What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 190 I Want You To Teach Me How To Do Things

After hearing about the conference, Song Shi took the time to do his own thing.

A quarter of an hour later, inside the Cave Mansion.

He looked at the golden spear in front of him, a serious look on his young face.

"Refining begins!"

He made a secret with both hands, golden light flashed, and mana turned into runes and hit the spear.

A buzzing sound appeared, and the lines on the latter's surface that looked like dragon scales emitted brilliant light, and its aura was majestic and domineering, like a real dragon dormant.

After watching it carefully for a while, Song Shi seemed to be missing something, and the mana in his hand began to be injected along the formation patterns on the gun, destroying the remaining power inside.

These powers were left behind by Ye Wenzhong. Under his attack, these ownerless powers were expelled and dissipated unwillingly between heaven and earth.

However, the spear still resisted him.

"The so-called spirituality is very mysterious. I haven't communicated it yet. Do you want to ignore me?"

Song Shi whispered, Law Treasure has spirit, it is Spirit Weapon.

Only by communicating with the spirit of this spear can we control it more easily.

He took out a book and looked for a guide.

This is the secret book for refining Law Treasure that was just exchanged from the Tiangui Sect Sutra Pavilion.

After flipping through it for a moment, he recited a strange mantra, like an evil ghost whispering, and then his magic turned into a ghost head, opened his mouth and swallowed the golden gun.

The buzzing of the spear gradually dissipated, and his mana began to invade the whole body of the spear through special means, forcibly refining it.

According to his understanding, the formation in this Spirit Weapon is probably equivalent to a system. The so-called spirituality probably means that the system has a certain degree of intelligence.

And the trick he has created now is to use special techniques to crack the system and control this intelligent authority.

As long as he controls the authority, the weapon will naturally listen to him and follow his orders.

"The cultivation civilization of this world is far superior to the technological civilization!"

Song Shi is thoughtful.

This is his first contact with Spirit Weapon, and it can be considered as further contact with the secrets of this world's cultivation civilization.

As he began to decipher the formation patterns inside the Law Treasure, his magic power quickly took over part of the authority, and his original resistance gradually weakened.

When his mana entered the core of the formation inside the spear and started to operate again, the spear also responded to the fluctuations of the mana in his body.

Huge devouring power surged in, and the golden gun absorbed his mana as a reserve energy, and its lines became brighter and brighter.

Song Shi looked happy. This thing absorbed his mana, which meant that it had accepted his control.

The process of absorbing mana lasted for most of the day. When all the mana in his body was absorbed, Song Shi had the illusion that this thing seemed to become a part of his body.

As soon as the idea strikes, swipe!

Golden light flashed, and the spear flew up and circled around him.

After raising his hand, the spear flew to the palm of his hand, and a powerful shock wave was released, making a hole in the ground.

His magic power is also golden, which complements the spear and makes it even brighter.


Song Shi waved a few times happily, and the fire light danced, leaving several scorching afterimages in the air.

A dragon head phantom appeared on the head of the gun, sprayed with golden flames. With the blessing of Law Treasure, the pure Yang flame became more domineering and hot, causing the air to become violently distorted.

This power is so powerful that it has definitely surpassed the flames condensed by his own magic power.

Combined with the attack of this gun itself, how terrifying is the power of one shot?

"What a gun!"

He couldn't put it down and looked at it. He felt that this gun was tailor-made for him. Its attributes fit perfectly and it looked very domineering.

Holding this spear, he couldn't help but feel so heroic. He had the aura that with the spear in his hand, one man can guard the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it.

However, it only lasted a moment before Song Shi's face changed and his breathing became rapid.

There was a feeling of weakness in his body, and all the mana in his body was actually sucked out by this guy. Apart from his strength, he had no mana at all.

"It consumes so much!"

Song Shi came back to her senses and sighed.

After all, his cultivation level is still Gold Core, and this level of Law Treasure generally requires Nascent Soul True Monarch and Martial Dao Emperor to be qualified to use it.

Even if my cultivation level is deeper than those of the same level, relatively speaking, it is still far behind Nascent Soul.

"We must gather the nine Gold Cores as soon as possible to increase the total amount of mana, otherwise we cannot afford the consumption of this thing."

Song Shi smiled bitterly, this Golden Dragon Spear is domineering, and its power is indeed powerful, but it itself consumes a lot of mana.

With his current cultivation level, he wouldn't be able to bear it for a while.

