What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 144 Ancient Monk Cave Mansion

He didn't look inside the giant ship, but it landed deep in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains.

Poisons are rampant in this mountain range, stretching across thousands of miles, but according to the memory of the old ghost in blood, there was no powerful immortal cultivating sect in this place more than a thousand years ago, and there is naturally no one now.

Usually, there are at most some people who practice poison arts entering it to look for poisons, or there are some small sects who make a living by refining poisons and refining poisons in the surrounding area.

As for the reason, it is mainly because this mountain range has very little spiritual energy, no spiritual veins, and the miasma is reborn.

The latter is nothing to some people who practice the poison path, but the former has a great impact. Without rich spiritual energy, especially without spiritual veins, it cannot support the development of a large sect.

"According to Hei Duzi's memory, there is a relatively powerful ancient monk Cave Mansion here. Is it because of this that this place has become a place unsuitable for the development of the sect?"

Song Shi thought thoughtfully. He felt that the various sects of the Demon Sect gathered here not only to fight against Daqian, but also for some other reason.

Otherwise, why not choose a city with a better environment to station in, or an ordinary mountain range, but a place like this.

While he was thinking, a wave of fluctuations suddenly erupted deep in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains. Amidst the tremors of the earth and the mountains, a gray-black mushroom cloud bloomed.

Song Shi was stunned. He felt a terrifying aura that far exceeded Gold Core.


The strong wind swept over, smashing the grass and trees, and flying rocks as big as your head, spreading in a circular chaotic storm.

"What happened?"

Lu Youyou was surprised and looked into the distance with wide eyes. He could only see some black spots escaping from the center of the storm and retreating rapidly.

The terrifying aftermath came in front of them in an instant, and the giant ship behind them released a circle of black energy to block the aftermath.

The Taikun ship, which was over a hundred feet long, looked very small under the storm. It was like a rock in the waves, or even worse than a rock, and it began to shake violently.

Fortunately, the aftermath did not target anyone. After passing by, it continued to sweep into the distance without stopping.

The mountaintop, which was originally covered with a layer of vegetation, seemed to be peeled off in an instant, revealing the yellow-brown soil, and it became bald on the spot.

The old man in nightmare looked solemnly at the source of the aftermath: "Did you take action so soon?"

Lu Youyou's ears twitched: "Grandpa Meng, what are you hiding from me?"

"Ahem, I don't know for sure. I just heard the sect leader mentioned that there might be ruins of ancient monks in this mountain range."

The old man with nightmares shook his head.

Swish, brush, brush!

The black dots approached one by one, flickered, and came to the front in a blink of an eye, turning into several powerful figures appearing out of thin air.

Song Shi's pupils shrank. What kind of speed is this? It can be so fast in the void.

"Nascent Soul True Monarch, Martial Dao Emperor?"

Song Shi speculates that these people's auras are far above Gold Core, and he has only seen them in Ziyue Perfected Being.

These people stayed in the air for a moment, seeming to be discussing something, and then flew back to their own bases.

Song Shi and the others came back with three people. The one in front was a middle-aged man wearing a black gown and a chain around his waist. He was covered in a strange black mist and walked in the air, mysteriously. 33 novel network

He looked at this man with an aura as deep as the sea. Although his face was expressionless, there was a sense of solemnity in his heart.

This person should be Lu Jiu, the leader of Jiuyou Sect, a Nascent Soul Late Stage monk. He is not as old as the old ghost in blood. He has only practiced for six hundred years and can be considered a genius.

His Nine Nether Soul Locking Skill is famous, and he is considered a giant in the Demon Sect.

Among the two people beside him, on the left is an old man in gray robe, whose body is also wrapped in a black mist. His wrinkled old face seems to be smiling but not smiling, and his eyes are shining.

Song Shi's eyes narrowed slightly. He felt that the old man's cultivation level was also at the Nascent Soul level. There were actually two Nascent Souls in the Ghost Sect today.

As far as he knew, there were only two Nascent Souls before Yaoyue Palace.

In comparison, the cultivation level of the young man on the right is quite different, but this person looks to be in his early thirties, and his cultivation level is already Gold Core. Based on the eight hundred years of Gold Core lifespan, this person may be several hundred years old. .

However, judging from his demeanor, he didn't look old. He shouldn't be too old. Moreover, the man had a handsome appearance and a tall and straight figure. Apart from his somewhat cold temperament, he was still quite elegant.

He stepped on a green short knife with a bright light. It was a Law Treasure. He probably used this thing just to be faster and keep up with the other two.


Seeing the middle-aged man, Lu Youyou called out affectionately, jumped on the ground, flew up to him, and took Lu Jiu's arm.

Lu Jiu, who had been looking serious just now, suddenly became a little gentler. He glanced at his daughter and said, "Youyou, don't go out and run around recently. The ancient monk Cave Mansion has been born, and monsters and ghosts will gather here. It will be very dangerous to go alone."

"Youyou knows."

Lu Youyou said softly, and took a sneak look at Song Shi, finding that this guy Gu Jing Wubo didn't seem to be afraid of her complaining at all.

She couldn't help but feel a little angry, and clenched her palms tightly, but finally held back and didn't let her father help her vent her anger.

"Sect Master, Supreme Elder!"

The old man in Nightmare saluted, "My lady and I have invited this person back. This is it."

"I've already seen it."

Lu Jiu and the others were looking at Song Shi, and they were all a little surprised that the old ghost in blood was so young.

"Are you sure he is an old ghost in blood?"

Lu Jiu was a little skeptical. Although he had never seen the old ghost in blood, he still knew what the old ghost in blood looked like.

This man doesn't look like a demon at all, both in his aura and in his appearance.

"Sect Master, this is the body he took over. Moreover, he has just finished taking over the body, and his cultivation level has not yet had time to change."

The old man in nightmare told the reason.

"Oh, that must be me."

Lu Jiu nodded, looked at Song Shi and said, "Fellow Daoist in blood, let's go to the boat to talk."

Naturally, it is impossible for him to talk about recruitment here, so he still has to be polite.

"Brother in Blood Clothes, looking at you like this, you have found a genius to seize your body. Are you not afraid of offending some big forces?"

The old man in gray robe said in surprise. He was a little older than Xue Yi, so he was considered a contemporary.

So when he first met Song Shi, he felt so unfamiliar. If it weren't for the special Law Treasure on his waist, he would have thought that someone was playing tricks with the Law Treasure of the old ghost in blood.

"Brother Guisha, have you ever seen me like this in Daqian?"

Song Shi asked back, this old man's real name was Tu Yuan, nicknamed Guitu, and now he is honored as Guitu True Monarch.

In the world of spiritual practice, most people have nicknames, some come from the world, and some are given by themselves.

As for the real name, when the cultivation level is high, it is generally not used, and some people even do not use the real name at all. This can avoid a lot of trouble.

"Indeed I haven't seen it."

Ghost Slayer True Monarch nodded and looked aside: "Tianya, you have more contact with the younger generation of monks, but have you ever seen a genius like this?"

The young man shook his head: "I am very aware of the genius monks of various sects. I can be sure that there is no genius like this in Daqian. As for where they come from specifically, since he has taken someone else's body, he should know it himself."

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