What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 164 Death On The Wisdom Tree

"Are you just going to be lazy with the fireball technique?"

Lu Youyou became very angry when she saw Song Shi's laziness.

"My fireballs are ten times more powerful than your attacks."

A new fireball slowly condensed on Song Shi's finger, and the golden flame made the air twist. He grinned and said, "If you don't believe it, do you want to taste it?"

"you dare!"

As soon as Lu Youyou said this, the golden fireball flew over and hit the formation node close to her body. It made a boom, the heat wave spread, and a faint smell of burnt smell came from Lu Youyou's hair.

"Damn it, you really dare to hit me!"

Lu Youyou glared at Song Shi angrily. Who in the Tiangui Sect would dare to do this to him?

No one else had seen the sect Divine Maiden being treated like this, and many people looked at him sideways, as if they had never seen him before.

Regardless of Lu Youyou's talent or background, everyone in the Tiangui Sect was polite to him, even the elders in the inner sect, and those with lower status were even more respectful.

Is there something wrong with this new elder's brain, or is he knowing his identity and doing this on purpose?

"Youyou, don't make trouble, now is not the time to use your full strength."

Lu Jiu shook his head at his daughter, then looked at Song Shi: "Elders in blood clothes don't want to meet this little girl."

"I'm not a little girl, I'm almost an adult!"

Seeing that her father didn't help her, Lu Youyou felt even more aggrieved. She glared at Song Shi, turned around and ran to the Taikun ship, giving up the job altogether.

"This girl has such a bad temper."

Lu Jiu was helpless and didn't say anything more.

Fang Gang looked at Song Shi in surprise and quietly raised his thumb: "The blood-clothed elder is domineering, but we don't dare to offend this little witch."

Shi Tianya frowned slightly. Why did he feel that this old ghost was trying to catch him? Could it be that he had some thoughts about Lu Youyou and was doing this to attract Lu Youyou's attention?

Song Shi has no idea. Is it possible that a person who is not afraid of death is still afraid of the little witch?

The worst possible outcome is death, what else can there be?

Song Shi responded to Fang Gang with a faint smile, staring at the large formation covering the basin. At this moment, under the simultaneous attacks of various sects, the power was being rapidly consumed, and the scene inside gradually became clearer.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Look, that seems to be a King of Medicine!"

Many eyes were attracted, and they saw that where the Independent Cultivator led by the Ye family attacked the node, there was a medicinal field somewhere on the outside of the basin.

Although most of them are ordinary medicinal materials of ordinary types, such as Panax notoginseng, angelica root, licorice, etc., they all exude a bright light, and many of them have reached their limit of age.

One of the ginseng plants was actually spitting out spiritual mist, as if it was practicing cultivation, almost turning into a demon. The medicinal herbs nearby seemed shorter, surrounding it like stars holding the moon.

"This ginseng has been used as medicine for at least ten thousand years. It is considered the king of medicine."

"There is such precious Apex Level Spirit Medicine on the outside, is it still good inside?"

"This is a good start for the Ye family. Once we come here, we can get this kind of medicine king that is valuable to even the Nascent Soul monks!"

The middle and low-level monks from all the major forces looked at him with envy, their eyes gradually becoming hotter.

Since there are good things under this node, other locations are not too bad.

"Break the formation quickly, there are countless treasures inside!"

"Even if you only get a little soup, it is definitely comparable to what you usually accumulate for ten years or even a hundred years."

"Everyone, please work harder, the Spirit Medicine Spiritual Treasure is right in front of you."

There are people from all major sects who seize the opportunity to cheer up their own families, not wanting to fall behind others.

The monks attacked more vigorously, and there were rumbling sounds everywhere.

"The history of this place is probably over ten thousand years."

Song Shi still threw fireballs neither quickly nor slowly, one, two, three or four, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

He was carefully observing the formation, and the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

"This is a Cave Mansion. It really looks like a sect ruin. They didn't exaggerate before. But where is the space Tian Xingzi mentioned?"

Facing the formation covering the basin, Song Shi felt like a primary school student facing a systematic program and could only understand basic things.

"Whatever, let's see if we can kill with the formation first, and improve the level of the formation."

The blood-clothed old ghost's own formation level was only Third Grade, which did not improve his level much. If he wanted to improve in a short time, he could only seek death.

At this time, the formation they attacked changed.

The Star True Monarch noticed it and hurriedly said: "Be careful, the defense mechanism of the formation has been activated, and the power of the killing formation will explode at any time."

As soon as he finished reminding, a circle of white light appeared at a node.