He flicked the spear, which quickly shrunk and shot into his dantian, entering his dantian space.

In this space, a golden ball rotates, its light dimming at this moment due to the exhaustion of the law.

After the spear arrived, it was unceremoniously suspended above the Gold Core, receiving the nourishment of spiritual mana.

He can continue to improve this thing. If a weapon spirit is born in the future, it will be comparable to the more powerful Spiritual Treasure.

Of course, it will take a long time to achieve this step, so it may not be as reliable as finding a Spiritual Treasure yourself.

After refining the Golden Dragon Spear, Song Shi turned over his hand and took out a black and white energy snake.

He had engraved sealing runes on the surface of this black thing, but it was still difficult to conceal its mysterious and unpredictable aura.

It contains a pure energy, which comes from the essence of a Gold Core monk. Although it is not all, it is the purest part.

"This thing is not simple. If those guys from the Holy Gu Sect use this Gu to kill people and practice, I think it will increase the speed."

Song Shi thought about some possibilities, dispersed the seal, and squeezed it hard.

The black and white Gu worm turned into a ray of light, like a Tai Chi diagram, and then condensed a beam of light, which fell between his eyebrows and was quickly devoured and refined.

Song Shi was shocked and felt a surge of pure power.

This power was not directly absorbed by him, but was transformed by the life and death Gu in his body beforehand, and then passed on to him, making it extremely easy to refine.

"Good guy, this is better than the so-called Spirit Pill!"

Song Shi was surprised. This was the first time he absorbed the power of refining the life and death Gu and fully realized the benefits.

But at this time, it clearly noticed that the life and death Gu in its body was also growing.

"Qian, this thing will also grow. If it can swallow other people's power in the future, can it also swallow me?"

Song Shi was surprised. He didn't think this thing was really here to help them improve.

After all, this is a voodoo, and others are more like raising voodoos.

When someone wants to harvest, he can completely control the insect to swallow his energy and spirit.

"Swallow it, I'm really not afraid of you swallowing me. If you dare to swallow me, I will kill you when the time comes!"

Song Shi sneered in his heart and began to absorb and refine with peace of mind.

The mana consumed now is quickly restored, and its cultivation continues to grow.

Due to the abundant power contained in the Life and Death Gu, he gained Nascent Soul level training experience after Ye Wenzhong failed to seize his body. So from now to Nascent Soul level, he has no bottleneck.

As soon as I thought about it, light flickered in the middle Dantian position, and the second Gold Core began to condense.

If the first Gold Core was a breakthrough in realm and a qualitative change, then the second Gold Core now is more of a quantitative change.

As long as he has enough resources, he can quickly condense other Gold Cores.

He had five Gold Core Life and Death Gu in his hand. After absorbing and refining all of them, he helped him condense two Gold Cores.

This directly doubled his total mana, and his explosive power became more powerful. If he used the Golden Dragon Spear again, the time he could last would naturally increase.

This process only took him half a month, and there was still a lot of time before Lu Jiu assigned him the task.

Song Shi did not go out to cause trouble this time. He planned to use the Tiangui Sect's contribution points to exchange for various Spirit Pills and start practicing in seclusion.

After leaving his Cave Mansion, his first stop came to the Tiangui Sect's Pill Pavilion.

Seeing him, everyone here's expressions changed drastically.

"Why is this guy here?"

"The sect gave him more than 1 million contribution points. Once he comes, a lot of the elixirs we have here will be exchanged."

"Hurry up, or you may not be able to redeem it later!"

A group of people discussed a few words and immediately took the time to redeem the elixir.

"It seems that I have become a celebrity among the sect."

Song Shi chuckled, walked to the exchange window, and slapped the token on the table: "Exchange all the things I can exchange now!"

After hearing Song Shi's words, everyone who had been prepared for it still turned dark.

Under normal circumstances, the resources that the sect can exchange are provided based on everyone's general needs, neither too much nor too little.

But when encountering some critical moments, for example, if some people with a large amount of contribution value redeem at the same time, it will cause a run on resources.

If someone redeems too much, then naturally when others want to redeem, there will not be enough.

This person has more than one million contribution points, and his net worth is richer than any of the Supreme Elders. Once they start exchanging madly, within ten years, they will probably face a situation where supply exceeds demand.

The elder in charge of exchanging things twitched his face and said, "Elder in blood, are you really exchanging them all? Some of the things are of lower grade and are of no use to you."

"I like it, don't you?"

