What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 15 The Dead Dog Opens His Eyes

Song Family Manor covers dozens of acres and resembles a small village. The main buildings in the southern area are for welcoming guests, while the west gate area is where the servants live. The northern area is where the Song family members reside, and the eastern area consists mainly of warehouses and street-facing industries.

In the center, there is a small square where the family holds various activities and where the family's martial artists practice their skills.

In recent years, as the Great Qian Dynasty has declined, the imperial court has become corrupt, and natural disasters and man-made calamities have occurred. Many remote areas have experienced uprisings, and even outside the prosperous city, there are people turning to banditry and robbery.

To protect their property and the safety of their clan members, the Song family has recently recruited many skilled martial artists as guards.

These individuals are all fierce and formidable, dressed in green martial attire, forming a circle in the martial arts field, creating an imposing presence.

However, their expressions are not quite right.

In the area they surround, there is a large pile of dead dogs of various colors, mostly black, many of which are wolfhounds. The number exceeds one hundred, and all of them have blood flowing from their seven orifices.

Essentially, they are similar to these dogs, except that dogs guard at night, while they primarily guard during the day.

Now that the dogs are dead, their danger is imminent.

Outside the guards, numerous maids and servants have anxious expressions and whisper to each other.

"I heard that these dogs weren't poisoned to death. Their deaths are very strange, and the cause cannot be determined."

"Perhaps there is something unclean involved."

"The old gatekeeper who died yesterday had the same appearance. I'm afraid to go to the restroom alone now."

"Black dogs are supposed to ward off evil, right? If even black dogs are like this, there must be something unclean..."

"Ah, my indenture contract is still here. Otherwise, I would have run away long ago."

At this moment, a group of people approaches.

Among them, a middle-aged man with a slightly chubby figure, a goatee, and a blue robe walks on the side. He glares and shouts, "Shut up, all of you. These dogs died from an epidemic, just like the old gatekeeper. There is nothing unclean here."

Everyone immediately falls silent and dares not speak out of turn.

The Song family is large and has strict rules. These maids and servants often have a lower status than the wolfhounds that eat meat. If they dare to defy this steward, they will undoubtedly receive a severe beating.

Just as the steward, Jia Yiqian, finishes silencing the crowd, he suddenly changes his stern expression and respectfully lowers his body to the person beside him, saying, "Eldest Young Master, should we start burning these diseased dogs?"

The person whom the steward, who manages all the maids and servants of the Song family, respectfully addresses is none other than the eldest son of the Song family, Song Jiang.

He is tall, in his forties, with a cold and stern face, deep and profound eyes that appear unfathomable. He exudes both a sense of coldness and an imposing aura that commands respect.

"Hmm, let's begin. Resolve this matter quickly and prevent it from spreading," Song Jiang nods slightly and suddenly senses something, turning his head to look outside the square.

Song Shi and Xiao Mei have just arrived and are being stared at by this elder brother. "Seventh Brother, you don't even have basic etiquette. When you see your elders, don't you know to come and pay your respects?"

Song Shi curses inwardly. He despises the formalities of this ancient world, especially the rituals of scholars. They have to go through the whole process every time they meet someone.

Reluctantly, he says, "I didn't want to disturb you, Eldest Brother. I thought you were busy burning the dogs."

"Hmph, just a few dogs to burn. Why didn't you use this time to prepare for the spring examination next year? Why did you come here?" Song Jiang's face turns cold, and his gaze is piercing.

"I'm here to watch," Song Shi calmly replies. He didn't want to argue with this elder brother before because he didn't have a solid foundation. Now, he's not afraid of anything, not even death.

Song Jiang is slightly stunned. This seventh brother dares to talk back. He coldly scrutinizes Song Shi, saying, "Still defiant, huh? Did you go to the Moon Pavilion yesterday?"

"I went to discuss the path of life with Miss Xue'er," Song Shi replies. This statement causes many maids to blush, while the servants secretly chuckle.

