What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 179 Body Of Ten Thousand Poisons

Outside the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, thousands of feet high in the sky, a bronze chariot moved forward with a roaring sound.

This chariot is a hundred meters high and more than ten feet wide. It has a rough appearance and is engraved with ancient rune patterns. It is a war law treasure that has been passed down for a long time.

In front of the chariot, there is a Demonic Beast that is golden and similar to a unicorn pulling the chariot.

This beast does have Kirin bloodline throughout its body, and is called the Golden Kirin Beast. Its scales are shining with golden light, and its appearance is majestic. Its strength is at the Gold Core King Level level.

Being able to use a demon king with special blood to pull the cart shows that the Ye family has a deep heritage.

Next to it, a war Law Treasure that looks like a yellow ancient book walks side by side.

"Brother Ye, I'm going to stay in Jinzhou for a few days, so let's say goodbye."

The people from Qianzheng Academy spoke.

"Okay, come to Jinzhou as a guest when you have time."

Ye Wenzhong forced a smile. He didn't get any benefits this time, and he also lost a lot of people. He couldn't be in the mood to show a good face.


The old master-looking monk clasped his fists and immediately ordered Law Treasure to change direction and fly towards the Splendid City in the distance. 33 novel network

The Ye family continued to fly to Jinzhou in bronze chariots.

There are thirty-eight six state capitals in Daqian. Jinzhou is located in the southeast, while Jinzhou is located in the northwest. You have to fly three thousand miles to reach it.

The Ye family is the overlord of Jinzhou's cultivation world. Its strength is comparable to that of a top-notch sect, and its sphere of influence covers Jinzhou and surrounding Jinzhou, Yuanzhou, Jiangzhou and other places.

Compared with the chaotic Jinzhou, Jinzhou is still peaceful and peaceful now with his Ye family secretly controlling it, and there is no war.

When they entered the Golden State area, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's safer to return to your own territory after all.

When they were all relaxed, a dozen figures were secretly following the bronze chariot in a white cloud, and had been doing so for some time.

"Dad, why don't you do something? They are all going back to their lair."

Lu Youyou looked a little tired. She had been staring at the chariot's butt for most of the day.

"You can prepare to take action. Now is the time for them to relax. Just kill Ye Wenzhong. We don't expect to be able to wipe out all of us."

Lu Jiu felt that the time was coming, and the Ye family would never have imagined that they would follow them all the way here.

"Wait a minute, maybe someone has the same idea as us."

Song Shi stops.

"what have you found?"

Guitu asked.

"There are still a bunch of people in that direction, following on the ground."

Song Shi pointed to the hilly area in the southeast, "They won't follow to enjoy the scenery, right?"

From high altitude to the hills in the southeast, the straight-line distance exceeds a hundred miles.

Lu Jiu couldn't help but glance at Song Shi. Neither Nascent Soul nor Nascent Soul noticed it. What method did this guy use?

Song Shi smiled mysteriously: "Let's sit on the boat and watch the show."

It's not that he has a powerful sense of perception, but he sensed it through the imitation of the colorful alms bowl on his body. To be precise, he sensed the Gu worms in those people.

This imitation has some of the effects of the original Spiritual Treasure and is effective for the first time.

"Whose party are you from?"

Lu Youyou asked curiously.

"I don't know, I can only sense someone."

Song Shi shook his head.

"Tch, I thought you were so awesome."

Lu Youyou immediately looked down upon Song Shi.

Song Shi turned around and began to look at his figure again. Lu Youyou blushed and became quiet.

There is no way, now Song Shi has returned to his true self, handsome and sunny, it is difficult to compare him with the fierce devil.

"Damn it, why am I blushing!"

Lu Youyou was angry and ashamed, ashamed of her reaction.

She didn't know that most of the time it would be like this when being stared at by a handsome guy who couldn't resist.

Shi Tianya's face was gloomy. Lu Youyou had always been his ideal Taoist partner. How could he blush because of other men?

Song Shi looked at the shy and beautiful Lu Youyou with interest. He had to say that this woman was indeed very beautiful, tasteful, and had a wild and enchanting look.

Unfortunately, he has a mouth.

"Ahem, the blood-clothed elder is over a thousand years old, right?"

Lu Jiu coughed, which was profound.

This is already very obvious. Let Song Shi have some strength and don't think about old cows eating young grass.

"I checked and found out that the blood-clothed elder is more than 1,300 years old. In the ordinary world, he is equivalent to the ancestors who lived more than a hundred generations ago."

Shi Tianya specially emphasized the word "old".

"This young master is eighteen years old."

Song Shi retorted that he was really eighteen years old, nineteen at most.

Everyone was scornful.

Song Shi was helpless, there was no way to explain why he was involved in seizing the body.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

When everyone openly and secretly despised Song Shi for being shameless, a strange sound appeared in the distance.

