? Of course. Since you like pigs, I will not destroy your soul. I will find a boar to match you."

The old ghost in blood laughed loudly. In his eyes, Song Shi was already a piece of fish on the chopping board, and he could do whatever he wanted with it.

"So much fun?"

Song Shi couldn't help but think of Marshal Zhu Bajie of Tianpeng. Of course, he was reborn in a pig.

"Fun? It will be fun when you turn into a boar and mate with a sow!"

Seeing that Song Shi was still thinking about these things, the old ghost in blood thought that this man had lost his mind, otherwise he wouldn't be afraid at all.

"Blood River Trapped God!"

The blood-clothed old ghost shouted, boundless blood gushes out, and the entire river of blood drowns Song Shi. Combined with the formation in the Cave Mansion, it forms a tyrannical force comparable to the Gold Core Dzogchen.

Song Shi's body sank, and the nine suns on his body lost their color. He had to sit cross-legged on the ground, mobilizing all his powers.

A circle of golden shield formed a ball, blocking the true energy. At the same time, the Dragon Elephant Skill, which had been perfected for a long time, was running. The blood and energy in his body surged, and he quickly turned into an elephant.

His mental power was also forced to be mobilized, and all the powers related to spirit, energy and spirit were activated.

But his body still made a clicking sound.

This is a sign that the pressure is too great and the body can't handle it.

However, this also stimulated his potential. The energy, essence and spirit in his body were all improving like crazy to cope with this external pressure.

The blood-clothed old ghost's eyes flickered: "Not only have you mastered both immortality and martial arts, you have also mastered the Dragon Elephant Skill of those bald donkeys. I have to say that your qualifications are really great, comparable to those of a genius, and you will be mine from now on."

"Yours? If your attack is like this, it will be difficult for you to kill me even if I am sitting here."

Song Shi sarcastically said that he was irritating the old ghost in blood and wanted him to seize the body directly, otherwise it would be really difficult to kill this guy.

The other party also said just now that with the Blood Transformation Technique, ordinary injuries are not fatal at all and can only be directly targeted at the soul level.

In this case, he can only wait for the other party to seize the body, and then swallow the other party's soul.

"Don't worry, I will slowly grind you down."

The blood-clothed old ghost was smiling. With his cautious character, he would naturally not seize the body immediately. Instead, he would first consume the opponent's energy and energy, and then take it down effortlessly.

Song Shi's face darkened. He hated enemies like boiling frogs in warm water and cutting flesh with blunt knives, which affected his rate of death.

"Enjoy it, only pain can make you feel the beauty of existence."

The old ghost in blood clothes turned around and left, leaving behind a message: "I'm going to find a wild boar for you right now. Hey, I'm short of a beast around me."

The blood river rolled, and the old ghost in blood disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving behind Song Shi who was suppressed by the blood river.

"This old ghost really deserves a beating."

Song Shi cursed secretly, if another person were trapped and heard that his soul would be punched into the wild boar, his mentality might collapse on the spot.

Obviously, this guy said this deliberately, not necessarily because he really knew how to find wild boars, but just to hurt people's hearts and make the trapped people feel uncomfortable.

"Old ghost, no matter how cunning you are, the result will be the same."

Song Shi closed her eyes and fought seriously under pressure. Nine Yang Magic, Innate Pure Yang Technique, Dragon Elephant Technique Part 1 and Immortal Golden Body Primordial Origin Chapter were all running at the same time.

Among the four techniques, the Immortal Golden Body originally had the slowest cultivation speed. Under the pressure at this moment, its speed has accelerated a lot, and it is also vaguely integrated with other techniques.

ps: I'm busy at this time, so the updates are a bit unstable. I don't know how to be a eunuch, so don't worry.

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