"Wastrel!" Song Jiang sneers. "The Song family doesn't raise useless people. In another two years, if you haven't achieved anything in the imperial examination, go back to the countryside and farm!"

"Eldest Brother, you are not the head of the family yet. My affairs are none of your concern!" Song Shi's face turns cold.

He has been targeted by Song Jiang and the entire main branch for more than just a day or two.

It all started because his mother was a maid of the main branch but received favor from the patriarch, arousing the jealousy of the main wife. Even if she died of illness, they never stopped targeting him.

If it weren't for the old man paying attention to him, it would be a question whether he could grow up normally or not.

He had tried to compromise as much as possible, but this guy would always catch him and nag at him for no reason. Did he really think he could keep enduring it?

"Alright, I've been to the brothel a few times, and now I'm bold!"

A sinister look flashed in Song Jiang's eyes, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.

"Big brother, why are you competing with a playboy? Just deal with the dead dog quickly, it stinks!"

A crisp and capable female voice appeared from above, followed by a figure in a yellow dress falling from the rooftop, light and weightless as if she had no weight.

This was a woman in her twenties, with a ponytail, phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows, a melon seed face, and cherry-like thin lips, with a beautiful appearance.

At this moment, she had a smile in her eyes, wearing a yellow long dress, stepping on purple-gold boots, and holding a gold-inlaid sword as she descended from the sky, landing steadily in front of everyone.

"It's Miss Jia'er."

"Miss Jia seems to have made progress in the Spirit Communication Sword Sect."

"Definitely, otherwise, jumping from such a height, an ordinary person would have died long ago!"

The previously cold Song Jiang suddenly showed a gentle smile, "Jiajia, you came back so soon. Didn't you say you didn't need to come back?"

"There's trouble at home, how can I ignore it? Besides, my master said that my skills are enough to travel the martial world. Since there's trouble at home, it's a good opportunity to go."

Song Jiaying turned around with full of anger, her tone carrying the flavor of the martial world.

Song Shi pursed his lips, this woman actually came back.

Unlike him, who studied literature, this Song Jia was found to have high martial talent since she was young and was sent to the Jinzhou Spirit Communication Mountain to study Martial Dao. It seems that she has also achieved something.

"What's with your expression? Are you looking for a fight?"

Song Jia's perception was sharp, and she looked at Song Shi with an unfriendly gaze.

"Do you guys want to burn the dog or not?"

Song Shi was impatient. These siblings kept catching him and wouldn't let go. When would it end?

"It's been a few years, and your courage has really grown!"

Song Jia has always enjoyed beating up Song Shi since she was young. The reason is that her mother often whispered in her ear that this guy was a bastard, a despicable person, and she was influenced to dislike him.

"Jia'er, don't be angry with this useless person."

Song Jiang waved his hand, "Let's get started!"

"Quick, bring the oil and firewood!"

Jia Yiqian called the servants to pour tung oil on the dead dog, and then piled up dry firewood.

Just as the servant was approaching with a torch, the previously motionless dead dog suddenly trembled, then opened its eyes, its emotionless gaze fixed on everyone.

What was even more terrifying was that its eyes started moving, turning strangely, as if it still had life.

Swish, swish, swish!

More dead dogs opened their eyes, and then their bodies trembled as they crawled up.


The closest maidservants screamed in fright and retreated in panic.

The many servants also turned pale with fear.

Another person beside Song Jiang stood guard, holding a thin and delicate dagger in his hand.


Song Jia drew her sword, ready to defend herself.

"What are you afraid of? This dog is not completely extinct after getting sick. Hurry up and set it on fire!"

Song Jiang's scalp tingled.

The servant holding the torch trembled and directly dropped it, panicking as he retreated.

Whoosh, whoosh!

With tung oil and dry firewood, it ignited fiercely as soon as it met the fire.

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