What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 166 Bring It To You, Choose The Master Of The Spirit Sword

Song Shi crossed her arms and looked unhappy.

He was unhappy, but Lu Youyou was smiling.

It is typical to base one's own happiness on the pain of others.

Song Shi turned around and observed the area outside the tea tree garden. Where the formation had not been broken, the outside looked foggy and full of miasma, obstructing his vision.

When the thought was explored, it was destroyed by a corrosive force as soon as it got close.

"The miasma is so powerful. This is just one node that has been broken. The rest of the formation has not been broken. It is equivalent to a parallel circuit and is not affected. Walk over and continue to die."

The blood on Song Shi's body squirmed, drowning him, and quickly spread to the outside, forming a blood river.

The blood squirmed, and two identical versions of him appeared, one of them walking towards the front.

This direction is the center of the basin. Unsurprisingly, the power of the formation is even more powerful.

Lu Jiu didn't stop him. He had originally planned to let people test the situation nearby. It would be best if someone took the initiative.

It appears to be a clone, but it is actually Song Shi's true body that walks into the mist. Soon a ball of flames rises, and Song Shi turns into ashes.

"It is rumored that this old ghost is selfish. When did he take such initiative?"

The old man put his hands behind his back and said something unexpectedly.

"I'm more curious about why he hasn't weakened after wasting so many clones."

Guitu had curiosity in his eyes.

"Mostly because of his Law Treasure."

Lu Jiu guessed, "This thing is about to become a Spirit Weapon. The inheritance of the Blood Transformation Sect still has something to offer."

"It should be. Didn't he kill many monks in Jinxiu City before? He probably used the blood essence of those monks to practice this clone technique, and he can recover quickly after consumption."

The old ghost butcher nodded and agreed with this statement.

"The recovery power of the blood method is terrible, and the vitality is tenacious. It is a pity that the Blood Transformation Sect back then got into trouble with the Daqian royal family and was ruined."

The old Taoist Banshan showed a nostalgic look, "I think back then our Tiangui Sect and Huaxue Sect had a good relationship. They killed people to refine blood, and we bought blood to practice. It was mutually beneficial. How happy it was."

"Haha, if the Blood Transformation Sect is not destroyed, where will it be the Heavenly Demon Temple's turn to be the leader of the Holy Path now?"

Lu Jiu sneered.

"It's fate to be born at the wrong time."

Guitu shook his head, thinking of something, and said: "It is rumored that the Blood Spirit Sect in Li Kingdom is related to the Blood Transformation Sect, is it true?"

"Huaxue Sect came from the blood spirit sect back then, but there has been no connection with it for a long time. Otherwise, how could there be no expression at all when it was destroyed?"

The old Taoist priest said here, "However, Daqian is now about to fall into decay, and the eight surrounding countries are ready to move. There are monks from other countries in the thirteen border states, so be careful when they come to pick peaches."

"Heavenly Demon Temple and Da Gan guys should have a headache over this matter. We should develop ourselves well and cultivate and attract more talents."

Lu Jiu was not worried and looked at the many tea trees: "When this exploration is completed, we will recruit a group of new disciples when we go back and use wisdom tea to improve their understanding."

After Song Shi died ten more times, he suddenly ended up dying.

"There is a teahouse, several ancient monks' manors, and some shops in this direction. They are all protected by formations. I will take a rest while you go and destroy them."

Song Shi spoke, he just discovered that after reaching the Sixth Grade level of formation, you can no longer gain experience.

Even if you die in another formation and are killed by the formation again, there will still be no formation level reward.

The reason is that the formation level must be higher than the current level to continue to be effective.

"Core Formation's reward method will be refreshed in the future. With upper and lower limits, the only way to improve the formation level is to find Seventh Grade formations."

Song Shi thought about the rules that were refreshed last time and was a little unsatisfied.

If there is no upper limit, he can brush up his formation level to Ninth Grade.

"Thank you for your hard work, Elder Xueyi. Rest peacefully. We will break the next part of the formation."

Lu Jiu smiled at Song Shi and had a good attitude.

He definitely performed well in Song Shi.

No matter what Song Shi's purpose is, doing things so proactively can set a good example for some solicitors.

"Oh, now that I know you're tired, I thought you weren't exhausted."

Lu Youyou glanced at Song Shi. The wisdom tree in front of her was almost bald, and several jade pots were filled with tea leaves.

"Have you picked it yet?"

Song Shi took back the blood river, turned around and asked casually.

"That's almost it. I'll leave some for you. It's enough for a pot."

Lu Youyou clapped his hands, and there were still about thirty leaves left on the tea tree in front of him.

"Pick them all, there's no need to keep them."