Song Shi pouted: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and redeem it for me!"

"Um, okay, the upper limit that an individual can exchange is 10% of the inventory. I will exchange it for you according to this ratio?"

the deacon elder asked.


Song Shi nodded.

An elder next to him couldn't stand it anymore and said dissatisfiedly: "Elder in blood, don't you know what 10% of the inventory is? Our entire sect has more than 10,000 official members, and there are usually at least 3,000 people who come to exchange. You are quite Yu directly occupied the resource exchange quota of 300 people, and it was a completely undifferentiated influence from the outer sect, inner sect, true disciples and elders."

"What does it have to do with me? If you have so many contribution points, can you redeem them like this?"

Song Shi shrugged, he was not afraid of offending these guys.

In his view, these contribution values ​​are just a bunch of numbers, and they must be obtained first before they count.

Otherwise, it's just a bunch of numbers, what's the use?

If something goes wrong, he may have nothing.

"You! Why don't you think about others at all?"

"That's right, everyone's usual training resources are not very abundant. If you redeem them all at once, we will have to wait!"

"You are the Supreme Elder, so you should have the Supreme Pattern."

Some people couldn't help but criticize. If it were just one or two people, they would definitely not dare to speak like this. Now, with a group of people, how could they be afraid of nothing?

"I want you to teach me how to do things?"

Song Shi snorted coldly, and a powerful aura erupted, immediately causing some people to shut up.

But some people were not scared. They were either true disciples or core elders, and their cultivation was not much worse than him.

"Elder in blood, are you trying to overwhelm others with your strength?"

Shi Tianya walked out of the door and asked loudly: "To everyone here, you are just a newcomer. How can you be so arrogant right now?"

A Gold Core Dzogchen monk said earnestly and sincerely: "Elder in blood, don't go too far in your life, but keep a thin line."

"If you have any opinions, we can go out and talk about it!"

Song Shi glanced at the deacon who received him: "Don't be stunned. When I come back after talking to them, I hope what I want will be ready!"

"Yes, the blood-clothed elder."

The deacon answered with sweating profusely that he was only a Foundation Building practitioner and could not withstand Song Shi's powerful momentum, so he naturally did not dare to offend him.

Song Shi sneered: "Come on, if you want to teach me how to behave, get out."

Many people's faces turned dark.

Is there any mistake? They were just talking, who said they would actually take action?

We are just complaining, do you still take it seriously?

"This guy is really uninteresting, but he gets excited when he talks about it."

"I think he just can't afford it and is unwilling to accept everyone's opinions."

"Who would like such a person?"

Song Shi frowned when he heard this: "Don't even hide in the dark and press me, if you want to do it, come and do it!"

Shi Tianya was angry and said to the figure on the side: "Senior Brother Luo, do you just see him being arrogant here?"

Next to Shi Tianya, a guy with Gold Core Dzogchen cultivation stepped out. He was thin, dark-skinned and looked like a monkey.

A bloody light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a rainbow of momentum: "Elder Xueyi, you have just become the supreme leader. As a disciple, I really want to learn from you and see what other abilities you, the supreme leader, have besides your ability to escape."

“Then you’ll have to experience it to find out!”

Song Shihehe glanced at this person and didn't recognize him. He was not surprised. After all, he had just arrived and many people had not seen him before.

He said: "Who are you? Tell me your name."

"True inheritance, Luo Chi!"

The latter replied coldly: "I just want to redeem a particularly important type of elixir. If you are wise, don't redeem it."

"Then you can beat me!"

Song Shi glanced at the man one more time.

It's obviously just a Gold Core level, but it actually puts some pressure on him. It seems that this person is indeed not simple.

He took one step forward, leaving behind an afterimage, and the person was already outside.

Luo Chi followed closely behind.

"Senior Brother Luo has taken action. I wonder if I can teach this man a lesson."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to teach a lesson. I heard that this person fought against the Black Mountain Ghost King in the Netherworld."

"Have you forgotten that Senior Brother Luo once killed Nascent Soul and was very powerful in combat?"

A group of people followed excitedly.

A dragon crossing the river and a local snake.

Who is stronger will be revealed soon.

If Luo Chi can defeat him, this person should not dare to be too arrogant in the future.

If they lose, they will suffer a lot in the future.

Song Shi came outside and saw Luo Chi's eyes were red, his breath was strange, and there was a faint sense of oppression.

he mused.

This guy probably has a special bloodline.

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