Lu Youyou turned her head to avoid Song Shi's aggressive gaze, touched her hot and delicate face, and said a little uncomfortably: "Where did the rat noise come from in this high altitude?"

In order to avoid being noticed, Lu Jiu deliberately used the Law Treasure to take people to an altitude of 10,000 meters. Not to mention mice, there were not many birds here.

The inner disciples and elders of the Tiangui Sect who followed looked around, and then their pupils shrank and fell on a black cloud rising from the ground.

"Look, what is that?"

"It seems to be a kind of bird?"

"It's a bat!"

While some people are still identifying, those with good eyesight have already recognized them.

Song Shi quietly watched the dense swarm of bats flying towards the bronze chariot.

Flags were fluttering on the chariot. Ye Wenzhong suddenly opened his eyes and looked down through the gap between the railings. A group of squeaking black clouds were approaching quickly.

"There is an enemy attack, be on guard!"

He raised his hand to seal the secret, and the runes on the chariot lit up, and pure energy was released, forming a thick energy barrier.

In a blink of an eye, the surrounding light dimmed, and bats larger than chickens filled the surrounding space. Without any hesitation, they rushed over.

Bang bang bang!

The bat was blocked by the barrier and could not get close to the Ye family.

"Are these beasts looking for death?"

"Except for the large number, why threaten us?"

Several Independent Cultivators panicked for a moment. Seeing that the bats could not even break through the barrier, they sneered and activated their flying swords to strike out.


Ye Wenzhong scolded, but it was still a little late. The barrier did not block the internal attack. The man's flying sword easily killed a bat, and blood spurted out.


As soon as the bat's blood fell on the barrier, it immediately corroded.

"This blood is corrosive, don't attack!"

Ye heard the bell and stopped.

At this time, there was a strange smell that filled the air. People nearby immediately became dizzy after smelling it. A disciple in the Qi Refining stage even foamed at the mouth and fell down, and was immediately poisoned to death.

The people nearby were so frightened that they quickly backed away, holding their breath and not daring to breathe any air.

One person died after just contact. Ye Wenzhong said with a gloomy face: "Who is sneaking around? I don't know that this is already my Ye family's territory. I give an order and I guarantee you won't get out of here!" "Haha, Ye, Ye." The clan leader is so loud, so it depends on whether you die quickly or reinforcements arrive quickly."

In the hoarse voice, an old man wrapped in something appeared out of thin air among the bats, with only two eyes staring at Ye Wenzhong maliciously.

Behind him, a group of similarly dressed people appeared with cold eyes.

"Old Poison, it's you again, you really think my Ye family is a soft persimmon!"

Ye Wenzhong was so angry that he almost exploded with anger. Even if the old poisonous man robbed him of the Ye family's Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Ginseng, he actually dared to kill him halfway!

"Hey, if it's a soft persimmon, you'll know if you pinch it more. Maybe it's true."

The old poisonous man sneered, and a bamboo flute appeared in his hand: "Everyone, please first taste the Black Sound Poison Bat, one of the hundred poisons of our Sky Poison Sect."


As he played the flute, the bats that originally struck flew higher, and then an invisible wave spread.

The man who thought he was safe hiding in the energy barrier of the chariot immediately had a splitting headache. An accompanying servant screamed and bled to death from his orifices.

Puff puff!

This was just the beginning, and soon the eyes of other weaklings also widened, they exploded inexplicably, and they vomited blood and died.

"What! Is it still poisonous?"

"What kind of poison is this?"

"How is it possible to poison everyone in an instant?"

Several Gold Cores were just dizzy and faintly heard a sharp sound. They looked dumbfounded at the people present who were obviously uncomfortable and looked shocked.

"It's some kind of sound you can't hear. Everyone, close your ears!"

Ye Wenzhong reminded in a deep voice, squinting at Bai Du True Monarch: "Is this the most powerful method of the Black Sound Poison Bat? Is it what people call sound poison?"

"Chief Ye is knowledgeable, enjoy it."

The old poisoner laughed loudly: "I have other good things here, let's talk about them after you survive this wave."

Ye Wenzhong frowned and hurriedly adjusted the formation of the chariot, except to resist the sonic attack, and left as quickly as possible.

Everyone also controlled their ears and closed them to isolate themselves from the attack of sound poison as much as possible.

"What are you running for?"

The old poisonous man chuckled and waved his hand. Behind him, the Sky Poison Sect members released Law Treasure, and there was a loud noise, dragging the bronze chariot.


At this moment, a roar burst through the air, and a colorful centipede flew out of the forest like a long dragon, rushed over and directly wrapped around the bronze chariot, pulling it towards the ground.

"Beast, seeking death!"

Ye Wenzhong, who was about to escape, was furious and activated the golden spear to stab the centipede vitally.


A bead blocked the golden gun, and the old poison fell on the head of the colorful centipede. He smiled proudly and said: "Clan leader Ye, you should fight me. Don't bully my sect to replace the colorful centipede emperor."