This is the location where major commercial banks attack. As the light twists, the line of sight under the formation barrier suddenly becomes clear.

Below them, there were hundreds of swords stuck in the ground, most of them rotten, some of them shining brightly, and there was even one sword covered with golden runes, as if there was life emitting strange fluctuations.

From a distance, this place looks like a sword tomb, even the decayed swords have an ancient charm.

"Hiss, the spiritual energy is soaring to the sky, this is the Spirit Weapon!"

"Well, any good sword here can be worth thousands of spiritual stones if sold."

Seeing these swords, the monks of these trading houses were extremely excited, their eyes were greedy, and they increased their attacks one after another.

Suddenly, the sword in the sword tomb trembled.


A crisp sword sound sounded.

"Something's wrong, please step back."

The old man in brocade robes who led them spoke.

But part of them had been influenced by greed and didn't listen.

Not waiting for them to worry.

A piece of sword energy suddenly shot into the sky, and the sharp energy turned into ten thousand swords and shot towards the attacking monk.


The monks who were close were instantly riddled with holes and turned into flesh under the sharp energy. Most of the monks who retreated had their arms and legs broken.

The smell of blood spread, pouring cold water on the fanatical crowd.

The monks from the United Trading Company turned pale, and when they looked at the sword in front of them, they no longer looked happy.

"I have already warned you. Do you really think that the comprehensive formation here is a vegetarian and is open to attack by you?"

Tian Xingzi glanced at it lightly, and his voice broke into the somewhat quiet valley.

Song Shi looked at it with greed, and his heart was pierced by ten thousand swords. He had never tasted this kind of death.

Tick ​​tock.

Blood actually fell through the formation, and the swords in the sword tomb were a little more bloody. It seemed that this was not the sword's tomb, but their tomb.

"Be careful, if the formation is attacked to a certain extent, it will basically fight back."

Lu Jiu spoke, causing the shocked people to come to their senses and become cautious when attacking again.

The encounter at the United Commercial Bank was just the beginning, and soon other places were also attacked by killing arrays.

A lake appeared at the location where Qianzheng Academy attacked, with many lotuses growing in it. Before he could take a second look, water lotuses flew out and strangled several monks who looked like Confucian scholars while spinning.

This is still a vigilant situation. If not prepared, more people would die. A forest appeared in the area where the Sky Poison Sect was located, with a large number of ten thousand-year-old spiritual trees growing in it. The spiritual fruits produced by some of the spiritual trees exuded an alluring fragrance that made people salivate when they smelled it from a distance.

At first, I thought there was no danger, but in the end, countless vines sprouted out of thin air, directly entangled several monks, their roots penetrated into their bodies, and they turned into mummies in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, every attacking node has precious treasures, but there are also very terrible attacks.

"Everyone under the Gold Core retreats!"

Seeing the light suddenly brightening at the node where he was, Lu Jiu raised his hand and personally pushed a group of Foundation Building disciples away. The other Foundation Building deacons did not hesitate to retreat.

They have seen the tragic situation of other nodes several times, so they will not hesitate to avoid it if there is any trouble.

No matter how precious the treasure is, it must have a life to survive.

"It's coming, it's finally coming!"

Song Shi was looking forward to it, and suddenly strode towards the node.

These nodes are the key points of the entire ruins formation. Because they are important, the things below are also very precious.

Many people looked over with strange expressions on their faces, wondering why the old ghost in blood-clothed clothes was still getting closer when everyone couldn't avoid him in time.

"Blood clothes?"

The old man in nightmare shouted softly.

"If he wants to die, let him go. What do you want him to do?"

Lu Youyou crossed her arms on the boat, "I wonder what he can pretend to be at this time?"

Lu Jiu frowned slightly. For an old devil like the old ghost in blood clothes to die foolishly, he either had some basis or discovered something.

The light of the formation squirmed, the void twisted, and an old tea tree slowly emerged, with the shadow of the tree beside it.

If you look closely, it is also a tea tree.

This tea tree is quite magical, with crystal clear leaves and runes, which contain some unique charm.

"Wisdom Tea Tree!"

"It turns out to be this legendary spiritual creature. I heard that drinking water made from this tea can improve your understanding."

"When beasts eat tea leaves, they can directly open their spiritual wisdom."

The knowledgeable Lu Jiu, Gui Tu and Bishan were surprised. Although their treasures at this level were quite special and could not enhance their combat effectiveness or directly improve their cultivation, they could be used to improve their qualifications.

This is absolutely the best thing for cultivating disciples, and can improve the talent of the entire sect in a short period of time.

Song Shi glanced at the tea tree, and a piece of blood gushed out from his waist, quickly expanding into a river of blood.