Song Shi shook his head, walked over and made seals, and began to seal the tea tree to prevent its vitality and spirituality from being lost. This is a common method for preserving various spiritual objects, a bit like adding plastic wrap to vegetables in previous lives.

Lu Youyou was quite surprised to hear Song Shi's generous words, and glanced at Song Shi suspiciously: "You said so."

"Pick it, and new tea will grow next year."

Song Shi nodded.

Many people curled their lips after hearing this.

New tea?

This wisdom tea takes a hundred years to mature a batch of tea leaves, which means it takes a hundred years to wait for new tea.

"How embarrassed are you making me?"

Lu Youyou said this, but she was not polite with her hands. She picked the last tea leaves in a few times and put them in the full jade basin.

She stared at Song Shi, a little surprised that she didn't see any anger or hidden pain.

Don’t you feel bad when all the leaves of the tea tree you have worked so hard to earn are picked off?

She saw Song Shi walking towards the jade basin and stopped him: "What are you doing?"

"Tea collector, thank you for helping me pick the tea leaves. I think the tea leaves picked by the beautiful lady will taste better."

Song Shi smiled. Since this woman had no shame in picking his tea leaves, he could also have no shame and just use free labor.

"Why pick tea leaves for you? This is mine!"

Lu Youyou waved her hand hurriedly, wanting to put the tea away directly.

"What's yours, bring it to you!"

Song Shi grabbed Lu Youyou's hand, threw it away without caring about the fragrance, and then put a jade basin full of tea leaves on the ground into his storage ring.

Lu Youyou landed in a panic ten feet away. When she saw that Song Shi had taken away the fruits of her labor, she was so angry that she said, "You...you are so shameless. The tea belongs to me!"

She deliberately placed the picked tea leaves here just now just to make Song Shi angry. How could she have imagined that she would be picked in the same pot?

"When did it belong to you? Ask them, is this tea tree a reward from your father?"

Song Shi looked calm and put away the ancient tea tree with his backhand.

Lu Youyou pointed at Song Shi and became furious: "You said you gave it to me, but if you say it doesn't count, you are not a man!"

"I told you to give it to you? I just let you pick it. You understood it wrong. Do you blame me?"

Song Shi smiled and put her hands behind her back: "Thank you for picking the tea leaves for me. I will fry the tea now and then make a cup. Smell it while you smell it."

Pure Yang True Fire appeared in his palm, and then he took out some tea leaves and began to fry the tea.

Suddenly, the tea leaves bloomed with aura, and Song Shi hurriedly typed runes to seal the essence in them to prevent them from being lost. A burst of fragrance spreads, and the smell is refreshing.

Lu Youyou became more and more angry as she watched, and rushed over to grab the tea leaves.

Song Shi roared and punched him away, leaving Lu Youyou with panda eyes.

"You...you don't even give me face!"

Lu Youyou stared at Song Shi with shame and anger. This person had beaten her before, but only Grandpa Meng saw it. Now the whole sect and even other sects have seen it. How can she have the face to be embarrassed in the future?

"What does it have to do with me? If you want to steal my things, that's what I said. It doesn't matter who you are!"

Song Shi said coldly, took out some roasted tea leaves and threw them into the cup, then boiled water and started making tea.

This is the advantage of cultivating immortals. All kinds of miscellaneous things can be put in storage bags or storage rings, which is very convenient when you want to make a fire.

The people nearby were frightened when they saw Song Shi's leisurely look and Lu Youyou's panda eyes.

Good guy, are you really not afraid of death if you beat his daughter in front of the sect leader?

Lu Jiu, who was studying the formation in front, looked back and frowned slightly: "Youyou, come here."

"Dad, look!"

Lu Youyou pointed at the dark circles under her eyes: "You have never hit me like this!"

The corner of Lu Jiu's mouth twitched, and he was indeed a little angry in his heart: "Why should the elder in blood clothes meet a woman?"

"If she doesn't mess with me, nothing will happen."

Song Shi replied lightly, and poured hot water into the cup. Suddenly, the fragrance of tea filled the air, and a faint white light spilled out. Runes were beating, faintly trying to form articles.


His eyes were attracted and he no longer went to Touli Youyou.

"Dad, what do you think of his attitude? Does he take you as the sect leader seriously?"

Lu Youyou continued to fire.

"Okay, do you know that somewhere here, there are killing arrays everywhere, and there is danger at any time, so you can't just be quiet for a while?"

Lu Jiu scolded him, how could he protect his daughter with so many people.

"It's me again, what's wrong with me!"

Lu Youyou was so angry that she cried loudly, "Okay, I'm just a burden and I won't bother you here anymore, okay?"

After saying that, she turned around and ran out crying.

Song's face does not change color.