"Damn it, if I don't kill you today, you really think I, the man of the Ye family, are easy to bully!"

Ye Wenzhong couldn't hold himself any longer, so he yelled and killed him.

In the distance, a white cloud lurks leisurely.

"This is ultrasound..."

Song Shi looked through the white clouds, thoughtfully.

Through special induction, he could "see" a wave-like sound wave attacking, but he could actually hear it.

"It must be that his physique has changed. He can hear sounds that ordinary people can't hear."

At this time, Lu Jiu controlled a wooden boat that everyone was riding on to stop and did not get closer.

Nowadays, the situation is a snipe and a clam. Wouldn’t it be a fool not to be a fisherman?

Lu Youyou leaned against the bed and propped up her chin as she watched the Sky Poison Sect attack the Ye family's bronze chariot. "It's strange. The Ye family doesn't have any treasures now. Why is the Sky Poison Sect still clinging to it?"

Song Shi glanced sideways: "I didn't expect you still had some brains to know that something was wrong."

"You mean I have no brain!" Lu Youyou immediately became angry.

"Hey, can you two stop bickering?"

Lu Jiu felt that Song Shi and his daughter were not compatible and would quarrel over any words.

"No ivory comes out of his dog's mouth!"

Lu Youyou hummed.

"I was influenced by you."

Song Shi is not convinced.

Lu Jiu shook his head. Why did he feel that this old ghost in blood didn't look like an old devil at all, but more like an energetic young man?

Could it be that it was a sequelae of the body-taking, influenced by the consciousness of the person named Song Shi?

Song Shi secretly thought that something was wrong. He had not seen much with a woman. He looked like a young man without enough experience.

He changed the subject: "The sect master seems to know the reason why the Sky Poison Sect is pestering the Ye family?"

"It should be the Body of Ten Thousand Poisons who trained them first. It may be that they need the golden blood of the Ye family."

Lu Jiu told some information. After all, they were both major forces in the Demon Sect, and they still knew each other somewhat.

"Ten Thousand Poison Body?"

Some memories of the old ghost in blood appeared in Song Shi's mind: "It is said that he can control all kinds of poisons, and his magic power is all poisonous things. Is this a special physique that was acquired?"

"Haha, poison is harmful to others and ourselves. It is very difficult to control it. Even if you can control it, your body will be corroded by the poison. Didn't you see that those guys are covering their bodies with black cloth?"

Lu Jiu ridiculed: "It's not that they like to cover their heads, but that most people's bodies have been corroded by poison, making them no longer human or ghosts."

Guitu on the side nodded: "That's true, but if someone looks glamorous and has very powerful poison skills, you must be careful. Either he is superb in poison methods, or he has a special physique."

"Body of Ten Thousand Poisons?"

Song suddenly dawned.

"The Body of Ten Thousand Poisons is amazing. In their Sky Poison Sect, those who can control ten kinds of poisons are considered elites. Those who can control one hundred poisons can become sect masters and supreme masters. Those who can control one thousand poisons are basically Soul Formation."

Lu Jiu shook his head: "This Body of Ten Thousand Poisons, also called Divine Body, has a similar physique to Youyou, but it can be made day after tomorrow, and it is even more frightening. It has a fierce reputation. It really makes them become it. From now on." No way."

"Since it was made the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid it's a bit cruel."

Song Shi muttered, now you have to kill people from the Ye family to get golden blood, you can imagine how cruel it is.

"Cruel? They often do cruel things and have long been used to it."

Lu Jiu took a deep look at Song Shi and said, "If you say this, Elder Chongxueyi, it will surprise us."

Ghost Tu teased: "Haha, is it possible that the blood-clothed elder wants to abandon evil and promote good?"

Lu Youyou looked at Song Shi blankly, why didn't this man look like that murderous old ghost in blood?

"Sun, the secret has been exposed again."

Song Shi secretly cursed himself for not being careful, and said without changing his expression: "Everything must be reversed. In the past, there were too many murders and there was too much revenge, so you still have to have a little goodwill in your heart."

"It makes sense. Although the people in my demon sect are not good people, they are not heinous evil people. They just act in extreme ways and take the wrong direction."

Lu Jiu nodded. To be honest, if the old ghost in blood had no good intentions, he would be afraid of him.


A loud noise drew everyone's attention back, and they saw the Colorful Centipede Emperor pulling down the bronze chariot and slamming it to the ground.

Large swaths of trees were shattered, and the top of the mountain was smashed. Some of the weak men on the bronze chariot were thrown to death on the spot, and the chariot was dyed red with blood.

"The colorful centipede, the colorful alms bowl... what is the relationship between the Holy Gu Sect and the Sky Poison Sect?"

Song Shi saw the ferocious colorful centipede showing off its evil ways, and was a little cranky, because he also had a colorful centipede.

However, his one is still quite weak, and he usually doesn't take much care of it.

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