He has reached the same level as Lu Jiu and three other Nascent Souls.

"What do the blood-clothed elders think?"

Lu Jiu was surprised. The other Gold Cores were avoiding him. How could this one dare to get so close?

They are all Nascent Soul level and have enough strength. What does this person rely on?

The other one walked out and continued to approach.

"The Art of Clone!"

True Monarch was surprised: "This kind of magic is very rare."

As Song Shi approached, the tea tree suddenly emitted a green light. When Song Shi came into contact, it instantly turned into powder.

In the river of blood, Song Shi's face was calm, as if he had not encountered any danger.

"The killing power of the Rank Six formation, even if it is only part of it, is terrifyingly powerful."

Lu Jiu lamented seeing the green light, "Even if we face it, it will be quite difficult."

"Did he use his clone to deliberately consume the power of the formation?"

Gui Tu glanced at Song Shi's clone. Because it was covered by a river of blood, he thought it was Song Shi's true body.

"Hmph, he was lazy before and now he is so proactive. He must have bad intentions."

Lu Youyou saw that Song Shi was actually pretending, and couldn't help but retaliate.

"Congratulations on being killed by the formation. Your body is dead and your soul is destroyed. The reward is doubled Transcendent Level, and the formation level is +4000!"

"You draw strength from death and gain 480 free attribute points!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location has been set, revive at the resurrection point!"

"Your formation level has been raised to level 4."

Song Shi appeared in the blood river, feeling excited.

"It's so awesome. It rewards 4,000 formation levels in one go. It is worthy of Rank Six formation. The key is that there is no pain at all and the death is clean and neat!"

Song Shi's understanding of the formation has improved a lot. He emerged from the side of the clone and glanced at Lu Youyou: "Don't talk empty words. If you have the ability, go and take it."

Lu Youyou was disdainful: "It's just using a clone to deceive the formation to attack. It's not very clever."

"Youyou, the blood-clothed elder is helping to break the formation!"

Lu Jiu scolded: "Just watch carefully and stop making noise."

"Dad, why are you speaking for him again? Who doesn't know how to trigger an array attack in this way?"

Lu Youyou was not convinced.

"Youyou, you can gather a Yuanli clone and try it."

Lu Jiu frowned

"Just try it!"

Lu Youyou made a secret, and the black Yuan Power surged from his body, and in an instant he turned into a clone made purely of Yuan Power.

Taking a step, the clone passed Song Shi in a blink of an eye and deliberately glared at Song Shi.


Before she finished reading, when she got close to the tea tree, she was shattered by the formation.

"how so!"

Lu Youyou didn't understand.

"Stupid woman, just stay aside if you don't understand the formation. The counterattack at this point is calculated based on the strength of the person attacking. The more people there are, the stronger the counterattack will be. Similarly, if there are few people, the counterattack will be reduced, thus achieving the effect of saving energy. "

Song Shi looked disdainful: "The clone I made can make it launch a full-force attack comparable to Nascent Soul, but I will be fine. How many of you here can do it?"

Nightmare and others all shook their heads subconsciously. Since the formation becomes stronger when it is strong and weak when it is weak, they will be in danger even if the sect master goes there, let alone unscathed.

Even if there is a way to preserve oneself, the consumption will be terrible, how can one fight for the treasure in the depths?

Obviously, this blood-clothed old ghost's method is most suitable for consuming the power of the node here.

"Elder in Blood Clothes, if you can consume the power of this node, one of the two ancient wisdom tea trees will be divided between you!"

Lu Jiu was very generous. Nowadays, the treasures on the outside are so precious, but the ones inside are definitely more high-end. If you waste your energy here, it will be too much.


Song Shi originally wanted to die as a matter of course, but he didn't expect to get an ancient tea tree. Drinking tea in the future will probably increase his understanding.

He took a step forward with an arrogant look on his face: "Everyone, stand back. I will use my blood clone to exhaust the power of this node."

After saying that, he quickly rushed towards the tea tree with a whoosh.


The next moment, he was killed by golden light again.

Many people looked over and were quite surprised by Song Shi's methods.

If you want to break through the killing formations in these nodes, in addition to relying on skills, you need to wear them down and directly give them the killing formations.

If you want to break through the killing formations in these nodes, in addition to relying on skills, you need to wear them down and directly give them the killing formations.

If you want to break through the killing formations in these nodes, in addition to relying on skills, you need to wear them down and directly give them the killing formations.

If you want to break through the killing formations in these nodes, in addition to relying on skills, you need to wear them down and directly give them the killing formations.

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