"Young man, I'm not afraid of death, but I can't cure you, a pretty young lady?"

After lowering his head and taking a sip of tea, Song Shi felt his head clear and his thinking became active.

"I have such a high understanding, but this tea is still limited, not bad."

Song Shi sipped the tea and looked satisfied.

"This is what my childhood was like, drinking tea and drinking, being free and unrestrained."

Song Shi thought to himself, this is what it feels like to cultivate immortality.

"Brother in blood, can I have a drink?"

The Nightmare Old Man appeared next to him.


Song Shi hated people like Lu Youyou who were looking for trouble, but he didn't object to normal communication. He took out a teacup and made a cup for Old Nightmare.

He saw people in the distance who continued to break the formation, and asked strangely: "Elder Nightmare won't help?"

The old man in Nightmare took a sip of tea, his eyes flashed, and he exclaimed: "Good tea!"

He answered Song Shi's question: "I mainly take care of the young lady. It's okay if you don't go."

"Tsk, tsk, she really needs to be taken care of, otherwise she would have been killed outside."

Song Shi is disdainful.

In his opinion, what about the Divine Maiden? This kind of character will not live long in the Immortal Cultivation World and can only rely on the protection of the elders. But is this protection permanent?

"Hey, I know that Brother Xueyi is a temperamental person and hates the young lady being unruly and willful."

The old man in Nightmare sighed: "Actually, Miss was not like this when she was a child. When Madam was still here, Miss was very well-behaved."

"Stop, there's no need to give me any reasons. If you don't like her, you just don't like her. I have no interest in accommodating her."

Song Shi raised his hand to stop him.

The old man in nightmare did not stop: "Brother in Bloody Clothes still needs Miss to know why this happened. When she was seven years old, Miss Ye's mother was killed by people from the Ye family in front of her. She had convulsions, bone extraction, and torture to death. She suffered that Exciting, the young lady’s personality changed drastically, she became moody, the sect leader felt guilty and became more conniving, which is why we have the unruly young lady today.”


Song Shi replied with one word, and there was nothing more to say.

"Actually, the lady is not bad in nature, it's just..."

"Okay, there's no need to talk to her anymore. There are a lot of miserable people in this world, and she's not one of them. I still say the same thing, if you dare to mess with me, teach her how to behave."

The Law Treasure blood river on Song Shi's waist released blood light and submerged him. He said impatiently: "I want to restore my mana, so I won't say more."

He hid in the blood and began to practice on the spot.

The old man in nightmare was helpless. This old ghost in blood had such a strong character. If the young lady didn't restrain herself, she would still suffer.

He turned and left to do the lady's work and try to minimize the conflict.

Outside, other sects are also breaking through nodes one after another.

Every time one more node is broken, the miasma shrouding the basin becomes lighter. This is because the overall defensive formation is constantly weakening, and the difficulty of breaking the formation is also decreasing.

The light in the entire basin is getting better and better, and the view becomes clearer.

The strange thing is that True Monarch, the star that found the node, has not taken action, and even the people in Tianji Tower have not bothered to attack the node.

After most of the nodes were broken, he spoke: "The main body of the outer formation has been destroyed, let's go."

As soon as he pointed it out, the light of the node in front of him changed, and an entrance appeared directly. There was no need to forcefully break the formation.

"Let's go. Below is the library area. You should be able to get more information about the ruins here."

He and his disciples filed in, and the formation along the way was just like his own, with no obstacles at all, which made some people who worked hard to break through the formation extremely envious.

"As expected of the first person in Dagan Formation, he entered without much effort."

"People use their brains, we use brute force."

"Yes, formations are really something that ordinary people are not qualified to study."

Hearing the discussion, Song Shi opened his eyes, and through the clear basin space, he saw that the Tianji Tower was located where a Buddhist Scripture Tower was located.

"I rushed here in the first place to obtain information. If I can get the formation information from it, I will have no problem controlling the formation."

Song Shi was thinking, and suddenly heard the sound of a sword, and a spiritual light shot into the sky in the distance.

"Stop the Spirit Sword quickly!"

The merchant monk who was collecting the sword from the Sword Tomb was in a hurry, but in the end he still failed to block it. The spirit sword actually flew towards the position of the Demon Slayer Division, and finally stopped in front of a heroic woman.

Song Shi was stunned. This woman was Chen Yiling, who was also in a daze.

The next second, the spiritual sword shook towards Chen Yiling, as if nodding, and then merged into his body in a flash, making the monk next to him who wanted to pursue him look confused.

"Haha, it seems that you are not destined to choose the master of the Spiritual Sword."

The Demon-Slaying and Demon-Slaying Department's Guangfeng Sword Emperor laughed: "Yiling, why don't you thank all the seniors quickly?"

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