What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 202 You Won The Archer Prize

"Old ghost in blood clothes, one day, I will figure you out."

Lu Bingxuan took a deep breath and suppressed his murderous intention.

Before he knew the specific situation of the opponent, he was not sure of killing him, so there was no need to waste his energy and give this old ghost a chance.

"No, what you said is a bit misleading."

Song Shi refused, what nonsense, why is it a bit ambiguous.

Lu Bingxuan's flash met the others, his eyes sneered mercilessly: "Haha, you killed my son, and now you have killed my Heavenly Demon Temple protector. Even if I don't do it, you will definitely die."


Song Shi was in a good mood, it was really great that he had offended the entire Heavenly Demon Temple this time.

"Dad, does this old ghost have a mental problem?"

Luke is a little strange, he knows very well how powerful and terrifying their Heavenly Demon Temple is.

This guy is actually not afraid of the existence that can shake the foundation of the Great Qian Dynasty. Even if the opponent is an elder of the Tiangui Sect, he won't be like this, right?

"A little bit. The old ghost in blood-clothed clothes who used to kill people like crazy and did all kinds of evil was still normal. Now... he must have taken away his body and had his body taken away from him many times, and he has gone insane."

Lu Bingxuan guessed.

The other elders and disciples suddenly realized and showed pity.

"It's a pity that this old ghost was a figure back then, but now he's a madman."

"It seems that you can't become a devil without being crazy."

"It's best not to mess with people like this. If you do, they must be eliminated."

Hearing the weird comments, Song Shi's face darkened and he scolded: "You are the ones with mental illness. I think your entire Heavenly Demon Temple is mentally ill."

He just wanted to get rewards. When did he become mentally ill?

"Come on, don't talk nonsense to a madman!"

Lu Bingxuan waved his hand and gave up the struggle.

"Who asked you to leave?"

Song Shi slapped the blood dragon on his waist. After receiving his magic power, the new Spirit Weapon was as powerful as a rainbow. It looked up to the sky and roared, turning into a thousand-foot-long blood dragon. It shook its head and tail to kill everyone in the Heavenly Demon Temple.

The blood light released by the long dragon was overwhelming, and even the grass and trees that were irradiated withered in an instant, and were deprived of the life energy. The power was a bit more terrifying than before when it was just transformed into human flesh and blood.

At the same time, the power of the golden gun in his hand formed a flaming golden dragon. The scorching power distorted the air, and the newly withered vegetation turned into fly ash.

The blood dragon devours life, the fire dragon burns the sky and destroys the earth. One is strange, the other is huge and domineering. The combination is like two dragons coming out of the cave, unstoppable, making everyone in Heavenly Demon Temple change their colors.

"This guy actually activated two Spirit Weapons!"

Facing the twin dragons that shook the world, Lu Bingxuan's face twitched.

His Spirit Snake Scale is not a complete Spirit Weapon. Even so, coupled with the ice thorns, it consumes a lot of energy. Now it only consumes less than half of his mana.

Facing the pursuit of Ssangyong, he had to take action.

Forming a seal with one hand, a harsh hissing sound resounded. As he activated his Spirit Weapon with all his strength, the Ice Thorn turned into an ice snake and faced the Flood Dragon filled with blood.

When the sky-blue freezing power comes into contact with the bloody light, it contains extremely terrifying freezing power, which stops the spread of the extremely corrosive blood light.

And the golden fire dragon with scorching flames blasted on the snake scales. As the flames jumped, the mana of everyone around them boiled and were evaporated directly.


The light in Lu Bingxuan's eyes brightened, and under his thoughts, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was forcibly mobilized by him.

What surprised Song Shi the most was that this guy robbed him of all the spiritual energy he could mobilize. It wasn't that he couldn't mobilize it, but that he couldn't defeat the opponent.

In this way, Lu Bingxuan's Law Treasure and great spells can be restored and strengthened with the help of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but his cannot.

"Old ghost in blood clothes, this is the real difference between you and me. In front of me, you can't use much of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

Lu Bingxuan looked proud. His Nascent Soul was close to Soul Formation and could affect the power of heaven and earth, which was unmatched by his opponent.

Luke and others breathed a sigh of relief. When the two dragons flew in just now, they felt really frightened.

"It's really awesome."

Song Shi nodded and patted a yellow bag on his waist.

The next second, a devouring force was suddenly released from the bag, turning into a big hole and falling on the snake scales, and began to swallow this special Law Treasure.

The snake scales trembled on the spot and flew towards the Universe Bag. Lu Bingxuan, who had just looked proud, changed his expression and hurriedly slapped the Universe Bag.

But a big hand emitting golden light and holding a golden dragon came over at this moment and faced him face to face.


When there was a muffled sound, the space was distorted for an instant, and Song Shi moved backwards. At the same time, he grabbed the snake scales with his other hand and threw them towards the Universe Bag.

The closer it gets, the more uncontrollable the snake scales become, and the light quickly dims.

"you dare!"

Lu Bingxuan shouted violently, but his body shook and he had no time to stop him.

"Dad, let me help you!"

Luke and the others on the side didn't just stand there stupidly. They hurriedly activated their Law Treasure to hit Song Shi critically.

As a result, Song Shi did not hide at all, and refused to give up the snake scale even when being attacked by several Gold Cores. While stuffing the thing into the Universe Bag, he was also hit in the vital part.

There were several crashes, flying swords, spears, arrows, etc. Law Treasure inserted into Song Shi's vitals, giving him a fatal blow, especially an arrow that went directly through his eye.

Before dying, he took back the Universe Bag and glanced at the guy who was bending the bow and shooting arrows.

This was the first time he was shot to death by an arrow. The destructive power of this type of Law Treasure was even more powerful than this shot.

The person being stared at by Song Shi was a sturdy middle-aged man. His body trembled, instinctively sensing danger.

But when he saw the light in Song Shi's eyes dimming and his body starting to fall uncontrollably, he frowned.

This guy should be dead. As for being afraid? Is it possible that I can still live as before?

"Dad, shall we kill him?"

Luke was a little excited when he saw Song Shi dying from fatal injuries.

"It's not that simple, freeze him first!"

Just as Lu Bingxuan was about to activate the ice thorns to freeze Song Shi, the latter disappeared in the fall and appeared silently next to an elder.

"Interesting archer, you hit the jackpot."

Song Shi grinned at the elder who used a bow and arrow. Among the attacks by several people just now, this person had replenished his sword and was the one who successfully killed him.

"Deputy Master Bingxuan, save me!"

Being targeted by Song Shi, the elder who controlled Law Treasure, a pair of bows and arrows, was horrified. He hit Song Shi with his long bow and asked for help.

But the two sides were too close, especially Song Shi appeared behind him.

Just using the power of the physical body, with a pop, the man's body protection Law Treasure was smashed with one palm, and the opponent's long bow hit Song Shi. Even the golden light of the body protection was not broken, but he was exploded.

Song Shi didn't hesitate to kill this person. Firstly, the reward for killing him was not much in Gold Core, but there were many people in Heavenly Demon Temple, and there was Lu Bingxuan who was stronger than him. If he didn't kill him decisively, he wouldn't have much chance.

"You've gone too far!"

Lu Bingxuan's ice spike fell quickly, not killing Song Shi, but trying to freeze it.

Song Shi's Ragnarok was still cooling down. He noticed the opponent's thoughts and was unwilling to be trapped. He raised his gun and smashed away the ice thorns, only accepting fatal attacks.

"Lu Bingxuan, how come you can't even deal with one person?"

At this time, an impatient voice suddenly sounded, Heavenly Demon Temple came to the strong man again.

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